
Reborn as alatreon (dropped)

Dude gets reincarnated as alatreon, to a generic fantasy world. ~first time writing a book so give me some slack please. Well I mean if you want to it’s not like I can control you. Also I’m writing this on my phone so I’m not sure how it’ll look like in a computer.~ ~Oh can’t forget I don’t own alatreon~

axeltheeugene · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Unexpected visitors

Ignis- "You are worthy to be my mate, be proud for this a huge honor. Hmph."

Leo- "Um..... No thank you."

Ignis- "So you have chosen death."

Leo- "Wait what?!"


Now let's go back to a week ago. More specifically the morning. Right about when Leo was barely waking up.

You see Leo here had no idea that a huge army was approaching his home. Which is surprising considering that he can control the earth. Which would make you think he could feel the vibrations in the ground. But then again he didn't even notice the major earthquake that he caused last night.

But nevertheless the army was quickly approaching the mountain, and in a week the dragon known as alatreon would make his first appearance in history.


Leo- 'Man.... I feel like I'm missing something. But what is it? Definitely not my phone.... meh, to much worrying.'


General- " LISTEN UP PEOPLE!! WERE ABOUT TO GO IN UNKNOWN TERRITORY!!! YOU HERE ME!!! I WANT ALL OF YOU TO STAY SHARP, UNDERSTAND!!" The man dressed in a iron suit that looked to be glowing periodically shouted out.

Army- "YES SIR!!" They all said while kneeling, and then proceeded to stand up and continue marching to the mountain.


ARMY- "YES SIR!!" They said in unison, but this time they didn't kneel down.

And so the army's journey started, however it soon went completely off the rails. For you see their was no path upwards to the castle, so they had no good footing to step on. Which resulted in them having to climb the mountain. At first it wasn't a big problem, but soon people started slipping off and falling to their deaths. This only made the army's moral's go down and down over time. Not only that, but they soon got tired and had to make a base inside the mountain, by carving out the side of it.

You might be wondering then, why didn't they use magic to make a path that leads to the top then? Well the problem is that it's simply to tall to make a path that reaches to the top. No one has that much magic, and I mean no one. Not even our MC here. Cause he doesn't even have magic, he can simply just control the elements.

(Author's note: Well back to the story)

The army had already lost 1/3 of their original troops or 10,000 people and were feeling down, some even were thinking about calling it quits. But as soon as they reached half the height of the mountain, they spotted something. More precisely it was a ore, but not just any ore. No this ore was a brand new ore. Just like the castle, it had a dark blue color to it that seemed to be constantly sparkling. And was also periodically emitting a icy fog. This my friends would later be known as 'pruinae core'.

General- "GUSTAVO!!! GET OVER HERE!!!" The general shouted out to a troop.

Gustavo- "YES SIR!!!" He said while saluting with one hand, while the other was gripping a rock.

General- "Tell me Gustavo, you're part dwarve right? Have you ever seen a ore like this one?" He said while pointing to the ore.

Gustavo- "No sir, I don't think anyone has. To be completely frank with you, I think this might be a new ore...." He said while reaching out to touch the ore, but as soon as his hand touched the ore it completely froze.

Gustavo- "AHHHH!!!" He screamed out in pain, but in the process he lost his grip in his other hand, which lead him to fall to his death.

Gustavo- "NOT LIKE THIS!!!" He screamed out in terror, but soon his screams faded away. And what followed was a 'splat' noise that echoed all the way to the top.

Silence soon followed, it all happened too fast. No one could even mutter a word. Not even the general.

General- " No one touch the ore, you hear me." He said in a normal tone, unlike his usual shouts.

Everyone- "Yes." They all said in a low tone with a hint of fear.

It's to be expected though, as the 'pruinae core' would later be known as the legendary frost core.

And so the army continued on their journey upwards. While some people falling here and there, and then followed by some resting every now and then. With them eating and drinking in silence. And on the sixth day they started to see a shadow flying in the skies every now and then. But at that point they weren't sure if it was real or not. Since the air was super thin, and some people were starting to pass out or hallucinate. Which lead them to fall to their deaths, a silent death as they weren't even awake.

And finally on the seventh day they finally made it to the top. Hooray they all thought... not. No everyone was too tired and sad to even be celebrating, they had lost friends, comrades, family, etc... And out of the 30,000 troops that came marching from 'Iuncturam regnum' only 7,000 remained.

The majority of people cried their hearts out, when they felt solid ground for the first time in days. But to them it felt like months. You see most people knew that they were gonna die in this mission, it's just that they thought that they were gonna die in battle, not from the journey. To the people that remained, they felt as a great injustice was served to their comrades. They couldn't even go out with no dignity, no honor, no nothing. But they didn't have time to mourn their loses, as soon a loud roar was heard from the huge castle doors. Which then was followed by the massive doors creaking with a sinister sound. Claws were heard scraping the ground. And soon two huge black horns protruded outside. Followed up by two red eyes that seemed to be leaving a red light trail. The dragon's mouth letting steam out, his big wings flapping every now and then. And most of all the dragon's scales. Cause you see alatreon here is the first black dragon to every be witnessed, as they have no dark or light attributes in this world.

(Authors note: think like red car lights passing by for the eye part)

Fear, terror, hopelessness that's all they felt. It was as if they were staring at death and destruction personified. They were far to tired to even put up a good fight, they had lost the majority of the army. And most of all they felt like even if they weren't tired, and had everyone here they would still lose. But yet they all charged with their remaining strength, which was... pitiful. As the dragon just swiped his right hand, which killed most people on the spot. And those were the lucky ones as the ones that were left alive, had most of their bones broken. And were in extreme anguish. In no more then a minute the entire army was vanquished, except for one man.... the general. Maybe it was the armor's runes, his will power, who knows? But all that mattered was that he was still standing... well barely standing.

General- "COME AT ME YOU BIG LIZARD!!!" He said with hate, and vigorousness. But if you were to listen closely, you would also hear fear in his voice. However it mattered not as alatreon or Leo simply, swiped his hand and the general was sent flying. To where exactly? Well to the bottom of the mountain, that's where.

General- "I'LL KILL YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!" He said while his voice faded out, just like Gustavo.


Leo- ' huh, they were surprisingly weak. You know I thought it was gonna be harder or something. But I ain't a psychopath, no, but if someone comes to my house with the intention of killing me. Well then I won't hesitate to fight back.' Leo thought to himself, but at that moment in the far distance he spotted a red dot approaching him.

Leo- ' Oh sh*t is that another dragon?!'

However Leo didn't have more time to think or hide, as the dragon had already landed in front of him.

Ignis- " You..." she said in a low growl, how Leo knew what she was saying he didn't know. But he wasn't gonna question it either. And before he could even speak up, she said.

Ignis- " That strength, that speed. Everything about you screams strength. Not to mention, that you were capable of creating such a huge mountain."

Ignis- "I've decided, I shall allow you to be my mate, be proud for this is a huge honor. Hmph" she said, but just like Leo over here, it came out as nothing but a roar. At least to us, but to them they were having a full conversation.

Leo- "Um.... no thank you."

Ignis- " So you have chosen death."

Leo- "Wait what?!"

And before he could utter any other word, she had already swiped at him with her claws.

Gotta say had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Also put a little more lore with the ore part, but I’m pretty sure you guys noticed though. Hope you guys like it, especially to my only two fans out there. This long chapter is for you two, whoever you are.

Sincerely- Axeltheeugene

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