
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime und Comics
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82 Chs

Infinite Void

"I can't see any hint of victory, but when push comes to shove, I'll just have to use that.."

Satoru mumbled to himself, before unleashing a large hollow purple which seemed to annihilate everything in its path.

Holding up his fingers, he hurled the massive orb of annihilation towards the apparition of the darkness devil.

Turning its gaze towards the massive orb of annihilation heading towards it, the apparition lifted a hand, as darkness itself began to move under its gesture.

Immediately, a large shield formed from darkness materialized before it, as it purplish orb smashed into it without hesitation.


A large explosion set off, as a massive shockwave ripped through space itself, sending everyone except for Satoru flying a few meters away.

At the point of collision however, the purplish orb of annihilation ripped through the shield of darkness after a while and crashed into the darkness devil's apparition, as a wail reverberated across the Domain.

A few moments later, the darkness devil apparition reappeared once more, however this time, most of the bones that made up its body had vanished, as more blood flowed down its skulls.

"Not even darkness can escape the power of annihilation. It seems you're not invincible after all...."

Flashing a confident smile, Satoru held up his fingers once more, wanting to unleash another hollow purple attack, however, right in front of him, the apparition's body seemed to mend itself, as it grow larger than it previously was.

"Like I said, it'll take both of us to cooperate in order to escape from this place.."

Right as the phenomenon occurred, Makima's corpse spring back to life miraculously, as she mumbled with a small smile.

"I would've been shocked if you had stayed dead for much longer... "

Satoru didn't spare her a glance, with his eyes completely transfixed on the darkness devil apparition, which seemed to fortify itself and grow stronger.

"Of course, it wouldn't be able to call myself your rival if I can't even do this much.."

Makima uttered and stood side by side with him, as both of them glared at the apparition of the darkness devil, ready to attack once more.

"Would they be able to fend off that thing?" Aki looked at Kishibe and asked while flexing his arms that had been restored by Satoru's reverse Cursed Technique.

"I don't know, but if anyone would be able to get us out of this situation, it has to be them.."

Kishibe replied and took out a cigar box from his pocket only to realize that there were no more cigars in the box.

"I don't think they'll be able to win against it. It's taking damage from Satoru and Makima, yet it still remains...."

Angel speculated, with he and Power seated on large rocks.

Satoru's negative energy influx had done more than heal them. He was also protecting them from the influence of the darkness devil apparition.

"Are you okay, Denji?" Himeno who stood by Denji couldn't help but ask, seeing his miserable and bloodied state.

"I'm fine..don't worry about me..."

Denji pushed himself to his feet, and placed his finger on the lever on his chest, ready to provide backup if needed.


With another step forward, Satoru and Makima launched themselves forward at immense speeds, breaking the sound barrier this time, as they shot towards the darkness devil apparition.

*Cursed Technique: Hollow Purple!!!*

Interlocking his fingers, multiple purple orbs of annihilation materialized before Satoru's figure and began spinning and whirling at impressive speeds.

The darkness devil apparition stretched forth its hand and sent the long sword shooting towards him once more. However shielding himself with the multiple orbs of destruction, the long sword had no chance of piercing through his defense.

After a few seconds, he wiped another trickle of blood that flowed down his nose before he grinned like a mad man.

The continuous spamming of Hollow Purple and maintaining the massive orbs of annihilation wasn't an extremely easy task for him him and required a bit of effort on his part, and it's continuous use was taking a toll on him.

Interlocking his fingers, Satoru immediately disappeared, teleporting himself along with the massive orbs of destruction.

Seeing as he was preparing for a sneak attack, Makima immediately waved her hand, as matter itself began to obey her every gesture.

Instantly, an electromagnetic force of energy burst out, preceding an extremely powerful negative energy influx. The energy immediately condensed and crashed towards the apparition.

Waving its hand, a large sea of darkness materialized before the apparition as it distorted space around its figure.

The next moment, the reality breaking electromagnetic force was immediately swallowed and devoured as nothing remained.

However, at that moment, Satoru mysteriously appeared with a crazed smile out of the folding layers of space which seemed to shatter like mirrors, as he conjured the massive orbs of destruction and hurled them towards the darkness devil apparition.


After sending what looked like the sixth Hollow Purple attack towards the apparition, Satoru himself was hurled back by the extremely potent shockwaves from the attack, as he puked blood and crashed into the ground.

"That won't be enough to take it out, but it should buy us sometime, everyone grab on..."

Propping himself up with his arms, he immediately staggered to his feet and interlocked his fingers, ready to teleport away along with everyone else.

However, just then, an extremely powerful wave of darkness swept out, shattering space wherever it passed.

"Shit!" Seeing the incoming attack, Satoru immediately cast his infinity, protecting everyone from the wave of darkness. "Hmm?"

However just as the wave crushed into the invisible wall, he felt the darkness slowly eating away the infinity, as he reinforced the technique with his negative energy.


Roaring out, as blood escaped his mouth and nose, he held on, putting his all in the technique, as he held on.

Within a few seconds, the wave collapsed, as the apparition appeared once more, even larger than it already originally was.

Meanwhile, Satoru dropped to his knees, as he puked blood, while wiping the blood from his nose.

"To think none of our attacks had managed to cause any decisive damage..."

Makima blurted out while looking at Satoru who was healing himself with RCT.

The apparition on the other hand was planning on giving them no time to relax. Raising its skeletal arm, it immediately summoned an extremely large orb of darkness, the size of a moon, and sent it crushing towards the group.

"Didn't think I'd have to use this...if anything goes wrong it'll be game over..but at the very least, it'll be better than dying to an oversized energy orb."

Satoru spoke and climbed to his feet, with a crazed smile plastered all over his face.

Using the limitless, he conjured a force of attraction which pulled everyone towards himself.

"Stay close and don't let go...unless you want to experience what the void truly is..."

Mumbling to the group who now held hands, he smiled and interlocked his fingers.

The next moment, an attractive force spread out once more and grabbed onto Makima's figure who was standing a few meters away, refusing to do the group hug or whatever that was.

She was instantly pulled into his arms, as his arm held onto her soft waist. Her eyes couldn't help but widen, feeling the foreign body so close to her, sending her thoughts in disarray in the moment.

Seeing the expression on her face, Satoru sighed, and closed his eyes, and opened them in a few seconds.

*Domain Expansion: Infinite Void.."

Taking a deep breath, he uttered and immediately, the surroundings changed, as if they were being transported through the center of the universe at lightspeed.

A/N: Writing such fighting scenes are massive headaches for me. Anyway, another chapter for my loyal readers.