MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Chaos Wastes/Monolith of Kjarl Deathaxe Battlefield Dark Legion of the Damned vs. The Blood-Drinker Norscan Tribe/Khornate Norscan
Ixion/Nurgle while his advancing movement was not at the same speed as his older brothers, but he'll overwhelm these weakling devoted to a lesser Blood God.
All the while Enzium provided heavy artillery support, as death heads flew across the sky until they impact on the ground releasing rancid, and infections vapors into the air, surrounding the areas of impact.
The Blood-Drinkers that unknowingly cross through these clouds of miasma, not half way through when the khornate tribesmen subcome to serious illness.
Dropping to the corrupted khornate ground, covered in sores, visible veins, and hacking blood and vile as they all fell to the violitile effects of the horrible death heads, immediately seeing this Kruger Vaal ordered his warriors to avoid the areas infected with the Crow's viral touch.
Nurgle seeing this as well through the eyes of Ixion, was most pleased he'll definitely get the recipe and process of making these death heads from his brother, after the battle.
While Nurgle slowly lead the Dark Legion against the Blood-Drinker Norscan, and Enzium continued to provide them with heavy support both forces were about to clash as a blood warrior with goreaxe and gorefist which is a special buckle shield with spikes at the end of it struck.
The Blood Warrior seeking to claim the skull of the Nurgle Champion, charged straight at swinging his axe that bounce off harmlessly of Nurgle's/Ixion's shield, not relenting the khornate berserker then tried ending his opponent with a blow from his gorefist, only for it to deal absolutely no damage whatsoever to Ixion.
This made Nurgle laugh which in turn the surge of laughter came out of the avatar, as he struck back with a powerful downward cross slash of his gangrenius blade.
The khornate warrior, reacted guarding with his left gorefist only for Ixion Hellbane to slash the arm off right below the elbow.
As the blood warrior, grabs the stump that his left arm has now become, screaming and bleeding when he heard a raspy, sickly voice, "Enjoy...the the...Grandfather." as he turned and left the one armed dead mortal to his fate.
Before the blood warrior, could realize the Hellbane Pestilence plus the empowerment from the Pandemic Star, as he been badly poisoned and infected by Ixion/Nurgle's blade, immediately he started to fell nauseous, and began to vomit without end, as his entire body shutted down and rotted in unimaginable speeds...eventually the blood warrior, fell dead over the vile and blood of his own instead of his enemies...
Ixion/Nurgle headed back into the depths of the battle, already other khornate warriors and marauders came to face him, but soon he was joined by his Plague Marauders, as the plague-infected northman join their lord and secretly their very God in battle.
The Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers were fighting against the daemons of Carnage the mortfinis while the less armor berserkers of the bloodreavers haven't been able to harm the finis daemons but instead become victims to the Mortfinis, but the blood warriors possessing unbelievable physical strength and fury weren't just able to bend and beat through the mortifinis' gibbets.
But all was not lost, just in time the four infernals provided support alongside the Dark Wendigo and his pack of shadow hunters.
The brutal khornate berserkers were locked in a vicious and bloody melee with the most recent daemons of the Father of the Neverborn, along with Carnage mutated shi'lanorai, closely resembling werebeasts, as ice axe clashed against khornate ones.
They were tearing each other apart, as a blood warrior tried to cut down the shadow hunters' Pack Leader, the dark wendigo when he fell to the wendigo's razor sharp claw impacting through his red heavy armor and soaking the khornate corrupted ground in fresh blood, as the limp body of the berserker hanged from the massively mutated frost eldar.
Not finished with its prey, the Dark Wendigo bit into the helmed head of the blood warrior ripping off his head and crunching it helmet and all, as more khornate berserkers came seeking to battle and claim the skull of such a beast/warrior the shi'lanorai pack leader, tore the body in two tossing the headless prey away, as the Dark Wendigo, snarled and howled at his newest prey saying in a beastial voice filled with bloodlus, "More prey to devour, and flesh for my claws to tear. Let there be Slaughter and Carnage!!!"
The battle between the Carnage forces of the Dark Legion of the Damned, against the Blood-Drinkers' bloodreavers and warrior continued to rage.
In another part Ixion Daemonhart/Nurgle was driving his avatar's blade through the chest of a khornate warrior as he rotted and died on the Hellbane, the limp Blood-Drinker dropped his axe and shield on the ground.
Around him, his newest followers were cutting down the enemies, as their souls were claimed by them...
Wanting to test his new magical ability thanks to Laharl consuming that psyker' shaman's soul before so the Plague God commanded his avatar to channel the Winds of Magic to cast one of his spell from his lore, the Lore of Nurgle.
Nurgle/Ixion decided on the spell [Stench of Nurgle] immediately a burst of foul magic and order emenated from Nurgle/Ixion, any living being hit by the effects of the spell begins to exude a noxious smell of decay so foul that the victim, only one unaffected were his plagued marauders, while the Blood-Drinkers were assaulted with such a putrid stench becoming nauseated and all suffering trouble to breath, as they fell to Nurgle/Ixion blade or that of his mortal warriors.
As this all happened, the Dark Harbinger and the War God were watching from the depths of Ixion, impressed at their brother's bloody progress in the battle.
Khorne was most intrigued with this warriors, and was eager to see them in battle...but what most brought interest to the Blood God was the massive multi-limb beast chain on the monolith, it permeates with rage, hatred, brutality, viciousness, and bloodlust a true beast worthy of the Lord of Skulls.
Laharl on the other hand was surprised to see Age of Sigmar Bloodhounds in Old World...must be another alteration between this version of Warhammer Fantasy, and the main one...but that meant that all of them might obtain AOS servents earlier then going to that dimension, which pleased him greatly, just when he was about to lay back and watch the Carnage and Slaughter that his youngest brother was about to wrought...
He sensed Khorne's desires for not only blood but also the...Slaugtherbrute, that was still being chained, seems that whoever this mortal khornate lord is he still has some sense of strategy, if he is saving his most powerful unit for later of the battle.
Made sence that Khorne of the Warp, wouldn't know of the Monsters of Chaos...but now that the Dark One thinks about it, he never used his [Infernals/Daemon] divinity on other beings aside his own daemons to make them stronger, and more stable in the Materium, and of course he planned to use it on human followers that have proven themselves worthy of becoming Daemon Princes...
But now, with the opportunity to not only capture a weaker Be'lakor he can keep the lore of the first Daemon Prince and start producing Daemon Princes/Princesses across the Materium.
So he decide to test his divinity on a easy target, the Slaughterbrute is a highly corrupted and mutated beast.
The Dark One then spoke to his brother, Khorne telling him about the slaughterbrute, and his offer to fully convert it into a daemon so he can take command of it, reinforcing their brother's assault and their conquest he'll gain a powerful hellbeast to his legion, all for more tons of Blood Brass Ore.
Khorne thought about and accepted Laharl's deal it was acceptable, another powerful daemon beast to add to his legion's ranks is worth the price that his brother has set for him.
Telling Laharl he accepted, their bargain and oath has been struck between them, as he carefully gathered in his divinity, which won't be much since Slaughterbrutes are highly Chaos corrupted it with take but meager amount of his dark divine power to perform his little experiment, without any God noticing as Ixion's inner void prevents all divine sights, senses, and even their own divinities from leaking out.
The Dark One focus his [Infernal] divinity through Ixion, as Nurgle was fighting easily swatting away all the blows struck at him, with his insane endurance plus with the effects of his spell the [Stench of Nurgle] all his opponents could remain close to their avatar for long, or fall victim to suffocation, not only that he wasn't just using his brand new shield to guard but also attack as well.
As the Pandemic Star, not only empowered all of Ixion/Nurgle's rancidness but also the effects of all his orders, poisons, and infections.
Another khornate marauder with a greataxe tried to strike down Ixion Daemonhart, as the brass two-handed greataxe struck the "Chosen of the Gods" right shoulder, all the force the marauder put in on his swing, only weighted down Ixion/Nurgle and broke the axe blade upon impact.
Nurgle was soo overjoyed, having soo much fun as many fell to the power of his rot, plus in all honesty it felt good to be so nimble, and durable so he can enjoy this this slaughter to the fullest as he instructed Ixion to thrust his shield at the human's chest.
Impalling through the chest as the powerful poison constantly oozing from the shield's spike swiftly made their way through the mortal's system, utterly destroying it.
As all his body was in pain, both paralyzed and convulsing at the same time Nurgle made Ixion say, "There...there. Let Papa Nurgle's...embrace, die." and with a strong pull, he yanked the shield spike out his latest victim.
Just when the Decaying God was going to continue to fight, he heard his eldest brother request, "Nurgle. I need you, to make Ixion stretch out his arm, toward that massive creature chained to the monolith."
Nurgle made the avatar turn towards the spot his brother wanted him to aim at, he was of course confused at the sudden request but he trusted his brother, and mentally replied, "No" doing as the Dark One requested.
Extending his left arm out, aiming at the crimson skinned creature (slaughterbrute) as a violet aura was coating the stretched out arm and once again he heard Laharl speak to him, "Worry not Nurgle. Your about to have a huge shift in the tide of battle, at your favor."
This news pleased the Plague God, as the violet aura surge outward, out through the green rusted gauntlet over the arm of the avatar, as the violet energy wave flew out all Blood-Drinkers that saw it quickly dodged and rolled out the way of the wave.
The wave containing a meager amount of Laharl's power and Infernals Divinity, soared across the battlefield all the way to were the monolith of Kjarl Deathaxe is erected.
And also the khornate corrupted beast of bloodshed was thrashing and yanking from the powerful enchanted chains placed on it, a chain that the Blood-Drinkers looted from a tzeentchian warband sometime ago....
As it roared demanding freedom and blood, as the wave came soaring straight at it, and in a swift moment it was struck!
The Slaughterbrute thrashed as it was being torn from the mortal coil, and being infuse not only with the power of Chaos, but the Warp itself from Laharl's wave, and his divinity was easily turning the Chaotic Monster into an actual Daemon.
Immediately OW-Khorne sensed this...impossibility but a welcome one, obtaining the slaughterbrutes as daemon please the Blood God...but as he believed that was swiftly taking dominion over the new blood daemon, the Warp God Khorne has already taken control and dominion over the newly made khornate daemon.
The Slaughterbrute, has now become a full khornate daemon and Khorne has taken the essence of the slaughterbrute into his being, once they return to the Warp, some time in the future he'll add and spawn them into his Blood Land...he might even create a new special calvary force for his Blood Legion...then Khorne though to himself, "Seems interacting...and bounding, with Laharl has granted me some new idea for my legions. Thinking of that I need Laharl, to give me the way to create my...Hellfire Catapults, to also add them to my army."
The empower daemonic slaughterbrute, grew in size and muscle, along with more black spikes and scale becoming thicker and stronger.
The Slaughterbrute's claws grew in size and sharpness even sprouting another longer, larger and sharper claw in the center of all four arms, it's eyes became deep scarlet and all the runes and sigils of binding once carve into it flesh were erased and on the thighs the mark of Khorne appeared on them.
With greater strength that eclipse its former mortal state broke the enchanted chains, and with a roar revealing all it razor-sharp teeth and fangs, revealing its three long scarlet reptilian tongues.
Sensing it dark master, within the avatar Ixion the slaughterbrute started rushing toward him, all the while crushing and tearing ever Blood-Drinker in its path, and no weapon can harm it now, and even the blood-chants of the slaughterpriests were completely ineffective.
While the Slaughterbrute...slaughtered, Nurgle was impressed as Khorne introduced him to his new daemon hellbeast, all thanks to Laharl who has turned the Chaos monster into a daemon now under their control.
This made Nurgle laugh and speak out loud, "My...what...a lovely...Slaughter. the Rot. Or ...we forgem...our...path to...glory. In Gods!!!!" saying this with absolute conviction as this war...this delightful Slaughter has just begun for the Plague God, as he spun Ixion's Hellbane and prepared to kill more.