MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Immaterium-Deep in the Warp
In the daemonic dimension of Chaos, in a far-out corner of this infernal realm, the swirling chaoic colors were shifting to a mixture of sickly greens, and some life was starting to be born in this area as well.
Here was the cocoon of the Plague God was starting to pulse, and roots of viral plant-life was beginning to sprout and grow all around said cocoon still not fully awaken but the decay in the Materium was hastening his birth, and greatly increasing his divine power.
The power of though, it has been awakened within this entity, and it started thinking and discovering other mental capabilities as he begins building his...Garden.
Location the Neutral Space-Infinity Fountain Resting Place
As both Chaos Gods were finalizing the details of the challenge between them, which mainly ended up being whichever of them personally defeats Nurgle in battle will win the Infernal Destroyer plus several centuries of the losing God not being able to try and reclaim the avatar.
Not only that, but Laharl also offered a FAC or Warp Tesseract to Khorne to intice him into betting something more, which Khorne did so not only would having the avatar would be unimaginably beneficial for him but one of Laharl's (Warp Tesseracts) will prove also invaluable to him so Khorne took the bait and after thinking about he offered something quite big...the First Blade.
A relic of Chaos and also a confirmation in 40k lore that aside from Skulls, deep within his realm there is a special armory which contains every murder weapon that has ever taken a life across the galaxy, from the Stone of Cain, to the well known weapons in lore and game what Khorne was wagering was the first sword ever forged and used in murder one of the strongest Khorne Relics in his possession this was too great of a prize for Laharl so with that their business was settled and the next Great Game was going to quite fun for both of them.
Location the Blood Lands-the Brass Citadel/The Skull Thrones of Khorne
As they each began to fade back into their main bodies with Khorne returning to his throne greeted by his wife, the beautiful and ruthless Gorequeen of War, Valkia as Khorne let out a haughty laugh as Valkia sat down on her throne and they started talking with Khorne telling her everything that has occurred on the Neutral Space.
To say that Valkia was impressed was an understatement, as she too started to laugh as she too believed that they'll win the upcoming war against the Plague Lord, plus she was quite surprised that her brother-in-law bet a Warp Tesseract which meant they'll be able to create anything they desire granting them untold power, this was a challenge that neither of them could afford to lose.
The two blood gods were enjoying themselves and finishing preparation of the upcoming battle against the newest Dark God whose birth was fast approaching after every passing day...
Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Throne Room
Just like his brother, before Laharl returned to his real body, which was currently sitting on his Ebony Throne in his castle.
Thanks to his wives that he contacted psychically before they took his body to the castle while he dealt with Khorne, and he must admit that their little discussion has proven quite beneficial for him with such a big prizes on the line the upcoming war in the Warp will be quite fun.
Immediately after his consciousness returned to his main body...again...the Dark One felt a bunch of bodies pile over him, he knew exactly who these people are all seven of his dear, beloved wives Chi, Kiira, Scalpel, Cassandra, Jade, Ruu, and Ragna all them were very happy that I've returned plus after the Shi'lanorai Mountains were successfully merged with his daemonic realm the Gobos of Jade, the Iron Kollarz were immediately dispatched to improve the mountain to the liking of the Dark One.
Many new shi'lanorai cultists started to emerge from their people along with joining with the Nauless Cultists in performing horrendous rituals in his name on the new slaves, the old and weak amongst the frost eldars that refuse to serve and worship the Dark Harbinger, and taking an example of the future Chaos Space Marine Legion, the Word Bearers slaves prove a great resource for Chaos in all ways hence Crystallyl performing this final internal purge only allowing the young, as well as the strong and faithful to serve as either warriors of Carnage or servents, while the rest become slaves for the use and amusement of the daemons.
Laharl immediately contacted his Champion, Jar Zera'val, to return to the Ymir and expand the influence of Carnage on the planet.
His loyal little C'hartari Matriarch immediately did as commanded, leading her forces along with a few hundred more gobos, flesh horrors, and more infernals along with an Infernal Lord for more numbers amongst heavy hitting units, the Dark One soon felt the overwhelming surge if admiration, wonder, fear, and turmoil from the weaker c'hartari that have truly seen the Nethervoid for the first time since entering his domain, soon enough they left through the location that is connected to the Ymirian Chaosgate.
All was progressing better than Laharl originally imagined, especially with Crystallyl and her people now becoming loyal, eternal residents of the Warp, making her ascension smoother and the total corruption of the Shi'lanorai much easier.
This was great his forces were not only at their strongest, but drastically swelled in number as well this proved the Ymir invasion was overall success for the forces of Carnage.
Now, he and his wives could relax, and enjoy their small repreave from the Blood Gods and their legions, and solely focus on themselves and increase the numbers.
After Laharl cuddled and kissed each of his wives, he told them all to join him for a great meal, since it had been sometime since they feasted together, as they got off from him and he stood from his throne and led his seven Daemon Queens towards the Dinning Hall.
Location the Immaterium-Deep in the Warp, the starting stages of the Plague Garden
Time was flowing faster alongside the influx of power into the cocoon of the Plague God, already more twisted plantlife was spawning with vine being fleshy spiked tentacles with ooze seething from the orphases of these wiggling vine-tentacles which were tenderly coiling around the cocoon protecting it as it pulsate with more power at every passing moment.
Various nurglish trees were beginning to sprout and grown from the swamp like green land that emenate a rebulting stench, pools of green puss like waters were bubbling all around and at the edges of these pool bright green moss was growing.
Mouth with tentacle and puss spewing from the maws were starting to grow from this litteral plaguelands, the sky and air was covered in sickly green mist with utterly disgusting smell permeating the atmosphere.
Where the cocoon was being carefully coiled and protected, a titanic tree was quickly starting to sprout and rot as well as wither away.
[Basically the proto state of Blighted Mansion of Misery and Mirth]
Just acting on the dream and thoughts of the nameless Plague God already is hastings the creation of the Plague Gardens, all because the number of slaughter done by the daemons has ceased but the amount of death, suffering, carrion, and sickness that are festering and infecting not only the eldar but humans as well as plagues and sicknesses are beginning to spread onto the young race of humans as well.
With the Orkz becoming much more violent and "smarter" as they've rampage across the eldar worlds, even stealing some of their weapons and started to tinker with them by the blessing of Mork more cunning bosses were starting to rise up, thinkerz and weirdboyz have been growing in branz and powah!!!
Also Gork has been making all the boyz stronger and tougher, with Mork's help, some new healer called Painboyz have been also popping up allowing Waaaaggghhh to last longer and replace missing limbs with big choppahs and blades, some of these orkz have purposely allowed arms to be replaced with more killi weapons.
All in all, the rise of savagery and brutality from the Greenskins has cause havoc for the eldar, leaving a large ever growing number of dead and rot that was also affecting those that survive ork invasions.
Many of the survivors of the War of Heaven eons ago swear that the Greenskins are starting to become as strong and cunning as their predesuccessors the Krorks, the only thing preventing the Orkz from becoming a larger threat is still their constant infighting and lack of tech, but it was still clear that the Greenskins are becoming stronger and more brutal in their attacks against the Empire.
All that served to make the Plague God stronger and become much more sentient as it started to wonder, feel, and think much deeper, forming a parental bound with the carrion and viral life that was bounding to him.
As this young new God of the Warp wondered and grew, he felt multiple small entities spread across the Warp, but two other strong presences outside his domain, but they also all felt strange to him as well...they were clean, devoid of all pestilence and illness this felt wrong to him, they felt more different to him and each other.
With one being more wrathful and completely engulfed in blood, while the other, which felt stronger and older, emanating large amounts of darkness and untold source of carnage, it became clear that these entities were like himself...Gods...siblings but that didn't matter to him as much as what they aren't.
They were clean, free of plague, and carrion he can't allow this insult to what his divinity stand for to remain, but even without a name or being fully developed to challenge and destroy these other Gods so for now he will be his time, grow stronger and more influential in both realities, to create and spawn creatures like that of the beings surrounding his two new brothers, and once he is ready he shall attack them both...