MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Norsca, someways from the Lands of the Graelings-Within Enzium, the Top Tower-The Throne Chamber
As the Dark One finished explaining and describing Skarlet, and the world she originates from Outworld or for all that know the series like himself the Mortal Kombat series.
Like he predicted before, both Khorne and Nurgle were greatly interested in this world, and the mortal kombatants that dwell within in it, Khorne was interested in Shao Kahn, Kano, Scorpion, and Kintaro, while Nurgle expressed interest in Meat, Dremin, D'vorah, and Reptile to his surprise but knowing the Plague God he'll probably revive Reptile's race into plague ridden zombies with Reptile baring the most vile "gifts" as his champion.
The Dark One almost felt pity for Reptile and the Saurians, if he didn't prefer the Reptile of MK1...when he and his brothers invade the world of Mortal Kombat there will be untold Chaos that Havik would drop to his knees in reverence to them.
Honestly he would claim Baraka, Goro, Motaro, Noob Saibot, and MK1 Smoke as his own Carnage champions and enforcers, all other characters can be slaughter or claimed by his brothers.
As the Dark One, was plotting he heard Khorne call to him.
Turning his attention he answered Khorne's call and asked him what he needed, the Blood God spoke, "I wish to bring this Skarlet, into my fold the quickest means possible." Laharl chuckled as it seemed that the Blood God was not going to be patient about this matter.
He could hear Nurgle's wet, sickly laughter echoing inside their avatar.
Then he said to them, "Actually their is a being that I'm about to summon and make my own. This might be the best moment, to show you another greatly important chamber on Enzium. One that only us can enter and use, just follow my instructions and we'll gain our new champions very soon brother."
Both the Bloodstained Lord of Murder, and the Maggotking were very interested and truth be told aside from the throne room, and the banquet hall they haven't checked the entirety of Enzium that hasn't been seen through the crystal ball.
So the two younger Warp Gods, said to their elder sibling to lead on, which made Laharl smirk a bit as he instructed Ixion to stand up from the throne, Whiptail noticed this but before he can react and follow his dark master, the exalted manticore felt a psychic message send to him that he was to remain there, as his master and the other Dark Gods have very important and private errands to deal with, so the manticore lightly growled as he git comfortable and laid his head on his massive paws.
All mortifinis and flesh hounds bowed their head in respect as their dark masters pass through the throne room.
They looked at Zxaie-xie, who floated spectral like in the corner and they addressed the so called herald of their weaker counterparts.
They said to him, "Leave the throne room. We'll not allow you stay, whilst we're out, Speaker." while his body showed no aggression, Zxaie-xie's mind spoke the truth and was easily read by the Warp Gods, sensing his anger, pride, arrogance and ego as he floated out the main grand doors of the throne room, and after a brief moment soo did the Warp Gods leave the throne room.
Standing in the massive stairway bridge of the tallest tower on Enzium's fortress castle as the cold Norscan air blew and whistled around them, Laharl still was in awe and in honesty a fan overload, seeing the castle of Castlevania, in actuality no digital, 3D, or sprite...quickly composing himself he made Ixion point to the second tallest tower in front of them.
The Blood and Plague Gods, looked through their shared avatar's eyes, and saw a tall almost same height tower to the east of them, as they heard their brother tell them what lies locked away in said tower.
The Dark One said, "I thought this might happen in this or any future invasion we'd take part in. Inside that tower is a special Chapel, design to connect us directly to the Neutral Space of the Warp, as in the Infinity Fountain Resting Place. That way we can continue our campaigns on worlds, without need to return to our homeworld to access and summon followers from other worlds to our aid." to say that both Khorne and Nurgle were impressed by their brother's foresight is putting it mild.
So they started making their way to said tower and in turn this secret chapel chamber within it that Laharl mentioned...after a while walking they made their way to the entrance to said tower, which is a massive iron made door baring the Eight-point star of Chaos with three arrow points baring a different colored crystal orb.
Red for Khorne, yellow-green for Nurgle and dark violet for Laharl, both Nurgle and Khorne could feel the ruinous powers of the Warp emenating beyond the door, as their brother said, "This is way no one other then us can open this door. Concentrated Warp-energies. To open it, all we have to do is, bend the Warp powers to open the door's mechanisms."
Like they stated before to call their brother talented and innovative is putting mild.
Just as the Dark One told them, all three of the Warp Gods instructed their avatar, to stretch out its right arm and focus their dark dominance over the Warp through it, as clicking and turning gears could be heard by the Warp Gods, and soon enough the eight-point star spun clockwise opening the door for them and allowing them passage inside.
Location Within Enzium, the Second tallest Tower-the Chapel Tower of the Infinity
Once inside it gave a false vibe of holy ground to unknowing minds and eyes, but this whole Chapel tower is based and customized from another Castlevania game, specifically the Circle of the Moon installment, the area before facing the Boss of the area, Adramelech.
The walls and support column were adorned with intricate beautiful stained glass windows, and murals, only with twisted stone statues of cultist maidens chained to columns, walls and over podiums.
Chandeliers in shape of the eight-point star, with skulls as candle holders, with Warp-energies fueling their small candle flames.
Despite it appearance both Nurgle and Khorne were impressed and quite comfortable to be in the presence of some amount with the Warp.
As Laharl said in a happy and teasing tone, "I know I have taste for architecture. But we have to reach the top floor, and final chamber in this tower to access the altar, and in turn travel our essences to the Neutral Space."
As the trio made Ixion start making his way up to the altar chamber that Laharl mentioned, both younger Gods were curious as why Laharl made such a intricate and huge, multi room chapel tower, when he could have just made a single altar room?
These questions made the Dark One laugh, as he explained the reasons he went soo far and beyond in the design and construction of the Chapel Tower of the Infinity.
While is highly if not impossible for someone to sneak into Enzium's castle fortress back, let alone breach the secure door into the Chapel Tower, the corruptive and mind-warping powers of the Immaterium, that flow throughout the tower will break and drive the strongest minds and souls into madness, as he design the tower itself like a ever shifting labyrinth.
Each level, and chamber driving its mortal intruder deeper into madness and eventual death, as their bones shall adorn the Chapel Tower forever, as he said his final words, "...and that's why I design this into a Tower, instead of a simple, single chamber. Despite it being a 0.01% anyone can trespass into our tower, I prefer it to be exactly 0%. Soo now do you two have a better appreciation, for the whole tower?"
As they approach the sixth level of the Chapel Tower, it was clear that Khorne and Nurgle, were once again impressed by their brother's foresight and planing of even miniscule not permit anything to be used against them or be a weakpoint for them.
So as they climb and traverse the levels of the Chapel Tower, they talk about random things and admire the architecture of the chapel tower as they climbed.
Eventually they were climbing up the final stairs up to the top level which is the 13 floor...
Location Within Enzium, the Chapel Tower of the Infinity 13th Floor/Top Level-The Altar Room of Infinity
Having climbed the last flight of stair, they reached the final top floor, which was one giant, gothic style chapel like altar, with descending round room-wide stairs all leading to a central altar with a statue of a hood wearing maiden being surrounded by Chaos Daemons overlooked the wooden altar of Chaos, that held a small artifact dedicated to each of the current Warp Gods.
On the table like altar was a skull with the bloody mark of Khorne, a jar filled in vile liquid with a rotting heart inside, and lastly a orb that held a black moving mass, an actual animate shadow.
The power of the Immaterium, were the strongest in this altar chamber all three of the Warp Gods could feel it.
Before Khorne or Nurgle could ask how to use the altar to get to the Neutral Space, Laharl said all they must do is kneel, Ixion before the altar and focus their essences and consciencenesses toward the Neutral Space, and once their finish focus on their avatar to return.
They started making their way towards the altar, all the while Laharl secretly contacted Aillia to use one of his Absolute Corruption Ticket/ACT, to summon Dullahan from Curse of Darkness to my service but use when they are about to return with Skarlet.
She said in her overexcited and happy tone, (Don't worry my Lord. I got it cover once, your brother claims Skarlet, Dullahan shall be here waiting for to serve you!!! ;}) smiling since Laharl knows that he can fully trust Aillia, to do what needed her to do.
Just as the Dark One cut off Aillia, Ixion reached the altar and they instructed the avatar to kneel before said altar.
As they all focused on the Neutral Space they began to fade from within Ixion...
Location the Warp, Neutral Space-Infinity Fountain Resting Place
In a vast white space, that resides in a special part of the Immaterium.
As this space held the Infinity Fountain and the constantly shifting and floating Void Gate around it, as three titanic shadows each belong to one of the Warp Gods, started to manifest around said fountain.
With Laharl and Nurgle permission, Khorne was permitted to use the fountain and gate to claim Skarlet for his own, as he focused some of his power unto the Infinity Fountain, making the basin fill with a grey liquid that then formed a spherical mirror floating over the grey waters, revealing the world of Mortal Kombat, focusing on the red kunoichi and blood mage as she cut down the forces of Kotal Kahn, and even engaged him in kombat and losing, but not without putting a brutal fight.
Laharl recognized this part of MK11 storyline, this Kotal's chapter when Kronika shatters time and the real action of the campaign began.
Laharl told his brother, the Blood God to watch things unfold and at her lowest contact Skarlet knowing the game that moment will likely be in Chapter 7-Kitana, when she loses and is never seen again...the Dark One assumes she was either captured or killed, before Liu Kang or Shang Tsung restart time and erase/remake the timeline to their respected image which will lead to another game MK1.
But that's the future now it was time for the Blood God, to claim a new Blood Champion...and likely a future fiancee if she can win Khorne's heart and Valkia's favor...
(Skarlet POV)
Location the Mortal Kombat World [MK11]-Outworld, Tarkatan Camp/Inside the Tribe Leader's Hut
Lord Shao Kahn was most gracious, he offered me the Edanian traitor Jade to drink from, bound to a totem pole in the middle of this tarkatan hut, as walked towards her and place my hand beside her head, I began harness my magic and extract the sweet Edanian blood and with it eternal beauty and power, when...
A couple of familiar defectors came, with the traitorous Edanian princess, Kitana, as a captive and so called bargain for favor in Shao Kahn's service, but I easily saw through the Earthrealm Shaolins disguises after they refused to hand me the princess, as I was about to strike with my blade, kombat erupted and Kitana faking unconsciousness attacked me.
Managing to get outside the hut whilst I ordered the Tarkatans to attack she and I has a stare down and exchanged words...
I snarls at the selfish and ungrateful princess that has betrayed her father, but Kitana dares retorts me that she was only Shao Kahn's daughter by conquest, the Kahn having stolen her from Edenia and the true father she never knew.
To that, I called the Edenian people and Kitana's own bloodline weak, before engaging the princess in battle, I will have my fill of Edanian blood today as I drew my dagger assumed my stance and kombat between her and I began...
Despite my loathing of the princess, I'll admit she was a capable fighter, as we clashed.
Our kombat was brutal her using her bladed fan, and sorcery against my blade and blood magik, as I swiped my blood scythe at her, she agilely dodge my attack, countering it with a high kick, followed by spin left high kick, knocking back.
I charged at her swiping my dagger a couple of times with her evading my initial attacks but not my open palm strike, followed by right knee strike, seeing Kitana backpeddle I conjure blood tendrils to finish her only for her to use a gust with her fan to block my attack.
We circle each other with our respected weapon ready to strike, I was started to lose ground and grow tired, I needed to kill Kitana as soon as possible or I'll surely lose this fight.
So I once again went on the offensive, shooting five spikes of blood at Kitana while she manage to block and dodge four of the spikes, but the last spike manage to hit the princess on the front of her right thigh, I smiled under my mask, as I using my magic to make my dagger into a blood sword and charged in for the kill.
Holding my blood sword in a wide low stance, I plan to slash her arterial vein and bath in her sweet Edenian blood, when she used her cursed fan magic to stun me in the air, with her spinning fan!!!
Unable to react or act, as I was trapped in Kitana's last attack my blood spike became liquid and fell to the soil, as Kitana launched herself into the air using her fan, the with a flap of those damnable fan she rushed and hit me.
Knocking me to the ground, as I struggled to stand from the ground she struck again, performing a painful combination of fan slashes, kicks, and knee strikes, followed by throwing her fan at me, as it cut into my chest, spilling much of my blood and causing me to scream as I was in the princess mercy she, jumped at me to finish me with a dive I accepted my defeat and the fate that seems to repeat itself...death like my future self...
But to my surprise the pain has stopped in my chest and looking up I saw Kitana frozen in mid-air, has Kronika save me?
As I was contemplating that, I heard a deep, powerful and terrible voice, speak to me, "That false Titan of Time, has nothing to do with this Skarlet of Outworld!!!!" I looked around for any sign of the weilder of this voice, and realized all were frozen in mid kombat...the tarkatans, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and some of Kotal's men.
Not understanding what's happening I called out, to this voice, "Who are you!? What do you want from me!!?" then I heard deep, sinister laughter echoing all over the place.
Then the landscape of Outworld, started to change before my eyes!!!!
The desert that serve as the dwelling of Baraka's tarkatans shifted and burned.
Blood started to burst from the ground like great scarlet gushers, and the sky as well as the land started to turn red.
The smell of blood, sulphur, and the feeling of endless amount of rage and bloodlust was threatening to overwhelm my senses, as I fall into the crimson ground, the wound on my chest was gone and as I stood I saw more of this hellish place, countless of red creatures fighting and slaughtering each other soaking in blood and glory.
Volcanic landscapes on the horizon, I thought that I've must have perished and send to Netherrealm, but that when that voice spoke to me again, "That meager realm, pale to my domain, blood witch..." I quickly turned around and saw...I saw...a God, unlike the Elder Gods or the Fallen God, Shinnok...
I've faced Raiden in kombat before, and the Thunder God pale to whoever is sitting upon a mighty throne, not even Lord Shao Kahn, has this aura of power and dominance...
Again the blazing crimson, eyed God laughed almost as he was amused by something.
Everything within my soul scream to me, to run, to escape this Chaos God, but my body wouldn't listen I stood there in shock, as Khorne touched my forehead.
I felt a jolt of dark power, surge through me, as I heard him speak to me again, "NOW SEE WHAT I CAN OFFER TO YOU, IF YOU ACCEPT, THE BLOOD GOD, AS YOUR ETERNAL MASTER!!!" surging through my head were visions...promises...and rewards that awaited me, if I accept Khorne as my master...
I saw myself leading legions of daemons into glorious war, conquest, and endless bloodshed across worlds...yes worlds, beyond the realms.
Obtaining greater power that Shao Kahn, could or would ever give me, I saw myself drinking on the blood of countless creatures, never being hungry again and gaining power untold through my feasting.
The final vision was me worshipped throughout the realm as a Blood Goddess, standing beside Lord Khorne and another Goddess of great strength, fury, and bloodlust that surpasses my was..glorious, the greatest things I ever seen and the visions ended, and I felt gasping to my knees.
I felt Khorne's gaze upon me, as he spoke again, "That and much more can be your Skarlet, should you accept me as your God and master...or refuse and become that starving, weak street orphan again, destined to be but a small stepping stone, for another's glory. SO CHOOSE, MORTAL GLORY OR DISGRACE!!? ANSWER ME NOW!!!!"
Lord Khorne's words rang true, as I laid my head down and stretched my arms forward, showing absolute reverence to him, as I answer, "Might Khorne, Lord of Skulls, Blood, and War!!! I Skarlet, swear my mortal soul to you and only you. Please, take me as your eternal servent!!!?" Khorne laughed, as I felt my soul being taken away, and...
(General POV)
As Kitana, threw her bladed fan at Skarlet and was about to dive kick to win their match, she was blasted away by a powerful force.
Slamming the Edenian Princess onto the ground, as she shuke off the blow and looked up she saw her fan flying towards her, using her fast reflexes Kitana rolled out the way, as her fan stabbed itself on the ground.
Quickly pulling out the ground and standing up to face Skarlet, she witnessed something she has never seen before in her long life...
Skarlet was bleeding profusely from her chest wound, as well from her eyes, ears, and even mouth from the side of her mask.
As she wobbled and looked like she was dying in the eyes of Kitana and everyone else that was watching Skarlet, she said something in a almost gargling voice, "Blood...for...the Blood God... Skulls...for the...Skull Throne..." as Skarlet, the Blood Witch Assassin of Shao Kahn, bursted in flames burning away to ash in the wind.
As kombat ceased around the camp, none knew what happened to Skarlet, as Baraka and the rest of his tribe came to the scene...
In reality Skarlet has made an oath to a dark, and powerful daemonic deity from another world and he has rescued and taken her soul away.
Using the Void Gate, to summon her to his grasp within the Neutral Space, Laharl suggested that the Blood God should manifest her immediately once they return to their avatar, in the Old World...
Location Within Enzium, the Chapel Tower of the Infinity 13th Floor/Top Level-The Altar Room of Infinity
They have returned, with Khorne having retrieved Skarlet's soul and eternal loyalty.
Immediately, they started regaining their senses as Aillia already activated and used the Absolute Corruption Ticket/ACT, to summon Dullahan, as a flash and flux of chaotic energy made a amethyst colored rift emerge behind Ixion/Warp Gods.
From the Infinite Corridor, emerge a large headless, heavy armored knight of silver armor, with a long red coat over his shoulder with a white fur-lined adorning said coat, with a huge amethyst colored sword and shield composed of countless, suffering and wailing souls that the Dullahan has cut down over the countless years trapt in the Infinite Corridor, all these soul shown as ghostly faces metched together on his weapons.
Once the guardian placed in the Infinite Corridor, by the Belmont Clan waiting in the final room of that hellish realm connected to Dracula's Castle, until the forces of Carnage came to claim the cursed knight, offering untold glory and carnage for his service, completely corrupted and still a knight, Dullahan answered his new and only master summons.
Crossing the rift that emerged in his chamber, and appearing behind the still kneelin Ixion.
Sensing his dark master, within the artificial being, Dullahan drew his soul-blade and kneel with his sword pointing to the ground, a show of respect and chivalry to knight's king/master.
Once Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle regain their wit and sensed a powerful presence behind them, while the Decaying God and the Lord of Skulls wanted to attack immediately.
The Dark One, stopped them, telling them to be calm as they turned to see the great headless knight kneeling before them, Laharl introduced him to his brothers, "Khorne. Nurgle. I present my champion, and loyal knight, Dullahan."