
Reborn as a slime in marvel [XFD]

My name's Chris Anderson , 26 year old college student. The last remember was getting hit by a truck it's cliche I know. I suddenly found my self in dark void and met rob. Rob: You have five wishes. State your wish and what world. Chris: my fist wish... Newbie author over here. I don't own marvel just the mc.

GONNn_Loh · Anime und Comics
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A New Beginning, Meeting the Ancient One[ Part 1] Previously on: reborn as a slime in marvel.

Enough of my monologuing, I am currently in front of a huge black gate . it's time finally I can explore this world of marvel and wonders , a world of infinite possibilities. I will live my life with almost no regrets and enjoy life of fun. A wave of excitement rushes upon me as I blast the gate open . A new chapter of my life is about to begin.let's do this!!!!!!!!


[•Slime Pov•]

*boom* finally I'm out of that cave I can't wait to explore this world but where am I. hey great sage where we?

##[ Master is currently in a forest]

hmm a forest that actually quite good. if I were to suddenly appear in new York that would be dangerous shield, hero's, villains and gods. I can't just go there without a plan. For now I think it's best to keep a low profile while I can. The fact that I have protection from Rob for now doesn't mean I'm invincible.

As strong as already am I can't do this alone I'll definitely need allies, people who l can trust, people who would rather die than bring misfortune to me, people who will stay with me till the end.

great sage we need form strategies on how we handle our current situation , how we'll handle this now and how our choices may affect us in the future after all we're in the marvel universe.

##[ Yes master, In master's current situation it is best to gather information about the current timeline.]

Your right great sage *sigh* what will I do without you. I'm lucky I wished for you great sage.

##[Thank you master]

Alright great sage let's explore the forest


[• Narrator Pov•] [•Time skip:3months •]

It's been three months since our lovely cute slime explored the forest. Well the first month he encounted many ferocious animals like lions,bears,snakes etc.

He wasn't really attacked by any of the animals in fact they were rather scared of him for some reason.He thought he'd have to face many animals since he'll be probably be seen as prey due his small size. It turns out his magicules were somehow felt by the animals and that scared them. it gave this feeling of hopelessness and death that surrounded him when they even began to think of him as prey. So in conclusion the first month boring super super super boring.

Well the second month he acquired a red fox as pet. it was a cub and It's mother had died he decided to take it in and he named her scarlet and she evolved into scarlet fox which was he never knew was possible well since only monster's who have been named can evolve but great sage said due to being in a different world different phenomena might occur.

Well the on the third he built a tree house he had always dreamt of building a tree house so he built one. Nothing really happened after that so it was quite boring for him.

[•Slime Pov•]


Vegeta:Final flash!!!!!!

If your wondering I'm currently watching dragon ball. How's that possible you may ask * drumroll please* memories,Ok ok hear me out. I was kinda getting bored cause it's been three months and there was nothing exciting to do so I asked great sage if it was somehow possible to watch anime from my memories at first I was joking but great sage manged to do it. So now I'm chilling in a peaceful forest watching anime while petting scarlet as she slept .what could go wrong.

*ahhhh somebody help!!!!*

Ah sh*t I jinxed it.


*Flash back*

[•Alicia Pov•]

Today was the worst day of my life I woke up in an uncomfortable position only to find myself tied up to chair in a room. I hear two people talking behind a door talking about something but I couldn't exactly hear everything they were saying.I didn't know what was going on so I was scared I was really freaking out , calm down Alicia calm down just like Aunt Mary taught you. I look at surroundings to see a backdoor behind me, suddenly the front door opens and two men wearing a black masks and a coat stood before me. They questioned me about password to my dad's bank account. oh yeah my dad's a millionaire and he owns his own company which he worked so hard for .I kinda understand why they captured me but this never happened before because my dad hired the best of the best to protect me. Of course I didn't know the password but even if I knew I would never tell these b*stards. They started threatening me about how their going to torture me but I knew they were just bluffing they couldn't do it why? because they need me to be in top condition if they wanted to negotiate with my father. So I'm currently listening to these men then suddenly one of them took out his cellphone he then proceed to get out of the room while locking the front door. While the one giggles for some reason. he slowly took out a small kitchen knife from his coat as he came closer and closer to me with each step my heart beats faster and faster and I start to sweat which was visible on my forehead he clearly saw it he knew I was scared. he got close to me and used his knife skillfully to cut open my shirt exposing my bra. he started using his dirty hands to play with my breast tears fall down my eyes as I knew I was about to get r*ped. I looked at him with anger clear in my eyes but he laughed and slapped me. Never in my life have I felt this powerless l'm about to be r*ped by some random dude I tried to scream but he kept laughing. I began to move my right leg slowly but firmly while trying to keep him distracted by screaming I slowly got my right leg out as I continued to distract him by wallowing in despair. he became much bolder as he cut the ropes of me then pushed me on ground. I waited for right time for him to get close as I fooled him by acting weakly he got closer to me in that moment I kicked his balls with every bit of strength I had in my leg, he fell on ground as he groan in pain. I could see his shocked face as his brain tried process what just happened I then proceeded to kick him in the face . I then took the knife which fell on the ground and ran towards the backdoor and locked it. I began to ran into the forest. Suddenly I heard a gun shot so ran faster and faster but eventually I got tied and began to hide in the bushes. I saw three other men wearing the same black mask search around the forest looking for traces of me. My heart beats faster as I cover my mouth with my hand.One of them was getting close to the bushes I hid in then I heard one of other the men wearing a black mask say retreat. my nerves calm down as my heartbeat comes back to normal I let my guard and unintentionally stepped on a stick in that moment I curse myself for being so stupid unfortunately for me the man in the black mask who was close to the bushes I hid in heard it. So I did the most instinctual thing anyone would do in my situation I ran and ran as fast as I could but he caught up to me and kicked me in the back. I felt so much pain from that single kick he then held my hands behind my back while sitting on me making sure to put all his weight on me in order to stop my body from moving. Still feeling the pain in my back I screamed *ahhhh somebody help!!!


[•General Pov•]

Our slime heard a plea for help he didn't immediately move to where the sound came from. He ordered scarlet to stay in his shadow then he ordered great sage to be on standby in case he couldn't handle the problem great sage would take over his body and fight. After everything was gone and done he decided go to where the sound came from. he moved as fast as he's slime body could take him.When he got there he hid in the bushes to get a visual view on the situation. He saw a teenage girl with a cut out shirt that exposed her bra, she was surrounded by a group of men wearing a shady black mask and a coat. The girl had truly given up, the fear in her eyes as she screamed for help,the despair she felt as she taught she would die at the moment he could see it but he waited. he waited for right moment to strike and there it was he activated [water blade] it slit the throat of the man who was holding the girl on ground. Blood sprayed upon the girl as she screamed in confusion and passed out from shock . The two other men were shocked and scared which was evident by their reaction.A moment ago their colleague was fine then suddenly a gush water just cut his head off. The two men turned their heads locate where the water came from only for their heads to roll down the ground. They were killed by our slime skill [sticky thread] . he proceeded to absorb one the bodies.

[•Slime Pov•]

After killing the other two with sticky thread I decided to use my racial skill [Absorb] which was a watered down version of unique skill [Gluttony] on one the bodies. Using skill [mimicry] which I got from training in the forest when I was bored I transformed into a 17year old rimuru I had deep blue hair and bright gold eyes that shone like stars. I carried the girl to my tree house. I begin to think about what just happened, I killed humans and I felt nothing. it felt completely normal like just stepping on an ant but when I killed the monster's in the cave it didn't really hit me. *sigh* it's almost dark . I *sigh* again thinking of what to do with this girl. I began to think about my goal in the future but what exactly is my goal, what exactly do I want to achieve in this new life is it to become the most powerful? no or is it to have as much fun as I want? no I will have fun but that's not my main goal, then what is my main goal? My goal my goal is to be free. Free of any sort manipulation of fate or destiny, free to do whatever I want with no rules and consequences of my actions. my goal is FREEDOM.TO BE TRULY FREE FROM EVERYTHING.

## Great sage-[ I am glad master has found his goal. memories of the previous owner of the body has been analysed Current timeline has been assessed.Master is in the year 1936. Two years before World War 2]

I see thank you great sage even if I've lost count of how many times I am grateful you. You still have my thanks.

##[ You are welcome master.]

I look out the window gazing at the stars in sky . I may not what's installed for me in the future but I do know this is just a new beginning of my life and I will live it well.


💨 I know it's been long but I was kinda busy with life, exams and school I simply don't have enough time. So please be warned this fanfic won't be updated regular. Peace✌️

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