MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(Anathema POV)
Location the Feudalworld Earth-Eras before the Dawn of the Renaissance Age/Nordic Territories
I chased my query across the planet, for the course of a year!
I managed to track this greater daemon across many continents plagued by war or great battles...Asia, India, Egypt, and even Rome until I managed to corner this vile Phobos in the snow covered lands, of the vikings.
This is the fifth attempt of me slaying this vile servent of Chaos!!!
I've tried to banished this, Phobos in many occasions, but every previous attempt resulted in him running away from me, like the cowardly Warp born creature of the foul forces of Chaos, I upon this blade, and dark battlefield I'll slay Phobos today.
I do not fear the God of Promises, for my power and righteousness make me immune to his vile machinations...
(The Emperor even before becoming the lord of mankind, always had an incredible amount of pride and arrogance that basically cost him me he is the textbook definition of a man that thinks he is always better and right. Hence I make him believe he is immune to Laharl bounds and oath-keeping only cause he doesn't see the point of bouning and punishing him...yet.)
During my chase I've slain many of Phobos' ilk saving many victims before they could be taken by these daemons, but there was still those that have befallen a fate worse than death.
I finally tracked my enemy down on the frozen lands of the viking raiders, while I arrived at the midst of a brutal battle between two viking clans, I knew this battle and death will draw in Phobos and his ilk directly to me, so I hid my presence and waited...
The vikings such warriors that are dying as the next era of humanity was fast approaching, an age of reason, development, and debate instead of the blade and relaying on the false Gods, like Odin and the Asgardians, or the rest on the world, soon the dependence of religion and fate will be extinguished and humanity can finally prosper...and just as the vision I had from that lesser daemon, long ago humanity will expand pass the Earth and take it's rightful spot above all in the Galaxy.
While I reminisce, and let my massive cloak flow in the cold became colder...he is here at last...
It didn't take much when this cold air that once had the sounds of roaring warriors, and clashing metal were replaced with horrible screaming of fear as the spawn of the Equinox, started their collecting or as many know it as reaping.
Already five of these skinless atrocities, were at the midst of the viking warriors grabbing and taking poor souls that tried to fight and resist against these daemons as they completely ignore all blows dealt, without any sign of harm appearing on their bodies from the vikings futile resistance.
I saw enough, with me holding onto the handle of my sword stabbed in front of me, I flowed my psychic power through the blade causing it to ignite in flames once more...this time Phobos will fall and never dirty my world again!!!
Releasing my sword, I started making my way into the fray as well...
At the same moment within the Warp...
(Laharl/Carnage God POV)
Location the Warp-Realm of Chaos, Over the Nethervoid/On the Azure Moon of Chaos
Currently I'm on the Chaos moon of the Realm of Chaos, speaking with my two younger brothers, Khorne and Nurgle.
We were discussing the possible gear we can add to our avatar, Ixion to make it much stronger then ever, before we return to our bloody campaign on the Old World.
Of course I told them that I'll create a planet like Titanomachy, a Chaosworld which will be utterly neutral to spawn and multiply their latest addition of mortal chaotic creatures onto our legions, the Dragon Ogres.
I've already came up with a name for this future planet, Fafnir named after the Nordic evil dragon of mythology, fitting for draconian blooded monsters in my opinion.
We've agreed to make Kholek Suneater, the lord of this new Chaosworld, and ascend him as the first non-human daemon prince...of course I told them of my newest divinity [Hierarchy] and my ability to ascend a Prince to a King, but both Nurgle and Khorne believe that while Kholek is worthy to become a Daemon Prince, he isn't yet worthy of being a King.
So that discussion ended as such, and let me not forget Khorne's comment to my [Kingmaker] skill, "Will you never stop, one-upping us brother!? First Daemon Queens, then Elder Daemons, now Daemon Kings!!! Whatever...I trust your judgment, and this will prove useful for keeping a tighter leash on more...unruly Princes that will rise." before I could make my usual comebacks, it was Nurgle that swung for me.
Nurgle said in his sick, elderly voice, " Laharl, is...the...God...of Hahaheheeha." followed by a wet coughing fit, well seems I have more than just their respected, but trust...and brotherly love...from them as well.
This caused us to share a laugh, as I rested on the side of one of the Carnage-touched spiked needles of the Azure Moon, while Khorne just stood there, and Nurgle was soaking in a pool of Warp-knows disgusting filth.
We then turned our sight on the eldar planet, Koxiz, that we've unleashed all our legions on them with the Giants amongst the champions of Khorne and Nurgle, (Scyla & Festus) who were slaughtering the alderi, we were feasting on their souls, as Scyla crushed another banshee under his fists, and Festus force feed his latest concoction to a Seer.
All the while the nuckelavee started to manifest on Koxiz, not shocking anyone but the damned space elves, before our little get-together on Azure Moon, I told my brothers about Phobos my latest Elder Daemon, and his spawns.
Aside from collecting the dead on battlefields across the Materium, they also take the living with the most "delicious" fear as my sixth Elder Daemon, describes these will be the future bodies for their daemons, the first Daemonhosts before the Word Bearers create them...or more likely perfected them, cause lore does say of other cases of daemonic possessions before Lorgar's fall...
Anyway, that wasn't all that is happening on the Galaxy, aside from our invasion of Koxiz, the Orkz are getting more brutal and kunin, laughing a bit of my own pun...seems that when I prevented the war between L'litha's Ambrossian Shroud and Doomklaw'z Waagh must have pissed Gork and Mork a lot, that they've gave the orkz world traveling capabilities earlier than their supposed to.
This was good for me, and my brothers all the destruction, carnage, bloodshed, and carrion that the greenskins are causing we'll grow stronger faster, once again both Khorne and Nurgle thanked and expressed appreciation to me for convincing them to expand their usual menu of souls, worship, and consumption pass humans.
While we watch Doomklaw and his horde, wrecking, krumping, and devastating the eldars of some far off world of their empire, we noticed that their starting to get "smarter" and include "technology" to their arsenal.
Looks like dakka is going to come sooner than before, but regardless all these atrocities and carnage occurring across the Galaxy was a great boon for us.
Plus all the horror happening is making me quite stronger, and drawing Phobos and my nuckelavee in great numbers!!
In the year in Realspace and the "time flow" in the Warp, Phobos has already spawn hundreds of lesser nuckelavee, and only has a dozen of his spawns with him when he goes harvesting upon a world.
But my latest son has picked a nasty habit of toying with victims he find amusing to torment, one of those said victims being the Anathema...sighing, if not for how I designed him and Phobos becoming the actual inspiration for the Nucklelavee Orcadian Forklore, ironically...Phobos should be completely immune to all attacks that the future Emperor might have in stored against him, but after this ridiculous game between them ends I'll forbid him for going to Earth, last thing any of us need is the Anathema being forced to do something drastic that will change the timeline against them.
I looked at my brothers and asked them, "Hey want to go to my realm and get some Ambrossia? We'll continue this discussion, if needed in the Neutral Space." Nurgle and Khorne looked at me, then shrugged as they accepted, and the best part that with us being above my domain, all we have to do is jump off the Azure Moon, which we'll did.
(Anathema POV)
Location the Feudalworld Earth-Nordic Territories/Battlefield
Beheading another of this skinless daemons, and stabbing my sword onto another through the underside of the horse passing through and stabbing the upper-half as well.
When I pulled out my sword, the daemon burst into flames and die I make my way through the battlefield, those viking that saw me kneeled before me, and started calling me, Odin despite not having a singular eye as myth states.
But that wasn't important as my prey, remained in the same spot ever since I entered this battle as well.
While my presence ended this foolish war, this battle was far from over...but I noticed that Phobos' spawns don't attack only try to grab me or the people around the battlefield, every time one of those skinless either got too close or actually touch me, they suffered my might of my power and presence.
I continued my pursuit and cut down another of these foul warpspawns, until the cold chill in this wicket air changed into a deeper, and gloomier feeling...he is here...
As slow gallopanting hooves were closing in, I sensed the vile fiends approaching me.
Seem my prey isn't as cowardly as I originally presumed, as snow floated in the wind I look in this dark night.
Eventually I started hearing mocking laughter as he appeared from the dark...Phobos, accompanied by some of his spawns, I rise my sword preparing for any aggression as Phobos, continues to laugh in a mocking, dark, daemonic tone.
But then the black horse daemon spoke to me, "As fun as this game of Cat & Mouse has been...I confessed that I've grown tired of this, Anathema. You've have chased me across this little planet, for almost more than a year and refuse to see the futility of that chase... I have divine rite...regardless of it's source to harvest these souls, and just like you're very existence, you defy nature... Why is that, tell me...old nemesis?"
His words angered me..."Divine rite", "Nature" daemons and Chaos are the true affront and desocration of nature and all that is's my mission and sworn duty to not only protect but guide humanity to unity...prosperity...evolution and it duty to unify the star under the rightful place as the rulers of the galaxy.
So without any words needed I rushed straight at my enemy that only stood there, arm limply hanging off the sides of the lower-half of it's vile body, with a twisted, crimson smile adorning his face as I swung my flaming blade!!!
But my blade phase through Phobos, almost like striking at air as my sword cut down and burned away the daemon on the right side of Phobos, as he looked down literally upon me, and still smiling said, "Are you finished, yet?"
That angered me more, as I continued to swing my blade but neither it or it psychic flames caused any damage upon the vile daemon!!!
Phobos, crossed his arms and continued to look down on me, as I jumped back gather my psyker powers to their greatest potential, currently, causing the entire night-striken area to be illuminated as I burned away all these vile daemons with literal light.
Panting as I haven't used that level of power, before my blade's flame were snuffed out and I was...I was actually brought down to my knees for the first time in my long life...but at least...that's when I heard more laughing!!!
As my light fade, only Phobos remained unscaved still laughing as he walked a bit forward once again standing tall over me, and he spoke, "Futile...just, futile... I've told you, before I have the divine rite to harvest these...and all mortal souls consumed by fear."
Just when he was about to reach out to me...he stopped and looked at the sky that was turning violet, surging with was him...the Dark God of Darkness & Carnage...Laharl, has he come to destroy my world?
Have I failed humanity?
These were the questions and anxieties that swirl in my mind, as I used my will, and strength to calm myself...I refuse to allow my world and race to become morsels for vile Warp-tummors defiling the Realm of Souls!!!
I try and force my body and powers, to move and surge fort but my last blast as all but left me helpless!!!
The violet storm above, continued as I heard Phobos speak to his dark master obviously, saying, "Are you sure, my dark father?" and "If he can continue, haunting the Earth?"
The last question surprised me, was the Carnage God stopping his servent from striking me down...why?
Then I heard Phobos he had a look of disappointment as he spoke to me, "Seems fortune...or by divine judgment, you and this world has been spare. Such as shame...I was hoping to feast on more on your despair, my old nemesis. But my master, has greater plans for you...hehehe." Phobos stretched out his hand, as I felt a powerful force, push and strike me.
I was launched away, knocking down some trees and burying slightly into the snow...
Grunting in discomfort as my eyes returned to Phobos, as he folded his right arm in front of himself, and with the other scratch his vile, smiling face, Phobos continued to speak to me, "Fate will soon be your damnation, Anathema. Fear not we will meet again...amongst the stars, seems that destiny wants our game to continue. Get stronger, and hunt me down later, cause I promise you, you'll experience the worst despair and torment yet my friend." Phobos started to fade away as he said one last thing to me, "...Ohhh and remember. You owe my master, more than you life today..."
Laughing wickedly as he disappeared completely.
How dare he, how dare my mortal enemy, the Dark One humiliate me soo!!?
I've lost...I've have utterly lost...never again will I lose to Chaos, never again!!!!