
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

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55 Chs

Chapter 46

To completely undermine the unwavering beliefs of the diehard loyalists, each step of the Sharingan would bring forth an immense surge in power. With this nearly invincible Kekkei Genkai, an ordinary individual would find it difficult to retain their arrogance.

While Fugaku's previous plan for eradication couldn't cure the root cause, it was capable of temporarily altering the atmosphere within the clan. After all, one's surroundings greatly influence a person.

However, Uchiha Itachi's decision to collaborate with outsiders and exterminate the clan instead of persuading Konoha's higher-ups and Uchiha Fugaku to ease the tension was a choice influenced by numerous factors, including the challenges associated with returning.

Each Uchiha clan member falling in battle brought more honor to the clan and served as a catalyst for awakening the Sharingan within new clan members.

As long as a fortuitous Mangekyō awakening occurred, it would be advantageous for the clan. Whether through two battles or three, or even spanning two decades of warfare, Fugaku had ample time to lay the groundwork.

After all, he was the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and certain tasks were not beyond his capabilities.

His plan remained concealed from everyone. In front of outsiders, he would only be seen as the youngest Uchiha prodigy and the hope for the clan's resurgence.

In a secluded room, a group of Uchiha executives expressed their discontent with Uchiha Tenka. No one dared to openly advocate for the extermination of clan children during the meeting, as doing so would immediately brand them as criminals.

Numerous high-ranking members were dismissed from the gathering, leaving only Fugaku and his son in the living room.

"I heard you were summoned by the Sandaime today," Uchiha Tenjō spoke up. "It must be regarding a new mission."

Fugaku nodded, seeing no reason to hide the truth.

"I've been assigned an assassination mission in the Land of Stone. The Sandaime Hokage approved it and asked me to provide guidance as a jōnin."

A flicker of surprise appeared on Uchiha Tenjō's face. "It seems that the Sandaime is highly optimistic about your future and has started investing in you. However, considering the sensitivity of the current situation, be cautious during your infiltration of the Land of Stone."

"Don't worry," Fugaku assured him. "I will ensure my safe return."

The next day, Fugaku departed from his home, fully equipped with ninja gear he had prepared in advance.

Upon Fugaku's arrival at the designated meeting point, several figures emerged, one after another, on the training ground.

Fugaku glanced at the four individuals who had arrived, noting their preparedness.

"This mission requires us to penetrate deep into the Land of Stone, and we can't afford any casualties. We need to work together as a team to ensure our safe return," Fugaku announced.

He paused, allowing anyone with reservations or suggestions to speak up. He didn't want anyone disrupting the team's cohesion or causing unnecessary problems on the battlefield.

The group of Konoha jōnin remained motionless, seemingly having thoroughly examined their own information from the previous day. No one stepped forward, as they had made no glaring mistakes.

"Let's depart. Our initial objective is the border of the Grasslands."

The Land of Rain's battlefield provided an excellent opportunity to hone their teamwork. If they couldn't overcome the challenges in the Land of Rain, they would be destined for failure once they set foot in the Land of Stone.

One by one, the figures vanished, leaving behind Hyūga Tazumo, who kept his Byakugan activated to monitor their surroundings.

Even though they were still within the Land of Fire, it was possible for shinobi from other nations to intrude, either to steal shinobi or assassinate important officials.

Gathering intelligence, assassinating high-profile targets, and ambushing shinobi squads from other nations were all common tactics employed during ninja wars.

For three consecutive days, they experienced relative tranquility. They encountered no shinobi from other nations and made efforts to avoid contact with Konohagakure shinobi.

After all, this mission was particularly perilous. Every word spoken could potentially expose their objective and place the team of five in danger.

The Land of Rain continued to be plagued by rain as the five members camped near the border of the Land of Grass, not far from the Land of Rain.

Given the choice, who would willingly venture into a dark and damp environment when they could reside in a dry and comfortable one?

"We'll rest here for a day. During the night, Hyūga Tazumo, Hayate Shūichi, Yamaki Aoga, explore the nearby area, but be careful not to alert anyone," Fugaku instructed.

Hayate Shūichi possessed the ability to lower his body temperature and turn transparent using his Tōton technique. This made him highly proficient in intelligence gathering and eavesdropping, but it also had its drawbacks. Any significant fluctuations in chakra would reveal his transparent form.

Yamaki Aoga summoned a crow and had it circle around him, allowing him to detect any signs of intelligence.

With a team consisting of three members possessing investigative skills, it seemed that Konoha's higher-ups had not placed great emphasis on this mission.

The three individuals nodded in understanding. Hyūga Tazumo activated his Byakugan and swiftly vanished using the Body Flicker Jutsu.

Gradually becoming transparent, Hayate Shūichi disappeared completely from sight. If it weren't for the swaying weeds on the ground, even Fugaku would struggle to trace his whereabouts.

Although learning Tōton was a rare accomplishment even within the Hayate Clan, Fugaku had heard rumors that Jiraiya had mastered the technique in order to peek into bathhouses. However, he couldn't verify the truth of those claims.

Yamaki Aoga formed hand seals, summoning a crow that circled around him before vanishing alongside him, leaving Fugaku alone.

With the scouts dispatched, Fugaku closed his eyes and patiently waited.

Approximately two hours later, the three individuals returned one by one, prompting Fugaku to open his eyes. He inquired about the nearby situation.

"The Land of Grass appears to be relatively calm," Hyūga Tazumo reported. "There's a village ahead where we can restock on provisions."

"I traveled along the border for a while, and according to the information gathered by the crows, the situation doesn't look promising. Shinobi from Iwa and Suna have infiltrated the Land of Grass," Yamaki Aoga added.

"We must remain vigilant whenever shinobi from Suna and Iwa take respite in the Land of Grass. After all, the constant rain in the Land of Rain necessitates a change of environment for even the most formidable shinobi to maintain their well-being and adjust their mindset," Yamaki Aoga cautioned.

Fugaku understood that not only shinobi from Iwa and Suna, but even Konoha's highly mobile teams would seek refuge in the Land of Grass. After all, that was how he operated during his own missions.

"I overheard a conversation among a group of Suna shinobi," Hayate Shūichi interjected, contemplating the information. "It appears that Sunagakure has been developing a highly toxic poison that can be applied to puppets and poses a greater threat to the human body."

Fugaku didn't anticipate such unexpected findings, although he knew that Suna's poison wouldn't pose a significant danger due to the potency of Tsunade's Detoxifying Pills. Even a diluted version would be more than sufficient to neutralize Suna's new toxin.

Many of Tsunade's abilities were in fact superior to Sunagakure's Kugutsu no Jutsu. Whether it was her medical expertise or her formidable power, Suna's puppet divisions couldn't compare.

"Yamaki Aoga, transmit the information about Suna's research on the new poison back to Konoha. Do your best, as minimizing casualties is beneficial for Konoha," Fugaku instructed.

Although he knew that these toxins wouldn't cause significant harm to Konoha, it was still necessary to take action. It was important to demonstrate a certain stance to outsiders, one that conveyed Konoha's desire to minimize casualties.