
Ymir Part 6: The Shi'lanorai Join the Frey

(General POV)

Location Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, Alderi Settlement Azir'Ymir/Battlefield Eldar vs. Carnage Forces

The forces of Carnage have come to Azir'Ymir, sensing the strongest psychic source on the planet they opened a rift to that location and attacked just as Lady Cassandra commanded so they can take advantage of the eldar while the warpstorms were still manifested in Realspace.

They immediately did as she commanded and appeared through a rift to a battlefield, a bloody battle between the xenos that have been accepted by the Dark One, Laharl, or as the Carnage-touched xenos have come to name the Dark God, Alka'lkarnak against the infidels of Ymir, and like their dark masters have commanded Azir'Ymir must fall for them to take the Dark One prize, a facility with xeno gestation pods are being kept countless young alderi souls right for the picking, and for the claim of the Dark One.

While the Chaos Sorcerer is leading the attack on Azir'Ymir with the Iron Kollarz Gobos provided to him by the Dark Lady of the Gobos, Jade Emerlhyde, the sorcerer was surprised to see a xeno seer marked by his Dark God, kneeling and praising his forces as chosen of Alka'lkarnak.

The sorcerer ticked his tongue and immediately commanded the alderi seer named Jar Zera to obey him, and to give command of her forces to him which she did without a fight, with the number of his forces increased the Chaos Sorcerer gave the order to attack, as the gobos fired everything at the eldar along with the corrupted alderi firing along with them, this onslaught killed several eldar but some weak psykers and alderi seers were using sorcery to try to either fight them or defend against their assault.

Enraged the sorcerer began to gather his power and bend the ruinous forces of carnage and darkness to use the Carnage/Dark Spell: Dark Bolt on the enemy.

As the black and purple orb of pure darkness was being formed over the sorcerer's head, when a surge of chaotic energy started to merge with the dark sphere, gaining size, power, and intensity as a blue as well as violet aura and tint swirled around the Dark Bolt, as the sorcerer looked to his side he saw the she-eldar with her blades pointed towards the orb of darkness as she used her own chaotic sorcery to not only empower the Dark Bolt but cast another spell on top of it, as she was casting Soul Rend onto the sorcerer's spell which impressed the Carnage Sorcerer and they continue to chant, and empower their combine spell.

In a few moments, a massive orb of violet, purple, blue, and black floated over both the sorcerer and the corrupted seer's heads, once complete the sorcerer swat down his right arm while Jar Zera did both arms unleashing the chaotic sorcery on the poor eldar, as the massive sphere of darkness trailing a blue and violet tinted wave as it soar across the bloodstained and burned snow covered battlefield.

Once the massive Chaos powered merged spell hit the foolish psykers and seers that believed that they could willstand the full might of Chaos, the moment the Dark Bolt and Soul Rend broke through their barriers and hit, the entire area was swallowed in darkness destroying several eldar as the others that weren't victim to the Dark Bolt, face a worse fate as they were all victims to the Soul Rend as several eldar fell or dropped to the snow screaming and writhing in agony as steam bust out their white armors, as their souls were withering away from their bodies.

This brought joy to the Chaos Sorcerer, and sick pleasure for Jar Zera as the combined forces of Carnage was attacking the settlement of Azir'Ymir.

The Gobos were firing their bazookas, or rocket launchers at the fleeing alderi, as the powerful explosives soared across the air, and once they impact, a huge explosion occurred managing to kill several banshees and guardian defenders still outside of Azir'Ymir.

The soaring rockets that didn't hit any eldar struck the once pristine white colored wraithbone made alderi buildings and structures, as guardians scattered inside and out the settlement searched for cover to try and fire back at the Carnage forces.

Like always the dirty green skinned gobos of the Iron Kollarz we're having a total blast enjoying the carnage praising both Adrak'Maal (Laharl) and Akkalshi Um Adrak'Maal (Jade) as they cause unbridled chaos on the battlefield and on Azir'Ymir.

Several Iron Kollarz armed with serrated blade, macabre axes, buzzsaws, and power-crushers, which are heavy spiked hammers were rushing across the carnage to enter the eldar settlement and slaughter all within but as they were close to crossing into the settlement, a huge blue transparent, electrical surging barrier was erected over Azir'Ymir as Kala gathered everyone she could to combine their powers to make the barrier the farseer was even forced to make untrained civilians including youngling that possess some psychic power to make the barrier and protect Azir'Ymir.

The gobos smashed and slashed their weapons against the barrier, while the other Iron Kollarz armed with various guns also attacked the barrier unloading all their ammo-clips, as the barrier was under constant bombardment of bullets, Bolt rounds and more.

Seeing this cowardly act enraged Jar Zera, but not as much then the chaos sorcerer as his task was to attack and cripple the strongest force that is on Ymir, so the hellsmiths, skullheads, and cultists can continue corrupting and expanding the limits of the base which is still hidden under the force and energies of the warpstorms.

So the sorcerer with a voice full of rage yelled, "Xenos!!! You are blessed by the Dark One's power!!! Then show me!!! Show me and the Dark God your power, bring down this damn barrier!!!!" as he pointed at the barrier with his chaosbrand scepter.

Hearing the sorcerer, the Carnage-touched alderi complied with his command and started to also fire upon the barrier, along with some of them with some psychic power unleashing warp-lightning colored violet as the energies of the Warp, flowing from the warpstorm outside of Ymir was empowering them and their abilities as the chaotic surging lighting burst out the hands of the Chaos Eldar, hitting the barrier it was clear it was having affect on it.

With the corruptive powers of the Warp, surging through the lightning blasts that these corrupted alderi were unleashing on the barrier, it was easier for the ruinous power of Carnage to surge fort and attack not only the barrier itself, but also the minds and bodies of those creating it.

Inside of Azir'Ymir, many children and untrained civilians were feeling a surge of pain making them scream, as their minds ached, their body were in pain, and their souls felt like their being torn out their very bodies.

Kala and the seers try to comfort these agonizing souls, and keep them strong for if the barrier falls Azir'Ymir will fall as well, and the facility will be in the hands of mad monsters like Jar Zera.

Another pulse surged through the barrier and, in turn, onto them, only those will mental fortitude and training in the art of commanding the sea of souls were less effected by the enemy's psychic attack but even Kala knew that without any aid than the battle and Azir'Ymir is lost.

While the Carnage forces were relentlessly attacking the barrier to invade the inner limits of Azir'Ymir, the gobos roared and cheered, some swinging their weapons in the air, while others fired a round or two in the air as they watched the barrier pulse and wain under the psychic assault of the corrupted alderi.

That was when a gobo with a buzzsaw that was some distance away from the others, that was cheering and also eager to get in the settlement and cleave into some xeno guts, felt that the area was getting much colder than before, and a frosty wind was coming in.

The gobo shivered, wrapping his arms around his body for some matter of warmth when he heard snow being wrestled, turning to the vast wilds of snow and cold wind that was cutting sound and obstructing sight, the gobo quinted his eyes to try and see through the howling wind, when he noticed a shadowy figure crossing through the snow it was to late as a long, sharp shard of ice flew through the distance and impale the gobo straight through the left eye, barely able to make a grunt the now dead gobo went limp and fell onto the snow.

A few moments before...

(Crystallyl POV)

Location the Snow wilds outside of Azir'Ymir

The fighting in Azir'Ymir was getting better and better, my warriors and I could hardly wait to join in all the mayhem.

After traveling some ways away from Azir'Ymir, I stopped my warriors and dismounted my dear Frongfang as I scratched behind his ear and he purred in response I looked as the battle was going in favor of the dirty green skinned creatures, and the more savage alderi.

As part of me wanted to leave the pompous alderi bastards to their fate, I know I was going to get lectured by the king, my father, and even I knew that the fall of Azir'Ymir would cost the shi'lanorai greatly since we're more warrior and hunter like than the alderi most of our women have to be deadly beasts in the wilds, and protectors at home, so the facility hidden in that damn settlement help hasten the number of young amongst our people.

I sigh cause I still know those bastards are going to steal all the glory but at least we get the blood, plus that White Shadow should be arriving soon I'm also eager to fight and slay that beast along with fighting in this battle.

I turned my head towards my warriors all with their axes, spears, and claws eager for battle as I smiled at the sight.

Reaching down on back-waist, I grabbed the handle of my weapon in one swift move the special silver ore made axe, crafter by the finest metal of our mountain as I lift the light weight axe with ice crystal spikes all over the back-head, focusing my ice powers through the leather wrapped handle frost began to cover the pole and head of the axe, as the blade began to freeze and grow taking the form of a huge axe-blade that curves downward with a sharp hook end, this is my great ice-axe that I've named Skathi, the Fang of Winter.

With a huge smile on my face, I spun the axe in my right hand a couple of times before resting it on my shoulder, with a low whistle along with hand gesture I commanded my cryowitches and cryomages to come forward, not needed to look back as I hear the wrestling of snow come closer to me as one of my cryowitches barely covered in armor only heavy clothes of white, grey, and frost blue, with half shaven head with the ice rune tattooed on the shaven side of their head which is a common tradition for those that are dedicated to the art of ice of non-royal blood to do.

She and the other cryowitches and mages kneeled down around me, not bothered by the cold as shi'lanorai were born from it.

I gave my order for them to use one of our most versatile spell when hunting, which will serve well for our assault, I told them to use the "Call of Winter" that will bring forth a cold small blizzard that not obstructs the view of our prey, but mask sound and scent, and with our people being unaffected by any of these issues we can stalk right in and get our feel of battle, these thoughts brought more excitement into my head as I smile wide with a feral joy and eagerness that is shared by all my warriors!

So together, we spread our arms wide and began chanting in our native tongue as the winds started shifting and swirling around us.

We heard it's beastial howling, saw the snow and frost dancing within it as we together pushed it forwards as the "Call of Winter" spell will keep traveling forward for some distance, covering the battlefield serving to our advantage, as I turned to my warriors again telling them it was time to fight, as they all got low and tracked forward slowly passing by me, I turned to Frostfang patting him on his back and whisper to his ear to track the long way and kill all that he stalk with a low growl he jumped away running westward to strike, as I to go low I track forward eager to get my fill.

Current time...

(General POV)

Crystallyl's and her warriors arrived at the edge of Azir'Ymir, and when they spotted a straggler one of her cryomages use "Ice Needle" to kill it quietly as the "Call of Winter" was coming forward and enveloping the entire battlefield.

Crystallyl walked forward as her feet pushed and wrestled in the snow, patting the shoulder of her mage congratulating him for his kill, dropping her right hand that had her Skathi in it, she smile as she raised it to give the silent order to attack, the first to charge were her ice-armored warriors wielding either two-handed greataxes, or spear these are her Ice Warriors.

Next came the wolf pelt wearing Snow Hunters, barely armored covered in hunting trophies ranging fangs, claws, bones, and armed with either one or two ice-axes as they rushed forwards resembling the snow wolves that their wearing.

Lastly her Cryowitches and Cryomages, armed with ice claws as the wind around them turned to frost and they growled like beasts, they charged ahead with Crystallyl running fast quickly surpassing her cryowitches and mages, and catching up to her snow hunters as the battle has just gained true predators in their midst and Crystallyl was smiling with much joy and predatal instinct that she could muster as they saw the forms of their prey just before them.