
War in the Plague Garden Part 10: Khorne's Ascension

(Khorne/Blood God POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne and Laharl Forces vs Nurgle Forces

I feel strong...stronger, then ever before, just a moment ago I was in agonizing pain, and blinded then I felt the surge of souls enter me.

I felt as my form, was changing, healing all the wounds I previously suffered disappearing like I've never suffered them before, I felt my anger, my hate, my bloodlust resonate and grow to strengths I never experienced before!!!

My infernal blood returned to my insides, the daemonic brass armor I proudly dawn was completely repaired and started to change along with my form...

I felt it become stronger opening my eyes, which can now see my armor started to take a darker tone of red almost turning black, and all the seperations and gaps have actual hellfire flowing and glowing through my new armor.

A giant daemonic face and open maw with razor-sharp, blade-like teeth this manifested on my chestplate, with a blazing, crimson inferno illuminating the eyes, nose, and mouth of this new plated chest-piece, turning slightly my gaze I've notice that this new chest-armor also has several set of horns that now adorn as shoulder spikes with the largest resembling scarlet and black ram horns.

The waist armor has become a dark crimson and black layered with multiple sharp edges on the sides, along the lower edge were a golden bolts baring the image of my daemonic face.

Continuing to inspect myself, I inspected my arms next, stretching and moving them as I inspected them.

The shoulder paldrons have become smoother in a rounded form with the horns acting as spikes for said paldrons, on the side their were golden spiked-bolted symbols attached to these paldron, these symbols are my sacred mark, at the edge of these paldron black, thick fur adorn them, I must say from what I've managed to see this new form of mine is the truest representation of power, and wrath.

I look lower, inspecting the elbows and the rest of my arms next, layered sharp armor in between the shoulder and elbow area, with long spiked rounded elbow-guards with spike studs scattered over them, very thick, and large set of razor-sharp clawed gauntlets are now over my hands, with giant skulls as knuckles, and from these skulls eyes constant streaming of crimson blood that now constantly bath my hands and claws.

I slowly start to stand on my own, at first Valkia tried to assist me as she must be worried of me, I was clearly written in her beautiful face, but I gently pushed her away to stop her as I stood up, strong...mighty...proud...and powerful!!!!

I gently caressed my wife, Valkia's left cheek as she grasp my clawed hand, clearly she was relieved that I'm not injured and restored once again.

Before speaking to Laharl, cause I know my brother must have something to do with not only my restoration but this...ascension I'm experiencing, I wanted to have a quick look at the rest of my body and armor.

Looking down I saw a thick leather muscle belt with skulls studding all around it, and that it has a brass sharp fanged skull without a lower jaw, attached firmly onto the front it's eyes were ablaze with hellfire. (think ghost rider's haunted bike in the first movie)

Underneath this new muscle belt, a bright red loincloth was attached all around the lower edge of said belt, it was quite impressive and I quite like it.

My thigh armor has become thicker, heavier, and more layered than before with the left thigh having a black giant chain tied around it, and hanging from said chain were giant humongous skulls with different things etched on their forehead.

One a bloody hand print, another has hole that represents a wound which was actually bleeding continuously, the next skull had a spiked helmet bolted in, the skull in the center had long curved bull horns and the eight-point star painted on the forehead in blood, another skull has my mark in brass attached to its forehead, the next skull following was on fire never causing damage to me or to the skull.

The seventh was a skull hanging from the chain on the far right has a bunch of brass spikes that seems to have been hammer into it and the last one on the far left had a metal brass mask attached to it with blood tears painted on it.

My knee guards were larger and resemble screaming daemon faces with chain dangling from their edges.

The new armor manifested brass chin guards that both have a trail of thick, pointed spikes in sets of eight on each, my armored greaves changed quite a lot resembling daemonic four clawed feet with golden runes edge all over them. (picture Nightmare feet from SCIV)

As I brought my right hand closer to my face, inspecting it, clenching and stretching my clawed fingers I can clearly say, I have been REBORN, AS A TRUE GOD OF WAR AND BLOOD!!!!

NURGLE WONT STAND A CHANCE AGAINST ME NOW, as I mentally celebrate and saw my brother grabbing the puny plague daemon, I heard him defend me and demand an answer for his braised and cowardly attempt to SLAY ME!!!!


JUST WHEN I WAS...about to speak, and demand my brother to hand over the filth to me I suddenly felt a sharp but brief pain surged through various parts of my body.

Grunting and growling as this meager but steady pain assaulted my body, making me bend forward slightly.

I felt as my wife placed her arms on my chest and back, to try and comfort me.

My body's muscles and bulk was still expanding after a short moment just like it manifested, the pain disappeared and stood straight in a greater height than before, looking slightly down at my beloved Gorequeen, I now stood taller than what she was before that we stood at the same height before.

Then a surge of power, was emenating from my right hand feeling this I stretched out said hand, and in a burst of hellfire my blade, the Unmaker appeared directly into my grasp changed the black handle once looking crast and crowd was now elegant in design from what can see and feel.

It was a swirling long zweihandle sword style handle of black and scarlet, a daemon head made from bright brass color now was the pummel of the blade, on it mouth I saw as it bite a black chain that held several bleeding skulls on it.

The new guard was made from a combination of gold and brass it was my mark but very large with a golden eight-point star in-circuling the mark, I must admit it was elegant, powerful, and menacing.

Next I examined the blade itself, the blade turned from a long claymore style hellblade to a massive double-edged buster sword.

With black and dark red edges with a blazing wide center that travel throughout the length of the blade all the way to the tip, which now was more of a wide, sharp, arrow tip style with eight angular spikes layering on the sides, it was truly magnificent.

After finishing my examination on my newly formed blade I stabbed it on Nurgle's disgusting grounds, and focused my sight on my brother who despite not being able to expressed it was clear he was surprised that now I too have ascended.

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

After finishing threatening the little Great Unclean One, held in the grasp of one of my tentacles I turned to Khorne and Valkia and was incredibly surprised at what my three eyes are seeing.

Khorne not only was he completely healed but I may have caused him to ascend, his appearance not only drastically changed especially his helmet which now had a more smooth, rounded edge with a "V" shaped gap with a inward curved slit on the position of each eye, speaking about his now blazing red, burning eyes.

Next it was the mouth piece which resembles a dark brass skeletal jaw, with razor-sharp blade like teeth made of brass, fitting in all honesty for the Chaos God of Blood, then I saw the three horns that are on his helmet a pair of huge, sharp bull horns on the side and the long pointed, sharp horn in the center that gave Khorne a SCIII Nightmare vibe, especially with a scarlet red long knight plume that now was hanging from the back of his helmed head.

I'm quite impressed and honestly geeking a bit in my mind, I've seen fanart, and official art from GW on Khorne's many depictions but nothing like this, I sensed his power it was way beyond that of a low tier God, he was...in the Mid category how the Warp is that possible!!!!?

That's when I heard Aillia answer me, (Well, my Lord. Khorne has been feasting on the war, bloodshed, and anger from the latest surge of massacres done by your forces, plus his own, as well as the Eldar and Orkz. And you gave him nearly a hundred-millions of souls. All that has not only greatly empowered, Khorne but broke several bottlenecks skipping straight into the mid-low tiers of Gods.)

Just great my generosity, and brotherly deed may have bite me in my ass...perfect...

But in truth this also opens new opportunities for me, this will grant a lot of progress with both him and Valkia in subjugation them.

Plus this means I've made another major timeline shift, with Khorne ascending way before the rise of the Anathema, when I take him, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh as well as the Horned Rat and Hashut across the multiverse we'll be even more powerful than before the Horus Heresy.

So after calming myself, I spoke to Khorne, "Seems you no longer look like crap, little brother, instead now you look like a dark overlord ready to pillage and rape, hehehe." Khorne and Valkia found my comment funny and Khorne unearth his Unmaker and started to walk towards me.

As he got closer he finally responded to my comment, in a joyous and amused manner "Maybe so brother. But there's much important matters to attend, now." Khorne walked passed me, but not before sending a menacing glare at the greater daemon in my grasp, (Botchulaz) seems whatever I was originally going to do to this great unclean one, will be nothing compared to what Khorne has planned.

Then Valkia joined Khorne's side not before saying "thank you" to me for saving and restoring her husband, she even went further to say, "If you've been manifested in my old homeworld, there wouldn't be a need for a Everchosen, and the realm would have fallen to Chaos long ago...brother." I think that's the first time Valkia has said, something nice to me.

Khorne stood looking at the still waging battle, as Valkia quickly joined his side, and I heard him yell out to his daemons, "MY LEGION!!!!! HOW DARE YOU, NOT SLAUGHTER AND MASSACRE THESE MAGGOTS OF MY BROTHER YET!!!!? I WAS WOUNDED MANY TIMES IN GLORIOUS BATTLE WITH NURGLE, AND STILL I STAND, STRONGER THAN BEFORE!!!!!! NOW I BESTOW THAT POWER, THAT NEW RELENTLESS RAGE UNTO YOU ALL!!!!!" Khorne extended his hand as a red aura and miasma started to cover my brother's extended arm.

I saw as that same red miasma, soared out Khorne's arm and went straight into his daemons causing them to roared with unimaginable power, just when I had my previous ascensions, the rise in tier has also affected all his daemons making stronger and more vicious.

As Khorne was finishing, I felt an annoying pinch on my tentacle, my serpents' and lower eyes immediately focused on the source of this annoyance.

I saw this greater daemon of Nurgle, an actual Great Unclean One try to escape my grasp by...bitting me, so I instructed my serpents to intimidate and added some strength to my grip, squeezing the great unclean one tighter feeling the rotten bones of the Greater Daemon (Botchulaz) break and snap in my grasp, causing the greater daemon to scream in pain.

That's when I heard my brother speak to me, "Laharl. Don't that maggot is mine." I turn my head towards Khorne, and shrugged as I carelessly tossed the broken, Great Unclean One at his feet.

I stared at Khorne, as he sighed and expressed a short, exasperated thank you to me, before these little nurglish daemons still in front of me gain some reason, and try to run away from me I commanded my serpents to kill them, four of them drew back as snakes do as they prepare to strike, with a menacing hiss they struck.

Rising my kill count, around 2900 now even if Khorne slaughters the remnants of Nurgle's legion still fighting against mine, and his now even stronger forces he'll still lose.

While my serpents were...enjoying...their struggling meals...Warp, at least I don't share taste but unfortunately I share the same stomach...I watched as Khorne, dealt punishment to the daemon that tried to kill him not a moment ago.

(General POV)

The Dark One, watched as Khorne lightly stepped on Botchulaz, applying a bit of force to further crush the bones that Laharl hadn't broken.

Valkia watched as well in amusement not because of the pain, and torture her husband was dealing to the greater daemon, but because he was quite literally crushing a weakling underfoot that's when Khorne spoke, "LITTLE MAGGOT!!!! I BELIEVE THAT MY BROTHER ASKED, YOU SOME QUESTIONS BEFORE? ANSWER THEM!!!...while you still can." Khorne add a bit more force to his foot, as a loud crack, followed by a splash of black blood and Botchulaz coughed out blood, and vile covering Khorne's new foot.

Botchulaz laughed strainly as he confessed that if it wasn't for Khorne's brother he'd be greatly rewarded and favored by Nurgle, that comment enraged all three of the standing Chaos God before Khorne could administer more pain to the taunting, and dying Great Unclean One, Laharl beat him to it, by conjuring several shadow made spikes impaling the exposed parts of Botchulaz.

The screams of pain and agony coming from Botchulaz were intense, as the ruinous power of darkness surged through the gangrenius body of the greater nurglish daemon, the Dark One then talked to Khorne,"As much as I find this entertaining, brother. We still have a war to finish, and another Sibling to take down, unless you want to give Nurgle a chance to catch his second wind?" Khorne grumble in annoyance not because Laharl interfered with his administration of punishment, but because he was regretfully right.

Khorne sighed as he told Valkia to finish things in the battle and protect their sisters-in-law, she begrudgingly agreed and before returning to the battle grabbed the side of Khorne's face, turning it towards her.

The mouth piece of Khorne's new helmet open like a maw that it is, revealing his blood red skin and that Diablo like mouth he possess as he and Valkia shared a passionate, and bloody kiss.

Laharl shuke his head, waiting for his brother and sister-in-law to finish, while the Dark One appreciates and encourages love and lust, gore smut...that Slaanesh not him, so when the couple stopped kissing, as Valkia licked her lips clean of the blood shed by kiss she walked back to the frey.

Khorne, then finished the greater daemon by applying a special curse to him, as he removed his foot and set him on fire and no matter, how much the Botchulaz struggle with his broken body as he left him to burn, but Laharl noticed that the rotting flesh wasn't blackening...Khorne must of sensed the Dark One's curiosity and answer the unasked question, "Non-quenching flame, that harm...but don't kill. He'll burn forever." Khorne turned his head towards him, and asked/mocked, "NOW who's wasting time? Let go win this battle, shall we?" Laharl laughed as he joined Khorne as they make their deeper into the Garden, to face Nurgle again.