MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Feralworld-Auhtt Southwest, Nameless Jungle, near a Kreuki Hive
The Ambrossian Shroud was literally juiced up by L'litha's latest Ambrossia cocktail the Mad Brew, seeing the effect on some of her forces she gave to the mutated orkz that were now apart of her service, making even greater threats to any that stand in her way of collecting more Kreuki honey.
The deeper into the jungle, the warband went the more signs of skeletal remains, and more bee wax littered the jungle, which made L'litha more happy and excited cause soon she'll have more honey and seeing the use of these bees they'll make a great addition to the legions of Laharl, especially her warband.
These thoughts made the little succubus smile and fill with hope that offering the kreuki to the Dark One would lessen his anger towards her and buy her more time to make her ultimate brew for her redemption in the eyes of the Dark Gods.
While marching further in the jungle, the sounds of the kreuki buzzing around in great numbers was a good sign that their getting real close to the kreuki hive.
All the Ambrossian Shroud were eager and excited for this upcoming battle, but none more so than L'litha herself as she flew slightly ahead of her warband following the trail to her prize...
They contined marching finding small dump areas that the hive must be using eventually they passed the largest dumpsite of eaten prey and...other the entire jungle followed by some sentry swarming them but with the effects of L'litha's Mad Brew still coursing through most of her forces they ballistically attacked the six kreuki sentries.
The kreuki immediately slashed, stabbed, and stung the Gluttons that were leading the charge but their mutations gave them the biggest strength and weakness physical numbness, meaning they acted as the tanks of the warband, soaking up and dealing massive amount of damage as it was clearly happening.
While L'litha lost a couple of her Ambrossian Gluttons, her imps and succubi overwhelmed the alien bees with speed and agility, slashing and clawing into these sentries until they were dead, this was further proof that her latest concoction was overwhelming success, and she'll keep a sturdy supply of it along with her Luster Ambrossia Cocktail, one serving both as an offensive weapon and cure for her forces, while the other is basically a aggression booster.
L'litha while flying in place spread her arms and wings wide laughing madly feeling overwhelming pride in herself as she said, "I am the true master of Ambrossia!!! My dark master, please be patient the future brew that I'll present to you, will ease your divine anger!!!! This I swear as a daughter of the Matriarch!!!!" as she continues to laugh.
But little did the Brew Mistress knew but was blinded by overflowing excitement and other emotions to realize, she made a oath with the God of Promises, and Laharl listened well binding her to her oath.
Especially since the Dark One knew that L'litha's own paranoia and lust to be forgiven and create this ultimate Ambrossia will drive the succubus not to break her oath, this please the Dark One as the binding of their oath was immediately taking effect and unlike Tzeentch or Slaanesh he'll never cheat his loyal followers, unless their followers of his siblings...maybe with the exception of Khorne and Nurgle...
Regardless this oath will also serve to make his succubus herald grow in power, and in turn offer more power and souls to him and his Brides so the oath was heard and accepted...
As L'litha was calming down and saw that her warband had already dealt with the kreuki sentries, she told her followers not to bother harvesting the bodies, for their about to gain much more of everything, real soon.
Location Nameless Jungle, Kreuki Hive
The Ambrossian Shroud were marching for a while but eventually they reach their destination.
Just infront of L'litha and her Ambrossian Shroud was a huge cliff that was impossible to see from afar but that was not important, what was important was what was stuck at the edge and bottom of the cliff...the Hive.
Said hive was humongous, surrounded by hundreds of buzzing kreuki going in and out of the entrances scattered all over of the yellow and golden sides of the humongous bee hive.
The alien bees cemented the hive using wax that harden and bound itself to the massive cliff and what L'litha saw dripping down from the bottom of the come shaped hive, made her grin with a look of greed and desire.
That hive was overflowing with honey, she giggled childishly as she spare no though about it and ordered her warband to charge and attack!
The Ambrossian Shroud charged straight towards the kreuki hive alerting the drones, workers, and sentries that were swarming the area and as naturally for these xenos they aggressively swoop at the daemonic warband.
When a few of them got in range they were strucked by glass flask with wine and green colored liquid or more specifically L'litha's, Luster Ambrossia Cocktail which was utterly toxic to the none daemonic only resulting in one of two outcomes...death or mutation.
L'litha who this time was acting as a range support was throwing more Luster A. Cocktail flasks at her targets once hit the effect were almost instantaneously.
The Kreuki strucked by her brew were immediately poisoned dropping from the air, and just like the orkz she tried it on before, some turned in melted goop that splashed everywhere when hitting the ground, other couldn't handle the mutation progress and started cracking open and bleeding until they die, and the ones that did survived as L'litha was hopping for these few kreuki started turning more purple and burgundy in color, growing spikes and few extra limbs...
These were the perfect mounts for the succubi as she immediately took command of these kreuki ordering half to attack the others of their former hive, and the rest to land.
Kreuki immediately commanded a few her sisters with ring blades to mount up, and lead the rest of the Ambrossian Swarm in aerial combat, they smiled excitedly at L'litha and gladly did as she commanded.
L'litha watched as a small squad of succubi took flight on their new mounts, meaning that she now commands a calvary force which will only grow in size as she throws more Luster Ambrossia Cocktails at the aliens, plus the benefit if she misses and hits one of her forces, they'll heal making her attack basically an endless aggressive attrition, which made her smile at the carnage she's wroughting.
As the attack pressed on with the Ambrossian Shroud clearly at an advantage especially with their newest units joining the fight, some of the imps even have taken to climb on the corrupt kreuki that the succubi were riding to jump on the other kreuki to claw and slash their prey on their backs.
This amused those former alderi children, they truly fit their new name and role as imps, also her Gluttons were dealing damage since she didn't need them at the moment to soak up damage, L'litha order them to go on the full offensive.
Using their bloated and grotesque mutated bodies against the Kreuki's attacks being numb to pain they just wrestled the xeno bees to the ground, either allowing her other forces such as the ambrossian warriors and succubi dealt with the down kreuki or L'litha flew at some of the down kreuki and poured her brew on them.
As the Brew Mistress watched her cocktail do it's terrible work, majority died but those that survived she immediately gave them a succubus rider strengthening the numbers of her calvary, and also making her warband much deadlier.
Seeing her as the biggest threat to the hive and queen, several kreuki swarmed down to her which L'litha only stared without an ounce of concern, as she send out her enchanted sashes to bound her targets crushing and smashing the bugs hard on the ground.
Smiling wickedly L'litha dragged her new pets that survived her rough-housing L'litha pour her brew on the struggling kreuki too bad only two survived and became corrupted by the brew's mutation it was clear this initial assault is her's victory.
The attack continued with more kreuki swarming out the hive to defend their hive and queen, which is also making the said Kreuki Queen become more agitated in her nest chamber, deep within the bee-hive.
(Laharl/Chaos God POV)
Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Throne Room
Things are getting good, as my little herald in the making has found her target and cause a huge battle between her warband and those alien insect, even doing something unexpected as corrupting and taming the kreuki to be the exclusive mounts for the succubi.
I'll admit it was an incredible idea, I could sense that my dear Kiira also approved of the little succubus' idea the Chaos and Carnage she causing the natural balance of that world was not only entertaining but quite delicious, almost as my burger as I take the final bite of my food.
Once again my lilims have prove themselves great daemon chefs, and worth while creation of mine.
Kiira was actually planning to breed and keep the kreuki as the mounts for her most unique daughters just like L'litha has done.
I'll admit it was a great plan for a new beast of Carnage, plus aside from my Observers I'll have another flying unit in my forces, so my Slaughter Calvary will rule the ground while these new succubi riders shall reign the skies giving me another advantage over some of my siblings and future enemies.
I smile as these new units will be a great match to Nurgle's Rot Flies and the aerial calvary unit the Plague Drones.
Seems I'll have to further award L'litha once all of this is done, I thought of that reward I'll make that kreuki queen that L'litha facing her special mount.
Seeing L'litha fight and command her army, reminds of the GW game of TW-Warhammer I'll admit I miss playing that videogame from my previous life.
Sighing, as I thought of those memories and I though of the Old World Kislev character, Mother Ostankya when L'litha gain my gift of gaining that alien bee-queen as her mount to ride into battle without needing to carry the gord around but this will only make her stronger, and be able to easily join the ranks of high-daemons in my legion.
I turned to Kiira and said, "My beloved Kiira, not to worry these kreuki shall be exclusively for your daughter once L'litha wins this battle." after saying this Kiira gasped happily and this made Ragna angry yelling out that, "Hey baby!!! Why does everyone has their own personal minions and basically armies, while I got zip!!!?" turning to her side I sighed got up my throne and walked towards her hindu like throne.
I looked at her cute black puffed up angry face, and crossed arm and using my right claw to turn her face to look at mine.
Smiling I kissed her, placing my tongue deep into her mouth making my wife fluster and blush deeply as I broke our kiss and she looked down in a semi-angry blushing face, chuckling as it was clear that she was embarrassed by my actions and her sister-wives didn't help the situation all focusing on Ragna and myself.
I told her to never feel shame or be jealous, telling that she is a Goddess if she wants her own daemons she can make them, also by making look directly into my eyes I went further by saying, "None of you are superior than the other. None of you are gaining favoritism over the other. You're all my beloved wives, I will cherish and make all your desire true, Ragna so please don't be angry. OK?" saying made her and the others fluster, what can I say I'm literally the God of Love and Lust, I know how to make my wives happy.
Ragna apologize to me and Kiira, making me smile as I walked back to my throne to sit as I call a handmaiden to pass an order to the lilims to make another burger, you can't have just one hearing my command the succubus bowed and rushed off.
Since the mood once again was restore, slash turned because I made my wives feel fluster I shake my head while smiling as we return to watching the battle between L'litha's warband and the Kreuki Hive.
(General POV)
Location the Feralworld-Auhtt, Nameless Jungle, Kreuki Hive
The Ambrossian Shroud was clearly winning as the kreuki were losing to many either to corruption or death in the hands of L'litha's brews especially when she started also throwing her Mad Brew to make all her forces more stronger and aggressive.
The jungle floor and plants were filled with bee corpses, bee goop, and more.
During this whole fight L'litha has only lost a few mostly imps and warriors that got overwhelmed by kreuki attacks and poisons, but in the end her Luster Ambrossia Cocktail, healed most of her wounded and fatigue followers keeping in the fight, which forced the kreuki to coward back inside of their hive, L'litha enjoying the bloodshed and chaos refuse to let it end taking advantage of their well high moral and aggression ordering all her forces to advance and strike the hive directly, all while having a sinister smile on beautiful, childish face.