
Reborn as a Dragon Slayer in Draconic Deus

You know the drill by now, someone dies on earth and gets reincarnated in another world, more times than not, one they're familiar with. The same thing is happening again, only this time with a small twist. Imagine reincarnating as a Dragon Slayer in a world where dragons are the apex beings. Tune in and witness the adventures of a Dragon Slayer in the Draconic Deus. Disclaimer: I own nothing apart from my OCs and story progression. All rights are reserved by Hiro Mashima & Ichiei Ishibumi

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39 Chs

Power Ranks and OCs

1. MC:

Name: Natsuhiko Haruki

Age: 15

Race: Draconic Human

Height:~ 6'3"/190cm

2. MC's mother:

Name: Natsuhiko Hanabi

Age: 37

Race: Human

Height:~ 5'9"/175cm

3. MC's father:

Name: Natsuhiko Nadeyoshi

Age: 35

Race: Human-Yokai hybrid (Bear)

Height: ~6'9"/205cm

4. Name: Angela Strauss

Age: 17

Race: Angel (Reincarnated)

Height: ~5'11"/180cm

Power Ranks:

All ranks are divided into low, mid, high and peak.

Low Rank

Middle Rank

High Rank

Ultimate Rank

Satan Rank/Minor God Rank/L-M Dragon King

Super Rank/Major God Rank/H-P Dragon King

Heavenly Dragon

Dragon God