
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · sci-fi
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War in the Plague Garden Part 4: Reinforcements from Carnage

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne vs Nurgle Forces

The rain summoned by Rotigus had not only all but crippled most of the Blood God's force and put out the fires that Khorne caused moments ago.

The battlefield now quenched and the Plague Garden was rescued the Nurgle forces were rallying as the slowly make their way to their down enemies.

Wallowing in the muk as the vast army of the Blood God was dealt a critical blow, Rotigus had to praise the Grandfather for what has been unleashed...no bestowed upon the blood legion, Nurgle's love and gift, the greatest pestilence.

Khorne stood there as the foul diseased ridden rain pour down at his daemons, he felt as Valkia landed on his left shoulder paldron, her bloodstained pale but beautiful only showed rage, as she used her daemonshield, to cover herself from the vile rain the Greater Daemon of Plaguefather has wrought upon them.

She hissed in anger, causing her burning hair and eyes to flare-up she turned to her beloved husband's face and said to him, "Beloved. Lord Khorne, our forces are being decimated, we barely have a dozen legions with what is remaining, where is the Dark Harbinger!!? Has the wretch betrayed us, my love?" Khorne still staring forward he turn his sight on his wife, and reassured her, "Valkia. Brother hasn't abandoned nor betrayed us, his word and oath prevents him. This cowards, dare to use their weak sorcery against us? THEN THEY SHALL FELL THE WRATH OF KHORNE!!!!!!!" Valkia smile as she took off from her husband shoulder.

She regrouped with what remained of her daughters, as her husband Khorne stomped his way towards the enemy reinforcement, despite his un-expressive domineer it was clear to the Gorequeen, Khorne was seething with rage.

The legion of pestilence, saw their enemy's God walked towards them being soaked and unaffected by Rotigus rain, but it matter nothing to them as they served the Grandfather, and they'll slay anyone, even Gods should he desire.

With the enemy leader just before them, all the nurglish daemons rushed forward to destroy the Blood God.

Khorne once they reached within his range, tightened the grip of his titanic blade causing it to ignite in such intense and blazing hellfire, with one horizontal slash he burned and cleaved through hundreds of daemons, leaving blacken bisected putrid bodies and large scorched marks on the foul ground.

Khorne he stood as his last attack has stopped the enemy's advance, and he began to ignite his body in hellfire drawing in all his remaining legions...from countless millions of daemons, nearing billions reduce to this meager amount.

But this small amount of blood daemons, are his strongest amongst them all, few thousand of bloodletters, bloodcrushers, blood valkyries, juggernauts, and flesh hounds remained of his original legion.

With his heralds (Rendmasters & Skullmasters) still in vast numbers, along with his bloodthirsters with Ka'bandha and the Storm Prince still among their ranks, and his Balrogs all roaring and clamoring for more blood were all still living, Khorne was most impressed and pleased with these greater daemons bestowed to him by...the progenitor...Absolute Chaos, were the definition of hellish hate, and raging fire, Khorne was also thinking of possibly rewarding the most powerful and brutal amongst their kin, to ascend as his second elder daemon.

Skarbrand truly have proven himself as a worthy general and elder daemon, slaughtering countless of plague daemons with complete ease.

Even Scyla Anfingrimm, my former alternative world champion turn newest daemon has not only willstood the vile stretch and carrion of the realm and denizens of Nurgle, but destroyed so many with only strength and unbridled rage.

Karanak, who was close to Khorne's side all three of his head growling menacingly, while their mussels were cover in putrid gore, and tainted black blood of their prey, he has proven why he is the Blood God favorite and beloved hound it was waiting for Khorne to command him to start hunting, and tearing through the plague legion once more, Karanak was far from finished or sastified with the amount of flesh it has consume or spilled enough infected blood for it dark master.

Valkia was still flying in the air, next to her lord and beloved husband, the lesser Chaos Goddess of Blood was still craving more battle, death, and bloodshed.

Despite her forces greatly reduced by the toxic rain of the damned Great Unclean One, (Rotigus Rainmaker) she still has a few hundred strong blood valkyries also eager for more bloodshed, as they await their dark mother's command, while she in-turn waits for her husband's command to continue to attack.

That's when their enemy leader, Rotigus Rainmaker appeared personally in front of the massive legion of pestilence.

Laughing joyfully with a sickly, wet gurgle as he spread his bloated green arms, one which has teal tentacles wiggling around and another daemon-face sprouting through the decaying, sick flesh of the Greater Daemon's muscles, he spoke, "Isn't this delightful? You in the most beautiful place of carrion, bathe in the love of Grandfather, and being embraced and ravish by disease. Tell me, ohhh Lord of War, who is the greater fool the one that charges blindly to toxic field or the one that watches the brave soul, wither away like the weakling he truly is?" finishing his playful, and obvious mocking speech clearly directed to the Blood God.

Upon hearing Rotigus' mocking all the remaining khornate daemons were completely ballistic in rage, especially Skarbrand, and worse Valkia that her rage made her long fire made hair burst with more ferocity that it spew sparks of fire to launch off of it, igniting the moss, and ick all around the green bog below.

But all of that was completely eclipsed by the anger of Khorne himself despite not being his realm, the surge of intense rage and hatred that the Blood God was feeling was causing his dark godly power to go erratic.

Khorne actually cause the earth of the Plague Garden to shake and quake, cracking around his feet, knowing the vengeful nature of their Dark God all khornate daemons around him started to step back from him, as blazing heat, and smoldering steam burst out Khorne's heavy brass armor, his crimson eyes of hellfire ignited and burst into intense flame signaling the obvious...Khorne...was...pissed!!!

He stabbed his sword deeply into the Garden, pointed his left index clawed-finger straight at the Greater Daemon (Rotigus) commanding the forces of Nurgle and yell, "YOU DARE INSULT THE LORD OF SKULL!!? THE GOD OF WAR!!? THE BLOODSTAINED LORD OF MURDER!!!!? YOUR SKULL...ALONG WITH ALL YOUR KIN SHALL ADORN THE BASTION STAIRS, AS THEY WILL BE STEP ON BY ME AND ALL MY SERVENTS, SERVING AS STEPPING STONES FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!".

Immediately after he finished yelling out to Rotigus and the rest of the Plague Legion, he turned to his wife Valkia and was about to give her the order to go on the full offensive when, screaming was heared coming from the Rotigus side of the field.

Coming from the badly burned and putrid smelling forest came reinforcements from the Carnage daemons lead by Ragna and Ruu.

Ragna was the first to rush in jumping straight into the frey with the acidic toxic rain starting to activate her power making her stronger through damage and once she started crushing and killing plaguebearers, and other nurglish daemons she healed making her a serious issue for the Rotigus forces, as their poisons, attacks and diseases didn't affect her with any illness only making her stronger and more berserk.

Following almost closely behind were the lesser daemons of carnage, the venom-mouthed dark knight daemon with black daemonic greatswords, spears, or halberts, all lead by a slaughter herald or now known as Abyssalnites.

The Knightmares and Abyssalnites tore through the plague daemons, some of the more wounded would even take down their prey before dying by stretching their tongues around a plaguebearer or poxbringer neck pulling towards the dying laharlish daemon, to either deliver a fatal bite for both giver and receiver, or deal one last swipe of their weapon truly living up to their ruinous origins of Carnage and Madness.

Wild Darkstalkers, lead by their higher ranking kin the Apexstalkers also came rushing out the horrendous Garden's depths like the flesh hounds many of these raptor daemons have fell to trying to eat and bite the nurglish daemons, so they instead focus on using their daemonic warp-fireballs/breath and stingers against them.

Being unbelievably fast and agile the stalkers, stormed through the much slower plague daemons even the swarming nurglings couldn't keep up with the carnage-raptors as the slash, stung, and burned their plague forces to death.

Next it was Ruu's turn as she rushed in with a cheerful smile on her blue-slime face, accompanied by thousands of Daemon Slimes.

Ruu immediately jumped at the cyclopian toad, smashing it with her slimy fists, then launched a super stretched harpoon tip punch at Great Unclean One wielding a bilesword and blade impaling the greater daemon were his heart would be immediately ripping it out and killing said Great Unclean One, as it giant bloated plague-ridden daemon fell limp and crushed a couple of lesser daemons as it body dropped dead.

Pulling her arm back with a happy look plaster in her cute face, she jumped around holding the black-bleeding, maggot, and worm covered sick purple colored daemon-heart that Ruu just claimed, as she childishly jumped around in joy her slimes slowly made their way passed her, as she licked her lips and started to eat the Great Unclean One's still beating heart.

Valkia saw this from a far and immediately felt sick, watching as her sister-in-law Ruu ate happily such a litteral rotting heart, with Chaos knows how many diseases circulating through that filth.

As Ruu finished eating she was please all she has consumed throughout the whole attack on the Garden has been delicious and she have been spawning countless slimes, as she noticed her said minions were fighting against nurglings that are trying to kill their fun new playmates, even a couple of Beasts of Nurgle joined it finding the slimes fun and enjoyable.

But Ruu's Daemon Slimes are basically slow tank soaking damage as they slowly make their way forwards to smoother their prey, and dissolve them, seeing all that she decided to join in and all the "fun" as well.

Khorne rage lower at bit, clearing the fog of wrath that would have cost him more and eventually he would have been force to retreat and lose twice in one battle.

One to his younger brother, Nurgle for his forces basically overwhelming him with numbers, poisons and enduring all he threw at them, and the second lose would come from his older brother, Laharl because he would immediately lose both bets he forged with him, that would have taken a huge blow to his pride and honor.

Soo begrudgingly he was grateful for the Dark One to send him much needed reinforcements.

With a semi-annoyed but at the same time pleased sigh Khorne took the opportunity to strike, commanding his wife to strike and join forces with Laharl's reinforcements she nodded to him as she thrust her spear forward and gave the command, "Daemons of Blood!!!! Slaughter the Plague Lord's weak forces, don't allow our...allies, to claim all the glory and blood that is rightfully our!!!!!" the Blood Legion, roared and chanted the battle cry of Khorne, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!!!!" charging forward, revigored, revitalizing, and motivated to slaughter all the children of the Plaguefather, in the name of Khorne.

Khorne he also joined the charge, as Ruu and Ragna were causing havoc admist the forces of Rotigus, speaking of the Great Unclean One he saw the Blood God's forces coming and the Carnage God's minions were all but affected by his rain, he had to turn the tide as he was forced to call off "Nurgle's Deluge" to preserve his strength for the upcoming fight.

Rotigus ordered half of the legion to counterattack the ambush forces of the Dark Harbinger, while he lead the charge against Khorne, he could feel the Grandfather was coming the battlefield so he needed to buy as much time as he could muster, as the second Chaos War of the Warp was reaching the apex of chaos.