
Fun Beach Chapter

"Me? What's up?" I asked.

"I don't think you fully understand just how big a favor you did for us goblins," Dirx began. "Gogrin was holding us and our families hostage. It was work for and serve him, or be destroyed. We goblins don't have nations like you humans do…so what choice did we have?"

"By knocking him out, you basically freed us from answering to anyone," Krissy continued, her plump lips grinning widely. "And it's not just our group, but 3 other goblin gangs are off the hook thanks to you. You're our yellow hero!"

"Indeed, and so it's decided," Dirx said with a clap of his hands. "We pledge our allegiance and loyalty to you, Tino from another world!"

"And I pledge to you, my virginity!" Krissy added flirtatiously, wiping something off her lip while blinking her eye-shadowed eyes.

With that, Dirx fell down on one knee and bowed towards me. His sister did the same thing, only she was facing the other direction so that I got a view of her enormous backside while her large, green cheeks devoured a thin pair of furred shorts between them. I could see from my fly host that Lyka was gripping my corn body extra tightly.

"I-I'm extremely flattered, guys, I don't know what to say," I communicated to everyone telepathically. "I wasn't trying to be a hero, I just did what was right."

"Well thank you, goblin, but now if you'll excuse us…"Lyka said, trying to shoo the two siblings away.

"Awe come on Lyka, let them hang out with us a bit," I insisted, having taken a strong liking to the goblins in a short amount of time. I wasn't used to being celebrated or congratulated. "You guys should come splash in the water with us."

"Really?" Dirx grinned as he looked to Krissy. "Well I can't remember the last time I went to a beach. Goblins are typically unwelcome in places like this."

"Master…" Lyka whined. "I wanted some time with jus—

I don't know what compelled me to do it, but in an effort to rapidly please the young woman, I hit her with a strong kernel link and tried to redo what I'd done with her back at the farmers market at Red Sprout. This time I focused on pleasing her specifically, trying to focus my kernel energy on a certain few places on her body.

"W-whoa, Master, right here?" Lyka gasped, her legs trembling, moaning gently. "W-well if you insist…"

"Again? Seriously?" Darotha groaned.

Lyka's mood quickly improved after that, where she no longer complained when Dirx and Krissy ended up joining us in the water. And you know what? Everyone ended up having a good time. Both girls eventually dropped any lingering resentment and began to interact with them. They had a splash fight, they attempted to build sand castles, the human girls laughed about being able to tread in deeper water, and I certainly enjoyed all the jiggling butts and breasts (minus Dirx's, that was horrifying).

The ladies even shared their picnic lunch with the goblins, mostly because the servants had clearly packed much more food than two young women were capable of eating alone. I was also subjected to many jokes regarding eating me or including me as part of the lunch, even Lyka, although she said her part very seductively. I longed to actually feel the sun and cool, inviting water, but intent on being part of the fun, I used some of my kernel power recreationally.

"Do you ladies…like…puppies?" I asked as I attempted to conjure the image of a giant, adorable, golden retriever puppy. 

The girls merely took on a horrified expression as they watched a disturbing-looking 4-headed puppy materialized with the heads all of varying sizes. It's limbs were asymmetrical, its tail was long and snake-like, and it wasn't even "golden". It was a bizarre dark brown. I evidently needed to practice image projecting. 

"It's adorable! What can it do?" Dirx laughed as he reached out to pet it. The image faded to vapor with a single touch. Everyone laughed.

We enjoyed ourselves, and for the first time since being born into this world, I was able to relax and let my guard down. I didn't worry about how I was going to live this new life, but instead just savored the moment with these new people I'd met. Before I knew it, the sun began to lay low in the sky as late afternoon came and we finally decided to pack it in.

"You're alright, for a couple of prissy humans," Krissy smirked as she ended up giving Lyka and Darotha a hug from behind.

"Heh you guys aren't bad for a couple of smelly goblins either," the auburn hair women replied, her deep green eyes wide and glinting. "What are you two going to do now?"

"We have a camp off the road to Red Sprout, it was sort of near where we had you ladies tied up," Dirx explained. "But if its okay with your dad, we'd like to set up a village near to Carverstead. We want to serve Tino with whatever he needs! Same goes for your pops, we'll be on call!"

"I'll…talk to him about it," Lyka laughed nervously.

"Oh give me a turn holding him," Krissy butted-in, referring to me as she held her hand out. "I bet you liked when I was holding you in my butt, eh, Tino?"

"I'm not answering that," I chuckled within my mind, hearing Lyka growl under her breath. 

As we started on the road back towards Carverstead, however, something strange happened in the distance. A glint of dark purple suddenly shone in front of the town, and within seconds, a huge row of purple flames suddenly spread all along the outskirts, forming a fiery border that seemed to encompass the entire town.

"What that…" Lyka muttered, before racing towards the wall of fire.

"That looks like magic," Dirx panted as he jogged after her. I had a bad feeling about the ominous purple flames. 



Arriving at where we'd passed the gate guard earlier, we were met with the wispy purple fire blocking the way into town. It didn't seem to be damaging anything, but the ring of flames did appear to extend all the way around Carverstead, winding far off into the distance.

"Soldier! Soldier, what's going on!?" Lyka screamed as she called out to the gate guard, who was already curiously inspecting the fire.

"I-I have no idea, my lady," he replied, where he continued to speak until his voice suddenly stopped. His mouth was moving, but all sound fell silent.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I thought to the group upon sensing a pair of nearby sources of kernel energy that were simply ablaze.