
How to Harem as Corn

Walking down the road was a beautiful young woman that was dressed in a short blue and white dress, with her auburn, wavy hair flowing over her shoulders and her eyes a bright, piercing green. Best of all, her wide, child-rearing hips swung with each step, and a pair of enormous breasts bobbed up and down from behind the dress's corset-style strings in the front, barely kept hidden as they bulged outwards and jiggled with each step.

Her friend wasn't bad looking either, wearing a long maroon dress that fit tightly against her hips and coke-bottle shape, where her dark black hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her olive skin gleamed beneath the late-afternoon sun. Both women certainly stuck out compared to the farm-peasant folks around them.

"Oh look, Lyka, corn!" the one in red exclaimed as she pointed towards the wagon. "And its farm-fresh too! The stuff in Carverstead is always so shriveled up by the time it gets to market, we should take advantage and get some."

"I hate vegetables," the green-eyed one in white and blue replied with a kiss of her teeth. "Let's see if this place has candied fruit, that's what I'm really here for."

"She hates vegetables, eh? Well she's going to love me," I thought to myself, ordering the mosquito to remain still while I concentrated hard and deeply within my mind. 

I didn't know what I was doing, but I again dispersed some of my accumulated kernel energy and let it spread throughout the marketplace. Entering my deep meditative state, I focused on feelings of attraction. Longing, desire, want. I focused on these, with my target being the kernel signature of the woman called Lyka.

From the eyes of the mosquito, I could see the pair continue on without another word, but the auburn-haired girl eventually stopped on her heels. Wondering if I had anything to do with it, I concentrated harder, really attempting to reach out to this young lady while I latched onto her through a kernel link. 

"Want me," I thought. "I am the most desirable thing in this whole market."

My perverted and male-minded reasons aside, this was also a chance for me to get further from the farming town so that I could figure out my next move. Hitching a ride with this hotty might come in handy as I continued to try and beckon to her using my stored energy.

"W-what's going on," Lyka murmured as she suddenly wrapped an arm around her breasts while her legs started to tremble. "D-Darotha, is someone touching me? I feel like someone is on me."

"Huh? No, it's just us standing here," her friend replied, before her eyes widened as Lyka suddenly moaned uncontrollably. "What the hell? What's happening to you?"

"I-I don't even know," the green-eyed beauty panted, her face blushing a deep red. "It feels like I'm being…you know when a guy does the…thing."

"Well let's get out of here, people are starting to stare," the black-haired girl named Darotha whispered as her friend moaned again, wrapping an arm around her and trying to lead her away.

"N-no, I can't go," Lyka continued to pant as her eyes drifted towards the Farmer Vincent's wagon. "I-I feel like I need something. Yes, it feels like everything I need is over there."

Amazed, I again consciously discharged my kernel energy in the young woman's direction, causing her knees to tremble as she shuddered in pleasure. I wasn't trying to be funny or anything, I just wanted this beautiful lady to buy me, but my efforts instead seemed to be doing something else to her.

"H-hello, ma'am, would you like a bag?" the farmer asked as Lyka leaned against his wagon, panting as she stared hungrily at the sacks of corn.

"I'm looking for something, and it's in that bag," the green-eyed hotty panted, dragging her hand across the burlap sack. "Open it up, my good man, I need it."

"Lyka, what the hell? You're acting really weird," Darotha complained as she caught up to her friend. "And you just said that you hate vegetables, what is going on?"

Vincent could only watch in amazement as Lyka pulled open the bag and digging her hand into it, retrieved my yellowy-kernel body and held it up hungrily, proclaiming that she was going to buy that corn specifically. The farmer ended up just letting her take it for free, where she stepped back and stared longingly at the golden vegetable. 

"I love it," she whispered, bringing me to her lips and gently laying a kiss against my new body. "I don't know why, but I love this thing so much."

"Okay, that teahouse we went to before we left obviously put something in your cup," Darotha chuckled nervously as she led her friend away. "C'mon Lyka, let's go find something else to eat, eh? People are really starting to stare."

As the pair walked away, I took off with my mosquito and followed them closely. I felt kind of bad about making this Lyka girl come off as a lunatic, but at least I was bought and on my way to getting further from my cornfield. What happened next, however, would have made me blush if I still had a face as the voluptuous young woman ended up sticking my corn body between her large, firm breasts.

"Ahhh there we go," Lyka sighed, shaking her head while biting her lower lip. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me, I just felt like I really needed this specific piece of corn."

"Yeah…I can tell," Darotha replied, eyeing where my body was now nestled snuggly in between a pair of gelatinous cushions. "Let's go back to the city, actually. Small town life is quaint, but I miss the hustle and bustle."

I stalked the duo for a while as they walked down the road some ways, passing the scattered houses until they arrived at a stable where several horses were tied up. A lone man was standing guard over it, a rusted spear in his hand and his dented, copper chest plate bearing a symbol that resembled a pitchfork.

"Evening, ladies," he greeted with a bow as he allowed them through, his grayish beard matching his mop of short, wispy hair, before double-taking at seeing where Lyka had stowed an ear of corn.

Lyka got onto a gorgeous blonde-colored horse, while Darotha got on a dark brown one, and together the two left the stables and began to trot down the road. The sun was beginning to set, and it was getting dark in the sky. The pair of horses and their attractive riders carried on into the dead of night, the single road getting progressively darker as the amount of buildings dwindled. There wasn't much going on outside that country town, but as the girls continued forward, my instincts suddenly lit up again. While my corn body was nestled in a very comfortable place, I detected something in front of us. Using my remote-controlled mosquito, I detected multiple kernel signatures. Danger.