
Training with dad

While the 3 begin to fly towards the look out Goku suddenly yells

"Ah wait I have a better idea. Hey king kai!" Goku yells aloud

As Goku begins to have a conversation with the air Gohan pulls Krillin to the side

"Hey Krillin who is King Kai?" Gohan

"He is the guy who has been training your dad for the past year" Krillin

"Ah wait if that's the case. Hey dad can you ask king kai if it is ok for you to teach me that kaio ken move it looked super cool!" Gohan

"King Kai says its ok" Goku says with a laugh.

Continuing their journey to the lookout to meet up with everyone, Gohan realized he was in for the biggest battle so far. Dealing with his mom

(My mom? I guess the original Gohan's memories are influencing me more than I thought. Not that I am complaining. My memories of my past life are slowly fading away minus the important ones. At least this will help me acclimate to life here.)

As the 3 land on the look out Gohan receives a hug tackle from a blur.


"I'm ok mom, actually I am better than ever. Though dad won't want to admit it I think the training with mr. Piccolo made me stronger than him" Gohan says get a little chuckle from Goku

"There is no need for you to be stronger than your dad. What's the point in being super strong if your going to be a scholar" Chi-chi

"I have changed my mind mom I don't want to be scholar anymore. I want to be a martial artist like dad" Gohan

With a visible reaction like she had just been shot, Chi-Chi recoils into tears

"NO MY BABY HAS TURNED INTO A BRUTE" Chi-chi says crying into the arm of her father the ox-king

Running away from the crying Chi-chi, Gohan regroups with Goku and Krillin who are talking to Bulma about getting to Namek. With the coordinates received from King Kai, Bulma was distraught upon realizing it would them over 4000 years with their current technology to reach Namek.

"Wait what about the pod that Vegeta took to get here. Could you use that?" Goku asks

"I could make something work with that. Quickly go to east city and grab it before someone else does." Bulma orders

After some time passes Goku returns from east city with one of the pods the saiyans arrived in.

"Give me like a week or so and my father and I should be able to reverse engineer this and make a spaceship big enough for a few of us to get to Namek in a reasonable time to stop Vegeta from using the namekian dragon balls to make his wish." Bulma

"Dad during this time could we train, I really want to learn that kaio-whatsit move you used" Gohan asks goku

"Sure thing son, I have been wanting you to ask me to train you since you were first born" Goku excitedly says

"If you would like you two could use the time chamber to get some additional training and bonding time in before your journey" kami says

"Ah before you go Bulma, on king kais planet it was 10 times earths gravity. Is there any way you could make the inside of the ship like that as well?" Goku

"I will see what I can do" Bulma says as she throws out a plane capsule and flies off.

Arriving into the time chamber the duo prepare to start their training when a voice rings out inside their heads.

"I need you two to get in as much training in here as you can. Vegeta finding out about the dragon balls was a lot worse than originally thought. A evil tyrant known as Frieza also now knows about the dragon balls and from what I picked up plans to use them for the same thing as Vegeta. While I am unsure of just how strong he is, I do know he is terrifyingly strong. Strong enough to be the ruler of his quadrant of the galaxy. I really do not want you to fight him but if he gets his wish there will be nothing that can stop him and he is sure to come earth next since that's the only other location with dragon balls that could un-wish his immortality should he get it." King Kai

"Thanks for letting us know, that is definitely something we cant let happen. Come Gohan we have to go as far as we can then for training. The further we go in the harsher the environment" Goku


"The kaioken technique multiplies everything about you. Sense of smell, taste hearing, sight, and strength. When using this technique it puts a immense load onto your body slowly tearing it apart." Goku says explaining the technique

"Like this" Gohan says

"hehe just like that now lets spar!" Goku says

During the first week of their training the first thing Gohan did was learn the Kaioken from Goku. A thing that Gohan noticed was that as long as continued to circulate his ki during the transformation his body seemed to tear itself apart and heal itself continually making himself stronger as well as allowing him to stay in the form longer. While still feeling the pain from it tearing apart and rebuilding his body, being able to feel a increase in strength continuously overrides the pain he feels.

Unfortunately for Goku, however, he is unable to do the Ki circulation like Gohan can.

During the second month of training Gohan is safely able to stay in kaioken times 5 with almost no damage to his body. While him circulating his ki around his body does not give him a healing factor like that of the comic book character deadpool in his old world it does boost his innate saiyan healing factor by many times.

His ultimate goal by then end of his training is to be able to reach x20. Gohan tried going x21 for a second and the pain it brought upon his body was enough to make him pass out for a few hours. Finding the techniques limit he knew what he had to do.

During the 6th month of training Gohan surpassed his father in power, with Goku reaching a power level of 150k and Gohan reaching a power level of 200k

At then end of the 10th month Gohan finally was able to stay inside kaioken x20. While meditating inside of his x20 form Gohan discovered something inside of him while circulating his Ki. A strange sensation was coming from the base of his tail. Every time he tried to reach out to that sensation with his ki he was unable to access it. However as his strength became higher and higher from training he noticed the resistance from the sensation became less and less but still putting up a strong resistance. Putting whatever the sensation was to the side for now since he was not strong enough to access it yet.

At the end of the full year of their training in the time chamber both Gohan's and Goku's power level reached 300 thousand and 200 thousand respectively.

Coming out of the time chamber Gohan and Goku believe they are prepared and ready for whatever Namek has in store.