
Reborn as Ares The God Of War

A modern soul is reborn as Ares, The God of War, in a mixture of Greek mythology and Percy Jackson.

TheGreekMythosGuru · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 2: Ares, The God Of War...

Ares POV:

Imagine being born again in Greek mythology - a thought enough to send shivers down one's spine. But what if you were reborn as a demi-god with powers beyond human comprehension? The mere idea of being a minor God is enough to make your heart race with fear. However, what if your rebirth led you to become a future Olympian and the God of War himself? It would be nothing short of a nightmare, with the prospect of wielding immense power and dealing with the weight of responsibilities that come with it.

So when I fell asleep and woke up to find myself as a child, staring into my mother's eyes was a surreal and unsettling experience. However, the shock of discovering that I had been reborn as Ares, the God of War, was almost too much to bear. The only thing that kept me from spiraling into a complete meltdown was the sheer magnitude of power that came with godhood. It was a feeling unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and I knew that life as I knew it would never be the same again.

Few evoke as much fear and dread as Ares, the God of War, in the vast and intricate pantheon of Greek deities. While some may revere him for his fierce strength and unyielding spirit, others see him as a symbol of chaos and destruction, a force to be avoided at all costs. I cannot imagine a fate worse than being reborn as Ares. With so many other gods and goddesses to choose from - including the likes of Apollo, Hermes, and the mighty Zeus himself - why would anyone want to be associated with the horrors of War and violence?

As I pondered my new identity, I couldn't help but empathize with Ares, who found himself in a difficult situation - torn between two parents who constantly fought, a father who despised him, and the woman he loved being married to his brother. It was not hard to understand why Ares became the monster he did with the challenges he faced in his tumultuous life.

Then you add that Ares embodied the domain of War; thus, it was in his nature to be cruel and destructive.

Despite common belief, Ares was far from weak. As the God of War, he possessed immense power and strength that one would expect from a deity of his stature. Furthermore, his lineage was nothing short of impressive, being the son of the king and queen of Olympus. These factors made him an ideal candidate for a formidable antagonist, allowing a protagonist to prove their mettle by defeating him in battle.

Initially, I was disappointed with my choice of reincarnation. I couldn't help but think of all the great gods that I could have been born as. However, as time passed, I realized that Ares, the God of War, had a lot of potential. Although the ancient Greeks did not hold him in high regard, the Romans revered him above all except Jupiter. To them, Mars was the father and protector of Rome, and they considered him the embodiment of military power and courage. 

It's important to consider that I have had experiences even the mighty Ares hasn't gone through. I was once human, which allowed me to understand the human mind much better than the gods. I could empathize with a soldier going off to War to protect his family in a way that Athena or Ares couldn't. That's why I think it's crucial to become a God of War worthy of worship not just because of one's power and skill but also because of one's ability to bring peace, protect those who fall in battle, and ensure that the most amount of men as possible live to fight another day.

So, with my peace made with my new living situation, there wasn't much I could do; while, as a god, I could technically instantly age myself up to my previous age of nineteen, it seemed a little unfair to cause my new mother Hera not to be able to experience being a mother. So I bit the bullet and spent the first couple of days slowly aging myself over the coming days.

I prioritized spending as much time as possible with my mother during that period. Despite knowing Hera's cruelty, I understood she loved me deeply. In addition, Zeus's absence since my birth caused her great pain. Therefore, I devoted most of my time to ensuring she was doing well and building a more robust, closer relationship with her.

As the first week of my new existence drew close, I felt the passing of time transform me completely. Like many of my kind, I decided to embody the essence of my domain, and so I assumed the form of a young warrior, the very image of a fresh recruit eager to prove themselves in battle. My hair, a cascade of soft curls, was a rich brown hue that shimmered in the light. My skin was flawless and gleamed like polished marble, a testament to my godly heritage. My body was a work of art, honed to perfection for strength and swiftness, with muscles rippling beneath my skin like waves on the ocean. My face was chiseled and handsome, with sharp features that spoke of my superiority. My eyes, a fierce and fiery hue, burned with the passion of battle, a constant reminder of my divine nature.

I donned a striking classic Greek chiton featuring a perfect blend of black and red hues that ran seamlessly through its fabric. To complement my ensemble, I paired it with exquisite celestial bronze bracers and boots, adding to its overall aesthetic appeal and offering unparalleled protection. Topping it off was a magnificent Corinthian helmet, which I perched casually on the back of my head, completing my look with confidence and style.

The idea behind appearing like a young recruit was rooted in several reasons. Firstly, since I had died at the young age of nineteen, I didn't want to appear significantly older than I did at the time of my death. Secondly, war veterans who had experienced the horrors of war would not eagerly wish for another war to come and, hence, would not be fervently praying for it. On the other hand, the youth, who had not yet experienced the true horrors of war, would see it as an opportunity to earn glory and riches, and thus, they would be more inclined to worship me even before the war began. This was unlike the veterans who would wait for the conflict to start before expressing their devotion to me.

As I entered adulthood, I needed to start exploring my divine powers. Being the offspring of Zeus and Hera, I possessed an immense pool of divine energy that allowed me to teleport, unleash my true form, and bless or curse people as per my will. My physical strength was also far more significant than that of other immortal beings, thanks to my godly lineage.

In addition to altering my physical appearance, I can transform myself into any animal or creature. This means that I can take on the form of any living being, from a tiny insect to a giant mythical beast.

The role of the God of War bestowed upon me a vast array of skills and knowledge that were vital for my existence. As the master of all types of weaponry, I could effortlessly conjure, disarm, and curse any weapon and possessed an unparalleled understanding of their workings. Additionally, my expertise in tactics and strategy was second to none, only surpassed by Athena after her birth. Furthermore, I had the unique ability to provoke and stop conflicts, facilitated by my narrow-minded empathy that could only be channeled for those purposes.

I could not influence the fate of fallen warriors' souls. However, this power came with certain limitations. For instance, these souls had to be my devoted worshippers to be under my control.

As I reflected on my divine portfolio, I was pleasantly surprised by the potency of my lesser domains - Battlelust, Courage, and Civil Order. These domains ensured a steady stream of worshipers since everyone desires courage, and civil order is the cornerstone of any civilized society, and they also bestowed upon me many formidable abilities.

Thanks to my connection to Battlelust, I possessed a sort of battle precognition that allowed me to perceive everything happening on a battlefield instinctively. As for my control over Civil Order, it endowed me with the power to enforce rules and laws with unwavering efficacy. Overall, I was pretty pleased with the many benefits of being the deity of these lesser-known domains.

One of my most notable abilities was to wield the flames of war. These flames were a deep shade of blood, and their strength varied based on the state of the world - the more conflicts and battles that raged on, the more powerful they became. When at their strongest, these flames could decimate entire armies with just a single drop and even harm immortal beings. However, when at their weakest, they were barely stronger than the typical divine flames of deities like Hephaestus or Hestia's hearth.

I truly believe that I have the potential to be one of the most powerful Olympians. Though I cannot compare myself to the top three, I know that I have the ability to succeed and excel in my own way. Ares, the God of War, may have faced many humiliations in Greek mythology, but I am confident that I can avoid those pitfalls. Ares was known to underestimate his opponents or make rash decisions, but I am not like him. Overall, I am positive that I have what it takes to make my mark in Greek mythology.

At present, I have decided to utilize my time to gain a deeper understanding of my newly acquired abilities. As I have reached adulthood, it is highly probable that my mother will soon want me to interact with the council and establish myself as a member of the Olympian council. Therefore, it is crucial for me to acquaint myself with my newfound powers before doing so.

Despite being the abode of gods, Olympus was a place full of deceit and betrayal. It was evident from Zeus' actions that being his son did not guarantee his favor. Thus, relying solely on my mother's support would not be enough, especially considering her own position on the council as Zeus's spurned wife.

With a spear in one hand and a round shield in the other, I made my way toward the training grounds of the mighty Olympians. My aim was to display my divine skills and prowess, hoping to attract the attention of others and gain some recognition for my godly abilities...