
Reborn as a lord of change (dropped)

note I am new to this so I it might bad but I will improve so give advice disclaimer the worlds or characters are owned by their creators for example batman owned by dc comics karios dies in a freak accident and is send to another world with new changes, can karios weave his fate to live or a pawn to a greater game?

Valentino_666 · Videospiele
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22 Chs

chapter 20 carnival of madness

(sorry for late update, I making a story board for the book and watched Morbius it was a good film)

Now to might be wondering what has kairos been doing while Tony had to face his own fights.

Kairos after flying for a while sees a sign "The City of Tomorrow" Metropolis Kairos not surprised by their just being an unknown city appearing Kairos see Metropolis it looks like New York but better. In addition Kairos in his human form see news papers flying telling about the hero Superman, the city is also home to other superheroes.

Kairos see both the Daily Planet newspaper and global corporation LexCorp Industries. Kairos explores the city seeing the big buildings, Kairos see a map of the city it's Situated on the coast of Delaware, Metropolis is just across the bay from Gotham City, New Jersey; its sister city. Kairos after exploring metropolis went to Gotham city and soon as he went in area of Gotham.

Kairos saw the tons of smoke into the air. This makes the skies grey during the day, and the night sky totally black, Kairos walks in Gotham and see the dark and foreboding place rife with crime, grime, and corruption. kairos goes and choose to explore Gotham, after exploring the city can Kairos sits on the Wonder Tower and transforms back into his original form.

Kairos opens his eye and then smile and says" something great going to happen" then boom a Building is blown to bits and laughter is heard through out the area. looks closer using his magic, Kairos see a man who's appearance was that of a very tall and very thin man with bright green eyes, a long sharp chin, a pointy nose and an unusually wide smile. He was identified by his white skin, green hair and red lips, which made him look like a clown, though it seemed that he had painted his lips to give himself a clown smile in order to make his smile even wider than it already was.

then a man in a batsuit fight this clown only to get thrown out of the window the man is forced to fight this big person, Kairos watch the fight that unfolds and its goes at a fast pace by stopping due the attack of police helicopters, The helicopter are shoot down by the bane's men.

bane launches a rocket behind and joker leaps wildy to into the air due to the the knock back of the rocket, and batman chases him and jumps off and grabs the joker and they fall together as they get up joker asks a batman "Now...Why? Why? Why would you do that?", "Newsflash: I'm the one who's trying to kill you!" then shoots his gang members, "Those were two VERY bad men. The things they've done...You really don't want to know. They deserved death-just like me."

the police tell batman to freeze and joker replies "I think he's talking to you." and batman graples up. Kairos saw the act and transforms to a police officer to watch the show more. the officer says " that believe that guy escaped" the joker replies "Who?" "your partner freak" the joker says"My partner!?" then the joker replies "You know, officer...I was wondering the same thing myself." they see the joker's green eye glare at the sky.

we see the joker getting taken to black gate the joker in his temporary cell he then introduced by a doctor the joker asks a question "Tell me something dear-have "you" ever had a really bad day?" the doctor replies "what do you mean by that?"

then shows joker on a stage doing stand up comedy "You of all people should know- there's nothing so CRUEL as MEMORY." while the joker is talking there at tv statics of similes "The pointy, bitey little THUNDERBOLTS. Unwanted party crashers, SCREAMERS through your synapses." then its shows a joker getting booed off stage while throwing weapons of sorts and the joker is panicking "Inescapable, unrelenting...not at all friendly. You can't even escape into MADNESS!" The joker fall on his knees then runs off the stage.

The joker fight people that made from his imagination while talking to the doctor "And then you meet someone who changes your life-And you feel that you don't even know who you are anymore. Isn't it funny how one encounter can CLEAVE off little pieces of your past, DEFORM your memories and persona until you rethink your whole identity - and as you realize how foolish it all is - your LAUGHTER reverberates off the walls of your own emptiness."

The doctor weirded out asks the joker "okaayyy... i'm going to need more specifics. how about we do a word association." the joker replise in a happy mood "That sounds...delightful."

"Acceptance" the joker replied "Now that's a little trite, isn't it?" then the joker answers "My favorite stage." With a simile the doctor replies "O.K. one more this time be a little more serious with this for this one" "fate" Then it shows joker in a red hood costume told by gangsters to move and the joker walking while talking. "You want to know something funny? I used to think of Fate as EVIL-predetermined-not by some higher power, but by the rules of human NATURE. But tonight, that's all changed." "Have you ever had the feeling that your entire life has been building towards this one moment?" "Well now, yes. Now I realize that all the BATTLES, the BAD DAYS, the BRUTALITIES- it was all the hand of Fate at work."

Its shows the joker fall then walking thought a carnival of sorts "Absolutely. Now I understand. There are no chance encounters. It was all meant to be. Everything leading up to who I've met tonight!" The doctor asks" so you've met someone special?" the joker replies"Yes. And you might say it's changed EVERYTHING."

The doctor replies back "everything?" the joker answers "Absolutely. I mean, do you realize what a vile world we live in? its shows the joker walking looking at clown that breath fire "How lonely it is to wade through all the wretch and filth on your own?" The doctor says" it kinda lonely, isn't it?" the joker answers "Of course. Of course! You understand! Even in a crowd of other screwballs, you're so alone that you can kick, claw, yell, scream at the top of your lungs-and no one cares. It's like you don't even exist. I feel..."

The doctor asks "And how does that make you feel?" Then shows the joker throwed into a pit of chemicals, The joker answers "I feel adrift- floating -like someone's pulled the stopper on my reality and I'm SUCKED down the drain into something new. It's all very exciting really. You wouldn't know what that feels like, I'm sure." then shows a joker crawling out of the chemicals and looking into a puddle of water.

The doctor replies " i might actually.. can you tell more about this person that makes you feel?" The joker answers "It's like meeting someone I can actually relate to-...which believe me, dear, I've NEVER felt before." Then show the batman jumping out of the puddle and then flashbacks to they were falling "You understand. You're someone who's not afraid to let go-and fall."

"Free falling. And I didn't pack a chute.", "Do you know what I mean?" The doctor replies " Yes i do actually","I figured you would." The doctor asks "may i ask who is this person?"

"Someone very, very special, but whose real name I don't even know yet!" The doctor replies " My names Harleen Harleen Quinzel" "What a pretty name. Do your friends call you Harley?" harleen answers "oh i don't have a lot of friends" The joker answers "Well, Harley, you got one now."

i know the chapter was late am sorry but here one now.

Like it ? Add to library! Also Creation is hard, cheer me up!

bye ;)

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