
reborn as Aemond Targaryen

In "House of the Dragon," Aemond Targaryen, once a notorious mafia lord, finds himself reborn in the tumultuous world of Westeros. As Aemond Taargaayrean, he navigates the intricate power dynamics of House Targaryen, determined to reclaim his lost influence and establish himself as a force to be reckoned with. Drawing on his past experiences as a ruthless leader in the criminal underworld, Aemond employs cunning and strategic thinking to manipulate those around him. However, he must tread carefully, for the world of Westeros is fraught with danger and betrayal at every turn. Aemond's thirst for power and desire for vengeance drive him to form unlikely alliances and make daring moves in the deadly game of thrones. As he rises through the ranks of House Targaryen, he faces fierce opposition from rivals within the family and external threats from rival houses vying for control of the Seven Kingdoms.

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4 Chs

The life of second son

Aemond's eighth nameday marked a turning point in his quest for knowledge and innovation within the realm of redkeep. While many children his age were engrossed in games and tales of knights, Aemond delved into the realms of science and alchemy under the guidance of the maesters.

The maesters recognized Aemond's keen intellect and curiosity, granting him access to their vast libraries and laboratories. It was during these formative years that Aemond's true potential began to emerge—a potential that would soon challenge conventional wisdom and reshape the understanding of medicine and strength.

Alchemy, with its ancient mysteries and transformative powers, captured Aemond's imagination. He delved deep into the study of potions, tinctures, and elixirs, seeking to unravel the secrets of nature and unlock new possibilities for healing and enhancement.

Aemond's keen observations led him to a startling realization—the existing drug and medical systems were lacking, leaving many ailments untreated and warriors without the tools to reach their full potential. Determined to make a difference, Aemond embarked on a quest to discover new ingredients and remedies from the far reaches of the known world.

with the help of merchent he got materials from Shadow Lands, a realm shrouded in mystery and danger. rare herbs, minerals, and essences that held untapped potential for alchemical wonders.

Drawing from the knowledge of chemistry from his past life as Cedric Blackwood, Aemond experimented tirelessly in his makeshift laboratory. He combined ancient techniques with modern insights, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible in the realms of medicine and strength enhancement.

After years of painstaking research and trial and error, Aemond achieved a breakthrough—a pill that could strengthen the body and grant superhuman strength to those who consumed it. The formula was a culmination of his expertise in alchemy, chemistry, and a touch of magic that seemed to weave through his veins.

with the pill succsesfully made he was taking it daily due to which he gained super human body he was tall as his brother aegon but he overhvelm any kinight in streanght 

The discovery of the pill's effects was a revelation for Aemond Targaryen. With each dose, his body underwent a transformation, imbuing him with superhuman strength, agility, and endurance. It was a power unlike anything he had experienced before—a testament to his ingenuity and determination to surpass his limitations.

However, Aemond faced a challenge familiar to many young nobles—he lacked the allowance and resources to pursue his grand plans openly. The constraints of royal life and the watchful eyes of his family meant that he had to tread carefully in his pursuits.

Undeterred, Aemond harnessed his newfound strength and abilities to carve out a path for himself. Inspired by tales of valor and glory in tournaments, he devised a daring plan—to enter these contests under a secret identity, known only as the "Silver Dragons."

Clad in armor that concealed his true identity, Aemond stepped onto the tournament grounds as the Silver Dragons' champion—a mysterious and formidable warrior whose prowess in combat seemed almost otherworldly. His enhanced physical abilities, honed through training and the effects of the pill, set him apart from ordinary contestants.

In the jousting lists, Aemond rode with grace and power, unseating opponents with precision and strength that defied his age. His lance struck true, earning him victories and renown among spectators who marveled at the prowess of the Silver Dragons' champion.

Off the tournament grounds, Aemond maintained his facade as a dutiful prince, attending courtly functions and fulfilling his responsibilities. Few suspected that the young prince harbored a secret persona—a champion whose identity remained shrouded in mystery, known only by the emblem of the Silver Dragons.

As the tournaments unfolded, Aemond's victories drew attention and whispers of speculation. Some speculated about the true identity of the Silver Dragons' champion, while others admired the skill and bravery displayed in each contest.

For Aemond, the tournaments were not just about glory or recognition—they were a proving ground where he could test his limits, hone his combat skills, and showcase the potential of his enhanced body. Each victory fueled his determination to continue his quest for greatness while keeping his secret identity hidden from prying eyes.


The victories in tournaments as the enigmatic Silver Dragons' champion brought not just glory but also a substantial sum of coin. Aemond Targaryen, ever the strategist, saw an opportunity to turn his winnings into a venture that would secure his financial independence and allow him to exert influence beyond the confines of courtly life.

With a portion of his earnings, Aemond set his sights on establishing a discreet and luxurious brothel in a strategic location within King's Landing. It was a bold move for a young prince, but Aemond's ambition and foresight drove him to seize opportunities others might overlook.

At the heart of his new venture was Alena, a slave girl he had encountered during his time disguised as the Silver Dragons' tournament knight. Alena's story touched Aemond—a tale of hardship, resilience, and a desire for freedom that mirrored his own struggles in a different context.

Rescuing Alena from her plight became more than an act of kindness; it became a partnership forged in secrecy and ambition. Alena possessed a sharp mind, street-smart instincts, and a deep understanding of the hidden workings of King's Landing's underbelly—a valuable asset for Aemond's burgeoning enterprise.

Together, they laid the foundations of the brothel, carefully selecting its staff, decor, and services to cater to the tastes of nobles and highborn patrons while maintaining discretion and exclusivity. Aemond's keen eye for detail and Alena's pragmatic approach ensured that every aspect of the establishment exuded luxury and allure.

As the proprietor of the brothel, Aemond adopted a pseudonym to shield his identity—the "Silent Dragon," a nod to his secretive nature and the hidden depths of his ambitions. Under this guise, he frequented the establishment, observing its operations, interacting with clients discreetly, and forging connections that would prove valuable in the intricate web of King's Landing's intrigues.

The brothel became more than a source of income; it became a hub of information, gossip, and influence. Aemond leveraged his position to gather intelligence, cultivate alliances, and subtly manipulate events to his advantage, all while maintaining a facade of innocence and propriety in the eyes of the court.

Alena, now freed from slavery and elevated to a position of trust and authority within the establishment, proved to be Aemond's most trusted confidante and ally. Their partnership was built on mutual respect, shared goals, and a determination to defy the norms and expectations imposed by society.


mc pov:


The night air was alive with whispers and shadows as I stood outside the grand facade of the brothel, my brothel, under the guise of the "Silent Dragon." The coin from the tournaments had not only bought me victories but also paved the way for this clandestine enterprise—a place of luxury and secrets nestled in the heart of King's Landing.

Alena stood beside me, her eyes reflecting the flickering torchlight as she surveyed our creation with a mix of pride and determination. "It's a sight to behold, isn't it?" she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of satisfaction.

I nodded, a faint smile playing on my lips. "Indeed, Alena. This is just the beginning. Our little haven will be more than just a brothel—it will be a center of influence and opportunity."

Alena's gaze turned towards me, her expression curious yet knowing. "And what role will the Silent Dragon play in all of this?" she inquired, her tone laced with intrigue.

"As the Silent Dragon, I will be the silent observer, the hidden hand that guides without being seen," I explained, my eyes scanning the street for any signs of unwanted attention. "But beyond that facade, I will gather information, forge alliances, and ensure that our establishment thrives in the midst of King's Landing's intrigues."

The night was our canvas, and the brothel, our masterpiece—a place where nobles and highborn alike sought pleasures and indulgence, unaware of the webs of influence and power that intertwined within its walls.

As we stepped inside, the ambiance of opulence enveloped us, a symphony of soft music, laughter, and whispered promises. Alena and I exchanged a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the journey we had embarked upon together.

In the days that followed, our partnership grew stronger, our bond forged through shared ambitions and a mutual understanding of the world's complexities. "You're taking to this role quite naturally," Alena remarked one evening as we discussed the brothel's expansion plans.

"It's a dance, Alena," I replied, a playful glint in my eyes. "A dance of shadows and secrets, where every step must be calculated and every move deliberate."

Our conversations often drifted between business strategies, whispered rumors, and moments of quiet reflection on the paths that led us here. Alena's insights and pragmatism complemented my vision and determination, creating a synergy that fueled our success.

As the "Silent Dragon," I navigated the intricate threads of King's Landing's underworld, gathering information, making connections, and ensuring that our brothel remained a well-guarded secret—a sanctuary for those seeking more than just physical pleasures.

In the darkness of the night, amidst the flickering candles and hushed conversations, I found a sense of purpose—a purpose that transcended my royal lineage and brought meaning to the shadows that once haunted my past life.
