MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, outer snowfields of the Mountains of the Shi'lanorai
After sometime, the blizzard cleared on this snow-covered region of Ymir and revealed the large force of light brown skinned frost eldars of the ice princess herself Crystallyl Shik'Adammine mounted on her Chaos marked loyal beast, Frongfang and with her corrupted ice-axe Skathi in her right hand.
She was looking at the great Shi'lanorai Mountains, as snow fell gentle into the cold breeze of Ymir, her turquoise, violet, and silver edged eyes turned to her warriors ranging from Snow Hunters, Ice Warriors, and Cryowitches/mages all that in the course from Azir'Ymir to the mountains have embraced Carnage and the Dark God, Alka'lkarnak/Laharl.
As Crystallyl looked at snow-covered, black rock made mountains and easily noticed the archers positioned allover the mountains, these are known as Crystal Wraiths, the greatest archers and stealth assassins of the shi'lanorai, using ice sorcerery to fire sharp ice-neddle like arrows from their shi'lanorai silver bows.
Half of them were nodding in respect to their princess these are those amongst the wraiths that were like-minded as Crystallyl, she knows that when the attack began, she responded in respectful manner as she still searched for the other Crystal Wraiths that were more loyal towards her weak father, and king.
Her new Lord and God, has given her power and clarity that the elders of the Shi'lanorai were poisoning everything, including those that like her were warriors...hunters...killers...predators, that are being leashed and held down instead of being set freed, this filled her mind with rage but she needed to hold it in for a few moments more.
Crystallyl saw as the front of the mountain was slowly splitting open, a secret door that leads into the ice kingdom, she smile as old shi'lanorai ice warriors all veterans of the old battle of Ymir.
These Ice Warriors were accompanied by one of the old veterans, directly under service of her father...the weak king, the frost eldar was quite muscular, wearing heavy set of armor a mix of shi'lanorai silver and ice armor with some frost blue thick clothing, he removed his helmet revealing a mature male of light brown skin, bald with a thick grey colored beard.
He started to scold her, which only served to irate Crystallyl seeing him as a worthless coward, her expressionless to one of a wicket smile, tightening the grip of her Skathi as her ice along with her new Chaos power into the corrupted great ice-axe and once the ice blade was at its complete state, and she swung her Skathi across the head of the old warrior brutality beheading one of the King's Champion.
Crystallyl has just killed a high-ranking member of the king's court of her father's service immediately as the frost eldar's blood gushed, splashed, and stained the snow-covered ground and the head of her victim dropped onto the snow.
Shocked by her horrific action, the Crystal Wraiths moved, and git into a attack position, creating ice arrows and drew their bows aimed at Crystallyl only for her to react before they could smashing her ice-axe against the ground, surging her weapon with ice and carnage powers, causing a huge burst with ice spikes acting as a shield as the ice needle arrows only pierce the ice spikes of Crystallyl.
While, the ice warriors that were getting over their shock and charged at Crystallyl only for her wolf pelt wearing snow hunters to rush to their princess side their ice-axes held tightly, as they pounce at their former bretheren, the weak and subservient followers of the weak King.
The ice-axes of the Snow Hunters chop and hack at the heavy ice armored shi'lanorai as frost eldars were skilled in fighting against others of their own, it was easy for the Carnage-touched shi'lanorai to butcher their former bretheren, this provided Crystallyl with the opportunity to strike, breaking out her ice protection and join her warriors in the slaughter, with a wide wicket, happy smile on her face she slashed and chop onto the weaker ice warriors of her father.
Seeing her and the snow hunters, Frostfang roared and rushed forward to aid his master swiftly, followed by the rest of the Bloodstained Snow Beasts.
The king's faction was disarray having to not only fight their kin, but the princess as another veteran ice warrior tried to thrust his ice-spear at her only for Crystallyl to spin to the side completely evading the literal cold blade from stabbing into her, and while using the momentum of her spin she swung low at the ice warrior completely chopping off the frost eldar's legs below the knees.
Screaming as he falls backward, no longer feeling his legs, Crystallyl stood over his legless form stomping on his left hand, her sharp heel piercing into his wrist the ice warrior screamed at the stinging pain now added to his body, when he tried to fight back against Crystallyl all the carnage corrupted Ice Princess did in response was twist her heel in the shi'lanorai warrior's wrist forcing said legless frost eldar to hiss and weeze in pain as Crystallyl smiled in response to the agony and pathetic state of the so called shi'lanorai warrior in the snow, withering in agony.
She looked around, seeing not only her loyal snow hunters but also her companion Frostfang tear into the face of another one of the weak warriors of her father, spreading her arms wide she proclaimed, "I'm a true predator!!! What of you?!!!! Are we not warriors!!!? Beasts!!!!? PREDATORS THAT RULE OVER YMIR!!!!!!?" Crystallyl's proclamation/question affected many that have secretly been in favor of the princess' ways over the old king, were ceasing the opportunity to rebel and follow the monarch that they have secretly been admiring and clamoring for.
The younger Crystal Wraiths made their move and turned on their fellow archers, turning their bow and ice made arrows at those they once called brother or sister, drawing back their ice-neddle arrow and letting them fly, the frost blue thin, sharp projectile soared through the cold Ymirian air piercing into their targets the Ice Warriors of the King.
Hitting the gaps in the heavy armored shi'lanorai, as blood gushed from the arrow wounds that riddle the bodies.
Seeing this act of betrayal shocked the royal forces, the still loyal crystal wraith archers were forced to turn their attention on their younger former comrades.
Sparking another long-range battle on the walls and hills of the mountain, while this demoralized the royal forces, this made Crystallyl and her warriors excited and overjoyed that their are true warriors amongst the subservient shi'lanorai under the king that sought an opportunity to rise and cause bloodshed.
Crystallyl smiled as she knew this would please her Dark God as the war for the throne over the frost eldar had begun, as she walked away from her down legless victim, still writhing in pain.
Believing she had spared him, the poor bleeding fool failed to notice the white slightly violet tinted furred beast stalking closer to him until he felt the warm breath brush against his body, shaking as he turned his sight on the blood covered maw and sharp fangs of Frostfang, as the blade-horned feline.
As the red eyes stared down on him, he started to whimper, and with Frostfang sharling swiftly turning to a full-on aggressive roar, all that followed was fear writhen scream and the crunching of bone and flesh, all the while Crystallyl kept walking forward smiling as she heard her sweet Frostfang feast.
With no more archers snipping at her and her warriors, the first stage of the attack was coming to swift finish as she saw her snow hunters were cleaving and chopping their prey to pieces, being bathed in the blood of the non-enlighten, she heard snow being rustled turning slightly her head she saw a group of five ice warriors of her father rushing towards her, still wearing a happy smile she placed her Skathi on her right shoulder and spoke out loud, "We'll things are getting fun." turning to face her opponents she finishes with, "Shall we get this slaughter started?" giggling as she finished her rhetorical question.
All the while not only is the Dark One watching over the Carnage-touched shi'lanorai, but the Chaos God of Carnage sensed not only his brother, Khorne but Valkia his sister-in-law watching, Laharl knew that the bloodshed, violence, combat, and murder must have drawn their sight but he doesn't care for the Dark One knows that his brother and his wife will honor their agreement of not touching or interfering with Crystallyl or her Bloodstained Snow Beasts.
Laharl knows that not only Crystallyl, but Jade and Ragna will have a possible like-hate relationship with Valkia whilst with Khorne it will be liked respect relationship, if he hasn't saved Jade, and claimed Crystallyl he knows that they would have become champions of the Blood God.
But that's not important, as the focus of the Dark One is solely on Ymir and hastening the daemonic invasion, for as they waste time Nurgle is forming and growing in power both him and Khorne are finishing things in the Materium, to have their individual forces ready for the next chapter of the Great Game.