
CH-5: The Strange Uncle


"Humph, very funny, Aunty. Don't worry for the time being. Just keep sending the farmers there to grow the crops. I will have the official permission as soon as the supply boats come to our islands.

Now, when am I going to meet my Uncle, then?"

"Let's go to the castle first. That girl might be scared alone in a foreign land."

"Don't change the topic, aunt."

"Fine. After supper. I will take you to him."

"Good. Let's go. I am missing my wife."


After a quick rest and supper, Lord Mormont first gave a speech to the people of Bear Islands and told them that their army is coming back soon with rich rewards, and everyone will have a share in it. Especially the families of slain warriors.

He praised those sacrificed warriors with his words and even shared their moments of glory with the crowd. He promised that the families will receive enough silver for their loss and a share of supplies as a reward. It's a price truly reflecting their sacrifice and loyalty to the house Mormont.

That alone got the crowd crazy and many women were seen holding their young kids crying and thanking their Lord, Lord Mormont and his generosity.

The lives of men in war are pretty cheap and after their death, there is hardly ever a talk of compensation. But Jorah would never steal or benefit from his own dead soldiers.

This will not only break the morale of the army but also defeat the whole purpose of creating one. People must be inspired and tempted to pick up a sword and fight bravely for their lord.

Then there was the announcement of his marriage and the introduction of Lady Annara, the new Lady of Bear Islands. Lady Annara was hardly nervous when facing these northern 'savages'. Most of the people she has met so far have been courteous, and she could tell they respected and loved her husband.

A man who became a lord of his house at the age of seventeen and then took most of the fighting men to the south and came back after the battle in which most of these men died.

Still, he was respected and loved. Truly confusing but heartwarming.

The crowd dispersed after some received meat, ale and some gifts, which Lady Annara personally distributed while Jorah was walking towards the bearwoods with his aunt.

"Are you sure we are walking the right way, Aunt?" Jorah asked.

"Yes, I don't think you need to worry about that. Just keep that sword of yours ready in case a bear suddenly jumps up."

"I hope not. I don't want to skin a bear in the dark." Jorah's stupid remark brought a chuckle from Lady Maege, but then both had their feet frozen on the ground.

A large bear was sitting in front of them, right in their path and out in the open without the slightest fear of hunters.

"Aunt, move back slowly. Don't worry, I can handle it." Jorah walked in front with small, slow steps, keeping his breathing calm, while his hand was already on his sword.

"No. It's not what you think, Jorah. He is here to guide us."

"To where?"

"To your Uncle whom you wanted to meet so dearly," Lady Maege chuckled and followed the bear who got up and walked straight into the deep woods.

Jorah was confused at first, but then he thought of those weird Nan stories. The blood of the Mormont families came from the First Men who came to Westeros, and with that blood came magic.

The Mormonts also had stories about the man who will turn into a bear or the women getting pregnant by bears. He always thought those were just stories. It might not be the case now.

"A warg... No, a skinchanger. Strange. Of all the men the aunt could find, she found a skin changer!" Mumbling to himself, Jorah followed his aunt, who was following the large bear. They crossed some stones and walked inside a bear's den before walking deeper into the ground.

However, there was a large exit hidden in the ground, and when they came out, Jorah saw a large weirwood. The strange white tree, with a human face and red leaves that are quite distinctive in the snow.

"You are here, my love!" A man who had been sitting under the tree in the snow stood up and hugged Lady Maege tightly.

"You must be my Uncle. Hello." Jorah could only greet the unshaven man who was dressed no better than any beggar on the streets. Thankfully, he was not smelly or anything.

"You finally came, Jorah Mormont," the man's tone suddenly changed. It was as if he was suddenly relieved of some duty.

"Is there something I should know here?" Confused at his tone and the way he was looking at him, Jorah could only ask his new 'uncle'.

"Yes. There is m'lord. My love, you should go back. I need to talk to him alone."

The man kissed Lady Maege after speaking, and Lady Maege had a shade of pink on her face before she nodded like a little girl and walked away.

"You must have some story to make my Aunt like that," Jorah couldn't help but ask. His aunt, the warrior, the she-bear, the most ruthless hunter, ran away with such a face. She was clearly in love!

"Aye, it is a great story. I never thought I would find someone like her in my life. Don't worry. I am not interested in living in a castle or having a fancy title or something. Besides, even if we have a son, he won't have any right to your position."

"Not worried about that. What I want to know is if you can control the bear. And why have you been waiting for me?"

"The bear. Aye! I was born with this gift. However, I let myself get too deep into it. Now, the bear is me and I am the bear. As a skinchanger, one must always know who they are and never indulge in it more than necessary. Every life has its own will. The trees, the grass, and the animals.

They all are alive, and one must not try to force his will upon others. I learned that later. Now, I can't live like normal people.

Enough of that, I have been waiting for you. The Gods have been waiting for you. It's been a year, and I have tried to find you every night. But the Old Gods can't reach outside the neck."

"Old Gods? What do they have to do with me?"

"They want you to awaken the gift you have in your blood."

"Gift in my blood?"

"Aye. We, the First Men, were the true inhabitants of Westeros before the Andals came. They came with their bronze swords and shields, cutting down our trees, killing the children of the forest, and bringing death and destruction to our kind. But they failed to take over the North.

Most of the old families still have the blood of the First Men, and within it, the power our ancestors had. Now, the magic is coming back, and our gifts are awakening. The Old Gods have shown me your vision.

You, surrounded by the children of the forest and riding the great bear fighting for the great cause. They are calling you for this mission. However, you need to awaken your powers before that."

Jorah had his mind spinning in a thousand circles.

'Beyond the wall, the great cause? Isn't it the White Walkers? What else can it be? Besides, he had plans before the Night King came with his army.