I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
As the man dressed as a devil finished assembling his gear what appears to have been a walking cane split in two, he struck the wall sending sparks flying in my direction!
Wills eyes narrowed into thin slits as the embers came dangerously close to blinding him.
When he looks back the devil man seems to have disappeared, Will looks around when he becomes distracted by his own form.
He seemed to be covered in long straight fur that attached to a thick leathery hide.
Williams eyes widen and he looks at his body further with a growing sense of concern
His hands seemed to have elongated by several inches with his nails reminding him of sharpened obsidian and a deep red
He pauses...
Who had he hurt?
He looked at his torso and noticed he wasn't so uninjured himself; it felt like he had been hit by a car, no not a car, more like a steamroller!
at least the wounds are shallow..
Will scratches the top of his head for a moment when suddenly a flying knee hits him right in the eye!!
Daredevil used wills eyes as a springboard for a leap that took him far enough to grab a streetlamp and swing himself onto a Balcony where he disappears inside the building!
William squints his remaining good eye and chases
he gets a decent running start with just two powerful steps and launches himself through the door which explodes sending splintered wood flying every direction.
Daredevil is on the other side of the room waiting for me.
"Daredevil - if you are done monkeying around we can get serious now"
A vein forms under the fur on William's head, and he starts to charge, he swings his fist around wildly trying to catch daredevil off guard when..
Strobe Lights brighter than anything he had ever seen were flashing all around will causing his wild swing to miss and he tumbles to the floor due to his forward momentum
a wooden stick hit will in his arm, leg and his jaw which had been dislocated
knocking the ape unconscious.
"Daredevil gasped for breath" he had to exert himself a lot to put this oversized ape down he looks down at the ape and notices the ape starting to develop steam around its body that sprayed out in a hiss that reminded him of trains!
as will continued to shrink the copious amounts of hair simply fell off and disintegrated while his nails grew back under the sharp ones pushing the sharp objects until they fell with an audible clatter
wills elongated jaw seemed to deform and shrink
"Daredevil - that looks like it would hurt if he was awake" he holds his jaw in sympathy.
as will finally shrinks down back to his normal state daredevil just stands there hands on his hip confused...
"Daredevil - is he a demon or a mutant?"
he can't help but ask unknowing of the situation
He turns his head lightly to the left as he hears a stealthy shuffling on one of the nearby support beams clearly trying to get away unnoticed
"Daredevil whispers - spider brat appears to have been hurt, ill lecture him later he needs some rest"
Daredevil proceeds to tie up the unconscious will and retreat into the night
spider man can't help but thank his lucky stars that help arrived when it did, he was used to back-alley thugs and the occasional police chase but giant apes.. that's just crazy right?
spiderman chuckles
"Spider-man - the irony is not lost on me that i am a teenager with spider powers" he says swinging into the night hoping to return home.
unfortunately, the night is just beginning for young Spider-man
William wakes up in a daze, his head pounded like a hangover!
soon he finds the strength to rise from the couch he was resting on and started to look around
he hasn't taken a few wobbly steps when he heard the door open on the other side of the studio apartment!
William panics and puts up his guard obviously not knowing who had just entered and was ready for anything!
he notices the man continue approaching and figures he might as well strike first
William throws a punch unfortunately the man seems to have predicted its strength and trajectory and promptly dodged before he used his walking cane to trip the wobbly teen and proceeds to shoulder check him back into the couch
"Daredevil - that's no way to act towards the person who patched your wounds"
he pokes the mildly soiled bandages causing William to wince in pain and indignation!
William winces before looking the man in his eyes and saying with determination
"William - who are you!? where am I!? Are you some kind of wierdo?"
William points at the man who starts having dark lines over his forehead and is also starting to regret helping...
"Matt - my name is Matt Murdock and I am a lawyer"
he hands william a business card
"William - why would i wake up both unconscious and injured MR MURDOCK!"
he said flippantly!
"Matt - i was hoping you could tell me MR APE"
william paused with confusion clearly visible on his face
"William - What do you mean by MR APE?"
Matt sighs thinking it was too easy to think he would remember such a thing seeing as how much it changed him, he throws william a flash drive.
"Matt - Play it and get back to me I've got a case to manage so if you are able, you may return home!
will nodded, taking the flash drive and proceeded to step out when he paused
he turned around and thanked Matt for his help before running off into the night
Matt looks out from his giant window and sighs
"Matt - this is gonna be a whole thing i just know it"
matt turns around and proceeds to call it a night
william is lightly jogging through the city toward the parker residence, the cold night wind brushed past his skin giving him the chills..
"William - I should have brought a jacket"
will said as he started to hear sirens going off a few blocks away in another direction
"William - I may as well check it out, its already late"
spiderman is swinging through New York chasing a car that harbored one of the criminals from before
the man was driving wildly in a crowded night market when he suddenly loses control and swerves into a nearby light fixture
the driver door opens and a man with a large cut on his forehead comes out swinging his Beretta firearm into the crowd who immediately retreat a few steps
He points his gun at a sweet old man
"Ben Parker - I refuse"
a vein forms on the forehead of the criminal, he attempts to drag Ben out of the car who promptly begins to struggle and trying to grab the gun when...
A gasp echoed through the streets but before the crowd can do or say anything the sound of approaching sirens drew them from their dilemma
the criminal drags the old man's dying body out onto the pavement and drives off with the cops' mere seconds on his tail.
A sense of foreboding swept through Spiderman "now dressed as peter parker" as he neared the crowd which formed around the latest carjacking victim.
his breath stalled, his legs nearly buckled, and his face turned several shades paler once he finally saw who it was
"Ben - Peter.. i was worried and i came looking for you"
he coughed a small amount of blood but there was soon a puddle forming underneath his body
"Peter - Uncle ben you are going to be okay, you still got to take me to my first job as a professors assistant remember, I can't just show up without my favorite uncle!"
tears formed helplessly at the corners of peters eyes
he just lost his parents and now he may be losing his uncle ben, peters eyes shook as the possibility of losing another loved one dawned on him!
"Ben - Peter... ive seen.. the costume and ive.."
he coughed again
"Ben - Seen you do things.."
the light was leaving bens eyes quickly
"Ben - Remember.. With great power comes great responsibility"
he poined at peters mildly wounded body
Ben passed out and was going limp when a familiar hand grabbed ben from the back of his head and fed him something small and forced him to chew...
a few seconds pass when
"Ben - GASP!"