MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Warhammer Old World-Norsca/Near the Coastline, the Altar of the Crimson Harvest, Within Enzium-The Top Tower, the Throne Chamber
It has been a month, and the Warp Gods' avatar Ixion Daemonhart has fully repaired itself even though they needed less time to self-repairing but with the addition of Throgg and his forces they vastly outnumber and outmatch all the remaining tribes on Norsca, so the Warp Gods they came to collective decision to spread their influence, and takeover as much of Norsca as possible, while heading to the Bay of Blades, to then sail onto Kislev through the Sea of Claws.
Currently they were on throne chambers, within the top tower of Enzium, they immediately sent out all their collective forces that make-up the Dark Legion, and during that long rest time Yuri Godslayer has also recovered fully.
Bonded to service under darkoath, he was given command of large number of daemons and sent out to conquer what remained of Norsca in their name, him, Throgg, Kholek, Dullahan, Tai Tai Shien, and Skarlet, with those commanding their army all remaining tribes of the chaotic north were all falling to their rule.
Among those that recently came to Norsca, were quite a surprise to the Warp Gods, especially Laharl.
The first to come into their command was a great legend in the GW community, his name is Harald Hammerstorm along with him several mortal followers of Chaos, he appeared before Dullahan and Amonn, Harald he was quite blunt in his reason from coming to Norsca from the Chaos Wastes, to join the anarchy, bloodshed, destruction, and conquest which pleased the brothers greatly.
Especially when Laharl told him of "who is Harald Hammerstorm?" along with everything he has done in the Old World, including causing being unable to feel fear, to feel absolute terror at the meer sight of him.
So he was welcomed into their service and they immediately took ownership of Harald's soul and bind them to their service over their weaker counterparts.
All that was previously raided, destroyed, or conquered by Yuri, Throgg, and Harald was immediately transferred ownership to them, making their influence and control over Norsca cement quicker, as well as expand wider.
But the greatest surprise came when a new faction of Chaos or better said Carnage, has also came into Norsca, they are the Darkwings of Carnages the official followers of Laharl Valboga, after all the time that has passed and with the descend of the Bat God/Carnage God, they started spreading in influence and numbers especially in Waste, all that have come to join and fight for Ixion which in turn to gain greater favor with Laharl Valboga, they are completely insane, enjoying the spread of carnage and terror, embracing the darkness of their souls and almost to the level of "unity" like the Plague God's followers they embrace brotherhood, and actually spread the teachings, rebellions, marriages, lustful desires, and expert forgers that create dark daemonic equipment.
Baring maroon or violet armor with black or grey accent heavy, dark armor, while using various weapons from greatswords to maces, the most respect and said to be the Dark One's preferred weapon of choice, like the axe is for the Blood God, the scythe for the Grandfather, the staff/scepter for the Changer, and the barbed whip is for Dark Princess, for their Dark God it is a giant claw.
A small legion came to join the Dark Legion, and spread the influence and corruption of the Dark Harbinger, the other Warp Gods were surprised at number and speed that a culture, and customs solidify into these warriors.
They did requested some answers or anysort of explanation from their older brother, he confessed he was surprised as them.
While true that Laharl has been discreetly whispering and calling onto the masses of Old World, to come to their territory in the Waste, he didn't expect these many and this quickly.
Reading their minds he quickly learned all the units that make up these Darkwings of Carnage, first was the Anarchy Overlord the mightiest and most favored champion in the Darkwings, having massive bat wings pertruding from their back, great horns that sprout through their head and embrace carnage and havoc in all it forms, their helmet resembles a bat like daemon face made from either silver or gold.
The Overlords are the leaders of the Darkwings, armed with a massive two sided battleaxe with the daemonhead in-between the two axe-blade and they're able to wield it with one hand, and their other gauntlet is a massive enchanted claw.
As the Anarchy Overlord was the military leader and "lord" the spiritual/magical castor are the Dark Warlocks, capable to either use the Lores of Laharl, Warlock/Fel, or Shadows.
They are robed men or women, that have a large number of charm made from bones, amethysts, corrupted metals bathed in fel energies, and piece of daemons either willing or unwillingly offered to them, with shackles on their wrists and ankles, some few mutations from bat like ears, violet claws, and sharp-teeth.
Wearing a skull helmet, and they have a large number of daemonic like bats called Hellbats, acting as loyal familiars to these warlocks and for some reason when a Dark Warlock is near any daemonic being they feel stronger and more stable, while the Dark Warlocks have stronger magical power.
Laharl sensed thirteen of them, seems that they are following his sacred number, next are unique unit in the Darkwings, they are called Nightbourne Beasts. [Special thanks to The_Founder, for this idea for these units/blessings that Laharl's grants to worthy followers]
To Laharl's eyes they looked like a grey and violet tinted furred feral/daemonic manbats, this blessing that Laharl bestowed to these more fanatical followers of his becoming horned massive manbats, with razor-sharp fangs and claws, only by the will of a Dark Warlock can these beasts be directed into battle.
The Nightbourne are considered the favored children of the Bat, but the prize for power, strength, and dominion of the dark nights and hellbats is all sanity and sentience.
Hellbats were average bats, that were drawned to the Chaos Wastes answering the call of their God, becoming mutated beasts of Carnage, growing to the size of vultures, eyes turning amethyst color, and sprouting horns and spikes on their bodies, they are drawn to strong followers of the Bat God, acting as attack beasts and familiars to the Warlocks.
Unhallowed they embrace carnage and ruin, by wearing little armor with exception of horned helmet with covers their faces in chainmail and two-pair of spreaded bat wings, or long heavy greaves with Mark of Carnage for knee-guards, they mark their bodies in fel-runes, embracing all mutations.
They wield large clawed-gauntlets to slash and tear apart their victims, and several shackles strap onto his arms with long black chains with sharp-arrow tips.
The Unhallowed are utterly crazed and wild, charging straight onto every battle and every kill they strap the skull onto the chains, because of their insanity, bloodlust, and violence they cause they spread fear loving that feeling on their victims & enemies, making them more erratic in battle.
Hauntknights are the Chaos Knights, that worship Laharl Valboga/Bat God in violet colored armors, and bat like wing on their helmets, with cape made from shadows, some of the most favored are called Lords of Terror, that sprout out black and violet colored serpents from their backs, the Lords of Terrors are the lieutenants leading hauntknights.
Blackbane Hellrisers the most common and chaotic followers of the Darkwings, that come from lower ranking members of society.
These are the men and women that answered the call of the Dark One, Laharl Valboga, embracing carnage, darkness, lust, and even love, these people were oppressed, abused, and abandoned by the higher powers of the Empire, or Kislev, or even Cathay, desire rebel to burn everything down recreating the world through ruin, welcoming all into the Dark One embrace becoming the largest and most widespread culturally of the follower of Laharl.
Wearing dark armor forged by their dredgemasters, commonly having either knuckle or finger claws as part of their armor, armed with macabre swords, axes, spiked clubs with bat model relic and accessories on their gear and clothing, some even are known to hang bat skull around their necks, or wear a skull-helm from a dead hellbat.
Havocpreachers the banner barers of the Darkwings, shaving theirbl heads bald and mark their face in runes dedicated to the Bat God, or they tattoo their entire faces with the mark of carnage, wear a customized skull mask that is modeled after the sacred mark of Laharl.
Wearing maroon robes as to ridicule the weak priest of Sigmar, with necklace that has a giant golden eight-point star hanging proudly around their neck, the banner is a flag made of the flesh of a noble and has touches hanging from the ends of the top.
They are literal preachers of the Dark One's word, his dark promises, mercies, freedoms, love, and malevolence.
They inspire the troops of the Darkwings, and preach sermons dedicated to Laharl Valboga, spreading his dark message to the masses causing the people to rebel and join the worship of their Dark God.
The Havocpreachers, have a very important and sacred role amongst the Darkwings, marching and fighting in-between the masses of their fellow Darkwings.
Carnage Marauders they are Norscan that answer the call of the Bat God, Laharl Valboga, baring violet tinted skin and the usual Norscan gear, weaponry, and customs revolving the Bat God.
Like stated before the Dark One was impressed such a Chaos army was able to rise and spread across the Old World, with them now joining the final stretch to gain total control over Norsca.
This also explain the sweet dark emotions flowing throughout the Old World, seems that Laharl's manifestation caused a major impact across the world, and every factions, this was utterly delicious and sustainable to them.
They especially Laharl were pleased with addition of his own Carnage Chaos Forces, the Darkwings of Carnage to their forces, with that they get more comfortable in their throne, and they commanded Enzium to preceed to the Bay of Blades.
Enzium roared and buckled as he smashed the khornate monolith beside it, and their Living Daemon Fortress started heading further closer to the northeastern coast of Norsca.
As Enzium moved the Warp Gods, stopped looking through the glassball that is connected to Enzium's senses, while they were still a little peeved that they couldn't join in on all the havoc and bloodshed, they realized that allowing their avatar time to recuperate has been a huge benefit for them in the end.
Now that they're on the move to finally take this bloody campaign onto the southlands, Tzeentch was wanted to see the changes to their Dark Legion, and of their progress on Nurgle and Khorne were also curious about this as well.
So to appease his younger brothers' curiosity he contacted their "assistant" Aillia, as she responded, (No need to ask my, Lords. Here is what you'll requested) Laharl knows that Aillia was acting this way to appease his brothers and keep the system secret from them, but it felt weird not hearing her usual cheery persona but regardless she's still the best assistant any God could ask for, as a blue transparent screen appeared in front of their avatar and they'd read it.
Name: Ixion Daemonhart
Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch
Chaos Marks Obtained-Nurgle, Khorne, Laharl, Tzeentch, Chaos Undivided.
Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword
Weapon Name: Hellbane.
Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot, Ring of Damnation, The Chains of the Gilded Prophet.
Laharl: Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.
Khorne: The Gauntlet of Relentless Fury, Spinecage Plate, The Bloody Warlord Greaves.
Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield, Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex, Incense of a Thousand Corpses.
Tzeentch: N/A
Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress
Territories-1.Chaos Wastes 20.02%
2.Norsca 83.25%
3.Troll Country 6.05%
Army Size-Total: 15363.
Lord/Heroes-1.Kholek Suneater.
2.Tai Tai Shien.
5.Yuri Godslayer.
6.Throgg the Troll King.
7.Harald Hammerstorm.
Mounts-Exalted Manticore: Whiptail.
Daemonic Forces
1.Carnage Daemons-863=Knightmares 270, Mortfinis 333, Succubi 245, Infernals 15.
2.Blood Daemons-681=Bloodletters 346, Flesh Hounds 315, Slaughterbrute 20.
3.Plague Daemons-772 =Infectors-250 [Hostless Maggots 96, Werekin 5, Marauder Hosts 62, Chaos Knight Host 30, Warhound Hosts 50] Nurglings 200, Plaguebearers 322.
4.Change Daemons-900=Pink Horrors 209, Blue Horrors 312, Brimstone Horrors 125, Decarabia 50, Flamers 112, Exalted Flamers 75, Cockatrice 7, Mindstealer Sphiranxes 10.
5.Chaos Undivided-Chaos Furies 300.
Mortal Forces
1.Frost Eldars-500=Ice Warriors 200, Cryowitches 100, Shadow Hunters 100, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 100.
2.Beastmen-747=Beastlord 1, Catsabers 200, Harpies 225, Gors 110, Ungors 105, Bloodbulls 85, Slaangors 20.
3.The Blades of Khorne-1200=Aspiring Deathbringer 1, Khornate Norscans 425, Wrath Khights 248, Mighty Skullcrushers 60, Khornate Chaos Spawns 32, Bloodreavers 200, Blood Warriors 188, Bloodstokers 12, Bloodsecrators 8, Slaughterpriests 8, Realmgore Ritualist 1, Khorgorath 1.
4.Plague Marauders-707=Plague Marauders 250, Rotknights 20, Plagueknights 100, Bile Trolls 300.
5.Hedonites of Slaanesh-324=Myrmidesh Painbringers 120, Chosen of Slaanesh 60, Pleasurebound Knights 80, Blissbard Archers 62, Chaos Sorceror 1, Shardspeaker 1.
6.Disciples of Tzeentch-260=Chaos Lord of Tzeentch 1, Doom Knights 90, Kairic Acolyte 167, Tzeentchian Chaos Spawns 2.
7.Darkwings of Carnage-1883=Anarchy Overlord 1, Lords of Terror 18, Nightbourne Beasts 120, Dark Warlock 13, Unhallowed 175, Hauntknights 200, Blackbane Hellrisers 500, Havocpreachers 6, Carnage Marauders 650, Hellbats 200.
8.Slaves of Darkness [Norscan, Kurgan, & Kvelling]-4280=Berserker Marauders 500, Spearmen 650, Great-Axe Marauders 300, Chaos Knights 1500, Fimir 15, Axe-throwers 195, Skin-Wolves 100, Chaos Mutants 450, Curs'd Ettin 15, Chaos Warhounds 300, Norscan Ice Wolves 200.
9.Daemonhosts-600=Bloodhosts 200, Plaguehosts 200, Carnagehosts 200.
10.Darkoath Savagers-200=Darkoath Warqueen 1, Chieftains 10, God-speakers 4, Proven 65, Gloryseekers 20, Wrathtouched 10, Savagers 90.
11.Chaos Sorcerors-30=Tzeentchian 10, Laharlish 7, Pyromancers 5, Metalmancers 4, Shadowmancers 5.
12.Titanomachy Giants-12=Khornate Giants 4, Nurglish Giants 4, Laharlish Giants 4
13.Shartaks-80=Shaggoths 20, Dragon Ogres 50, Summoners of Rage 10
14.Monsters of Chaos-88=Manticores 9, Mammoths 2, Chimeras 12, Raptoryx 65.
15.Trolls of Throgg-925=Trolls 375, River Trolls 200, Stone Trolls 200, Ice Trolls 150.
Seems that Unit Screen reorganized itself for a much better convenience for all of them, not only they increase drastically in numbers nearly reaching 20K of troop within the Dark Legion, and apart from what is consider the eastern edge and the borderline into Troll Country, Norsca was basically their, plus the small territory in Troll Country which must be Throgg's Lair was also their by default for gaining Throgg as a subordinate and servent.
The Dark One thought about it, and was convinced that it still not enough, soo his younger brother, the Changer of Ways that was watching him being quiet and oblivious to them, clearly in deep thought for what it looks like to Tzeentch.
Curious and feeling a bit nosy Tzeentch asked him, "What seems to have your mind occupied, brother?" Laharl turned to his brothers, and sighing he told him his concerns since aside from a few "rivals" of Chaos spread out in the world, there are going to more difficult and welcomed challenges from the rest of the races.
From various magics, competent opponents, and humongous armies that far exceed their own, they need to recruit and expand their number as close to 20K+ whilst attacking Kislev.
Tzeentch and Khorne saw a large amount of reason, and Nurgle also understood the other meaning of Laharl's words, aside from some that might fall into the thrall of Chaos, or subjugation of the remaining rivals would cost them some losses for a small margin of recruitment, and replenishment.
That meant they needed to recruited more daemonic units onto their army for the time being, which the Dark One nodded in confirmation before telling that he wasn't ready to replenish with their legions in the Warp, he was more eager to cause carnage, slaughter, and bloodshed still on the battlefield.
His brothers all agreed with his last statement, so the Changer asked him then, "Then how shall we recruit more of our daemons then? Steal more from our weaker counterparts? Then what about you brother? You are the sole Carnage God in both worlds, how will you replenish and recruit more daemons?" Laharl admitted that all of Tzeentch's questions were valid.
His Haz'kariot would solve their issues recruiting a large number of their daemons from the Immaterium, but beside some most of the world is quite capable of dealing with the daemonic units that their using...that's when, Laharl though of the Chapel Tower of the Infinity, they can use to enter the Neutral Space, the Infinity Fountain Resting Place, to bound and summon new lesser and greater daemons for their legions.
The Old World shall be their introduction to the world, and the populace, he scouwered all the knowledge for which daemons shall be perfect to join their respected legions, a one group of daemons came to mind they can serve not only as soldiers, but wardens in Nurgle's Underworld keeping the sinners trapt and tormented for their personal needs later, these daemons are the Hells from Devil May Cry 3.
For him he'll take the Hell Lusts, they governs those who committed the sin of lust they wears a distinctive jester-like outfit rather than bandages or a cloak, he can remake them to be both genders, and still be quite fast, agile, and aggressive as they were in the Game.
For Khorne he can have the Hell Wraths, which are the most miserable of the seven Hells, it governs those who committed the sin of wrath, it is forced to carry a massive organic sack that explodes when dropped or damaged, taking out anything close to it, Khorne can remake them to be more aggressive, bloodthirsty, stronger so they can be able to sprint and be immune to their bombstrike, making them a more deadlier and devastating addiction to his daemon.
Next for Nurgle he can have the Hell Sloths is the tallest of the Hells, governing those who committed the sin of sloth, it does not walk, but instead only teleports around to ambush its victims, while some would think Hell Envies would fit with the Plague God more, the Hell Sloths represent him better, decaying daemon that are slow, hit hard, and possess a special ability that would benefit Nurgle, he can even remake them to release clouds of dust-decay when teleporting, wither the ground they tread and all they cut.
Lastly the ones for Tzeentch, the Hell Prides while they're the weakest of the seven Hells, and it governs those who committed the sin of pride, however, the Hell Prides makes up for its weakness with numbers, which Tzeentch needs especially from a melee force, even if pride isn't a sin/emotion strongly associated with Tzeentch his followers to become it, and DMC3 Envies are practically Nurgle-pilled which Tzeentch would never accept in his service, plus he can remake them to cause arcane chaos onto and even wield the flames of Change as a weapon like other tzeentchian daemons.
With the lesser daemons now decided, Laharl can focus on the candidates to be Greater Daemons for them, the Dark One, he already has a few in his mind, for his own legion the Shadow Demons from Dungeon & Dragons, which he can rename them to Terrorfiends, they a quite literally perfect for him.
Now for Khorne, the Orangguera from DMC2, the first boss on the Dante Story, is basically described as wrath incarnated as Khorne cane make them a bit more intelligent and sentient, while retaining all the primal savagery, and they lead his Garistros into war too, next for Nurgle there is another DnD that will be perfect for his legions, the Sibriex...enough said.
Lastly for Tzeentch there is in the Castlevania series, a eldritch monster resembling a Lovecraftian horror called the Malachi, a great beast with a Cthulhu like head, small but capable wings, massive claws and Malachi appears to be wearing a belt buckle, although without pants or a belt.
The name "Malachi" comes from the Bible, the writer of the Book of Malachi, being more anthropomorphic but with a characteristic tentacled head, with a distinguishing attack, called Nightmare, also seems to be adapted from the source material, these eldritch daemons should not underestimate their powerful and deadly.
Also they can have another powerful to act as reapers and guards across the Warp, as an actual Greater Daemon of Chaos Undivided, that daemon is the first "Boss" of the DMC3 game, the Hell Vanguard which can represent everything fear, darkness, violent, murder, death, and more.
And with all his subjections picked, Laharl started telling his brothers his plan, which they all quite enjoyed listening to, with their plans done they made Ixion stand up from their throne and walk out the Throne Chamber.
Location Within Enzium, the Second Tallest Tower-the Chapel Tower of the Infinity
Once again they went to the second most important and guarded location on Enzium, or Tzeentch's case the first time in Chapel Tower of the Infinity.
Tzeentch was quite eager and curious about this important second tower that they can see from outside the Throne Chamber, from what his brothers described it the insides of said gave a false vibe of holy ground to unknowing minds and eyes, a literal desacration to Chapels from Earth back in their world and they were spot on their description of the place.
As stated before the tower is based and customized from another Castlevania game, specifically the Circle of the Moon installment, the area connected to Clock Tower level.
As they climb up the massive glorious, and fake holy chapel level that is within the tower, once again the Changer had to compliment his oldest brother on his architectural skills.
As he admired everything he saw through Ixion, the stained glass murals of saints with skull-faces and devil wings, the fine and pristine marble columns and floors.
Several fine oak-made furniture with cloth of one of their colors and chaotic artifacts, and items laying or hanging from these tables, chairs, and altars of oak, as many with twisted stone statues of cultist maidens chained to columns, walls and over podiums, chandeliers in shape of the eight-point star, with skulls as candle holders, with Warp-energies fueling their small candle flames of red, violet, green, and now some of these candles have blue flames meaning Tzeentch's dark power also flowed throughout this tower.
Laharl told Tzeentch that the place that they were going to is on the thirteenth and top floor of this tower, and they have quite a climb to do to get there, which didn't bother the Changer as he continued to admire his brother's work as they made Ixion climb the levels of this tower.
Location Within the Chapel Tower of the Infinity 13th Floor/Top Level-The Altar Room of Infinity
Having climbed the last flight of stair, they reached the final top floor, which was one giant, gothic style chapel like altar, with descending round room-wide stairs all leading to a central altar with a statue of a hood wearing maiden being surrounded by Chaos Daemons which now include change daemons, that overlooked the wooden altar of Chaos, that held a artifact dedicated to each of the current Warp Gods.
On the table like altar was the skull of Khorne, the jar-basin filled with horrific, disgusting, ever rotting materials of Nurgle, the orb that held a black animate shadow, with a new addition to represent the Architect of Fate, a huge grimoire with blade like teeth holding it shut and a yellow eye at the fleshy, blue cover, upon seeing them it open up releasing eldritch and arcane energies as the pages turn by themselves.
The power of the Immaterium, were the strongest in this altar chamber Tzeentch admired the ingenious ability and vision of his eldest brother to design and make this place and altar, along with connecting it direction to the Neutral Space of the Warp, as Tzeentch and the others feel it, the ever powerful essence of the Immaterium calling to then.
Like Khorne and Nurgle did before when they first used this altar to summon Skarlet, and Tzeentch could ask how to use this altar to get to the Neutral Space, Laharl said to their youngest brother, that all they must do is make Ixion kneel before the altar and focus their essences and consciencenesses toward the Neutral Space, and once their finish focus on their avatar to return.
Just as the Dark One instructed and just like before as Ixion reached the altar and they made the avatar to kneel before said altar.
As they all four focused on the Neutral Space they began to fade from within Ixion...
Location the Warp, Neutral Space-Infinity Fountain Resting Place
In a vast white space, that resides in a special part of the Immaterium.
As this space held the Infinity Fountain and the constantly shifting and floating Void Gate around it, as four titanic shadows each belong to one of the Warp Gods, started to manifest around said fountain, they prepare to summon their new daemons for the invasion of Kislev, that Tzeentch is going to be leading...