
Reborn As A Trap In A Woman Dominating World

"Hahaha, people of your world are really funny, do you all long to travel to other worlds? Why are all the books written in this genre?" Seated high on her throne, the young girl laughs heartily while holding her phone, her pale golden eyes shimmering with tears of laughter. With waist-long pure white hair, a knee-length white dress, white open-toe sandals, and a hologram-like white halo behind her, this divine young girl, who seems as if she stepped right out of a fantasy novel, is a true deity from another world. Mike's "fortunate" encounter with this somewhat frivolous goddess is due to three reasons: his frail health and tendency to fall; his addiction to staying up late without sleeping; and his poor, unhygienic diet... As a result, he's often in a sub-healthy state and quietly meets this otherworldly goddess in his spirit form during the still of the night. "Wanting to travel or be reborn in another world depends on the mood of this deities here. It's not just as you wish... Well, your world is indeed utterly boring." "Yeah, if you say so..." Still not recovered from the shock of his sudden change, Mike, now in spirit form, sits cross-legged in front of the goddess, bored and listlessly watching her fiddle with her phone. "Let me see your browsing history, wow~ cross-dressing, foot fetish, masochism..." "Stopppppppppp! Don't read that out loud!" It's like the ultimate humiliation to have one's browsing history read aloud, something so embarrassing that people often instruct their friends to destroy their computer hard drives immediately after their demise. "Hahaha ~ Don't be shy~ I quite like you. How about visiting my world? Pfft..." "Go ahead and laugh..." Watching Mike turn his head away unwillingly, the goddess laughs so hard she slaps her milky thigh. She stands up from the throne, casually tosses her phone aside, and walks over to Mike with a cat-like grace, closely examining his face, now flushed with embarrassment. "You're quite the beauty. I'll add a little surprise for you..." "What are you muttering about?" Mike didn’t understand why she would describe him as a "beauty" This so-called goddess's personality is truly detestable. He wonders what kind of world she rules over... He doesn't know if he has a choice, but if possible, Mike would prefer a world without suffering and sadness, where he could enjoy life to the fullest. "Alright! I've chosen your new identity in my world. From now on, your name is Ronnie, sounds like 'Loli,' right? Cough cough, the language will adapt automatically, and I'll also give you the ability to see others' levels... Let me think, what else~ what else~..." The white halo behind the goddess flickers as she wears a rare, serious expression. Unsure of his fate, Mike really can't laugh at this moment, mainly because the goddess seems too unreliable! "Just to let you know, my world is ruled by women, and one's status is determined by their level of magical power. I'll always be watching you, so make sure to bring me some entertainment, my 'little Loli'~"

Milly_Tuna · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Blood Manipulation


The only spell Leoni could use was magical refraction, and he had never practiced it before. Apart from that, he could only use his body to shield Wuya from this life-threatening attack.


If he could die in the arms of his big sister figure, watching her tears fall on his cheeks, he thought it would be a fulfilling end to his journey in this other world...


But no way! Dying at the hands of a mere underling would be too embarrassing for a reincarnated individual.


Actually, Leoni had browsed through books on magic in the Succubus Academy's library. He understood the theoretical aspects of casting spells, and flight magic, which he could use, shared the same principles as magical refraction.


Instantly, a crystalline blue barrier appeared in front of Leoni. However, this barrier couldn't provide 100% defense. The part of the magical energy that wasn't reflected hit Leoni directly.


A portion of the flame wolf's head was reflected back to its source, while the rest struck Leoni.


The sensation of burning flesh felt like being bitten by thousands of annoying insects. Wuya quickly used a healing spell to create a protective layer around Leoni, preventing further damage.


But this momentary distraction gave the undead an opportunity to close in. It, or rather he, grabbed the pure energy sword in Wuya's hand.


The magical energy dissolved instantly. Wuya, not caring about appearances, kicked the undead, knocking it down. She then hit it with three lightning bolts and a dispelling spell.


Theoretically, her pure magical energy sword shouldn't have been so easily "broken," but that was Evelynn's proud skill, using blood as a medium to transform any magic it touched.


Moreover, the attacker was a berserker. Wuya had never heard of any mage who survived two encounters with her.


Taking advantage of the undead's fall, Wuya scanned the surrounding magical points. The mage in the distance had been killed by the flames reflected by Leoni, and the struggling undead in front of her was gradually losing its vitality due to the limited effective time of blood manipulation.


Just to be sure, Wuya delivered two more blows to the undead. When she turned to check on Leoni, she found him crouching on the ground, violently vomiting...


"What's wrong with you?"


"Ugh... This is the first time I've seen a dead person..."


At the height of the adrenaline rush, Leoni hadn't felt much, but as things calmed down, combined with his night vision ability acting up at the wrong time, seeing a corpse for the first time triggered a primal physiological reaction in him: vomiting.


The stench of fresh blood and the sight of the mutilated corpses overwhelmed by Wuya proved too much for him.


His heart couldn't take the stress anymore, and Leoni fainted. Wuya sighed, scooping up the limp Leoni and returning to the inn to retrieve her belongings.


When Leoni regained consciousness, he found himself lying in the warm embrace of his big sister figure, Wuya, with a fire burning nearby. It would have been perfect if she had a charming smile on her face.


"We're a day's journey from the Demon Queen's castle, so we'll make do in the wild for the night. I doubt anyone will follow us here."


Wuya gently wiped Leoni's face with a handkerchief dampened with magically created clean water, making him feel a bit embarrassed. He hadn't been much help and now needed special care.


"I'm sorry, Wuya, for being a burden."


"No need to apologize. I reacted the same way when I first saw a corpse. And Leoni, you did well. You blocked that attack for me and accurately took out the mage in the distance. That was impressive."


Although he knew Wuya was sincerely complimenting him, Leoni couldn't help but feel her praise was akin to saying, "You survived another day, good job," which didn't exactly lift his spirits.


"Uh... about the mage you wanted to keep alive, sorry about that."


Wuya gently patted Leoni's head, assuring him that he was okay and asking him to sit up because her legs were going numb under his weight.


"I already know whose subordinates they were, so there was no need to keep anyone alive. And I have a fair understanding of the crisis currently unfolding in the demon world."


Wuya shared her suspicions with Leoni. Although he was somewhat confused, he found it interesting, like a bedtime story.


In the demon world, there's a monstrous berserker named Evelynn, rumored to be as powerful as a demigod. Wuya had never faced her directly, so she wasn't sure about the extent of her power.

Evelynn had always been the leader of a local power in the southern part of the demon world, entrenched in a place called Bloodfang Fortress. She was once a strong contender for the position of the Demon Queen, but due to her unpredictable nature and unconventional beliefs, her erratic behavior ultimately cost her the chance.


Perhaps harboring some resentment, Evelynn's faction never fully submitted to the Demon Queen's rule. Her actions often seemed limitless and chaotic, making her territory a true "lawless land" in the demon world.


"I don't think Evelynn, even with her madness, would suddenly attempt to usurp the Demon Queen. I suspect she's being used by someone else. Those who attacked us were her subordinates, and I believe that the trouble Anna urgently needs to resolve is related to Evelynn."


A conflict between two strong parties would likely result in mutual destruction, and with someone else possibly benefitting from behind the scenes, Wuya was cautious about speculating too much on potentially baseless scenarios.


Their immediate priority was to head to the company's headquarters to find Viola, whom Leoni was eager to meet. As for the future of the demon world, Wuya, though a recluse, was not heartless.


"Anna helped me when I was down, so I'll help her if she needs it."


Leoni, despite lacking connections and strength, had inadvertently become involved in a dispute encompassing the entire demon world. This made him wonder if everything was prearranged, as it seemed unlikely for a low-level succubus like him to encounter such fantastical events.


He didn't want to be a corporate drone or a nobody, but nobody warned him about the dangers of being associated with powerful figures like his big sister figures.


By the firelight, Wuya carefully examined Leoni's skin and, in a rare moment, smiled gently: "Good, you're not hurt. Get some rest, I'll keep watch tonight."