
The Daemonic Condemnation of Kolbaline Part 1: The Offering

(General POV)

Location the Hiveworld, Kolbaline the corrupted landscape surrounding the Chaos Spire of Three Queens

Several parts of Kolbaline resemble this hellish carnage corrupted landscape of violet and burgundy, of metal and corruption.

As corruption spread across the area and beyond as the forces/hordes of Chaos Guardsmen, Cultists, Spawns along with countless techo-organic abominations of the creation of Scalpel Bleedinhart the Flesh Horrors scurry and scramble about dragging victims to perform the horrific process of becoming Horrors themselves, rending to the wounded that were still useful or attending the Spire and the Cocoons guarding them from all threats as Bio-crafters and Dreadpedes were all over the Spire.

The Iron Kollarz Gobos were spending their time doing various things around the area the Skullheads were fanatically worshipping and praising Adrak'Maal/Laharl alongside the cultists and enlighten in various shrines and sacrificial altars in the area, while the Psy-Daemonicus Forgers remained in underground forges improving, daemonically enhancing and creating daemonic weapons, gear, and infernal machines.

While the rest of the gobos were focusing on maintaining the equipment, weapons, and war engines of all forced, while the Chaos Guardsmen of the Crimsontear Cult Battalion while corrupted, and many driven into the insanity of the ruinous powers of the Warp they kept their military discipline, training, and drill as Chaos Captains and Sorcerers were commanding, disciplining and punishing the weaker members of their troops, while several were twisted into either Forsaken or Cultists this is massive army following the wishes of their benevolant and at the same time ruthless Dark God not wishing for his dark wrath should they fail him or allow the Dark Ladies any harm waging several battles across the Hiveworld, as the war/corruption of Kolbaline was eminent the one that took command of this Chaos Army was a powerful Chaos Sorcerer name Corex Andamalas the Wicked One, he was among the first Kolbaline to awaken as a Psyker, gaining the dark power of the Immaterium and learning the secrets of the Warp rising up the ranks of Lady Cassandra's army eventually being made into her second along with having utter control over the Chaos Sorcerers that soon started rising in the ranks of the Crimsontear Battalion.

Corex Andamalas was beside his lady during the first moment that Chaos befall Kolbaline traveling to the original base of Crimsontear Battalion and gaining his Dark God's favor bestowing him with many gifts such as his horns, claws, and unique daemonic armor and helmet highly resembling the Chaos Sorcerers of the far future only with a average human height as the black, purple, maroon colored armored sorcerer with violet robes personally took command of the Battalion the moment that their Lady was granted the greatest, and most desired reward from the Dark God not immortality, or simple power, but the greatest reward absolute power of higher being, daemonhood which Corex greatly desires along with much more as his hunger for power, ambitions and the greed to obtain more secrets of the Warp surpasses any other in Kolbaline.

But with the ambition and lust for power is also intellect as he saw what the unworthy, weak, and over ambitious have obtained nothing but becoming mindless beasts of Chaos Spawns, while he is on his way to ranking up again becoming the first Sorcerer Lord of Carnage, Corex knows that his Dark Master will favor ladies Scalpel Bleedinhart, Jade Emerlhyde and Cassandra Crimsontear above else so during his command the attacks and corruption of Kolbaline has been progressing, with many massacred and offered as sacrifices to the Carnage God hence some of his gifts like his Chaosbrand scepter, and a daemonic grimoire that he straps on his left hip colored in a deep wine made from various materials within the Immaterium, and the daemonhead acting as binder and cover as the tentacles coming from around it serve to keep the daemonic book closed, these gifts and more made Corex the most powerful Chaos Sorcerer in Kolbaline but his mind and ambition made the most vile and dangerous.

In this Chaos Sorcerer's command, they have won many battles against the weak Kolbaline Guard, and despite some resistance, none of the Battalion or the Iron Kollarz dared opposed him especially after he viciously killed all that dare challenged him one being a Chaos Guard Captain which till this day is being tormented as Corex had him flayed alive, chained and hooked over a pyre of Warp fire alway in pain and punishment but despite all the victories, countless sacrices, and offering in the name of the Dark One, Corex hasn't gained any more power, or gifts, or anything currently this Chaos Sorcerer was on top of the Chaos Spire watching over the maroon and flesh like cocoons of the three ladies, as the pulsate with so much power and warp-energy that Corex envies and craves but he is no fool dare he act on his desires the wrath of Laharl will fall on him just like when it happened in the Last Sactumrum, some time ago.

As he watched on for a bit longer, he walked over to the edge of the Spire using his psychic power to enhance his voice for all to hear him as Corex ordered his fellow followers of Chaos unto war not knowing that the reason that the Dark One is silent at the moment was because another Chaos God's birth and the war that soon was waged within the Warp as Corex led another attack across the ever corrupting Hiveworld, Kolbaline.

After the first Great Game of Chaos, as the corruption and carnage are being spread across Kolbaline, much bloodshed has occurred across the Hiveworld in both factions locked in brutal war against one another and with the creation of the Abyss Defilers, Laharl tasked the Greater Daemon, Kha'braxi to led the daemonic invasion of Kolbaline the newely born and named daemon sorcerer contacted the most useful of his lord's mortal servants hence Corex Andamalas.

Sometime later...

Location the Chaos Spire/Sacrificial Site

Currently, the Chaos Sorcerer was at amidst of a grand sacrifice to the Dark One as several hundred Cultists, Sorcerers, and Skullheads fanatics were chanting to their Dark God as captive civilians of all ages and both ages were stripped of clothing, bound by chains and forced onto the sacrificial site.

Having tortured and bound with no method of escape or mercy, these poor souls unwillingly accepted their dark fate as Corex emerged walking through the sacrificial captives onto a altar made out of metal, flesh, violet stones, and amethysts as the Wicked One has managed to grow in power and favor in the last years of slaughter, carnage, and chaos wrought to the world now taller and more bulker in form, as his slightly exposed skin turned a paler skin coloring with hints of violet tones, horns have sprouted and merged with his wicket helm which has now have a makeshift skull painted on its face only more menacing with the glowing red and light purple colored visors of his eyes, and the last thing that he has obtained from all his deeds and favor he has won were his newest dark purple power gauntlets forever bound and now his actual hands/arms the pair of gauntlets are dark purple in color, massive in size with several tubes connecting them to the large rounded shoulder pauldrons as these gauntlets didn't possess digits but instead massive, razor-sharp claws of metal which regardless of how much they might have been stained in blood for the years of war within the Hiveworld they were pure metallic white in color.

Corex's rise in power has earned him the unquestionable and begrudgingly obedience of all the Chaos followers in Kolbaline preaching the ways of Carnage and the Warp to all those that have come to the territory of Chaos, he achieved the rank of Sorcerer Lord amongst the followers of Carnage, and the carnage and ruin they have caused over the years has hasten the corruption of Kolbaline and the awakening of the three ladies as their cocoons were now a bloody burgundy in tone and bulging as they're ascension is oh so close, Corex having walked through the weeping, cowering weak sacrifices all pleading into this vile corrupted sorcerer deaf ears as he reached the short steps up to the altar a metal made eight-point star with a daemonhead welded onto it with large shards of amethysts were encased into the eye-sockets of the metallic idol, as fresh and rotting hearts of other sacrificial victims were stuffed into its open maw as it dripped with fresh blood and is stain with older blood as well, once Corex stood directly in front of it he slammed the end of his newly upgraded scepter once a powerful Chaosbrand now after the many battles it has been in it has been improved by the best Psy-Daemonicus Forgers of the Iron Kollarz Gobos with a razor-sharp, wide axe blade forged in between the eight-point star head of the scepter while the top and back points have been lengthen, enlarged and sharpen while hanging around the edge of the scepter's head were a few skulls, one still having it guardsman helmet on Corex's right claw was gripping tightly the pole of the great daemonic scepter renamed "Carnager Maker" as a bit of the power of the Chaos Sorcerer surged out the scepter and his claw as sparks of violet colored warp-lightning sparked around Corex's right hand and weapon.

Corex turned around, addressing the crowd of gathering fellow worshippers of Chaos as the Sorcerers and fanatics kept on chanting, praising, and praying to their Dark God the Sorcerer Lord spread his arms wide praising the Dark One's name as all gathered began to chant "His" name along with Corex as he demanded the first sacrifice to be brought before him as a tanned skinned man with brown short hair, only wearing rags for shorts was pushed forward by a female Chaos Guard that shows great signs of chaos mutations as she tosses the man to the feet of Corex, chuckling as the sorcerer lord watched the man coward at his presence without mercy Corex rouse his Carnage Maker and swipe the blade fast across the neck of the man as blood gushed and sprayed all over like a broken running foset, the man desperately trying to stop the bleeding and struggle in futility to save his life as Corex calmly walked behind the man making a small offering prayer to the Carnage God, Laharl to accept this latest sacrifice as the entire force of Crimsontear Battalion, Horrors and Gobos were chanting in a language that none of the Kolbaline civilians could understand as the children wept and tried to seek shelter within the arms of the adults, and while some of those said adult were suffering headaches from the word echoing through their heads, while other could only witness in horror as Corex finalized the first sacrifice of that night, Corex enjoying the agony and struggling the sacrifice was performing in front of him, he rised his left claw in the air and in a swift move impaled the man deeply with his claw, forcing his hand deeper until he felt what he desired and as the man let out his last death gargle Corex ripped out the now dead man's bleeding and still beating heart, the crimson blood poured and drip down Corex claw as the screams of the other soon to be sacrificed sounded like sweet melodies to him and the other worshippers of Chaos.

Corex presented the heart to all as they screamed and yelled with excitement as the Chaos Sorcerer Lord turned to the altar, offering the latest heart and soul to the Dark One, stuffing the latest of countless hearts into the mouth of the metal made daemonhead representing the sacred mark of Carnage, Corex looking down at the latest corpse he has been responsible for making as the two great and still spilling wounds spreaded the blood on the violet stained stone floor of the Sacrifial Site, as the blood pooled around the body this power and feeling that Corex is experiencing are unexplainably exhilarating to him, as he craved more but regardless he knew that as long as he remains Lady Cassandra's second he'll never obtain more power and blessing but he'll never dare betray, disobey, or cause harm to her or the others let he meet a fate worse than death for there is no other being as glorious and or terrible as his dark master, as Corex stopped letting his mind wonder with thoughts he was about to demand the next sacrifice to appease their Dark God when the altar's amethysts eyes began to glow in a intense violet light that was growing by the moment.

The eyes of the metal daemonhead soon turn from light to purple flames as violet colored sparks of warp-lightning to burst out those crystilic eyes, this amazed all that were gathered while the captives only felt fear from what their seeing, the mortal enlighten followers of Laharl were excited and cheering knowing that this meant that their Dark God will soon answer them for their sacrificial offerings.

None was more pleased than Corex himself, for this meant that new possibilities for power and glory will soon present itself to them all as he watched the daemonhead altar continue as those daemonic flames grew and spread upward to the sky, the Chaos Sorcerer Lord noticed that the eyes were now crying black, thick tears that bubble and slowly trail down toward the mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and a wide number of hearts, once these tears came in contact with the human hearts they burst into such intense darker toned flames that quickly ignited the entire altar from the daemonhead to the eight-point star of Chaos it was welded onto.

The intensity of these daemonic dark purple flames was so powerful and overwhelming that many that were closest to the now flame engulfed altar had to step back, including Corex himself using his right gauntlet by instinct to shield himself from the daemonic flames as he to step back but still managed to see as the fires consumed the fresh corpse completely in a matter of seconds, then silhouettes of what can be described as wailing, deformed, flaming faces some resembling human other things that few can comprehend as the echoing voices all spoke as one "Kneel down mortal for you are in the presence of Kha'braxi, loyal servant of the Dark One that has commanded me to pass his message to you all...especially you..." as Corex could feel this powerful Warp Entity focusing on him and he was forced to his knees and arms by the meer presence of this being as this Kha'braxi kept speaking "Corex...Andamalas the Dark One has chosen you...for a great task that will earn you unimaginable rewards should you succeed now listen. All listen to the words of the Chaos God, Laharl."