
The Wave of Change

(General POV)

Location the Warp, Neutral Space-Infinity Fountain Resting Place

Once the Dark One, the Chaos God of Carnage said those words..."A new Chapter is coming..." Khorne, Valkia, and Nurgle immediately knew what he meant by them...a new Chaos God is about to soon be born, and not just any God but the most traitorous and scheming of them all.

The Chaos God of Change, Tzeentch the Architech of Fate...

This changed all plans that the three brothers have originally thought of completely, since now they must put all their attention on the incoming threat of their newest sibling poses on all of them now.

With that out of the way, the Dark One he began telling them what his Elder Daemon, Ba'al Allseer has warned him about, and the changes that have affected and strengthened Tzeentch more than they've originally believed he could have achieved.

So their meeting carried on, while another entity was about to discover that another enemy was about to emerge against him...

(Anathema POV)

Location Realspace, the Feudalworld Earth-Pass the Renaissance Age/France, the final moments of the French Revolution

As I watched the age of discussion and possible advancement of progress instead of religion and beliefs utterly crumble before my eyes.

I stood psychically cloaked as the last of the royals of this great nation of France, were executed by the guillotine...I hoped the dependence of Gods would wain with the rise of several brilliant men and the evolution of philosophy, would have free mankind's need to depend even if unintentionally pray to those Warp parasites calling themselves Gods!!!

Tightening my great fists, I had high hope of this era, especially since the barbaric, warmongering eras of before were behind us, only to be replaced so many inventors and geniuses snuffed out by the Church and Vatican...

I started to leave controlling my emotions and frustrations, in these last centuries I've grown in power and control.

But still the only good thing that came out of this revolution and rise of the man Napoleon Bonaparte, he was resentful of the French monarchy, and supported the French Revolution in 1789 while serving in the French army, trying to spread its ideals to his native Corsica, a true man of his people as Napoleonz he rose rapidly in the ranks after saving the governing French Directory by firing on royalist insurgents.

He'll most likely become the Ruler of France, so at least this nation will prosper again, as I left the city walking through the stone paved roared it started to rain, as I stopped and felt the rain wash over me.

Then I thought of the greatest frustration that still hounds me, and irritates me to no end.

Even with my ever-growing understanding, power, and psyker might I'd haven't been able to penetrate the Realm of Souls, or spy on my mortal enemies the Chaos Gods.

All these years I haven't been able to return to the depths of the Immaterium or learn about anything those vile entities, might be plotting, I've tried many time to break through the barrier that surrounds the domain of those three vile parasites, rule over...but all attempts ended in regrettable failure...

As I started to leave the city, I stopped in the middle of the rain, and started to sense a disturbance...

It didn't come from this plain but the Immaterium, a growing dark power was drawing energies from this conflict and strife that is happening here.

It was not Khorne, Laharl or Nurgle, but something much different...completely unknown to me.

Looking to the grey cloud cover sky, as rain kept on falling over me, I fear that another of those daemonic entities is being birth into existence, cause of these conflicts that have occurred in the last centuries.

Now rage started to surge through my mind, I didn't know that new Gods could be brought to existence in such a manner.

(Quick Note: Lore states that the "shamans" that reincarnated into the Emperor, didn't involve themselves with Chaos, but instead hunted down by Warp-Predators. Soo logically this should be the Anathema's first time learning that more Chaos Gods can be born, and his first indirect encounter with Tzeentch.)

Whatever is the barrier blocking me from spying on the Blood Lands of Khorne, the Plague Garden of Nurgle, and the Nethervoid of Laharl, didn't seem to be protecting or blocking this new entity from my psychic senses.

While this is a terrible turn of events with another abomination of Chaos coming into existence, this also provides me with a needed opportunity to investigate and study my enemies, and most likely finally find any weakpoints in that accursed barrier.

I quickly left the city, to search for a secluded place to focus my psychic powers, and finally re-enter the Warp.

I'll not be denied this time!!!

For the sake of humanity, and our future as the dominant and prosperity across the star and beyond, I must learn how to defeat Chaos, no matter the cost.

I was too lenient in the hope that humanity would start abandoning worship, for science, philosophy, enginuaty, and progress but it seems they've yet to let go of dependency of faith and false Gods.

I'll never allow mankind to be nothing but subtinance to those vile fiends, that corrupt the once beautiful and still important Realm of Soul, the collected psyche of mankind...and I need to free it from "their" horrendous clutches.

Location the Immaterium-Deep in the Warp, the Incomplete Realm of the Sorceror

The realm being created by this nameless unborn Chaos God, was greatly progressing along with his understanding of his purpose and goals...total dominating and divine rule over both dimensions.

To create universe of no ending progress and be forever changing.

As eldritch masses of flesh and pure Warp-energies were starting to emerge and sprout throughout the realm as well, all in the Dark God's desired designs.

Across the growing domian of this, still developing Dark God, tentacles, eyes either encrusted on the landmass itself or manifesting in the sky, act as his own eyes and will.

There is a grand blue maze of crystal and mirrors started to manifest in the eldritch blue landscape, with daemonic gates resembling giant maws, which ask questions and riddles to allow passage of the impossible maze.

The desire...the obsession over knowledge and the possible outcomes of choices with a soul's fate, drive this nameless entity into making countless of floating towered vaults with growing records of knowledge that he has acquired...the existence of Gods, of magic, of worship, of history and more.

Also some knowledge and understanding of himself he was a God on his path of being born, its divine rite he rule all and brought the eternal age of Change to all, and destroy all that refuse him or are stagnant.

As more time passed the more it understood and grew in power, that all beings are but pawns for another's ascension or damnation, both these beings are useful to the schemes and plans that already forming within the "mind" of this yet born Dark God.

But his plots might have great threat and obstructions, as this being grew in understanding and spreading it consciousness across the infinite corners of the Warp, it found and detected others...enemies...brothers and...possibly sisters?

Sisters which confused him, as he could sense dark divinity within these female entities (Valkia and Laharl's wives) but not at the same level, or age as the more powerful three...

One felt dark, darker than the Void itself, with the greatest sense of magic and power of the three, this entity also emenated the divinities of lust, horror, and dominion...interesting one with the greatest possibility of obtaining secrets and knowledge that should be his own.

The second entity felt powerful, not at the same level of the one previous but still strong, very strong exuding relentless bloodlust, unrelenting rage, hate, and violence...similar to a warlord without restraint, and hunger for battle that can never tire...for what he considered inside his cocoon, this rival is nothing but a mindless brute.

But some unknown reason, the youngest of these three rivals brought unspeakable, unbridled, uncontrollable hate and rage within him for some reason.

This third entity showed to be the weakest amongst his rivals but after observing this entity in its entirety, he realized that it represents everything he stood against and opposed of, stagnation, rot, acceptance, stillness...utter lack of hope, or progress, or change!!!!!

This...thinking about who he considered his most hated of rivals, caused the nameless God from within the cocoon to release uncontrollable amount of his power, corruption and influence onto the mortal side of this world.

Location the Materium-the Galaxy

Slowly for some...or unspeakably fast many things and races were being affected by a whole new suddel influence from within the Immaterium.

Most influenced by this litteral wave of hope, paranoia, and the desire to gain greater power, status, and position in whatever culture or class they belong, were the Eldar and Humans.

While the Gods of the Alderi manage to ease some of their more stronger will followers many proceed to do whatever it takes to change their fate for the better, leading to several social and political power struggles in the Empire, which especially effected them cause their enemies, were still attacking them from various points of their galactic empire.

Whilst the human...acted like humans, only much worse and greedy than before.

Backstabbing, political/social assassination, uprisings, and much more especially with the First Emperor of France, being greatly affected by the influence of this rising Chaos God, Napoleon started develop a reputation for being power-hungry and insecure, he is also credited with enacting a series of important political and social reforms that had a lasting impact on European society, including judiciary systems, constitutions, voting rights for all men and the end of feudalism, additionally, he did supported education, science and literature so his changes were both Good and Bad for Europe/France.

His Code Napoleon, which codified key freedoms gained during the French Revolution, such as religious tolerance, remains the foundation of French civil law.

Thus lead a bloody conquest and series of wars that in turn lead to his downfall and the downfall of France's domination of Europe, with his greatest defeat at the bloody Battle of Waterloo, in June, 1815.

Resulting in his abdication for a second time and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, in the southern Atlantic Ocean, where he lived out the rest of his days.

(Though I made the power rise and fall of France, and Napoleon Bonaparte the result of Tzeentch indirect influence...it fits him.)

But the one that most felt this wave of dark divine fury, were the daemonic entities and denizens of the Warp...

The daemons of Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle especially the nurglish daemon sensed the growing power...and change that was surging through the Immaterium, but the divine protection from the Ochain Shield, prevent any nasty affects on their hellish dwellings or the minions of the older Chaos Gods.

It was clear a new war between the forces of Chaos was soon to begin, and this brought excitement to all the daemons of the three elder Chaos Gods!!!

At the end the trio of the elder Chaos Gods, along with the Blood God's wife, Valkia the Gorequeen left from the Neutral Space of the Infinity Fountain Resting Place, they each returned to their bodies and started to make preparations for a new war, a new Chapter in the Great Game of Chaos.

Laharl before summoning his brothers and sister-in-law already had started with the war preparations against Tzeentch, he also made sure to warn his brothers that Tzeentch will be stronger than they've originally imagine, having access to magic which they brought and spread into the Warp, as they are the Gods that are one with it, and it with them...and probably also access in how to create daemonic spirits and elementals daemons, which shocked all of them, the Blood God, the Gorequeen, and the Maggotking.

But regardless it was Nurgle, who express that no matter what the Scheming God of Thosand and One Plots, has in stored they'll crush him, which made Laharl and Khorne smile in appreciation and agreement with their younger brother...

The Dark One thinks he must create some special defenses for his brothers so they can have better chance against the Sorceror God in this coming war.

But that can wait for later, as he needs to relax a bit and truly plan a way to face an empowered, soon to be born Tzeentch.