MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, Alderi Settlement Azir'Ymir/Battlefield Frost Eldar vs. Carnage Forces
Jar Zera was leading her enlighten bretheren to slaughter the shi'lanorai that they despise in the name of Alka'lkarnak, her forces were either attacking the barbaric frost eldar with psychic attacks or gun shots from shuriken pistols and catapults.
Some of the shi'lanorai were greatly affected by their psyker powers, one of the reasons that most of the alderi, despise the accident that they saw the shi'lanorai as, Jar Zera in particular felt untold hatred towards them and their blatant distant towards the gifts the eldar the powers of the Warp, the connection to the Webway and more the desire to wipe their race away fueled her twisted lust for destruction and bloodshed, sensing this plus the still remain warp-energies of the decrease Warpstorm started to change and mutate the corrupted seer.
Underneath her wraithbone armor, her skin was starting to gain tones of purple, and growing lumps on her arms and head were starting to form but the greatest trait of Carnage corruption was the mark of carnage burning itself onto her chest while painful for her the power and sensations of Carnage surging through her being.
She raised her right sword high as she surged her new power, coating the blade in chaotic energies as the ghostsword started to mutate with the Carnage power she was pushing through it turning burgundy and blade with the crystal breaking open into a mauve colored maw cover in sharp fangs, once the ghostsword became a Carnage Blade she swung it unleashing a arcof light violet energy soaring towards the shi'lanorai.
Crystallyl seeing the incoming energy arc, she jumped high, using her ice powers as she smashed her Skathi onto the snow and rock of the ground, as the ice bended to her will she created a huge spiked wall of ice, spreading around her becoming stronger and stronger the more Crystallyl channel her ice powers and chants the special spell to enhance her power, and what she desire at the moment which is protection.
Jar Zera's arc struck Crystallyl's ice wall, the majority of the force and power was focused on the wall she made, but it took some effort to maintain it as the corrupted seer's attack was but at the end seeing their princess struggling and in danger the cryowitches and cryomages began chanting in the shi'lanorai tongue and channeling their ice power to her, further empowering Crystallyl's wall to hold against Jar Zera's energy arc.
As the corrupted alderi made their way to their enemy and Jar Zera saw her attack, being thwarted only fueled her rage as she double her efforts to reach the incoming army of the Shi'lanorai princess.
Once they saw their princess safe, and the rest of their bretheren of Ice Warriors and Snow Hunters were rushing ahead, the Cryomages remained while the Cryowitches charged ahead with rest of their warriors.
The ice warriors, snow hunters, and cryowitches were eager to spill the blood of alderi regardless of them being loyal or traitor.
Snow Hunters were the first to reach the corrupted alderi warriors armed with ghostsword or spear as several of these wolf pelt wearing frost eldar immediately clashed against their enemies fighting in close combat, while some hunters used their agility to dodge their enemy's first strike and swung their ice-axes either cutting down the prey or chopping off a limbs these were corrupted alderi without any psychic power or driven so insane that they only care for close combat but could not match the physical abilities of the shi'lanorai.
The corrupted guardians preferring ranged combat were shooting at the shi'lanorai, killing some hunters and huntresses that were fast enough to dodge their shots, but then came their more armored heavy infantry, the Ice Warriors.
Their sharp disk projectiles of their shuriken firearms weren't doing any sort of damage against the ice armored wearing frost eldar warriors as they charged, ignoring all shots that hit them.
One ice warrior rushed straight a Chaos Eldar, still shooting at him with a shuriken catapult, before the eldar could react the ice warrior dealt a deadly thrust of his ice-spear breaking through the chestplate of the wraithbone armor and stabbing into the corrupted eldar, the eldar he screamed in pain as the literal ice cold blade of the spear was in his chest, as his hands shuke and he tried to pull out the spear-tip soaking his wraithbone gauntlets in blood the ice warrior saw this and immediately using his superstrength pushed the ice-spear deeper as well as lifting the corrupted alderi bastard in the air before slamming him down on the snow, driving the spear deeper killing his weaker opponent.
Similar things happened to the other Chaos Storm Guardians and Corrupted Guardians who were facing off against the bulk, power, and durability of the shi'lanorai ice warriors as they cleaved and impale their enemies.
The cryowitches were unleashing their power and wrath upon the gobos, using ice needles, ice waves, and ice spikes on the slaughtering them by the dozen.
Several of these women charged straight into battle with crystal ice claws hungry for blood, as they slashed, gutted, and stabbed into their dirty green skinned prey, some tried to fight back against them but the weather and temperature was to their sole advantage as the [Call of Winter] has not only arrived to this area of the battlefield but make things much harder for the dwindling gobos.
This also greatly affected the Iron Kollarz weapons, as they never fought in extreme cold their used to hot, damp, dark, and nearly unsurvivable places but Kolbaline was never cold and they guns weren't built t handle extreme cold, not only that but the claws of the cryowitches were destroying their melee weapons as well as more gobos were slashed apart, or fell to their ice attacks.
While the gobos joined forces with the other sworn followers of Adrak'Maal (Laharl) the strength and savagery of the brown skinned eldars was too much, and the extreme cold didn't help the gobos all some were actually starting to fall death from the dropping temperature, while they try to fight on and slaughter in the Dark Harbinger and Havoc Queen's names they were losing to many to either the enemy or the cold.
So the gobo in charge, a Savage Marked which is what the most favored gobos are called amongst themselves, either from mutations or gift they are basically commanding bosses in battle, this multi-horned gobo saw that they were losing badly and after growling he order the remaining hundred gobos to retreat, to call the boys and gals in the base to open a portal for them.
While many still wanted to fight and riot, they're numbers and wounded were to great for them to actual do anything, plus their losing to many weapons trying to cut or break through these cold loving eldar, (shi'lanorai) but they practically useless against them, especially in their element so with how they hated it they agreed and followed the Savage Marked command, as they started to flee from battle while several of them pulled out a special vox-comminicator that only Iron Kollarz had and used, calling for an escape route from the boys and gals back in base.
Then, a violet and burgundy swirling portal appeared just beyond the location of the gobos as they all rushed through it while some shot at the cryowitches that tried to chase them, allowing them to all go through the portal in defeat.
With the gobos gone, the forces of Carnage have lost a lot of power and morale, but to many, they were surprise that their Dark God wasn't angry at them, in truth while the Dark One was annoyed in the eminent defeat of his mortal followers, at the same time he was gaining more as the battle continues he gained another potential Chaos Champion, new servants and a Daemon Queen in the making so his rage wasn't great...but two of his beloved brides that were watching the battle were furious and getting angry as the battle progressed.
The corrupted alderi were being massacred by the Bloodstained Snow Beasts, only around fifty or less of Jar Zera's forces remained the rest lay dead on the snow.
Jar Zera was clashing blades with Crystallyl if not for Chaos empowerment she wouldn't be able to up against the stronger Crystallyl.
Her Carnage Blade and Ghostsword were knocking away Crystallyl's Skathi swings, but of the two, one was more trained in close combat and considered one of the deadliest warriors in the shi'lanorai, as Crystallyl performed a powerful two-handed downward slash which Jar Zera had to block with her swords only for the uncorrupted one to shatter knocking her away, and unable to counter the [Icicle Blast] that Crystallyl did by swinging her light blue glowing ice-axe shooting a spray of sharp tiny needles at the corrupted seer.
Jar Zera was forced to use her right arm to protect herself barely as she was impaled by countless icicles, the stinging pain didn't let her see the shi'lanorai princess' next attack with a predatory grin Crystallyl ran towards her prey eager to claim her trophy, and kill a damn eldar seer as she leaped at Jar Zera her ice-axe drawn back to her thigh level, as she delivered a powerful horizontal slash that broke Jar Zera's gauntlet and chopped off her right arm.
Jar Zera screamed in pain, holding onto her right stub as it gush and poured out blood out the Ymirian snow, as Crystallyl walked up to Jar Zera with her ice-axe in her hands she spoke, "I thought you believed that alderi were better than my people? Ha!!! All I see is another broken weakling, thinking that their a true warrior and strong." with expressionless cold face as she raised her Skathi high and was about to bring it down upon her prey, when Jar Zera fueled by desperation and anger channel all the psyker power she could muster quickly unleashing a burst of psychic energy that knocked away Crystallyl as she screamed in surprise and was blasted some distance, seeing their princess could probably injured the bloodstained snow beasts, while they were eager to spill more blood Crystallyl always came first so they fallback to aid her.
Having managed to save herself and sensing her now meager forces come to her side, Jar Zera screamed in rage as the pain of her chopped arm still surged through her body.
Slowly, the Chaos Eldar Seer was standing up, wobbling towards her carnage blade in the snow and picking it up, as one of her psyker went to try and help her only for Jar Zera to swing the end of her sword's handle at the head of the fool, she was angry at everything and soon she'll die if she doesn't gain medical attention so just when she's about to give the order to retreat a portal same as the one the gobos escape through open next to their position and she heard a mighty, malignant, dark voice in her mind, "Servant of Carnage. Go. In my name, you'll ascend beyond the mortals. And weak Gods of the Alderi. Swear...swear...SWEAR ABSOLUTE FEALTY TO ME AND BE REBORN!!!" she knew this voice, this was a true God, his power was greater than Asuryan, this is Alka'lkarnak.
Jar Zera looked at her followers and swore to follow this Dark God for power, carnage, devastation, and much more ordering her forces to cross the portal the Carnage-touched Alderi have fully fallen to Chaos as they cross through the portal, and retreated from the battlefield as well.
Crystallyl groaned as she started to get up from the snow, looking around, she found her ice-axe Skathi reverted to its base form without her holding it, grabbing onto the leather wrapped handle it immediately surged with her ice powers and turned back to it massive ice blade form.
The psychic attack did affect her, but what really irated her is hearing only the sounds of the cold wind, as she saw her warriors rushing towards her in a cold voice she demanded to know what happened after she was knocked away.
An Ice Warrior explained with some iratation that their enemy have all fled Crystallyl closed her eyes and her face was expressionless but it demonstrated her feeling clearly she scream in absolute rage with her powers reacting to her rage, as the wind became stronger and violent, becoming a swirling ice storm in her mind all she could think was that her prey escaped her and has even managed to actually harm her physically and her honor these emotions were fueling her ice powers as frost blue runes started glowing all over her light brown skin.
All this surge of negative emotions was allowing more chaos with the Warpstorm weakening the veil of reality between the realms this allowed corruption to enter not only her but her warriors as they started to see into the void itself and saw humongous glowing eyes of violet and burgundy with edges of maroon color as the corruption enter the beings.
Crystallyl controlled her powers and smiled as things became clearer as she looked towards the barrier covered Azir'Ymir her smile, widened with eagerness as she remembered there was still two more prey to hunt.
Looking at her warriors as she felt the power and clarity within them, she rested her Skathi on her shoulder and started walking towards Azir'Ymir with her loyal warriors following behind her.
Location the Alderi Settlement-Azir'Ymir
The Chaos Sorcerer was unleashing his power and sorcery unto the psychic barrier around the xeno settlement, but the warpstorms of Carnage were fading faster and faster weakening his power at first the power of Carnage was devastating the barrier and the souls connected to it as he felt many young and old souls be snuffed out and claimed by the Dark One.
He expected the battle to end with his forces, mostly decimated as all he cared for was destroying Azir'Ymir and completing the mission that lady Cassandra tasked him or face suffering worse than death.
So he continued firing warp-lightning onto the barrier when he sensed two portals open in the battlefield area along with the total disappearance of all his forces...which only meant they have fled, they have lost the battle the sorcerer was so enraged that he failed to sense the creature stalking through the snow towards him.
Frostfang was in pouncing distance as the saberhorn beast watched his prey try to use some violet energy, which gave the great aline feline the desired moment to strike.
As the sorcerer tried to harness more power of the Warp, he felt a presence when he turned around he saw a massive blade horn, white sabertooth cat pouncing on him using his scepter to protect himself, he forced the beast's mouth away using his Chaosbrand as the beast tried to bite him, and using its immense strength to pin him down onto the snow as it swiped it claws onto his flesh leaving deep gashes.
Then he sensed the fast approaching xenos to his location with no other choice but to try to escape, the sorcerer channel his psychic might, through his scepter causing blue lightning to surge through the chaotic scepter and onto the saberhorn beast, Frostfang it wined and roared in pain as the sorcerer electrocute it, when he heard as gasp looking to his side he saw hundred of light brown skinned eldars, and a she-eldar with silver turquoise eyes wielding a greataxe in the front of the army, her face of shock and worry, which soon warped to anger as she rushed towards him.
Sensing the xeno's rage and bloodlust targeted towards him, the sorcerer using more psychic power to force the beast off, eventually the lightning and psychic force, forced Frostfang away as it roared and wined more, seeing the xeno nearly close enough to kill him the sorcerer quickly shifted his body to a kneeling position as he conjured a sphere of low powered darkness in his right claw but instead of shooting at the she-eldar, the sorcerer shot his lesser dark bolt at the beast blasting it away doing as he desired.
Seeing what he could tell was her pet, harmed she lost all attention to him and rush towards the damned beast, but he sensed the other eldar closing in along with the barrier losing power meaning more enemies, too many for him alone to deal with so he quickly teleported away, retreating and failing his mission.