
Reborn As An Egyptian God

In the rich tapestry of Egyptian mythology, the offspring of the union between the Sky God and the Earth God, the fierce Desert God Set, met his end in a valiant battle aiding Ra, the Sun God, against the insidious Serpent God of chaos, Apep. In a twist of fate, the essence of a soul from another realm infused itself into Set's lifeless form, resurrecting him as the rejuvenated Desert God. Yet, a cruel destiny awaited Set, prophesied to fall at the hands of the ascendant God King, Horus. Determined to defy this fate and stabilize his existence among the deities, Set embarked on a quest for divine power. He traversed the celestial hierarchies, each step a struggle for supremacy, aiming to reach the zenith of godly power and alter the course set before him. #Mythology #Egypt #God #Conspiracy

Rqmk · Fantasie
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168 Chs

Sekhmet's Letter!

With a heavy sigh, Set stilled the whirlwind of thoughts raging in his mind, focusing instead on the pressing matters at hand.

"Should I seek assistance from Sobek's mother?" he wondered, pacing slowly. The desert sands beneath his feet whispered secrets of ancient power, reminding him of the urgency of his quest.

However, he concluded that such an action could wait until after the crucial upcoming assembly of the gods. "First, I must journey to the reed marsh," Set decided. There, he intended to cleanse the curse that tainted his dominion over humanity, and merge this reclaimed power with his own, thus fortifying his authority.

Without such action, Set knew he would enter the divine meeting diminished, vulnerable to injury or worse, due to the fragmented desert authority he wielded.

He had briefly conversed with Hathor earlier, offering her words of gratitude and concern before he set off for the desert's edge to await the cloak of nightfall.