
Reborn As A Nameless king

First why the fuck are you reading this seriously... the guy who wrote this shit was high as hell muther fucker was in Narnia sooooo ... don't expect an intricate story with rainbows and ... uni ... unicorns ? . . . this is 1000 % a parody . . . This is the story of a man who hates seriousness , this man ended up dying but thanks to this he went to a world full of adventures and stories ... follow this man as he gets high as hell and figures out what the hell is going on . . . This story is not serious... the main character will do a lot of comic shit that might not make sense ...and dont expecte a perfect storyline ...

God_Eyes_2975 · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

Fallen Kingdom of Azeroth: Part 3

(One image representing the chapter is going to be posted in the comments by the Autor)

In The Previous Chapter



Getting closer to the place, a green light came out from inside the place, thus illuminating the stairs that descended to the unknown that was this dungeon…

Faraam- Damn I just don't expect to have to use my newest toy on the boss of this dungeon … HAHAHA …. I hope ….




Calmly descending the stairs Faraam kept an eye on his surroundings, looking back to check the exit, he saw something he didn't like, a heavy fog blocked his only way to escape if he had to face a boss at the level of the fuck Mickey he's probably gonna die.

Faraam- Shit… Shit… System buy me a torch…

System- Of course player…

[- 500 ֎]

[You won torch x1]

In the adventurer's hand, a new light source appeared to help him see his surroundings in more detail…. After all, nobody knows what can be hidden within the walls of this place.

* Klunk! click! plunk!*

Faraam- What the fuck was this... fuck...

Walking a little more he could see a hand or what was left of it because there were only bones on the floor, the adventurer then looked in front of him and at the end of the stone corridor he was in it was possible to see two red dots that mixed with the intense fog of the place.

Faraam- Fucking hell … it probably is … Michael Jackson… is that you? ... have you come to kill demons? …

???-heee heee …

Faraam- 'Oh hell nooo'

System- 'wtf?'


A loud sound of what sounded like a sword being dragged across the ground echoed through the room , without hesitating Faraam threw his torch forward which revealed a skeleton covered with remnants of rotting flesh and some rusty pieces of armor ... which stood out the most it was his helmet that remained intact and made a cone shape on his head.

Faraam- This is so fucked up …


When the monster got close to the adventurer he didn't hesitate and launched an attack with his rusty sword almost hitting Faraam who dodged, and moved away from the dead quickly.

Faraam- Ahhh shit I'm going to have nightmares about this today… [Eye of Ashel]


Name: Former Soldier of the Farron Legion


Farron's Legion (Dead)

Race: Undead


HP: 6000/6000 MP: 2000/2000 (↓ 00)

Lore: One of the many members of the former Farron Legion that arrived on the mainland several years ago. This one seems to show obedience to the Legion even after death. Nobody knows why these soldiers disappeared… nor did they show up.

Faraam- [Gods Blessing] … let's get this over with quickly I have more to do… you malformed piece of fertilizer …

Faraam now with his spear in hand advances with a quick attack that hits the dead man's shoulder but the dead man didn't bother and attacked with the weapon he was carrying in his right hand, the adventurer seeing the weapon getting close to his face backed off again…

Faraam- What the fuck…

System- I must remind you that you are facing a being of the undead race, these beings do not feel pain or care to take blows and only stop their attacks when they are truly dead...

Faraam- I see… so I have to hit him… very hard ^^

With the new information he received he raises his spear and with all his strength pierces the skeletal head of the being making it turn to dust.

[you got 3000 xp]

[you received 500֎]

Faraam- So it's worth it… time to level up… Hehehe

3 weeks later

Next to a giant stone gate it was possible to see Faraam taking a dubious box from his backpack and making a cigarette with the contents inside, then he lit it and put it in his mouth, in front of him it was possible to see several mountains of the bodies and bones of the enemies he's faced in the past few weeks.

Faraam- Oh oh … tired but now I don't even get xp … damn system…

System- O ??? saw that you were leveling up very quickly and cut the xp on monsters in this dungeon…

*tsk tsk*

Faraam- That son of a great lady….

The man seemed to be eating the cigarette with his mouth as it was reaching its end.

Faraam- I think it's time to update my stats before I have to face Super Mario or the winx bitch behind this door… lucky bitch … system a question how many stat points do I have available at the moment?

System- ... you have 19500 stat points thanks to your Disneyland tour and also as you activated your racial ability sometimes I think you're going to get a bit … strong compared to what you were

Faraam- Damn … it was worth these 3 weeks hahaha I will distribute the stats now if not I will get a beating from whatever is behind this door …


Name: Faraam

Age: 18

Title: Reincarnated (+1 sp to all attributes) ↓

Universal Lucky Bastard (+1 luck)

Spear Emperor (+30% damage with any spear)

Race: Demigod ↓


Affiliation: Adventurers Guild (Rank A)↓

Exp: 46000/596 600

Posts (0) ↓


HP: 373900/373900 MP: 382800/382800 (↓ 00)

STR: 3789 VIT: 3739

DEX: 3891 INT: 3828

WIS: 3717 LUCK: 3685

Sp's: 0 (10 skill points level)

Faraam- Holly .. shit …hmmm I'm feeling it …[Skills]



Ashel's Eye (lvl 10/10) (30 MP)

Teleportation (5000 Mp)

Lightning Lance(lvl 125/300) (300 Mp)(damage x10)

Race skill:

Gods Blessing ↓ (100 MP)(+30%)(Gain 10% every thousand levels)

(Increases damage done by 30% for 3 minutes)



Player's Mind↓

(Makes you stay calm and logical most of the time)

player's body↓

(Makes the wearer live as if in a game)

Master lancer (100/100)

Race skill:

Gods luck ↓

(2 % chance to steal stats from dead enemies)

Faraam- I think I'm ready for what's over there...


System- ??? is making a call to you want to answer

Faraam- Now, how fucking boring... it can be, System

Message (???- I'll just say one thing … damn it … and I probably won't be available for a while good luck on your death….)


Faraam- I don't even say anything anymore … I hope he dies one day, runed over by a herd of turtles …


In front of a small group of figures that were made of light in humanoid form a pair of doors was opened and another being was present in what looked like a kind of courtroom.

???- Can you tell me why I was called here today?

???- Nitar you know very well what you did…

Nitar- I… I don't know anything Elkari

Elkari- Don't play the fool, you reincarnated that man's soul…

Nitar- I reincarnated many… I don't know who you are talking about…

???- We speak of the chosen by the dragon god and the spirit of the Arch-Trees… The Nameless King

Nitar- And what's the problem Tanath?

Hearing this, one of the figures got enraged and hit the table in front of him.


???- Nitar you know very well who he was now we want to know why you brought an enemy of ours back to life

Nitar- Come on you old folks, you look too much into the past why don't you have a little fun… Mr Vatir you're very angry…

Tanath- You still haven't answered our question Nitar

Nitar- AI AI AI … I reincarnated him because if his soul fell into the hands of other beings maybe it would be worse …

Vatir- What's worse… he'll regain his memories, then his power and he'll want revenge… and then he-

Nitar- He loses his life like in the past during the dragon wars… I think Gwyn would be happy to see his son killed by his sword a second time…

Elkari- Maybe he's right even if that child tries he won't succeed and even if he started to get too strong, we can always send a 'player' to deal with the problem...

Nitar- I hope you understand what I did if his soul were to end up with the dragon god I doubt we would still be here...

Elkari- He's right…

Vatir- …

Tanath- Yes…

Elkari- So it's decided, Nitar … you will watch him and report everything he does …

Nitar- Yes … as you wish

Vatir- We will not tolerate mistakes, Nitar

Without wasting any more time, Nitar left the place, leaving the elders to think about the matter…




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-Jonathan Coffins

‘Remember before jumping off the bridge, it was a pair of horns she put on your head not a pair of wings

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