
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

Gojo Satoru


On a small farmland at the outskirts of Kyoto, a desolated wasteland owned by the Yakuza, a figure stood before an old worn out shack as he knocked furiously.

"Knock! Knock!!!" The young figure had shirt blonde hair, wore an eyepatch and a long brown overcoat, and he held a small orange cute animal in his hand with a chainsaw in its head. "C'mon, man, open up!!!" He roared as sweat dripped down his cheek and knocked even furiously.

"Creak!" Soon, the door creaked open, as another young figure opened the door with an annoyed expression. The new figure was a silver haired topless youth who wore a pair of dark glasses.

He had a bored look on his face, and his skinny body was packed with lean muscle. "What is it Denji?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at the young man before him and asked.

"Satoru! Satoru! Let me in! The Yakuza are coming for me!!! Please!!!" He pleaded, as the silver haired youth sighed and let him in before shutting the door.

The moment he shut the door, a bunch of fierce looking men with tattooed bodies came rushing towards the area.

"Do you think he went inside there?" One man spoke, as the one in the lead looked ahead at the old worn out shack, and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Don't you know who lives there?" The man in lead spoke and took a step back. "He's even worse than the devils out there!" Another person spoke. "Let's go! We'll tell the boss he escaped." The leader said, as they rushed into the woods where they came from.


"Whooo! Thank you for letting me in here man. Those guys would've killed me." The blonde haired youth with the eyepatch said while wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Sigh. You can't keep running away from those people Denji. Sooner or later, they're going to find you one day, I can't protect you forever." The silver haired youth, Gojo Satoru, sighed and said.

"I know man. Because of that, I've decided to become a devil hunter. Me and Pochita are going to hunt devils in order to earn money to pay those people off." Denji smiled enthusiastically.

"A devil hunter? With that weak strength of yours? You're only gonna put Pochita in harm." "Come here Pochita." He smiled and patted his laps, as the soft furry ball leapt from Denji's arms into his laps, and he stroke it softly, causing it to release soft purrs.

"Come on man. You didn't have to say that. I know you're strong and all but I'm no weak slouch either." Denji smiled and paced around and began shadow boxing.

"You're hilarious you know." Satoru chuckled. Both boys had been orphaned since a young age and had nothing but each other to rely on. Their friendship was deep and they saw each other as brothers.

"You know, instead of mulling around all day Satoru, why don't you help me out today huh. The tomato demon has been causing havoc all over. If we can kill it, we can make a lot of cash to pay off some of the debts." He said energetically, as Satoru shook his head.

"Come on buddy. You gotta help me. I don't know if I would be able to take it down by myself." He begged, as Satoru finally sighed and agreed.

"Fine. Let's go now." Denji smiled enthusiastically, as Satoru shook his head and walked into a worn out wardrobe and picked up a slightly dusty worn out long necked jacket and put it on.

After that, he removed the glasses, revealing a pair of bluish gem like eyes before he swiftly closed them, hissed in pain, picked up a long dark piece of cloth and wrapped it around his eyes, spiking his hair up.

"You know, I still don't get why you wear this blindfold. I get that your eyes are weird and all that, but it's kinda creepy." Denji said.

"Says the guy in the eyepatch." Satoru laughed, as Denji picked up Pochita and both of them walked out with laughs.

"So that's him huh." As the two youths walked out of the shack, several pairs of eyes hidden within the woods as the figures spying on them began to converse.

"Yes boss that's him. He's the guy it's been searching for." One of the figures spoke in the darkness. "I can understand why it wants the silver haired brat. There's that weird energy around him, but the other brat, there's nothing special about him." Another figure spoke with a deep and commanding voice.


Meanwhile, Satoru who was walking beside the non stop chatterbox Denji, sighed inwardly. He had picked up the energy signature of multiple figures spying on them with the unique ability of his eyes, yet he chose to ignore them.

"This world is even more dangerous than my previous one." He murmured to himself as Denji raised an eyebrow. Emory Richardson, the legendary UFC lightweight champion had been reincarnated into the body of a young Gojo Satoru in this world.

He had no parents in this world too and no family except Denji whom he saved from a group of Yakuza when they were young, although he also got beat up in the process.

Although he had the Limitless and Six eyes, he had to learn every single technique from scratch. There were no experience nor memories nor nothing to make references from. The knowledge of the Limitless, as well as other techniques from Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo clan was etched into his brains.

Thankfully, cursed energy was abundant in this world due to the presence of the devils. Negative energy was probably the most abundant of all energy sources in this world, hence he did not need to worry.

The only problem was he had no prior understanding of some of the techniques especially Limitless. He was no physicist, and although the six eyes gave him the ability to see energy, mass and matter at the atomic level, learning it from scratch was a bit of a stretch from him.

He had only mastered a few other techniques from the Gojo clan's arsenal, which he thought would at the very least give him an edge above ordinary people.

"Oi. Satoru, what are you thinking about?" Denji asked, seeing Satoru getting all quiet. "It's nothing. Focus on the battle ahead." Satoru chuckled, as both of them smiled and rushed to the location of the tomato devil.