
War on the Frozen Shores Part 6: Enemy Reinforcements, Enter the War

(General POV)

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Outside the Ruined Port/Battlefield-Dark Legion Vs World Walkers

The darkness and shadows started to gather and bend to Laharl's conjuring of the [Grasp of Laharl] spell, of his own lore.

As the Frost Dragon, felt the vile magical power surging around it, so it tried to stop its enemy by blasting him with it's frost breathe, opening its split jaws, the dragon blasted chaotic stream of frost and ice at Ixion once again.

Not caring about being hit, Laharl made Ixion stand still as he was swallowed in the breathe attack, only this time it was slightly less effective as last time.

While he tanked the attack, the Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity glowed a dark violet, amethyst signaling it's pulling the mana of the Winds of Magic empowering the spell at it fullest potential, making Laharl smirk but his brothers once again chastised him for being reckless with their avatar.

But the Dark One reassured them that what he is doing is making their avatar stronger and tougher, as he told them to observe Ixion closer and they'll notice the frost damage was lesser to a extent than before, the Blood and Plague Gods did as their older brother suggested, and noticed that what he said was exactly right.

As Laharl was still preparing to cast a supercharged [Grasp of Laharl] on the dragon, he decided to explain the reason he was allowing Ixion to be hit by the dragon's breathe to his brothers.

He told them, "Like Khorne gained in his battle against Kholek, [Lightning Resistance] I don't only want [Frost Resistance] but have it in a good level. All in preparation, of the upcoming wars against Kislev and their ice witches." Khorne respected his brother insight and preparations for upcoming battles, but he and Nurgle still think he was still being quite reckless...

Laharl let out a laugh from Ixion, as his counterattack was about to be unleashed upon his prey.

The shadows from all corners of the Norscan battleground started to gather to the whims of the Dark One, these shadows were converging with the largest shadow, the Frost Chaos Dragon's own shadow.

Once prepared Laharl made Ixion release the Hellbane, as it fell and got stuck to the snow, as he rised his avatar's right open hand as the shadow underneath the dragon was forming into a giant daemonic claw, copying Laharl/Ixion's hand movements and motions.

Making a above grasping motion, as the still frost breathing dragon was oblivious of the massive black, dark purple shadow claws coiling over it head, when...

In a hard hand drop, as the daemonic shadow claw slam on the back of the neck of the dragon, smashing it hard against the snowed ground and under the Dark One's command the claw grip around the beast's neck, tightening and holding the dragon in place as it thrash and struggled under the grasp of the spell.

When the [Grasp of Laharl] connected and held down the dragon the frost breathe immediately ceased to be.

While the spell did as intended, Laharl commanded Ixion to pick up the Hellbane and slowly make his way towards the dragon to finally deliver, the death blow.

As he approached the downed dragon, it's six eyes were focused on it approaching demise, it thrash and struggled harder to escape the grasping shadow claw that held it, but it was all in vain and when it tried to shot out another breathe attack on Ixion, the shadow claw would tightend its grip around it's neck.

Once Laharl/Ixion was beside the frightened and squirming frost dragon he strapped the morningstar, Wailmaker cause he was about to use the [Daemon Cleave] skill with his power feeding the attack.

The Hellbane started to glow in neon violet and mauve, as daemonic shadows started to coat the Hellbane causing all the shadows of the area stretch out towards Ixion, like before Laharl made Ixion grab the Hellbane's handle with both hand got into a stance, bending his knees slightly with his avatar's greatsword close to him behind his right shoulder.

With the dragon's own emence shadow empowering Laharl/Ixion's attack it didn't take long for the [Daemon Cleave] to he ready.

Once charge he swung his sword in a vertical slash as the shadow caught in the slash of the daemonic greatsword were severed along with the owner of said shadows, meaning the massive shadow slash, cut right through the dragon's neck shadow, which meant that the frost dragon's head was severed from it neck.

The moment the skill did it's job, the [Grasp of Laharl] let go of the dragon's body and banished away.

And like a chicken with its head cut off, the body thrashed and gushed blood all over the area, as the massive split, dragon head lay at the feet of the Warp Gods' avatar, Khorne laughed with a pleased and joyous tone, as the blood that his brother promise fuel his power and divinity.

Nurgle also joined the laughing, as he was very happy to have finally gain new ingredients from the dragon's corpse, for him to tamper and concoct new plagues and disease back home, all the while Laharl was pleased that he can call himself a "Dragonslayer" cause what self respecting, fantasy or sci-fi fan wouldn't want to have that title/accomplishment in their stack...but his and his brothers small celebration was unfortunately cut short.

Laharl turned Ixion's head slightly to it's left, to look over his shoulder, at the one that has arrived...Wulfrik, the Wanderer.

Standing some quite distance away from Ixion and the headless frost dragon, corpse was Wulfrik his hand on the pummel of his greatsword, as the cold northern winds blew and made his cape and reddish mohawk, sway in the wind.

Long since this battle began, Wulfrik has been eager to fight against Ixion Daemonhart, the Chosen of the Gods, he just arrive to see his rival use a massive black claw to hold down his dragon and behead it in one swing, he'll admit that he was impressed and more eager to face Ixion in a duel to the death, under the gaze of the Gods.

Removing one of his hands from the pummel of the Torgald, and using the other hand to grab the blade's handle, the Eternal Wanderer, spoke to Ixion/Laharl, "At last a true fight. Many years, since the Gods have gave me the sacred charge to challenge, their targets across this world. I'll get to face a warrior that lives up, to his legend. I'll add your skull, to my haul and I'll be remembered as the one that slew the newest favored of the Gods."

Laharl decided to respond in a mocking way to Wulfrik's statement, "Such a powerful and mighty warrior. Reduced to a glorified assassin of wretches. The Gods saw your arrogance and punish you, accordingly. As any of your challenges been of the benefit of Chaos, Wanderer?" (It's actually accurate, lore states that Wulfrik is one of the Big Bads of Chaos, but they barely did anything with him, and all his novels he essentially loses.)

An as a glass breaking, Wulfrik was infuriated and rushed at Ixion/Laharl with his greatsword and great shield held ready as the two Chaos Lords would at last clash in a death duel!!

But things were about to become hectic for the forces of the Dark Legion of the Damned.

Back on the main battle, the Dark Legion were crushing the forces of the World Walkers, all the while just like before the spectral herald of the Gods, Zxaie-xie, the Speaker was way above the battlefield watching everything unfold, especially all that Ixion has managed through the battle...taming two Manticores and turning one of said manticores stronger and larger than anything seen on the world before.

Slaying a great Chaos Mammoth with a spell, and beheading a mighty dragon of Chaos, feats that not even the great Everchosen of Old have been able to accomplish, all these things made the Speaker furious.

Currently the World Walker, Wulfrik was finally clashing blades against the damned Daemonharts, in a brutal duel, but regardless all that would be meaningless if the Wanderer's army is vanquished, allowing the followers of the "Chosen of the Gods", could rush to Ixion aid and his schemes to make the greatest servents of Chaos, on these lands come challenge the Dark Legion, would be worthless in the end game.

Not only Wulfrik, but also the Godslayer, Yuri, were secretly and subtly manipulated to attack Ixion and his army, while later joining the true Everchosen, Lord Archeon!!!

But then he learned that Lord Archeon, was making a campaign to the south against the Empire, under the instructions of the Dark One, Laharl Valboga, which has been revealed to be a true and new Chaos God, that favors this imbecile and pretender Ixion Daemonhart, instead of the true Everchosen!!!

Learning this the Speaker, has doubled his efforts to eliminate Ixion and making all the forces of Chaos, serve the truest Champion of the Dark Gods, like now as coming from the west were a darkoath tribe that he has manipulated into joining this battle under the service of Wulfrik.

A large force of around 600 or more Darkoath Savagers, came charging into the battlefield from the east.

Hundreds of Savages, Gloryseekers, Wrathtouched, and Proven under the command their elite warriors the Chieftains, along with a couple of God-speakers and Slaughterborns, under the direct rule of the Warqueen, Alga Bludscorner, with her great-axe held proudly in the air as her tribe charged at the enemy.(Just picture the whole Darkoath Savagers boxsets from Slaves of Darkness, and Warcry, just add some viking like women as well and that's how they all appear as.)

All hungry for battle and bloodshed, to honor their darkoath to serve the Wanderer, to gain a greater honor to serve the mighty Everchosen, in reeking the End Times into the whole world.

Hundreds of barbaric men and women, with swords, axes, clubs, and claws rushing and wrestling through the snow as the battle has turned to the favor of the World Walkers.

With the battle about to become even more brutal and vicious, Kholek Suneater, Arrel-zhan the Shardspeaker, and Tai Tai organized their forces in the name of the Chosen of the Gods.

All the while as they organized, this allowed the World Walkers to catch their breaths and prepare themselves for another clash with reinforcements, aiding them.

All things were heading to the final clash against the World Walkers and the Dark Legion of the Damned, as the two Chaos Lords were admits their fated duel, far away from the main battle.

Wulfrik swung down his Chaos greatsword, only for Laharl/Ixion to block the blade with the Hellbane, as Laharl was making the avatar swing horizontally the Wailmaker, to strike at the Wanderer's left ribs, Wulfrik blocked the incoming blow with his tower shield having to use a large amount of his strength to successfully block the brunt of Ixion's attack.

Wulfrik tried to push back and knock the guard away of his opponent.

He realized that his rival has equal if not slightly greater physical strength, than he soo this meant that their in the middle of a deathlock.

As the edges of their blades scrape against each other, whilst morningstar tries to pierce through tough shield metal, and both opponents were exerting great amount of strength against one another.

The Four Chaos Gods, watched with anticipation...with Tzeentch nursing another bad migraine cortercy of the damned iron maiden daemon, attacking him again.

Then all his daemons with exceptions of Kairos and the Changeling returning to his realm to check on him, which meant all his schemes and plots were canceled by his imbecile of daemonic servents, the Sorceror God was utterly furious and if wasn't for the pain he was in, he'd would have punish all his daemons, but for now he must willstand the pain and watch the final moments of this war...