
Ch-15: Boats and Bridges


It was nighttime when Jorah finally returned back to his castle. The whole day was just gone because of a need for a short conversation. This is what happens when you live in times of kings and queens and dragons.

If the bridge is built, the journey will be an hour long on a horse rather than half a day on the boat.


After Lord Glover's visit helped ease tensions between the houses, Jorah commanded his men to fetch Master Tumbor to him.

Master Tumbor, a man in his fifties, possessed the typical features of a true northern man with his long, thick beard. His sturdy frame and well-built muscles were a testament to his years of labour. He was skilled with a hammer and always ready for a fight.

For half a century, Tumbor had dedicated his life to boatbuilding, honing his craft to perfection. He had trained others in the art of boat construction, passing on his knowledge and skills.

Approaching the old man with a friendly tone, Jorah remarked, "You've grown older, Master Tumbor."

"Aye! No ship can surpass the speed of the ocean itself, milord," Tumbor responded respectfully, immediately kneeling to show his deference.

Jorah chuckled, saying, "Ha ha ha... Well said. Please rise. Now, Master Tumbor, I had a peculiar idea this morning. Humour me, if you will. How long would it take for you to construct a long boat with a thick middle, anchored by weights on both ends?"

"I apologize, milord, but if a boat remains anchored with weights on its ends, it ceases to be a boat and becomes a mere dummy. If you wish to create such a dummy, it wouldn't take more than three men and three days."

"What if we had dummies stretching from here to Wolfswood? What I truly desire is a bridge connecting these dummies to the land. It should be wide enough for three horses to ride abreast and sturdy enough for a thousand people to walk upon every day."

Master Tumbor was astounded by this unconventional idea. He had never imagined that dummies could one day be used as a bridge. "Milord, in that case, I must plan meticulously. We can employ mills to fell the trees, but I will need to train more men to construct the dummies and find skilled individuals to build the platform."

"Master Tumbor, I will assign Chief Walrus and Stephon to assist you. Together, the three of you will select the men responsible for this task. However, you shall oversee the entire project. I do not require you to construct these dummies, but I do need your watchful eye upon their creation."

"Understood, milord!"

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Two days later, over 300 men were diligently chopping down trees on Bear Mountain on an unprecedented scale. This had not been seen in over a decade.

Usually, people would hunt in the Bearwoods or gather timber from there, but felling trees on Bear Mountain proved beneficial to the wildlings who had recently settled in the area. It provided fertile land for farming, additional space for rearing animals, and the opportunity to build homes, ponds, and storehouses.

Chief Walrus sent most of the able-bodied boys and men from his side to assist Master Tumbor with the labour, while Stephon handpicked many young men from the Island for the task.

With the aid of these young men, timber from the mills, and support from Jorah, the construction of the boat bridge sparked curiosity and confusion among the general public. Most couldn't comprehend why the Lord would expend boats on something like a bridge.

Boats were precious and costly possessions. The wood required was not cheap, and skilled labourers were hard to find. Boat construction was a time-consuming endeavor, and even longer to reap profits from.

Nevertheless, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the project gained momentum as the labourers became skilled and proficient in their work. Amidst the bridge's construction, Jorah received the most joyous news imaginable.

Lady Annara, who had been active in bed, graced House Mormont with news of her pregnancy. Maester's confirmation left Jorah elated, and he desired to share this wonderful news with the entire island.

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Jorah dispatched a raven to the Wall to inform his father about his forthcoming child, and the whole island was enveloped in a festive atmosphere. Lord Glover was also invited to the celebration and expressed satisfaction at the progress of the boat bridge.

"Lord Mormont, it would be advantageous if you could assign more men to this project," Lord Glover suggested.

"Aye! It would, but there aren't enough men on the island, Lord Glover."

"Then send someone who can utilize the men from my lands. I have numerous mouths to feed, and no work since the rebellion. If you provide the food, the men shall be yours to command."

"Deal!" Jorah promptly agreed to this advantageous proposal. Previously, food scarcity had plagued the island, but with the new villages engaging in farming and fishing along the stony shores, the food supply had nearly doubled. There was an abundance of fish, meat, and surplus grains. Food was no longer a major concern for the island.

"Have you received any ravens from Lord Stark?" Lord Glover suddenly inquired, leaving Jorah bewildered.

"I'm afraid not. Is there a problem concerning Lord Stark?"

"I've heard whispers, whispers of him bringing his own illegitimate child, born during the war, to his new wife. It's hard to believe that a man like Ned Stark would betray his wife and have the audacity to introduce the bastard to the same woman."

Jorah was stunned by this revelation. Not because of the news about the Starks, but because he had completely forgotten about the king's marriage and had heard no news of it whatsoever. There was no word about weddings, tournaments, or even the arrival of his book of laws from the rider.

"Regrettably, I might have been too preoccupied with matters on the island. Could you please update me on any other news, Lord Glover? Anything concerning the king or Westeros?"

"Aye! It happens, Lord Jorah, especially to us northern houses. No one deems it necessary to send a raven unless there is war and they require our swords and shields. As far as I know, King Baratheon married a Lannister girl, Cersei Lannister. There was a grand tournament, and our Lord Stark returned with his own bastard child."

"I see. I didn't realize I had missed so much. Times change swiftly, don't they?"