
Reborn As A Marine Fodder

Jeffery led a sad life, he had no drive, no goals, no ambitions, he was just waiting for it all to end, and one day his wish came true. After being hit by a truck, Jeffery found himself in another world, one he was familiar yet unfamiliar with. "....Am I in One Piece? But why am I a fodder Marine!" --------------------------------------------- Don't ask me about harem/no harem, I'll see how the story progresses and decide at the appropriate time. (even though that shouldn't really be relevant anyway unless the focus on this was R18 or romance which its not) Along with the last point no R18 there are enough fanfics with that shit, and frankly y'all can just usethe actual sites you bunch of degenerates. This isn't too serious read it if you want, no one's forcing you too so don't come raging at me if its not to your tastes, but I always welcome a negative review as long as its constructive. Lastly I obviously don't own the cover, or One Piece or any other franchises or works of fiction that may appear in this fanfic. That is all.

DrunkenFever · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 8 Red Blood

Today like any other day, Rak was finishing up his daily task. He then went back to the inn and was about to go to bed, when he remembered something. 'I just got my paycheck the other day, maybe I should buy some regular clothes with it.'

With that thought Rak grabbed his money which he had stuffed under his mattress, and went out of the inn. Due to his tasks he knew approximately where everything was, so he swiftly made it to the only clothes shop within Stork Town.

"Hello?" As Rak entered a voice came from the counter. There was a young lady who Rak assumed to be in her 20s with long brown hair and blue eyes. "Ah you're one of the new marines." She continued while sizing Rak up.

"Eh ya, do you have any clothes my size." Rak asked as he looked around. While his size at the moment wasn't too absurd, the Blues were much more regular in comparison to the Grand Line and New World when it came to size. 'Then again I am tall by my old world standards but its nothing ridiculous even there, here it should be even more normal.' Rak concluded, but the lady soon brought him back to reality.

"For you, we should have some clothes. The people here aren't that tall so we don't typically have many items in your size." She explained, before walking off. "Give me a second." She continued before disappearing into another room.

A few minutes later she came back with various items of clothing. There was a red shirt, some blue trousers, what Rak assumed to be a black jacket, there was also a pair of yellow shorts. "This should be it." She declared while spreading out the clothes.

"..." Rak was stunned, but he couldn't do much about it. 'If only Kin'emon was around when you needed him.' Rak thought in dismay. He then picked the red shirt and the blue trousers before paying for them. He then left the store and went back to his inn.

But, just as Rak was about to begin his training, a loud sound echoed throughout Stork Town. "PIRATES!" Rak heard a scream, and he immediately rushed out of his Inn. Before he was a Chore Boy, now he was a Seaman First Class so of course he had to go fend off the pirates.

Rushing out of the inn, multiple marines also exited soon after him. They then began to fan out to protect as much of the town as possible. Rak on the other hand rushed straight to the port. 'If I can beat them before they even land then there's no point in fanning out.' He thought as he closed in on the port.

Less than a minute later arrived, just as 10s of pirates descended from their ship. "Hehe, we're the Red Blood Pirates! What marine dares oppose us?" The pirates cackled while pointing their weapons towards Rak.

'Not even a pistol? Promotion here I come!' With that thought Rak shot forward at immense speed. His now 50 Agility was nothing to scoff at after all. Rak's fist closed in on a pirates face slamming into him and throwing him 10s of meters away into the sea.

Seeing this the other pirates began to shit themselves. 'Seems Lvl 6 Punch is a bit of over kill, then again a Lvl 5 Punch when I had half my stats could obliterate a notorious pirate here in the South Blue.' Rak pondered briefly before dashing towards another pirate. This time he held back his strength for fear of accidentally killing a pirate.


The pirate grunted as Rak's fist slammed into his chest. He was likewise sent flying but not as violently at least. While began beating up the pirates, the other marines weren't simply wasting time. "Guys Rak's already beating them up lets help him out!" A marine shouted rallying his companions.

Just like that the marines began to surround the near 100 pirates. "This isn't like what the boss said.... were just meant to pillage a part of this village and run before the Captain responded who's this freak!?" A pirate mumbled in dismay before falling backwards.

"Who am I? I am just a Marine Fodder!" Rak replied before defeating another pirate. Unfortunately, things wouldn't be so easy for Rak. "Captain Red Blood!" The pirates screamed in joy as a man descended.

He was about 3 meters tall, with a blood red beard and hair. His eyes were likewise of that colour. "Hmph! I thought only Captain Tyrone was a possible threat here." Red Blood grunted locking eyes with Rak.

"I am Captain Red Blood of the Red Blood pirates, you?" Red Blood asked as he held a gigantic sword in hands. "Seaman First Class, Rak." Rak replied, while he may be a fodder, he needed to put this man in his place. 'Do you think you're worth a Captain taking action? Well you actually might be but now that I am here don't even think about it.'

Captain Red Blood then hefted his large sword before swinging it in a wide arc towards Rak. The sword was actually quite fast, despite its large size. Rak quickly ducked under the sword before dashing towards Captain Red Blood.

But, before Rak could close in Captain Red Blood abruptly stopped the motion of his sword, before kicking towards Rak. 'Fine you want to clash?' Rak punched out at full force towards the incoming foot.


As fist and foot collided a large sound spread out throughout Stork Town. On the other hand the two who caused such a commotion merely took a step back as they locked eyes with one another. "Impressive." Captain Red Blood acknowledged Rak's strength. "You're not so bad yourself." Rak replied before charging towards Captain Red Blood once again.

In response the Captain's sword came swinging vertically downward. Rak shifted to the side before continuing ahead, this time he had managed to get through the Captain's defenses. Slamming his fist on his abdomen, the Captain was sent back a step as his grip on his sword loosened.

'How is he so strong?' The Captain was completely shocked by Rak's strength. Unfortunately for him, this opening was all Rak needed. Rak began to punch again and again, each slamming against Captain Red Blood's abdomen.

After about a minute Rak stopped, letting out a long breath. "Thud." Captain Red Blood fell to his knees as he dropped his sword. "Crack!" Rak's fist slammed against his face finally knocking him out. "Just in case." Rak muttered before blowing on his fist.

Seeing this the pirates lost all hope, while the marines rejoiced about their victory. "RAK! RAK! RAK!" They chanted before beating up the pirates and detaining them.



Defeat Pirate Captain Red Blood (Complete)

Rewards: 200 Merits, Promotion to Petty Officer
