
The Descent of the Avatar of Carnage part 2: The Greentide Against Chaos

(General POV)

Location the Feudal World, Naulles deep within the Chaos corrupted lands, site of Chaos Ritual Ground of the Dark Druids

2197 souls have been gathered by the Dark Druid Cult that dwell within the Chaos corrupted waste now a dark purples, burgundies and black jungle of monstrous nightmares that once were feudal world flora deep within this hellish place and waste was the entirety of the Chaos Cult of Dark Druid founded and taught under the Druid Witch herself Chi Aahtahg, as a massive ritual on the middle of achieving its purpose as thousand of cultists both highly mutated or simply bless surround the huge pit filled with sacrifices both dead and living as the chanting these Chaos worshipers were praising Chaos and the Great Spirit, Na'nag Othah while performing the ritual were theFaceless Ones/Void Wraiths either among these chanters or one of thirteen chosen amongst these daemons to cast the spell these thirteen Void Wraiths surrounding the pit pour the collected dark sorcery and bend the Warp as the ritual.

It took them almost nine years of slaughtering Mau Ka and the populace of Naulles as their decayed of decaying corpses are scattered around the mutated jungle, the ritual was in process when the earth shuke getting louder and stronger which cause the chanting cultists to stop and look around confused when the Darkstalkers began growling towards the dark purple jungle several cultists started grabbing their closest weapons, while those highly mutated with horns, spikes, violet skin tones and a great claw or claws could smell them, from the dark of corrupted jungle came the Mau Ka leader (Warboss Gorkarg Beast'crunchah) driving his choppah into the skull of a raptor/Darkstalker and beheading the other.

As the two lesser beasts of carnage, were banished back to the Immaterium by the Warboss, the rumbling still going and growing louder as Gorkarg freeing his right Choppah from the scalie/Darkstalker's skull and rising the left Choppah up into the air he roared and then yelled with the loudest Waaaggghh ever as orks started pouring in the Dark Druids' Ritual Ground and the Darkstalkers and Apexstalkers roared thirsting for bloodshed and green flesh, the Dark Druids, Cultists, Forsaken of Carnage alongside the Stalkers charge against the Greenskins to protect the ritual and insure the coming of Chaos on Naulles as Savage Orks rushed forward for the thrill of fighting and killing the Weird Gitz, Horned Boyz, Scalies, and Ghotz the biggest fight that Naulles ever faced began...

[Flashback-1 year ago]

(Gorkarg POV)

Location the Skull'munshars Terf

Iz done it after none stop fighting Iz be Warboss, like Mork sayz so after my good idea to go fight the Rokfangs Boyz it took me and my boyz a couple day (months) of none stop Waaaggghh until Iz face the Rokfangs Boss, a big ork called Rok'krucha with me choppahs Iz cut his head in the middle of the biggest fight between my boyz and the Rokfangs deep within theyz caves.

After killing Rok'krucha and showing everyone of the boyz whoz the strongest, biggest, baddest Boss in the world the Rokfangs became my boyz now, but the Waagh didn't end there going down the big pointy rocks (mountains) Iz led the lads across the world fighting the other tribez until it was all mine no other Boss, or Tribe Leadez dared to go against me I became the Warboss all the Rokfangs, and small tribez were minz and propertie of the Skull'munshars!!!!

(General POV)

The Ork Waaaggghh has taken over of 40% of Naulles all under the control of Warboss Gorkarg tha Choosan of Mork.

They then turned their attention on the closest force they could fight and crush the Hummies under Orru Tain because of their numbers the Waagh lived to their future nickname the Greentide, as thousands of Greenskins descended upon Atuu Ga'hnak, Warboss Gorkarg and his orkz unknowingly doomed the world of Naulles for they breached the magic barrier of Atuu Ga'hnak the paychic backlash killed many Shamans which allowed the Greenskins to storm across Atuu Ga'hnak and kill almost everyone in a blood soak battle rage with Warboss Gorkarg himself killing Orru Tain with no one to hold the Naulles humans together they fled for their lives and stopped trying to interrupt the Chaos ritual deep in the east jungles of Naulles.

At first the Orkz kept chasing after the humans for fun and the need to fight more, plus hummie meat taste good for many of the boyz so many humans were taken as slaves and possibly as cathel for the Waagh.

But their actions and not caring to fight with "Weird Grey Gitz" yet as Gorkarg wanted to save them for later before those "Pointy Headz" come to fight to like Mork showed him long ago, but after sometime he and the rest of the Greenskins started feeling weird and stuff no liking it Gorkarg told his Weird Boyz to find out what's happening but their connection to Gork n Mork was not working so Spark'had advised Gorkarg to return to the Big Green Rock full of Waaaggghh energy allowing them to speak with the Green Godz begrudgingly Gorkarg had no choice but to listen leading his horde back east to Skull'munshars home and to the Big Green Rock to find out what going on with him and the boyz.

After traveling back to the Skull'munshars Terf, Spark'had and the rest of the Weird Boyz went to the Big Green Rock chanelling their collected power to contact Gork n Mork that's when a big surge of Waaaggghh energy burst out the Big Green Rock and Gorkarg Beast'crunchah had another vision not only seeing Mork again but also Gork too, the Green Gods told him about something that the Weird Grey Gitz were doing in their terf that was stealing the Waaaggghh energy that belong to them they told him to kromp, stomp, crush, stab, and terz those gitz for what they dare to take from the Orkz!

Once the vision ended and Gorkarg was back on the rocky plains that was the Skull'munshars Terf he roared with such fury and anger that none of the boyz ever seen as he yelled at them that their going kill every tinglez Weird Grey Git, Horned Boyz, and everything else now no one question him as they felt it would be their head if they did marching further east they eventually reach the edge of Chaos corrupted area it was dangerous but Gorkarg didn't care entering Carnage corrupted jungles taking them a whole year of fighting through the purplez jungle and the weird beasties inside to find the location of the Weird Grey Gitz camp costing him many of his boyz but still numbering thousands he charged ahead with the lads close behind as big fight is coming...