
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

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55 Chs

Chapter 6

In Uchiha Tenjō's study, father and son sat across from each other.

"Fugaku," Uchiha Tenjō began, taking the lead, "what are your thoughts on today's meeting? Do you have a different opinion?"

"Otōsan," Uchiha Fugaku pondered, "ever since the Second Hokage angered the Uchiha with the death of the First Hokage, the high-ranking officials of Konoha have been rejecting us. The Police Force may appear prestigious and responsible as Konoha's protectors, but in reality, they have always been under the scrutiny of the high-ranking officials. They have nothing to hide, and our clan has always taken pride in their actions. The high-ranking officials of Konoha have created a divide between the Uchiha and the villagers, intentionally."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his father's face as he spoke. Although Uchiha Tenjō's expression remained unchanged, there was a hint of surprise and satisfaction in his eyes, perhaps because he hadn't expected his thirteen-year-old son to have such insights.

"I'm glad you have your own opinions," Uchiha Tenjō sighed. "As one of the founders of Konoha, there are few Uchiha clan members who possess foresight. It's important for you to understand Konoha's intentions."

Fugaku nodded, appreciating his father's acknowledgment.

"Let's consider the intentions of the high-ranking officials of Konoha," Uchiha Tenjō continued. "The era of constant warfare is over, and our clan has adapted to a more comfortable life. It has been a long time since anyone in our clan has awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan. While Uchiha Madara was not well-liked by our clan in his time, with him, the Uchiha clan reached its peak in the ninja world. Now, many clan members place their hopes on you. As the youngest genius of our clan and the only one with the potential to awaken the Mangekyō, you can lead our clan to become a powerful force once again."

Uchiha Fugaku was momentarily stunned. He hadn't expected to become the spiritual pillar for his fellow clan members.

Since crossing over, he had made the decision to lead the Uchiha clan to avoid the tragedy of their annihilation. But now, realizing that many clan members were placing their hopes on him, he felt the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders.

"What are your thoughts on the assassination of the Konoha Elder?" Uchiha Tenjō inquired. "Do you believe it was a random act, or do you suspect involvement from one of the Three Great Nations?"

Fugaku understood why the Uchiha clan had met its tragic end. Many Uchiha clan members in Konoha failed to see the bigger picture.

"The conflicts in the ninja world are often driven by personal gain," Uchiha Fugaku contemplated. "Elder Yamada was an aging figure with little influence beyond Konoha. His assassination would not have a significant impact or serve any useful purpose. It would only provoke Konoha and achieve nothing."

Uchiha Tenjō nodded, acknowledging Fugaku's perspective. According to his son, the assassination of Elder Yamada would only lead to one consequence: angering Konoha and potentially triggering military action against the Land of Rain.

Although Uchiha Tenjō wasn't counted among Konoha's high-ranking officials, he had some understanding of their thinking. Some of the more hawkish individuals, like Danzō, had always advocated for military action against the Land of Rain.

"So, you believe someone higher up orchestrated this to force the Elders into agreeing to send troops to the Land of Rain," Uchiha Tenjō speculated.

Fugaku nodded and added, "It's also a way to consolidate power and reduce constraints while deepening the conflict between the Uchiha and the villagers."

Uchiha Tenjō was surprised by Fugaku's analysis but found it plausible. As the Uchiha patriarch, who had witnessed the dark side of the clan's history since the Sengoku Period, he realized his own limitations.

"In addition," Fugaku continued, "not only Elder Yamada but all the Elders could be potential targets in the next step. Each Elder's death would further concentrate power. Simultaneously, the village leaders would have control over Konoha's public opinion and could shift blame onto the Wind and Earth nations, stirring up the villagers' willingness to support military action."

Uchiha Tenjō sighed, hoping that Fugaku's speculation was incorrect. Without individuals possessing the Mangekyō, the Uchiha clan would be no stronger than the Konoha Elders. Despite their numbers, they lacked true power and could easily be discarded.

"Don't be too pessimistic, Otōsan," Uchiha Fugaku reassured. "Although the Uchiha clan lacks Mangekyō wielders, we have many clan members with the Three-Tomoe Sharingan. Unless a large number of elite shinobi are sent, it would be difficult for anyone to take on the Uchiha openly. In these turbulent times, the high-ranking officials of Konoha wouldn't sever their own arm and weaken their own strength."

Father and son continued their conversation late into the night before parting ways. Uchiha Fugaku's remarks had shed light on many blind spots for Uchiha Tenjō, making him realize the extent to which the clan relied on his son.

Outside the Uchiha clan, Konohagakure was far from calm. In a shadowy area, two patrolling Uchiha clan members clutched their throats, their eyes filled with terror, as blood gushed from their wounds.

Several shadows swiftly moved through the streets of Konoha, effortlessly infiltrating a grand mansion in the blink of an eye.

The mansion belonged to another Elder, Yamamoto, of Konoha. The intruders seemed well acquainted with the layout, as if they were walking through familiar territory, heading directly for Elder Yamamoto's quarters.

Inside the house, Elder Yamamoto, who had been sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes. Despite his old age and frailty, his senses remained sharp. Sensing the presence of several figures entering his residence, he quickly escaped into the courtyard.

A flash of a blade illuminated the night as Elder Yamamoto, relying on years of combat experience, narrowly evaded the incoming strike. However, blood trickled from a wound on his left rib.

Elder Yamamoto surveyed his surroundings. Six shinobi, masked and armed, encircled him.

"Who are you?" Elder Yamamoto shouted, attempting to draw the attention of patrolling shinobi. "Whether you hail from the Land of Wind or the Land of Stone, you dare to assassinate an elder within Konoha's walls!"

The six shinobi remained silent, their weapons poised to strike. Elder Yamamoto fought back, desperately blocking their attacks. Waves of chakra emanated from his body as he gasped for breath.

The shinobi showed no mercy, their movements synchronized as they closed in on Elder Yamamoto from all directions.

Summoning every ounce of his chakra, Elder Yamamoto unleashed a silver arc through the night sky, cutting across the mask of one of his assailants. Even though he knew his fate was sealed, he wanted to see the face of the one who sought his life.

The mask split in two, blood staining its surface, as the six weapons pierced Elder Yamamoto's body.

With a final gasp, a torrent of blood spurted from Elder Yamamoto's mouth. His widened eyes reflected an expression of disbelief. The assassin had surpassed his expectations.

"This person has seen your true face; we can't leave any traces. Clean up the scene and retreat immediately," someone whispered.

The injured shinobi masked their wounds, nodded in agreement, and disappeared in a flash, leaving behind a headless corpse in the courtyard.