
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

Kronos_01 · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 18

Fugaku meticulously noted down all the information in his hand and approached two skilled Jōnin from Sunagakure. His Sharingan activated, with three tomoe spinning in his eyes. The situation of these two individuals couldn't elude Fugaku's perceptive Sharingan.

The pair had already awakened, feigning sleep, possibly contemplating an escape while others let their guard down.

"No need to pretend," Fugaku spoke firmly. "The Hyūga Clan's Jūken has struck you, severing your Chakra pathways. There's no way for you to escape."

Upon hearing Fugaku's words, both individuals opened their eyes simultaneously, revealing a mix of hatred, helplessness, and remorse. They glared at Fugaku intensely, their mouths gagged, unable to utter the curses they desired.

It appeared they recollected the information revealed unwillingly under the influence of Sharingan Genjutsu.

"Don't blame me; blame this merciless world," Fugaku stated. "I hope you find peace in your next life."

A swift, shadowy figure passed, and the two felt no pain as their throats were slit.

Two messages materialized in Fugaku's mind.

"Defeat a Jōnin and gain a moderate boost in Pupil Strength."

"Defeat a Jōnin and gain a moderate boost in Pupil Strength."

His eyes suddenly experienced a refreshing sensation, invigorating them. The continuous use of Sharingan Genjutsu had fatigued his eyes, but now they felt reenergized. The increase in Pupil Strength bolstered Fugaku's confidence for the upcoming mission.

"Shinji, Ōno, bury these two individuals alongside four other Suna Shinōbi," Fugaku commanded. "Tomorrow morning, we'll head to the designated location to set up a trap, providing cover for our retreat."

"Yes," came the obedient response.

A tranquil night elapsed without any Shinōbi detecting their presence. The group of eight made their way to the Sunagakure stronghold.

The Land of Rain was shrouded in heavier rainfall than usual, obviating the need for meticulous erasure of tracks, as the rain would conceal everything.

Fugaku concealed himself atop a highland and gestured towards a pathway below. "Set the trap here. After exiting from the southeast exit of the Sunagakure stronghold, turn north and utilize the trap to evade the pursuing Suna Shinōbi. Then head straight back to the Vanguard army camp."

Hyūga Tazumo pondered for a moment before responding, "Indeed, it's an excellent route for retreat. Yamada Shinji, Aburame Nozawa, I assign the task of guarding the trap to both of you."

As elite Shinōbi from Konoha, setting traps posed no difficulty for them, especially with eight individuals, two of whom were skilled Earth Release users.

The sky grew darker, and the rainfall intensified.

"Let's proceed," Fugaku announced. "Utilize this time to familiarize ourselves with each other's identities."

"Henge no Jutsu."

A puff of smoke enveloped them, revealing a team disguised as Suna Shinōbi, making their way towards the Sunagakure supply base.

Each person mentally assumed the characteristics of their assigned role, striving to adjust their behavior accordingly.

Fugaku occasionally scratched his right cheek with his right hand—a distinctive feature of Kurosa. It was said that due to mosquito bites during his childhood, he developed a habit of scratching his right cheek.

His eyes darted left and right, maintaining a defensive posture at all times, exuding an air of caution.

The information about various Kurosas circulated in Fugaku's mind, gradually reflecting in his actions. The Sunagakure stronghold loomed ahead, and the six individuals had internalized their roles seamlessly.

"Captain Kurosa is back!" shouted a gatekeeper Suna Shinōbi from a distance. "How did the mission go? Did you encounter Iwagakure or Konoha Shinōbi?"

"It was Kiriko and Heisawa," Fugaku responded skillfully. "We didn't encounter anyone from Iwagakure or Konoha, but we did cross paths with several teams of Shinōbi from the Land of Rain. We engaged in a few skirmishes, but since Ame Shinōbi have greater numbers, we ultimately reached a stalemate and both sides retreated."

"Ah, it's difficult to come across Shinōbi from Iwagakure and Konoha," Kiriko commented. "Today, Kurosawa Captain, you're on duty at the logistics office, so we won't accompany you."

Fugaku nodded, playing along with the conversation.

Among the Shinōbi stronghold, Kurosa was renowned for his cautious nature. He seldom interacted with Shinōbi from Konoha and Iwagakure, and even when he did encounter them, he mostly opted to withdraw.

Fugaku's response, indicating no encounter with Shinōbi from the two villages, was something the personnel within the base had anticipated. If he had mentioned engaging with Shinōbi from the two villages, it would have aroused suspicion.

Nonetheless, Kurosa possessed a bold streak. Most of the rewards he received from each mission were spent on treating guests. Several Shinōbi teams within the stronghold were typically invited by him during his stay in Sunagakure.

Fugaku could recall the information about Jōnin Kurosawa from the Logistics Department that had been imprinted in his mind.

Kurosawa and the Sunagakure Jōnin were proficient in Wind Release and Kugutsu no Jutsu. They remained composed and somewhat scorned Kurosa's excessive caution.

Arriving at the tent within the logistics office, Fugaku parted the curtain and beckoned Hyūga Tazumo inside, while the remaining four individuals stood guard outside.

The tent's interior was sparsely decorated, with a table bearing pen and paper. Kurosawa sat behind the table, flanked by the two Chūnin on duty that day, Murakami and Inoue.

"Captain Kurosa and Jōnin Shimoto have returned," Murakami greeted enthusiastically. "How did the mission go?"

"The situation with Konoha and Iwagakure remains uncertain," Fugaku relayed. "However, the Hidden Villages have increased their forces. The ongoing conflicts have provoked Hanzō into a fit of rage and humiliation."

"He wouldn't be aware of the situation concerning Konoha and Iwagakure," Kurosawa's voice emanated coldly. "Shimoto, persisting under Kurosa's leadership will only hinder your potential. Unless I write a letter to Sunagakure to have you transferred out of the Kurosa team."

"Kurosawa, you're only causing harm to Shimoto," Fugaku interjected. "As a newly appointed Jōnin, Shimoto doesn't need brutal battles right now. What he needs is time to adapt and learn how to be a Jōnin."

Kurosawa took a deep breath before speaking, "I have nothing more to say to you, but I still have something to say. The current situation won't last long, and the conflicts will only escalate. When the battles become fierce, survival will become even more precarious."

Hyūga Tazumo stood to the side, wearing an awkward expression on his face, as if the two individuals were arguing for their own sake.

"Take care of yourself," Fugaku turned and exited the tent. His voice trailed behind him, "I'll be waiting outside."

By provoking a quarrel and diverting Kurosawa's attention, Fugaku aimed to make him overlook certain details and achieve his objective. This plan had been devised before entering the tent.

Inside the tent, Hyūga Tazumo smiled and addressed Kurosawa, "Captain Kurosawa, I must once again rely on your assistance. Captain Kurosa is a capable Jōnin and has learned a great deal during this time."

"Hmph, I think he's too cautious to the point of becoming timid," Kurosawa commented, handing the opened certificate to Hyūga Tazumo. "Here's the certificate, take it. I hope you won't end up like Kurosa."

"Thank you, Captain Kurosawa."

As Hyūga Tazumo emerged from the tent, the entire team breathed a collective sigh of relief. With the certificate in hand, they had completed half of their mission. The next step was to find a way to sabotage the supply warehouse in Sunagakure.

The team exchanged glances, their silence speaking volumes. In critical moments like these, maintaining composure was paramount. Any display of weakness could lead to abandonment.

The six individuals proceeded towards the Sunagakure stronghold's warehouse as rain poured down, obscuring their tracks.