
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

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55 Chs

Chapter 49

The sky was devoid of clouds, stretching infinitely with a gentle breeze. In the Land of Stone, rocky walls and boulders dominated the landscape, occasionally graced by the flight of a crow, whose watchful eyes scanned the ground below.

Five individuals dressed as ordinary commoners made their way cautiously along a remote and desolate path, disguising any signs of their shinobi identity. Utilizing the investigative techniques of Hyuga Tazumo and Yamaki Aoga, they had chosen a secluded route, far from prying eyes.

The rocky cliffs provided excellent cover for the group of five. Despite the increased patrols due to the ongoing conflicts between the four nations, evading the surveillance of Iwa shinobi was not a difficult task for these individuals, adept at both long-range and short-range reconnaissance.

Fugaku unfurled a map of their mission, noting that after a three-day journey, they were now in close proximity to the Land of Stone.

Climbing over a rocky mountain, they came face to face with one of the few plains in the vicinity, where a sizeable city stood. This was the Land of Stone, their destination.

The tall city walls were wide open, allowing a steady flow of people in and out. Despite the desolation that plagued the Land of Stone, it remained one of the largest nations in the world, and its harsh environment was largely a result of natural factors.

The population of civilians residing here was scarce, as the ninja world could only guarantee safety to a certain extent. However, due to the ongoing Land of Rain conflict, a significant number of refugees had sought shelter in the Land of Stone. Settling here provided at least a modicum of security for their lives.

The more discerning refugees often chose to reside within the city, recognizing the greater opportunities it presented compared to other places.

The guards stationed at the city gate were vigilant, not only comprised of soldiers conducting inspections, but also Iwagakure shinobi. With the ongoing conflicts between the four nations, shinobi from other countries could appear at any moment amidst the flow of people.

While ordinary soldiers could handle regular individuals, they would be mere cannon fodder in a battle between shinobi. Therefore, the presence of shinobi at the city gate served as a simple means of screening the crowd.

Standing at a distance, the group of five quietly observed the Land of Stone. Fugaku spoke, "Hyuga Tazumo and I will use Shadow Clones to test if there are any Sensor Type shinobi at the city gate. It would be too risky if we were to expose ourselves too easily."

Sensor Type shinobi possessed heightened sensitivity to chakra, capable of detecting even the slightest fluctuations that would escape others' notice.

"Kage Bunshin Jutsu," Fugaku called out.

Two figures materialized nearby, blending in with the people passing through the city gate.

Hyuga Tazumo activated his Byakugan, scanning the surroundings with keen observation. Fugaku, on the other hand, activated his Sharingan. At this distance, if there were any Sensor Type shinobi stationed at the city gate, they should be able to sense the chakra fluctuations from the two clones.

The city gate remained calm, with no movement from the stationed shinobi. Fugaku deduced that either there were no Sensor Type shinobi present or they were simply not on duty at the moment.

The two Shadow Clones slowly made their way towards the city gate, merging seamlessly with the flow of people before dissipating into white mist.

The group of five, blending with the crowd, approached the city gate without drawing any attention, tightly concealing their chakra within their bodies.

Though they hadn't specifically tested for Sensor Type shinobi, experienced shinobi could still detect chakra fluctuations at close range. As seasoned jounin, they were not about to fall into such a trivial oversight.

Like most refugees, the five individuals moved inconspicuously, their attention fixed on the ground ahead, behaving just like any other regular civilians.

After a brief interrogation, they smoothly entered the city gate. Although the Land of Stone appeared dilapidated from the outside, the city itself exuded a sense of vitality.

The streets were not crowded with pedestrians, resembling those of Konoha, but the surrounding buildings showcased a distinct architectural style, creating a peculiar atmosphere.

Fugaku selected an inconspicuous hotel where they could take refuge. The duration of their mission in the Land of Stone was uncertain, so it was crucial to find a suitable location for both lodging and investigation.

Although Iwa shinobi patrols existed within the country, their presence and intensity were not comparable to those within a Hidden Village. The elites were mostly concentrated around the Daimyo's residence or the residences of prominent clans.

Unfolding the map, Fugaku explained their plan. The Land of Stone consisted of five distinct areas. The first was the Daimyo's palace, where the security arrangements were beyond Fugaku's purview.

The second area comprised the public facilities and departments of the Land of Stone, including the logistics department.

The third area housed the residences of the major clans, where the princes and ministers primarily lived.

The fourth area was the residential district for civilians, interspersed with numerous merchants and low-level officials of the Land of Stone.

Finally, the fifth area encompassed the thriving regions of the country, such as commercial streets and food districts.

"Yamaki Aoga," Fugaku addressed, "your main task is to investigate the garrison situation around the Nagai Clan, where Ōmaetsugimi of the Logistics Bureau is located. Hayate Shūichi, you will be responsible for gathering information on Ōmaetsugimi's activities, his specific itinerary, and the actions of several logistics officials."

"It is likely that the major clan's stations have Sensor Type shinobi. The conspicuous chakra fluctuations caused by the Byakugan could easily draw unwanted attention. Take this opportunity to assess the internal situation of the logistics department, while Hyuga Tazumo and I will focus on gathering information about the country to aid our mission."

"We will commence our first operation tonight, employing Shadow Clones to test the shinobi's sensitivity in various locations. This will help prevent any unforeseen encounters and subsequent battles once our cover is blown."

With a clear division of labor, each member assumed their assigned role. As night fell, the five figures exited the hotel one by one. The limited visibility made it difficult for crows to keep watch, granting Yamaki Aoga and Mitarashi Akami an opportunity to explore the country discreetly.

Hayate Shūichi utilized the technique of Tōton to conceal his presence and ventured into the area where the major clans resided, hoping to gather any valuable intel.

Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Tazumo proceeded towards the Land of Stone office, their combined Sharingan and Byakugan proving to be a formidable combination.

Choosing a secluded spot, Hyuga Tazumo activated his Byakugan, granting them a panoramic view of their surroundings. The two of them made their way directly towards the Land of Stone's public facilities. At this hour, one of the office areas had already fallen into darkness, with only a few rooms still illuminated.

Hyuga Tazumo scrutinized the scene carefully. "There are no shinobi stationed here at the moment, only a team of patrolling shinobi passed by recently."

Fugaku nodded in agreement. During the night, the responsibility for guarding fell to lower-ranking personnel. Shinobi were not typically assigned to such duties, as they were a limited and valuable resource.

Swiftly, the two figures infiltrated the complex of buildings, searching for the department crucial to their mission. The logistics department was located in a relatively remote area, possibly due to the frequent transfer of materials.

Hyuga Tazumo whispered, "There are four staff members on duty, but no shinobi guards."

Fugaku nodded and replied, "Let's gather as much information as we can from these four individuals."

The two shadows moved swiftly but discreetly into the logistics department. In the main office, two clerks soon succumbed to slumber, their heads resting on their desks.

Fugaku guided one of the remaining staff members into a separate room, while Hyuga Tazumo remained vigilant in the lobby, ready to respond to any potential threat.