
Reborn as a lord of change (dropped)

note I am new to this so I it might bad but I will improve so give advice disclaimer the worlds or characters are owned by their creators for example batman owned by dc comics karios dies in a freak accident and is send to another world with new changes, can karios weave his fate to live or a pawn to a greater game?

Valentino_666 · Videospiele
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22 Chs

chapter 11 WW2

( also some of you don't know what a lord of change does well are greater demons, Lords of Change tend to work behind the scenes, pulling puppet strings from the shadows. so of course they might do war crimes and lie that what they do and the protagonist was once human so might want him to good time to time. for those who get it thanks)

Kairos gets up and looks at his book and the tome opens up and a maelstrom of magic pours out shows a unique a event in history ww2 it show the forces of Germany taking Poland starting the event Kairos expresses his thought out loud in huis room "If start ww2 join Germany for a bit and backstab them and join the others sides, but there many things in this world I don't know about because god was real and ect. I will have to be cautious from now on"

Kairos teleports to Germany appearing an office of sorts and hitler picture hanged on the wall and the tome of destiny reveals how Hitlers rise to power, It begins in 1919, when he joined the German Workers' Party that became the Nazi Party. With his oratorical skills and use of propaganda, he soon became its leader. Hitler gained popularity nationwide by exploiting unrest during the Great Depression, and in 1932 he placed second in the presidential race. Hitler's various maneuvers resulted in the winner, Paul von Hindenburg, appointing him chancellor in January 1933. The following month the Reichstag fire occurred, and it provided an excuse for a decree overriding all guarantees of freedom. Then on March 23 the Enabling Act was passed, giving full powers to Hitler. When Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934, the chancellorship and the presidency were merged, and Hitler secured his position as Führer ("leader").

(current date now September 3, 1939, Germany)

After learning some valuable information from the tome Kairos walks out from the office and enters the hall where Kairos is crouching to fit though the doors and hallways. Kairos able to see the future finds where the führer is Kairos smashes though humiliated by the tiny doors and hallways. Hitler scared by the beast before him no demon try to run, but Kairos stops him magic Hitler gazes upon its eyes twisted prisms of pure magic hitler begins to feel him sanity shred and reason slip away. Faced by a being of change incarnate, bedrock beliefs crumble and twist, and his mind seeks firm purchase in vain. even more terrified but this unknown and supernatural creature right in front of him. Hitler begs for his life Kairos stops the magic temporarily and Kairos looks in at Hitlers scared face Kairos sees hitler's soul its opened like a book, revealing his hopes and ambitions , and also his the truth of his ultimate failure or success.

Kairos similes and tells hitler his offer " l will give you power so that you can bring all of the German people under one rule, and also take countries likes its nothing for all those who thought of you as a useless person and change the countries policies on art make so everyone can see how great you are! but you will give me something when the time comes so will you accept" Hitler thinks of the offer but know he might die it doesn't accept the offer. Hitler tempted but the offers of the being he takes it with ambition.

Kairos pleased tells hitler that "he should start a hate campaign on jews or any one who was not white as a reason to get the proper means to get profit for war and debt", confused how that will work asks kairos answers and says " their is already a prejudice to them and discrimination towards them", Hitler shocked by this plan to get more money fro war. (note when hitler was in party's, he supported war for redeem its self from ww1 I think)

Hitler did the campaign and got many supporters and issued a military group with the help on Kairos hitler has a big following of his ideals. Kairos told hitler to be read. hitler walked to the Kroll opera house which was a meeting for the Nazis Hitler walked up and prepared his speech and in and out slowly. he begin the speech

"For hundreds of years Germany was good enough to receive these elements, although they possessed nothing except infectious political and physical diseases. What they possess today, they have by a very large extent gained at the cost of the less astute German nation by the most reprehensible manipulations.

Today we are merely paying this people back!, what it deserves....

Above all, German culture...is German and not Jewish, and therefore its management and care will be entrusted to members of our own nation...Europe cannot settle down until the Jewish question is cleared up.

...We must once and for all get rid of the opinion that the Jewish race was only created by God for the purpose of being in a certain percentage a parasite living on the body and the productive work of other nations.

Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe. The speech served a purpose of a public declaration of war against Poland and thus have the commencement of World War II (Germany did not submit a formal declaration of war to Poland). ( Also Hitler had Parkinson's disease.)

Germany launched the surprise attack at dawn on September 1, 1939, with an advance force consisting of more than 2,000 tanks supported by nearly 900 bombers and over 400 fighter planes. In all, Germany deployed 60 divisions and nearly 1.5 million men in the invasion. From East Prussia and Germany in the north, and Silesia and Slovakia in the south, German units quickly broke through Polish defences along the border and advanced on Warsaw in a massive encirclement attack.

Poland mobilized late, and political considerations forced its army into a disadvantageous deployment. The Polish army also lacked modern arms and equipment, had few armoured and motorised units, and could deploy little more than 300 planes, most of which the Luftwaffe destroyed in the first two days of the invasion it was a nightmare a one sided slaughter,They defeated Poland and took over and made fort defences so no one could take it back. Kairos see the successful raid, Kairos checks his tome once again and it saids something the caught Kairos by surprise [ The making of captain America in June 22, 1943]

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