
War in the Plague Garden Part 3: Toxic Rain

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/Burning Battlefield-Khorne vs Nurgle Forces

Khorne has just finished challenging/insulting his new brother, as he looked at the now enraged forces of the Plague God, fighting with greater vigor, fury, and bloodlust it all pleased him and his minions.

Right now in the middle of this horrible, disgusting open green plains surrounded by a blazing inferno that the Blood God caused this anger...ferocity...and bloodlust, has invogored the khornate daemons, as they fought more ferociously to claim more deaths...more blood...and more skulls for Khorne!!!

Rotigus Rainmaker was infuriated by the actions of the Blood God, with Gnarlrod he started channeling the chaotic powers of Nurgle to bring fort a deadly monsoon of pestilence, down upon the forces of Blood.

While Rotigus was channeling his spell, as several daemons have come to defend the Greater Daemon, or to attack like the nurglings who took their opportunity to swarm over the Blood God's forces.

A tidalwave of little gremlin like bloated daemons were making their way forward, several troops of bloodletters and a rendmaster saw the tide coming and without any sense of fear, they charged foolishly at the nurgling swarm.

As Rendmaster swung his long hellblade cutting down a few nurglings, the samething the lesser daemons of blood did swinging down their own hellblade, but despite the number of Nurglings that they managed to kill, the small lesser daemons of plague were vastly outnumbering the bloodletters, so the end result was obvious...

The nurglings strampled the khornate lesser daemons and herald, smothering them in a tide of diseased ridden bodies, all with a joyous and cheery expression on their nasty faces.

The Rendmaster and bloodletters tried to fight back and escape their gruesome deaths at the hands, and tiny infected claws of the Nurglings, but it was all futile in the end.

The nurglings were cheering and dancing in circle for the huge blow they dealt to the khornate forces, but while they were busy enjoying their victory, a massive pack of Flesh Hounds came rushing behind their alpha and pack leader, Karanak.

All the draconian, khornate hounds were preparing to unleash the smoldering force of their hellish fire upon their prey, as Karanak being way bigger, stronger, and more blessed by the Lord of Skulls than any other flesh hound didn't need his hellfire.

Karanak rushed way ahead of his pack, pouncing on a large group of nurglings, tearing and ripping the little green daemons to pieces and rotting gore.

Karanak was even consuming some of the nurglings that tried to swarm the Great Hound of Khorne, Karanak being so powerful and unique amongst the Beasts of Khorne, he was completely immune to the toxins, parasites, bacteria, and diseases that riddled around the bodies of the children of Nurgle, as the three-headed flesh hound continues to rip and tear through the nurglings, while the rest of his pack burned the rest to death, as the nurglings were preoccupied fighting and struggling against Karanak's pack the rest of battle continued to rage.

The Bloodcrushers, and wild Juggernauts lead by a couple Skullmasters were engaged in a fight with Pox Riders and wild Plague Toads, while the forces of Khorne were being reinforced by heavy artillery from their Skull Cannon letting burning skulls soar across the battlefield, and ignite the disgusting green landscape in small infernos, taking down several unfortunate nurglish daemons caught in their blastzones.

The Greater Daemons of both sides, (Bloodthirsters & Great Unclean Ones) were also engaged in a gruesome battle.

Both side leading a small legion of lesser daemons as the Greater Daemons fought one another, and decimated the troops of their respected enemy.

A bloodthirster was hacking away at plaguebearers with his great hellaxe, butchering his enemies soaking the tainted blood unaffected by the poisoned, diseased blood of the plaguebearers.

When a cyclonian Great Unclean One, came stomping towards the bloodthirster with tentacle dangling from his mouth, as it was swaying in the foul wind, the Bloodthirster noticed his approaching enemy and with a ferocious roar, and spread wings the greater daemon of Khorne charged at his opponent.

Swinging the massive daemonic greataxe down at the great unclean one, only for it to have little affected as Grandfather Nurgle's blessing also made his children highly numb to physical pain, hence all the great hellaxe did was cut into bloated dead flesh on the shoulder of Great Unclean One, making said greater daemon of Nurgle laugh mockingly.

As the great unclean one rouse his right arm, that was holding a bilesword high and swinging it across the bloodthirster chest, cutting deeply into the Bloodthirster.

The Greater Daemon of Khorne, scream forced to surrender his weapon as the wound was already starting to show signs of infection, the level of plague and infection between a greater daemon and a lesser nurglish daemon is quite massive.

The bloodthirster already was feeling the sickly effects of the Bilesword's carrion slash, dizzy and nauseous the bloodthirster didn't noticed the Great Unclean One, unlodge the great hellaxe off his left shoulder now coated in infectious black, foul smelling blood that the great unclean one gave a final speech, "Rejoice!!! Your feeling the Grandfather's love, but let me ease the pain, my friend. Hehehehaha!!!" as the Great Unclean One used the bloodthirster's own great hellaxe to cleave right through the center of his head, killing the greater daemon of blood.

As the dead bloodthirster with cleaved skull fell to the green muk, the cyclopian great unclean one laughed with joy, as it continued to rampage across the lesser khornate daemons (picture the Great Unclean Ones, attack animations in TW3), soon enough the greater daemon of plague, was reinforced by his plaguebearers.

Charging forward through their enemies, as the khornate daemons only feeling more bloodlust and rage counter-charge to face said Great Unclean One and his troops.

This became a back and forward between the two forces of Greater Daemons, while in the air Valkia was showing her power, brutality and ferocity against the air calvary of the Plague God, of Rot Flies and Plague Drones.

Sure some of her daughters, the she-daemons known as blood valkyries did fell to the blades, and stingers of the Plague Drone, but none cam match Valkia's might and fury, being a lesser goddess of blood, she was utterly immune to her preys sicknesses and poisons, as she relished the bloodshed, and brutality.

The newest greater daemons, that were gifted to Khorne the daemons made of fire and shadow, now fuel by hellish hate and bloodlust, the Balrogs were devastating the battlefield.

With their hellfire infuse weapons (giant swords, axes, and whips) they tore/burned through the plague daemons with ease, roaring as they made their way through the buwg that is the ground around their clawed feet, literally burning all they step, and strike down in the name of their Dark God.

Even a brave/bitter Poxbringer leading a small legion of plaguebearers, nurglings, and a dozen of plague snails/molluscoids charged at hellfire khornate daemons, one of the balrogs saw this a roared like raging beast, blasting the area with intense heat alerting it kin as a group of eight balrogs, ready themselves for the upcoming slaughter.

The eight balrogs rushed forwards without a care, or any affect from the Plague Garden being litteral daemons of hellfire, they've gain a absolute immunity to illness, of all kinds.

As the group of balrogs clashed with the small legion of plague daemons, it became a total slaughter.

The balrogs shrugged off all damage, illnesses, and poisons that coated their plagueswords, even the overwhelming number of Nurglings was nothing the moment the miniature daemons of Nurgle started to climb on one of the balrogs they were burned to death in hellfire, and when one of the eight balrogs attacked dozens or more nurglish daemons fell.

One of the balrog wielding a hellfire whip, lashed his whip burning and carterizing through several plaguebearers dying immediately after being burned/bisected, the other balrogs swung the weapon cutting and burning right through the legion of plagues, even the Poxbringer high-daemon fell to the fury of these hellfire greater daemons.

A balrog spotted said high-daemon, roared at it's victim as the poxbringer struck with no affect on the newest khornate daemon, as the balrog rushed forward with its right claw completely extended towards the poxbringer, grasping onto the cyclopian plague daemon's face and smashing him against the sick ground, dragging him some of the ways forward as the balrog roared with fury and blistering heat directly on it's prey, the balrog spread its wing as it rised it's hellfire sword in the air and plunged it straight through the poxbringer's chest piercing through him and the ground, as the high-daemon of Nurgle screamed the balrog, dragged the blade downwards burning and slashing through it agonizing victim until it stopped struggling.

Dead the balrog released it dead victim, and pulled out it's hellfire sword as it roared in victory, with it seven other kin slaughtering the plague daemons around it.

Scyla was fighting alongside Skarbrand's specific force, the former mortal Noscan, turned into a daemonic spawn of blood, was utterly crushing his decaying enemies with only brute force and his serpent tip tail.

Even a Great Unclean One fell to Scyla, as the Greater Daemon tried to slash or smash the daemonic spawn with his skull tip flail, only to be utterly useless against the Bloodbeast, as said daemon spawn bang he chest like a wild beast and tackled the three-horned great unclean one to the ground using unnatural strength, and started to pummel, smash, and beat the greater daemon into disgusting, vomit inducing mush and gore, as blood, brain, bones, and maggots littered the green ground where once was the head of Great Unclean One.

And speaking of the first Elder Daemon of Blood, Skarbrand, Rage Incarnate was ripping through the forces of Nurgle.

His twin axes coated in gore, filt, scum, and blood of hundred if not thousands of nurglish daemons, his very presence made all feel unbelievable rage, and bloodlust making his forces more fearsome, while the plague forces were becoming unorganized by the surge of bloodlust that was very uncommon for the children of Papa Nurgle.

A Doombell wielding Great Unclean One, tried to challenge the Elder Daemon, only for the massive Nurgle mark bell to shatter against Skarbrand's axes, as the hellish flames that burst allover Skarbrand, flared as the former bloodthirster slash across the bloated belly of the Greater Daemon with such force that nearly bisected the mentioned great unclean one.

All the organs, innards, blood, vile and puss spilled out from the greater daemon, causing massive damage, but Skarbrand was far from done, next he delivered a powerful hooven kick across the face of the Greater Daemon, and unleashed such a powerful torrent of hellfire almost like the molten magma from the Blood Lands itself were being spewed by Skarbrand's mouth.

This utterly annihilated the Greater Daemon, as the black really foul smelling corpse of the Great Unclean One lay dead on Skarbrand's feet, he made his way to head of the dead greater daemon to claim his price...his skull.

Skarbrand swung down his axe, chopping off the great unclean one's head picking it up by the burned left antler-like horn and presenting his trophy to all roaring the battle cry with furious pride, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!!" all khornate daemons that heard their Elder Daemon's cry they joined in chanting, their praise to battle, slaughter, and their Dark God as they were revitalizing and rallied against the forces of the Plaguefather.

All the while Khorne was slaughtering many with the simple, and brutal swipe of his daemonic greatsword, the Unmaker.

He was also counting his kills, now numbering in the 700s, confident that he is winning the side-bet he and Laharl have made, not knowing that the Dark One was also in the high-hundreds as well but the Blood God didn't care at the moment, as he literally stomped on a Great Unclean One, that broke his weapons upon his greaves only making a clanking sound, that amused Khorne as he twists, and crushes the greater daemon underfoot.

Just as Khorne noticed, that more of Nurgle's daemons have come to join the battle, the Blood God let's out a little chuckle as he spins his God Weapon around preparing for more victims when...

A massive conversion of dark green almost black clouds emerged from the emerald green skies, blocking out all view, foul lawn green colored rain started to downpour heavily, at first Khorne was just mildly amused when he noticed a rag shroud wearing Greater Daemon, (Rotigus Rainmaker) as not only chanting something, but swinging a bell wielding, decaying tree around...that when he realized this rain was cowardly sorcery!!!

And the effects soon became obvious, as his weaker daemons with exception of Valkia, Skarbrand, the Storm Prince, Karanak, Scyla, alongside with some heralds, bloodthirsters and the balrogs.

All of Khorne's forces were suffering under the effects of Rotigus' rain, literally falling unto the mud, muck, and scum of the green earth of the Garden, as the were falling victims to Rotigus' storm named "Nurgle's Deluge" literally infecting the khornate daemon with flesh melting rain, and unbearable sickness.

Rotigus laughed in joy at this marvelous masterpiece he summoned, as he ordered his forces to advance and overwhelmed the now greatly weaken Khorne forces.