
Reborn As A Ring

On the border of a kingdom named Caradel in a deep and great forest a man could be seen running, being chased by a group of men wearing armor as arrows flew in the air. One striking true to its target striking the man in the shoulder nevertheless the man continued running. The man named Baranor, a young man who had orange eyes black hair and tanned skin with a slight scruffy beard was running for his life while thinking to himself. 'How did this happen?!' Baranor running out of air feeling exhausted, and the blood flowing from his shoulder running down his back mixing with his sweat, Baranor stared in front of him only to see a drop off nearly 100 meters in front of him. The men behind him also seemed to notice that Baranor was running out of time, as nearly every single one of them let out a grin, as they approached the edge Baranor slowed to a halt, as did the men behind him. "Give up prince! Just accept what's to come, after all the throne is no longer yours to inherit!" Said the man leading the soldiers "I will never! Not after what you did to my men, not after what he did to my father!" Baranor replied "Hmph! So be it, I offer you life just for you to accept death" The man stated "Life? Life! you offer me death now or later, do you really think i'd be stupid enough to hand over the throne after witnessing your coupe against my father!" Baranor replied "Hmm, it seems your unwilling even till the end, Very well, Archer's! Fire!" The man commanded Baranor was now stuck between a rock and a hard place either jump off the cliff to a seemingly doomed fate or accept the fate that the man in front of him was offering. As he thought what he should do he heard the command the man spouted feeling the stress of the situation and his adrenalin nearly running out he decided. He'd rather die by his own hands than give the man in front of him that satisfaction! As he thought this he immediately took a step back falling to his doom. The man not expecting this looked rather confused only for his face to twist into a grin. 'Finally! Good riddance my dear prince!' The man said as he looked as the boy fell through the tough branches of the trees below Baranor looking up at one of the men that betrayed him thought to himself 'Is this how i really die? Well what can i say, i tried, i gave it my all.......' As Baranor was accepting his fate he thought back on his life only to be filled with rage 'No! I refuse to accept this laying down! Quintin I will come for you! I will come for all those who dare raise their sword to their king! No matter what! even if i have to accept a deal from the devi-' that was the last thought Baranor had before he hit the ground When Baranor hit the ground he didn't even feel the pain, just the shock, as it traveled through his body as his eyes slowly blurred he built up all his will to not pass out 'I refuse! I have to keep moving!' Baranor thought as he turned his body over back up When Baranor was starting to lose hope he started to hear faint whispers as he looked at the direction the whispers came he saw a cave, almost as if the whispers were drawing him in he forced himself to crawl and keep crawling, no matter what Baranor refused to stop crawling. Finally when Baranor arrived to where he heard the faint whispers they became louder almost screaming in his head as he saw it, a ring, resting on what looked to be an ancient place holder for it. Baranor grabbed the ring and lay on his back as he gathered his strength and said "My Fate! Is my own!" As he slid the ring on his finger. -------------------- -Author here Just a quick disclaimer! This novel is heavily inspired by lord of the rings if you couldn't tell also it's because i only ever saw one other story on a ring.

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
16 Chs

Reborn As A Ring

In a dark cave, in a deep forest, on the border of an unknown kingdom, a ring shines brightly as if it was a beating heart the shine pulsates.

*Yawn* 'Damn how long was i asleep?' the being asks itself 

As is tries to stand up and look around to go get water it realizes it couldn't feel its legs or its hands in fact it couldn't feel anything.

'Hmmm what the hell?!' the being said

As it looked around it realized it was in a dark cave with the sound of water drops hitting the ground forming a puddle. The being tries to touch itself to see if it's still sleeping just to realize it couldn't even touch itself. In fact the being couldn't even feel itself breath or blink it was just as if it was dead as it began freaking out it started crying out for help. Only to be left with silence realizing the situation it was in, it thought it was kidnapped and tied up in a dungeon somewhere. 

'What the hell, is happening?!' the being screamed out just for no noise to emit

It started to freak out begging anyone for help until it felt tired of just mentally screaming.

'Ok calm down me! I need to at least see where I am or at least what I am.' The being said

'Actually, where am I, the last thing i remember i-' the being was trying to remember something but realized he couldn't

'Wait, who am i? Why can't i remember anything! Ok now I'm freaking out! Wait I can at least remember my name right?' The being thought as it tried harder and harder trying to remember its name

'HMMMM! Lu-Lunamir right?' Lunamir thought

'Well weird name for a guy, I guess, Wait am I a guy?'

'Actually what am I?' Lunamir thought as he looked over himself only to not even be able to see anything

'Well, that's not one bit helpful!' Lunamir thought

'Well, can I at least move?' 

Lunamir gave it his best to move it whatever way he could only to be met with silence and this pestering light that would emit from him sometimes.

'Wait a minute! I can emit light?' Lunamir thought as he tried to replicate it

Repeatably attempting to find out the reason he could emit light he figured out when he was trying to voice out his thoughts that it would emit a faint glow.

'Wait don't tell me I'm a light? Please god! Don't let me be a light!' Lunamir thought to himself

As Lunamir continued to experiment with himself and his environment seeing if he could somehow influence either himself or his environment, as time passed he couldn't tell if it was days weeks or months but grew bored slowly agonizing. Slowly he simply believed himself to be in hell with no way out and no way to even move, until one day an animal happened to come across the cave entrance which was by now covered in moss and overgrown weeds, A adolescent wolf injured came across him.

Lunamir looked at the wolf in fear 'God please don't let me get eaten by a wolf!'

As Lunamir thought this he emitted light making the wolf jump in surprise as the wolf began approaching him he started to shiver mentally even more. As the wolf approached Lunamir thought 'If only I had a body like that wolf I would be able to leave this dammed cave'

When the wolf touched him something amazing happened Lunamir heard a sound of burning as if someone was being branded and a sudden connection was created between him and the wolf.


-Wolf lvl 8 Branded

'What the f#%$ was that!' Lunamir thought

-Mercy panel opened


Name: Lunamir

-Title: The Ring of Light

-Level: 2

-Passive Mercy lvl 1: Increases all stats by 10%

-Active: Resilience lvl 1: 10% melee defense 50% Ranged defense 5 mana/per second

-Light of Salvation: Passive(Level: Max) Banished from death! increased base healing by 200% Active: heals the wearer by 50% max HP Cooldown of 24 hours(Level: 1) - Works on dominated beings as well

-Domination lvl 1: Being's dominated 1/50 Able to take 1 of the being's skills can decline 

-Lights Embrace lvl 1: Able to share stats or skills with beings dominated or of the rings choice


Skills Obtained: Rush lvl 3: increased move speed by 15% 15 mana/per second

Changed into: Stride of light lvl1: Increase move speed by 30% 5 mana/per second



-20 Str

-20 Dex

-20 Con

-20 Spr

-1 unallocated Skill Point!

-5 unallocated stat points!


'Woah what is this!' Lunamir thought in excitement

As Lunamir was about to see what all of the stuff he was seeing was he felt as if he had 2 different sets of vision and what was weird was he could see a ring out of the corner of one of the sets of vision. As he focused on that particular set of vision it almost appeared to zoom in as he looked around he realized he was controlling the wolf as he felt he could walk. Lunamir felt elated that he could move around, smell and touch things once more even if he was in pain. After a while Lunamir settled down and finally decided to take a look at what his true form was like and as expected from seeing his title, he was, in fact, a ring.

'Well, Damn would you look at that.' Lunamir thought

'Well at least I'm able to move around now!' Lunamir thought happily

After Lunamir settled down he set his eyes on the entrance of the cave ready to explore the outside no matter what awaited him, he was stern in his choice to move forward. As Lunamir was about to leave he realized he should probably do something about the rough shape the wolf's body was in. In fact the only reason Lunamir was crying in pain right now was the fact his senses were extremally dull and all he was really doing was commanding the wolf to move while not actually taking over its mind and body. As Lunamir was begging for help from the voice he heard to use the skill he saw to heal the wolfs body he heard no reply.

'Hmm I'm guessing this "Mercy panel" isn't a real being that can help me, well oh well, guess I have to figure it out on my own!'

Then began Lunamir's experimentation and eventually he figured it out he had to have the wolf touch his actual body and had to will a strange power within him to flow in the wolf and close up the wounds on the wolf. Although not 100% recovered it was to the point the wolf was able to move more efficiently without any real problem. Now Lunamir was ready to set fourth unto this uncharted land for him to explore and truly experience life for the first time in who knows how long!

Lunamir commanding his new wolf subordinate forward he left the cave to be greeted with a large magnificent forest. It looked to be a land filled with plenty of creatures of various sizes with plants that looked gorgeous he was in awe as what was outside of his little corner of the forest. As Lunamir was checking his surroundings he heard the wolf's stomach growl as he commanded his wolf forward to hunt the surrounding pray. The wolf ran straight towards and large field with what looked like to be bunnies jumping around, as the wolf slowly but surely crept its way into the field and finally pouncing on its prey! Lunamir seeing this felt kind of squeamish at the gruesome first hand sight of his wolf pouncing on its prey. 

'Well, that's pretty gross. Welp if you gotta eat, you gotta eat' Lunamir thought

While Lunamir was commanding the wolf to check its surroundings he was busy wondering in his mind, he suddenly had an idea.

'Wait how do I increase the level of this wolf?'

Out of curiosity Lunamir ordered the wolf to continue on hunting rabbits and eating them until it was full but Lunamir ordered it to continue to hunt prey no matter what it was and to simply bring it back to the cave. So after about an hour of it running around hunting things from bunnies to rats and even badgers, Lunamir called out to the mercy panel to see the wolfs level.

-Mercy Panel

-Wolf lvl 10

-Hp 235/250 Mp 60/60

-15 Str

-22 Dex

-13 con

-6 spr

-4 Unallocated stat points


Active: Rush: increases speed by 15% 15 mana/per second

Passive: Bite: increases force and ripping power of a bite by 25%

Lunamir looked at the wolfs stats pondering if he could some how use the unallocated stat point on the wolf and possibly himself. Commanding to wolf to come back to the cave it came running back to Lunamir as he began experimenting. While pondering what a level up even was, was it an increase of abilities and increase in capabilities, or perhaps something more simple like increasing the potential of a being. As Lunamir began checking the wolf he realized although not by much the wolf was slightly stronger and faster than before, however that didn't answer his question to the fullest as to what a level up was. Until something clicked for Lunamir as he thought it might just be an increase of capacity as he ordered the wolf to continue running until it couldn't any more and eat the animals it hunted when hungry and to run to the nearby river when thirsty and to sleep only when it needed to.

As the experiment continued for a few days Lunamir told the wolf to rest for the day as it looked to nearly breath a sigh of relief, which Lunamir found quite funny. Once again Lunamir opened the panel for the wolf to see any differences. As soon as he did he found that the wolfs strength went up 1 and his Dexterity went up by 3 stats. 

'So stats can be nurtured by simply training, so leveling up isn't the only way! However it still doesn't answer the question whether or not its an increase in capacity or an increase in potential!' Lunamir thought

So once again Lunamir the next day ordered the wolf to continue and as a few days passed by Lunamir saw little change to the wolfs stats. As it conformed his theory of levels increasing capacity not potential but now the question was.

'What are Unallocated stats then? To push the limits further or an increase or something else?'

As Lunamir was thinking about this he figured the only way to see was to try it out as he had the wolf touch its paw on the ring as Lunamir tried to figure out how to allocate the stats. Once Lunamir figured out how to do it he put 2 stats into strength and 2 into dexterity. The wolf immediately started to feel a change within it as it's legs started to slightly bulge forcibly stretching the wolfs muscles making it quite uncomfortable. After a little while the wolf started whimpering but calmed down after a while it rose to its feet and let out a howl.

Hello Author here hope you enjoyed the first chapter, just saying i am rather busy for the most part this was just a hobby i wanted to try a bit more. However i shall try my best to keep it going and who knows if it picks up in popularity i might be more motivated!

Soul_Monarch000creators' thoughts