
Reborn As a Goblin With Simulation System

After Dick Grayson's untimely demise, he found himself reborn, not as a human, but as a goblin - frail in stature yet lustful and cunning by nature. A newfound life greeted him with an unusual twist: the Goblin Life Simulation System. This system, ethereal and mysterious, offered him a choice that would shape his new existence. "Congratulations, you have traversed the boundaries of a new worlds," a voice, as old as time itself, echoed in the void around him. "Before you start the simulation of rebirth. Please select your birth mother from these options: A. Saint of the Holy See of Light, a beacon of purity and grace. B. Daughter of an Imperial Noble, born into a life of privilege and power. C. A Seductive and Charismatic Succubus, whose allure is matched only by her cunning. D. A Pure Forest Elf, one with nature and the ancient magics of the forest. Choose wisely, for each brings its own destiny." The air around Dick seemed to shimmer with anticipation, the weight of his choice palpable in the stillness. "Now, select your place of birth," the voice continued, its tone imbued with an air of solemnity. A. The Large Goblin Lair, teeming with life and the harsh struggles of goblin society. B. The Giant Goblin Lair, a place of fierce warriors and unyielding survival. C. The Goblin King's Lair, where intrigue and power plays abound. D. An Ordinary Goblin Lair, humble yet filled with opportunities for the cunning. Each option seemed to unfold in his mind's eye, vivid and distinct, beckoning him to make a choice that would set the course of his new, otherworldly life. #Reborn #Goblin #Elf #+18 #Adult #Magic

Rqmk · Fantasie
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154 Chs

A Goblin's Nemesis!

"Goblin Slayer!"

Concealed within the dense foliage of the tree, Dick's eyes were fixed on the distant scene unfolding in the village. There, he saw the formidable Goblin Slaying Knight, clad in indestructible heavy armor, wielding deadly weapons, his attacks ruthless and precise. This was the nemesis who had plagued Dick in his previous simulations, the natural enemy of all goblins.

Dick was taken aback by this early encounter with the Goblin Slayer. Although the simulation had hinted at his appearance, Dick hadn't expected it so soon, reminiscent of previous experiences.

Observing the battle, he saw Gobta, the Goblin Warrior, struggling against the Goblin Slayer's relentless assault. The Goblin Slayer's C+ level combat power was overwhelming, evident from the defeated goblins strewn around him.

To Dick's concern, the Goblin Slayer had an ally this time—a human girl priest. Her presence alone significantly augmented the Slayer's capabilities. With her support, the Slayer was impervious to the goblins' stealthy tactics, and her divine prayers swiftly healed his wounds.

"Ho! Goblin Shaman!" came a desperate call from Gobta. His shield lay in shards, destroyed by the Goblin Slayer. Panic-stricken, he summoned Dick for aid.

Dick, hearing this, knew Gobta wouldn't last much longer. However, his trepidation about confronting the Goblin Slayer caused him to hesitate.

After a moment's deliberation, Dick decided to intervene. If Gobta fell, he risked facing the wrath of his birth mother, Kyle, back at the lair—a prospect he was keen to avoid.

He turned to the eight Goblin Imps chattering in the clearing. "You, get the surviving goblins to retreat with the captured village girls. Don't engage in combat!" he commanded.

"Jie Jie Jie!" The imps cackled mischievously, quickly scattering towards the village.

Dick donned his jet-black robe, summoned a massive vine, and swiftly navigated to the battlefield on its rapidly growing tendrils.

"Finally, he's here!" Gobta, amidst the fierce battle, noticed Dick's dramatic entrance and felt a surge of relief. He narrowly dodged the Goblin Slayer's strike and repositioned himself, ready to fight alongside Dick.

The Goblin Slayer, too, was drawn to Dick's grand arrival. The eyes within his helmet narrowed, glowing with a sinister scarlet light. "It's... the Goblin larva from last time!" he recognized Dick instantly, recalling the elusive goblin who had evaded his attack in the previous encounter.

"Beast!" the Goblin Slayer growled, readying himself for the impending confrontation.

"Goblin Slayer!" Dick murmured, his eyes narrowed as he watched from his hidden vantage point in the tree.

The Goblin Slayer, still fueled by a deep-seated anger over Dick's previous actions against his mother, the dark elf, was a formidable sight. Clad in indestructible armor, wielding his weapons with lethal precision, he embodied a cold, calculated terror.

As the Goblin Slaying Knight prepared his bow, Dick swiftly leaped away from the vine he was perched on, landing agilely on the ground. He had anticipated an immediate attack and had prepared himself for this confrontation.

Reunited with Gobta, Dick noticed the warrior's bruises and injuries. "Where have you been!" Gobta roared, clearly frustrated with Dick's earlier absence.

Without a word, Dick transferred vitality to Gobta, channeling the energy of the vine into the Goblin Warrior's body. Gobta's wounds began healing rapidly, leaving him in disbelief. "No... unbelievable!" he gasped.

"Focus, or Goblin Slayer will kill you," Dick cautioned, pulling Gobuta back to the reality of their perilous situation.

Goblin Slaying Knight, seeing the rapid recovery of his opponent, felt a surge of confusion and concern. How had his adversary healed so swiftly? Recalling the green orb in Dick's hand, he realized it must be a healing method. "I didn't expect him to become such a troublesome Goblin Shaman," he thought, recognizing the significant progress Dick had made.

Determined to prevent Dick from becoming a greater threat, Goblin Slayer readied himself for a serious confrontation. "Power blessing!" the human girl priest called out, preparing to empower the Slayer. But Dick, quick to act, sent a vine shooting towards her, disrupting her spellcasting and forcing her to flee.

Frightened, the young priest looked warily at Dick, who threatened, "If you don't want to be taken back to the goblin lair, be careful."

This threat triggered a wave of fear in the priest, haunted by memories of her friends' horrific fate at the hands of goblins.

Goblin Slaying Knight, noticing her distress, felt a chill. He knew the defense of the village was likely compromised. He glared coldly at Dick, who sensed the danger in his stare.

Aware of the Goblin Slayer's potential hidden weapons, Dick knew he had to act cautiously. He couldn't risk a direct confrontation yet, not without jeopardizing the mission.

Dick decided to retreat, observing the situation carefully before making his move. The young priest and Gobta, confused by his actions, remained behind.

"What are you doing!" Gobta shouted, his anger mixed with fear of the Goblin Slaying. He too decided to leave, realizing the risk was too great.

Left behind were the girl priest and the Goblin Slayer, along with the village from which most of the girls had been abducted.

"Mr. Goblin Slayer, shall we pursue them?" the young priest asked timidly, her fear of Dick evident in her voice.

Goblin Slaying Knight, lost in thought , didn't respond but silently turned away, signaling a retreat. He knew this wasn't the time to confront Dick; more preparation was needed for their inevitable next encounter.