MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Blood Lands-Far away from the Gathering Spot
Khorne looked at his brother with interest and curiosity as he though of what could the Dark One possibly offer aside the Avatar (Infernal Destroyer)...then the Blood God realized what Laharl was tempting with...another Warp Tesseract (Free Absolute Creation), thankfully his helmet hid his face or his brother would have seem the wicket smirk plastered in the Diablo like face of his.
Khorne then spoke with his own form of teasing, "Are you sure, you can risk losing more to me brother?" Khorne pause to see if his brother gave him any sort of reaction, but nothing was given so Khorne continued to speak, "Seems we still have a bit of time before the attack...what are you adding to the pot, Laharl?" Laharl seeing that the bait he place was taken finally could really gain more than one of Khorne's murder weapon collection, plus also drastically increase his favor from him and Valkia in one fall swoop.
Flapping his wings and his serpents now focused completely on the Blood God, Laharl spoke, "The bet is the victor of this chapter, will gain ownership of my Avatar, plus you offered up one of your relic as well. But I'm adding a couple more of my Warp Tesseracts, along with a special gift of your choosing to add to bet, between us." the offer Laharl knew was to inticing for Khorne to refuse.
And just like the Dark One predicted, Khorne accepted and asked him what is it that he wants and what this new challenge is?
Which made Laharl quite excited and happy, as he spoke of adding not only more to their challenge which will be exciting...body count.
This made Khorne quite excited, agreed if they don't count the kills done by their daemonic subjects, and their spouses which Laharl agreed to commenting it would make thing much to easy, which in turn the Lord of Skulls nodded in agreement.
Khorne knew that he has wager already his powerful relic, and dark relic from his personal armory...the First Blade.
With the amount that Laharl was adding to the pot, he knew he must offer something more to have equal so the Blood God closed his blazing, crimson eyes he though of what he'll add to this extremely high pot.
After a couple minutes thinking in silence, the Blood God remembers one thing his realm has that the Laharl's the daemonic brass ore that he and Valkia have blessed with protection against psyker or as his wife refers to as sorcery, which is a grand resource and asset for many battle to come, Khorne open his eyes to stare at Arch-Daemon, Laharl with some begrudgen feeling, he sighed angrily and said, "...Since your wagering more, I will as well...Blood Brass Ore, 1300-Tons of it."
All thirteen of Laharl's eyes showed surprise as even his serpents suddenly all rise in attention looking straight at Khorne as he said his wager.
Not only was the Blood God, offering such a high value price, but also in the Dark One's sacred number which meant it'll have a greater affect, the look of shock and surprise quickly left Laharl's face and his serpents as he accepted.
Saying deal, and stretching out his right hand to his brother with the powers of Chaos, and the divinity of Promises surging throughout the arm of the Dark Harbinger in the form of a maroon and grey combined flames.
Khorne immediately noticed it wasn't hot or viotile, it was similar as the previous oath that they've struck just much more powerful, Khorne took a moment to observe his brother's flame coated black claw, then at his face and serpents all watching, waiting for his response and without any signs of hesitation or fear, the Blood God reached out his left hand and shuke his brother's hand, sealing the pact, as Laharl's divinity and God Abilities made their oath ironclad, officially signing their bound.
As both Chaos Gods respected arm started to be engulfed by the binding flames, of Laharl's [Promise] divinity, these maroon-greyish flames started to die and fade, as both felt that bound struck within their very essence, before either let go they each threw a bit of banter at the other.
With Laharl saying in a moking tone of voices, "Try not to get to angry after this is over, Khorne." and Khorne responded in his own moking way, "Why would the God of War, be angry of his victory, Laharl?" giving one final squeeze of the other's hand before letting go.
Laharl distanced himself from Khorne, as Khorne started to walk forward with his brother following from behind, as the two return to the Blood God's "campsite" to finally start the attack...
Location the Blood Lands-the Gathering Spot for the Plague Garden Invasion
The millions of legions, of khornate daemons still "wait patiently" for the return of their dark master so they can finally begin the march.
With exception of Scyla and Skarbrand who were resting somewhere around the area with the Chaos Spawn turned full daemon scratching and digging his claws on the red soil eagerly awaiting to be set loose on the battlefield, to wreck havoc and bloodshed in Khorne's name.
Skarbrand, the recently ascended Elder Daemon, was sitting upon a huge flat rock, using a "smaller" rock to sharpen his two daemonic axes "Slaughter & Carnage" clearly overflowing with bloodlust as he prepared for massacre of the Plague God's legions.
Not too long ago the blood daemons were hoping to spill the blood and claim the skulls of the Daemon Queens of Carnage, after the one known as Scalpel strucked their Dark Lady, Valkia.
But Valkia stopped them, claiming she was testing them and seeing what her sisters-in-law were capable of, they expected the aggression to rise and battle to ignite...but in the end, nothing happened but they all kept their watchful eyes on the "guests".
All bloodletters, rendmaster, skullmasters, juggernauts, bloodcrushers, bloodthirsters, blood valkyries, and even the newly spawned balrogs were closely watching over the Dark Ladies, Scalpel, Ruu and Ragna waiting for any sign to strike.
The only ones which were "calm" through all of this were flesh hounds under the gaze of their larger, three-headed alpha Karanak, who was resting peaceful waiting for either his dark mistress to command his attack or Khorne's command to march.
The other calmed ones were the Chaos Goddesses themselves which were conversing with each other growing...somewhat...closer to each other as sisters-in-law but nothing that can be considered friendship...more like slight respect.
That's when all sensed the Dark Gods approaching...
They saw as the Blood God, Khorne, and the Carnage God, Laharl in all there dark majesty were walking/flying towards the "campsite" immediately Valkia went to her husband side, while Scalpel, Ruu, and Ragna went to theirs.
Khorne embraced his wife in his armored arms, and she rested her horned, litteral fire head on his chest, Khorne turned to his brother's side as his sisters-in-law were gently picked up by the violet and black serpents, he said to him, "Don't forget the prices brother." Laharl chuckled and responded, "Same to you." as he and the Carnage Goddesses flew away.
The Blood God let a little chuckle, as he watched his brother leave and reunite with his main force that was marching on to the Garden, he then yelled for the Bloodthirster, the Storm Prince to him.
The recently restored greater daemon swoop down, kneeling before his dark masters if not for Ka'bandha in the previous battle on Mudus Kars, he might have been the elder daemon.
Khorne said he was impressed with his power, and might hence why he summoned him and chose the Bloodthirster for a mission of upmost importance for the upcoming battle.
He told them all of the nurglish daemons currently laying siege on the Materium in a vain attempt to further empower and feed Nurgle so he can by some miracle be strong enough to challenge him...or Laharl.
Hearing this made the blood legion roar as such a cowardly way to gain the right to challenge their dark god, Khorne he quickly silenced them so he tasked the Storm Prince to take command of 40% of the legion, and attack these daemons alongside the Dark Ladies, Chi, Cassandra, Kiira, and Jade.
This surprised the Blood Legions, normally they would have attacked everyone and claim their skulls for his throne, that's when Khorne spoke of his temporary truce with his brother, to prevent Nurgle from having any advantage or chance of attacking either of them they'll cease aggressions together until the Plague God is defeated.
Then Khorne now release from his wife's embrace, with his eyes closed and his daemonic blade resting firmly on his shoulder, took a few steps forward.
He stopped walking forward, and stood there in silence for a moment a burst of hellfire causing the Blood God to look even more menacing, terrifying, and powerful to all his daemons as he asked in a deep, commanding, powerful, semi-distorted masculine voice, "IS THERE ANY OBJECTIONS, TO MY DECISION!!!!?" all the khornate daemons backed off, and shuke their daemonic head in response to Khorne.
Khorne observing all his subjects response, he said, "I DIDN'T THINK SO. NOW STORM PRINCE GATHER YOUR FORCE AND ATTACK THE PLAGUE LEGION IN REALSPACE!!!!" nodding to him the Bloodthirster stood up and did as commanded, gathering 40% of the entire legion and immediately leaving for battle.
Khorne turned around and walked back to his beloved Valkia's side as she summoned her weapons and nodded her head to her dear husband as he finally gave the command to march onto the Plague God's domain, causing all the blood daemons to cheer, roar, and rise their weapons as they marched northwest, right behind Lord Khorne, and Lady Valkia.
Some time later...
Location Near the edges of the Realms of Khorne and Laharl
It didn't take long for the Dark One and three of seven of his wives (Scalpel, Ruu and Ragna) to catch up to Mordred and Beelzabub before they reached the edge between the three daemonic realms, as the great Arch-Daemon let his wives safely land, and retook command of the legion.
Laharl ordered the march to stop, as they waited for the Blood Gods and their legion which didn't take long, as a legion of millions of khornate daemons following Khorne and Valkia soon arrived and Laharl order his legion to make way...
As the brothers share one last glance, the Dark One ordered his forces to continue marching.
Now side by side the Chaos Gods of Carnage and Blood now were about to strike at the lands of disease, and face Nurgle and his force officially starting the Second Chapter of the Great Game.
As the legions marched onto the Plague Garden...
Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/Nearly-complete Blighted Mansion of Nurgle
...Sitting upon his colossal rotted wooden throne, filled with fungus, moss, slime, and all matter of filt was the Plaguefather.
Amused, and happy as nurglings were playing around his royal chamber, filled with all matter disgusting matter and plague ridden material from all over existence, just in front of Nurgle was humongous black cauldron nearly as huge as himself, with a wooden ladle at the edge floating in the viscous, bright green boiling liquid inside.
Originally Nurgle was toying away, as he was brewing new plagues and diseases to bless the mortals of the Materium, with the little imps of his Nurglings children scampering around his workshop, as his other children collected souls and more power for when he attacks his two brothers, when a plaguebearer on a rot fly, know as a Plague Drone came flying through the side window.
It was a scout reporting that a humongous united force of non-plague daemons was coming to the Garden, Nurgle stopped smiling for a moment before he sat on his throne, told the Plague Drone to summon all his daemons still in the Garden and send them to defend his realm, nodding to the Plague Drone immediately flew out the window to do as he commanded...
Resting his bloated chin, on his clawed sick burgundy colored right hand Nurgle spoke to himself, " seems...that...we...get to meet...earlier than...expected. Ohhhh...hehehe...(coughing and hacking) delightful. Soon, you...two...shall gifts...and...the Warp...shall"
As the dank, and dark chamber was illuminated by the Plague God's glowing, malignant, lightsaber green eyes and his heavy breathing, deep laughing along with wet gagging coughs could be heard across the Blighted Mansion, as countless of plague daemons started to leave the mansion and onto war.
The Great Game has finally continued, with the addition of decay alongside carnage and bloodshed...
[I'm back,feeling better and bringing you the latest chapter, at long last the Nurgle Saga finally begins, hope you all enjoy and keep supporting.]