
Junior Sorceress Melisa Blackflame, Part Twenty-Six

Armia sipped her champagne, desperately wishing it was something stronger. The nobles around her chatted and laughed, their voices a cacophony of fake politeness and thinly veiled judgment.

[Just smile and nod,] she told herself. [Pretend you belong here.]

A portly man with a walrus mustache approached, eyeing her scales with barely concealed distaste.

"Lady Armia, isn't it? Quite... unusual to see a darian at these gatherings."

Armia forced a smile.

"General Neal was kind enough to invite me. I'm honored to be here."

[Even if I'd rather be literally anywhere else.]

The man harrumphed.

"Yes, well. I suppose we must make... allowances in these trying times."

A younger noble, clearly several drinks in, piped up.

"Speaking of trying times, what's your take on the war, Lady Armia? Bit of a conflict of interest for you, eh?"

Armia's tail twitched in irritation, but she kept her face neutral.