
The Embrace of Three (R18)

(Laharl/Chaos God POV)

Location Castle Oblivion/Throne Room

As I decided to fly back to my castle, I felt it change and grow stronger than before since I made Castle Oblivion the center of all the Nethervoid and my own private domain within my realm it stand to reason the more stronger I, and the Nethervoid become so shall it quickly teleporting directly before the door to my throne room and saw the new changes to the design of said door I quite like it and it depicts the form that most mortal and my future siblings might see as a show of strength and authority I quite like especially with the addition of my beloved and my first son and Elder Daemon Ba'al.

Speaking of them I could feel my dear Chi and Kiira already inside the Throne Room and also Ba'al presence so walking up to the door with my lesser daemon greeting and showing respectful reverence open the doors I was immediately greeted by my first general floating before me as the Great Seer, spoke in a psychic echoed voice "Welcome my dark master. I'll float aside to allow you to greet the Queens." a message full of respect and admiration but also power and intellect just as I designed and made him to have as the six angel wing colossal daemon floated to the side toward a throne that had a banner with I assume to be his war banner, and faction symbol like all Champions and named Greater Daemons of Chaos have must have been created along with Ba'al himself, turning my attention to the upper floor were not only the thrones were but also my beautiful daemonic loves.

I sprout my black feather wing and make my way towards the right stair case, climbing them up to the upper level were I saw my Dark Druid Queen and Succubus Queen I walked up to Chi first gently caressing her right cheek with my right hand as I give her a deep hungry kiss for some minute before breaking it and I saw her light grey face with flushed deep grey adorning her cheeks and I walked passed her and did the same to my lovely Kiira also caressing her face, her sensual pink painted lips so delicious and luscious I gave her a deep hungry kiss to her as well once a few minutes passed I break the kiss between me and Kiira as I put my right arm over Kiira's body stretching out my left arm with my Claw of Hades beckoning Chi to come to me which she quickly responds walking up to me as they both place their head on my chest and I wrap my left arm carefully on Chi, embracing them with as much love and affection I could to them.

I told them that soon their dark wedding shall be held as I promised them making them blush and smile with happiness, as they cuddled deeper to my chest and tell them also to sit on their throne as they must end this little introduction with his first son and general they responded with light voice agreeing with my word, as I let them go and they took a sit upon their respected throne with me following their action and sat upon my Ebony Throne placing my claws onto the arm-rests as I look at my thirteen eyed beholder-like Elder Daemon making a small head gesture for him to speak, as he nodded or more like dip his body as a nod as this meeting begun and soon more pleasurable things can begin later...

As Ba'al continue his plans he was telling Laharl, Chi, and Kiira as he can use his foresight to see through the timelines that he is connected he'll find the most useful worlds filled with humans...as Laharl stopped him with rising his massive left hand equipped with the Claw of Hades and speaking "Not all. If you can find some belonging to these Eldar for even now..." as the Chaos God looked to the left towards the ceiling continuing after unleashing a small burst of warp energy "...as these little mortals have been trying to spy on me, and the Immaterium as I been blocking and punishing them since Naulles." with this half-truth that Laharl said Ba'al understood and will find some Eldar worlds worth their attention while he watched the Daemon Queens worried

(General POV)

Ba'al flapped his six wings and slightly forward from his remodeled white throne that change to better allow him rest upon in oval cushioned throne as Ba'al spoke in psychic echoed voice telling them that the Immaterium was growing in power and disorder ever since Laharl was born and began his corruption of the Materium, with the conquest, corruption, and consumption of Naulles, the Nethervoid has vastly ascended in power.

Laharl bestowed Ba'al with great knowledge of the Immaterium, Materium, Chaos, the events that happened and will happen a trusted advisor, General, and strategist in his command as he rested his chin on his right fist this was to make Ba'al a better military and invasion advisor while Aillia was still his number one overall as the Chaos God heard a cute embarrass voice showing appreciation to his compliment making said Chaos God chuckle as Ba'al continue speaking that discounting Naulles as it no longer exist being assimilated in its entirety into the Nethervoid they should focus on invading and corrupting thirteen worlds from the Materium providing them with more daemon worlds to drastically enhancing their number and spawning rate of the Legion of Carnage.

Curious and confused Kiira asked Ba'al what was the rush and need to have thirteen worlds as they have no threat as Ba'al responded with a "yet" as he tell them about the rise of the Greenskins unlocking their genetic memories to use technology and weaponry, the return of the Star Gods/C'tan with the Necrons, the splitting of the Eldar empire along with their fall, the rise of Humanity and their Anathema, and the other Chaos Gods.

This revelation shocked Chi and Kiira while Laharl pretended some surprise while he bestow cannon knowledge of 40k to Ba'al he didn't give the knowledge of his former life and the "real Earth" he came from, as Ba'al explained his power of foresight seeing deeply into the future as the mortals known as Human gave birth to the first three Chaos Gods and the fourth by the Eldar, which he can access much about things involving these new Warp Deities for both the Warp and their own ruinous powers prevent him for knowing aside their names Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh the true reason Ba'al can access their deep knowledge and lore about the future siblings of Laharl was because he blocked that access until one by one are born to protect their arrival and somewhat the cannon as his existence and action will change things but at least he control things...to his benefit of course one of the few thing he agreed with Tzeentch if he was to obsessed with over-complicate schemes and plans...

Then Ba'al spoke that the sacred number of Carnage and the Dark One was thirteen with thirteen daemon worlds on the thrall of Laharl their power, corruption, and production of daemons will drastically be enhanced and Aillia confirmed Ba'al suggestion will indeed work for the Chaos God's benefit drastically with the added aid of the system this will be assured as Laharl smirked and nodded to both Ba'al and Aillia as the Great Seer continued.

With Laharl dismissing Ba'al to do his seeing, as well as find a place in the Nethervoid as he can manipulate the daemonic realm to his Dark Master's permission to create his own private domain just like Kairos, Ku'gath, N'kari, and other Greater Daemons are rewarded as Laharl plans to give one to each of his future Elder Daemons, and possibly Daemon Lords he creates as Ba'al bowed and with the surge of daemonic sorcery teleported away leaving the Chaos God with his beloved Daemon Queens, Chi and Kiira.

When they were finally alone Laharl felt his beloveds Chi and Kiira stand from their respected thrones to placed their shoulders on his own and closing their faces to his ears whispering with voices filled with lust, desire, hunger, excitement, and sensual affection "Darling/Beloved Lord. Care to join us in the bed chamber?" as soon he heard them say that to him he flip them over onto his lap as he started kissing, licking, and nibbling their faces, lips and necks but before they lost themselves to pleasure there they gave their beloved a heated three-way kiss asking permission to enter his mouth as Laharl found it pleasurable and amusing seeing his Queens taking the more aggressive role in their make-out section as he opened his mouth to allow them access as he felt both their tongues enter as they pleasure and deeper their kiss with each other for a long while until they broke the kiss blushing and panting before him as they ask him to allow them a few moments to prepare the bed chambers for them, chuckling he nodded giving both another deep kiss before they stood up from his lap and made their way to the Bed Chamber, it is going to quite a long rounds of pleasure for them that's for sure.

(R18-General POV)

Location Castle Oblivion/Bed Chambers

As Laharl waited for his beloveds to call him into their bed chambers as they asked him to wait while they got things prepare, this excited him as he could hardly wait when he heard both Chi and Kiira speaking in tandem "Please come in my Lord."

While their beloved did as they asked Chi and Kiira entered the Bed Chambers preparing drinks, deeming the light of the chamber, light several dark candles as Kiira wanted some of their preparations to be like Chi and their beloved first time so she can experienced it herself, as they added a few more things such as Kiira bending the warp added some sensual incenses letting off some lovely smells, also produce a fountain of Ambrossia and lastly made her clothes banish for something more...sexier...some see-through pink lingirei Chi followed her sister-wife-to-be example banishing her clothes as well with the exception of her Saurian Skull helmet and her light grey skin was covered with see-through silk just wrapped over her giving clear view of her perky small breast with adorable and luscious small dark grey nipples which Kiira complimented and they both headed to the bed laying upon it in the side while displaying their selves towards the Bed Chamber entrance as the heat and excitement they felt grew almost at risk burning themselves in desire, they were ready and speaking in tandem with one another they said "Please come in my Lord."

As Laharl enter the bed chambers that appeared almost the same as the first time with his Wife, Chi only even in the dampen lights with only candlelight he could see some incenses hanging from various places releasing such wonderful scents, but the surge of emotions that was clearly of Chi and Kiira love...lust...desire...wanting...impatience and adoration not wanting to make them wait any longer he bended the warp to banish his clothes as he approached the giant bed and I saw the most beautiful sight as my beloved were side to side in ligerie with Chi wearing see-through silk that allowed me to see her desirable light naked skin admiring it from her horns, dark hair shown through her Saurian Skull helmet as I started to move my line of sight, to adorable face from her lovely red eyes filled with excitement, love and wanting, grey blushing cheeks and those delectable and kissable lips, those darker grey nipples on her breasts, her ravishing black furred claws, hips, curves, and legs down to her large tail as he continue to approach the bed slowly my sight turned to Kiira utterly beautiful, sensual, and sexy wearing see-through pink colored night gown without a bra exposing her large, delicious large, round breasts with those pink nipples as like Chi the only matter underwear her dark colored thong which barely hid anything from my imagination, as I inspect her body completely...

Starting from Kiira's head filled with beautiful long spiky dark pink hair and long white horns, that flawless face of a daemonic maiden in love and filled with lust as her scarlet pink eyes filled with so much hunger, wanting, anticipation and lust befitting the queen of the succubi, those blushed cheek showing her love and faithfulness to him alone with those succulent lips how I want to claim them again, lowering my view those breasts once again so grandiose their perfect form and size only accentuated by her body great beauty, curves like a hour-glass, child baring hips and thighs, her wing slightly obstructing my view as she teased me continue my inspection her flawless light skin only make her desirable legs with her tail over her ass and leg...

Chi and Kiira they sense someone entering the bed chamber, as their beloved was coming to join and embrace them in the ultimate expression of love, desire and lust as the dark candles lite the image of their beloved as he turned his vision to them as he rules Darkness, it was clear to them that he saw their bodies and form completely as he approached them, they saw as their beloved got closer as they felt the warp bend around him leaving him completely naked before them...

As I can never tire seeing my beloved Husband's body such a handsome appearance I bet Kiira was salivating in the sight before us as he came for us, his eyes filled with love, affection, desire and lust completely focused on us as I notice his eyes wonder all over my body feeding my excitement as he got closer and saw his erect penis that I never could tire of large, and long as I plan something for my sister-wife because after this threesome she'll be more than a fiancée...

I hunger and want my Lord to come ravish me and Chi already as he comes closer to our bed I feel him bend the warp and banish his clothes away revealing his full handsome and beautiful glory to me for the first time in many, many years that face both handsome and delectable to me, those dark colored eyes filled with such love...and desire for me and Chi he truly loves us...but not only that their were like dark amethysts with crimson as power, darkness, beauty and majesty emanate from them as I noticed his gaze and vision wonder over my body I decided to tease a bit covering some my body with my wing to feed his desires to ravish and eat me with the hunger of a lustful beast but when his body became clearer to me as the candlelight finally allowed to see that large penis of my beloved Lord...so big...juicy...and delectable I want it so bad as my wait finally ended and he was at the edge of our bed...

I reach the edge of the bed and got on closing in on my beloveds as they responded to my movement closing our gap I reach out my arms as my claws wrapped around them I bring the closer to gently as Chi was the first to kiss me place her right claw over my head and each claw went through my hair pushing me deeper into our kiss as we quickly open our mouths and our tongues entangle and battle with one another I used my right hand to rub her round ass, going with its curvature lowering my grasp I slip between her light grey thighs and start playing and rubbing her maidenhood and clit as I hear her moans regardless of our deep kiss of hunger and desire that's when Kiira came licking the side of my neck once as she started to give trails of kisses going lower to my chest, going further to my abs, and so on until she reached what she desired as Kiira placed her left hand on the shaft of my penis starting to move her hand back and fort before I felt her give the tip a quick peck then a long lick from top to end before returning to the tip she chuckled I believe because my grunts of pleasure as continue to kiss and pleasure Chi, Kiira opened her mouth and started sucking my penis gong slow at first then quickly getting deeper, and deeper before she took it all as I returned the favor reaching with great left claw over her until I grabbed her perfect ass and using my long middle claw reached through the crack of her ass to her maidenhood as I carefully pleasure her without harm, and she respond by rubbing against my claw we continued for a while as this how this great show of pleasure ha begun...