MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the God of War World-Within the Depths of the Mountain of Olympus-The Caverns
In the dark underground of Olympus, in a labyrinth of cave systems and networks all designed and build by the chain genuis man.
A man that not only managed to fly across the sea, but build the Minotaur of the Knossos Labyrinth, which resides on the Aegean island of Crete, not only did this man, Daedalus, designed that prison for the feared beast of Crete, the Asterios Minotauros, but also this cavern network.
Daedalus unknowingly designed and build his own prison as well as Pandora, as he descended in madness and false hope to be reunited with son, Icarus currently stark craving mad on the Island of Creation, trying to change his fate and save them.
Hanging in the center of the Labyrinth of tunnels, passages, and cavern was Daedalus rambling on his calculations and his eventual freedom for him and his son.
But that old man wasn't the only inhabitant of these caverns, the giant monster and Queen of the Scorpions, or Skorpius, that dwells deep within the caverns below Mount Olympus, with her ever growing brood of scorpion spawns as she wanders and starks the shadows for prey.
Skorpius is a behemoth in comparison to other's of her race, truly deserving her crown as queen, has Onyx crystals infused into parts of her exoskeleton such as her legs, tail, and back, as this great monster crawled and climbed allover her hunting ground...which was very devoid of prey, soo she snapped her massive right pinzer claw, crushing several of her brood and eating them for some sustenance.
When the Gods fought within the Skorpius' territory, she hid in the more lower regions of the caverns.
But now she sensed something foul has enter her domain, soo the Scorpion Queen roared and started skittering, towards the invaders at top-speed.
Climbing up the side of the walls, towards the three sources of disturbing auras that are staining her lair.
Nurgle was stomping through the caverns, with his fiancee and daughter accompanying him, as they search for the soon-to-be fourth Elder Daemon, and guardian beast of their Garden.
Limos was laughing and enjoying being with her new loving parents, and they loved her as well, already a Plague Princess as she consumed the remnants of the mortal in her grasp and burp, making Aiikila gush and Nurgle very happy...but that gushing stopped as both Plague God parents sensed something approaching.
Nurgle laughed as he stomped on forwards into the cavern depths with his family behind him...
Location the Caverns of Olympus-The Prison of Daedalus
Hanging by his arms in the center of a open cube, was the genius Greek Architech, Daedalus, repeating several lines from what he made to power the labyrinth, "Liquid Fire & the Icestorm" as well as rambling about calculations and potential necessities to bring his child, his son back to his side.
The only strange anomaly that has occurred since he began to happen was the flux of earthquakes and explosions that occurred in the upper level...and even before that the cage where Pandora was kept, the shining light at its center faded completely.
But it mattered not to the Greek Architech, for all he cared for was to be with his Icarus, and finally be freed from Zeus' machinations.
Soo he went on about his calculations and plans, when he heard a rumbling, followed by a vicious roar, then he saw the Skorpius emerge from the abyss below.
Climbing the wall and onto one of the was hiding, preparing to ambush whatever has rile that creature up, in order to escape the Skorpius must be slain and the labyrinth completed.
Before Daedalus could process this new variable that has occurred, he started to sweat and burn up...followed by feeling like he was about to vomit, and he was strucked by a series of wet coughs.
He didn't understood how he can become soo ill, and soo quickly especially with Zeus keeping him alive, (I'm using a bit of logic for GOW, Daedalus was supposed to die long before many events on the GOW series done, soo Zeus must have made him immortal from age until the Labyrinth was finished, and aside from a physical death he shouldn't be able to die) then Daedalus, he heard some rythemed stomping, along with a deep, elderly but sick sounding laughter from the dark.
That's when he realized whoever was coming this way, was causing his sickness to worsen with each step...
Eventually Daedalus was puking up a storm, as his veins were pulsating and showing clearly from his limbs, the sweat and fever were almost unbareable as the headache he was suffering.
Then boils started to spread across his body...his muscles and joints ache, he has lived through countless horrors and even plagues that have ravished the whole of Greece, but never has he ever felt this pain or illness, as he does now...
Daedalus started praying to the Gods, for any of them to relieve him from this torment, that's when he heard his voice, "Ohhh...poor...puny...mortal. Gods...and...suffering...grief...and Plague. I...can...end your...suffering...I rot. Nurgle...into...your...heart...and you''ll've lost." as Papa Nurgle, emerged from the dark, the giant Decaying God heard Daedalus' pleads of relief and his prayers even if not specifically directed to him, he answered as he read through the soul of this old man, and Nurgle saw the genius and usefulness of this human, he can be a great inventor rivaling Festes in a mechanical aspect.
Hence his offer to save and turn this mortal into his own personal "Architech of Plague Machines" as Daedalus suffered his mind being consumed by sickness, thinking that if he died now, he'll never be reunited with his beloved son, he accepted, Nurgle's offer.
This was wonderful to Nurgle, he originally came for his new beast, and he gained another great servent on top of it.
He rised his bloated, green right arm, stretching out his bone ooze and puss covered right claw, as the Plague God was "healing" all the pain and making Daedalus "immune" to disease and rot, for he'll bare them all and embrace countless gifts.
As Daedalus gasped for air, feeling ohh so wonderful relief from the pain and suffering, he thanked the Grandfather over and over.
He also told them of the Skorpius, waiting in ambush for him, Nurgle was grateful for his new servent's concern for him and his family, as Aiikila and Limos came out the shadows and join him.
Nurgle, he asked his beloved Aiikila to free and keep Daedalus alive while he take care of the Skorpius by himself, she nodded to him, and Limos wished him good fortune, making Nurgle smile.
As he walked over to the edge of the cliff Nurgle looked at the cube that Daedalus told him the Skorpius was hiding on, and with a wicket smile he began channeling his ruinous power.
Nurgle summoned his swarm of billions of flies, gnats, locusts, and other diseased ridden insectoid plagues to use as his method of flight towards the Skorpius.
Nurgle stepped off the edge as swarm of buzzing insects supported the weight of the Maggotking, slowly the black buzzing cloud of plagues started to wrap around the Grandfather aiding him, as they flew him to his desired location.
Daedalus was amazed at the power and greatest of the Grandfather, and not only that but the strength of those combined insects, that were able to successfully carry the Decaying God over to the Cube, hanging from the other side of the colossal revine.
Lady Aiikila used her polearm to cut the chains strapped to the wrists of the plagued old man, then Limos caught him from falling using some of her mouth tendrils to catch him before he fell to the abyss below.
The three of them stood their as they watched what was about to happen between the Plague God and the Scorpion Queen.
Skorpius sensed the approaching threat, and ready herself for a serious battle.
As a massive thud echoed, with the cube chains buckling, under the weight of the Chaos God that has just landed on the cube.
Nurgle dismissed his insects, as he waited for his new beast to come out...speaking of the Skorpius, it was barely holding on to the cube thanks to Nurgle's slamming onto the surface of the cube, but it didn't deterred the Scorpion Queen.
As she regained her footing she send out her spawns to attack the Plague God, spewing as many as she could, as several dozen grayish huge scorpions started climbing up the side of the cube, towards their prey.
Nurgle took a few steps forward, as he was playing along already he has noticed the scorpionlings climbing over to him.
He sensed the healthy arachnids coming closer, but once they got a certain range from him they subcomed to Nurgle's stench and festering gifts...immediately after getting to close the spawns of the Skorpius, started to subcome to deadly plagues and mutations becoming lifeless sludge that fell/slip off the cube like slup from a side of a surface.
Nurgle waited as he knew that regardless of the Skorpius, being a great beast it must possess some understanding that her children, were unable to get close to him.
Meaning that only her, herself can face the Rot Lord...or run away...fight or flight Instinct that was surging through the mind of the Scorpion Queen...
Regardless the hunger and territorial aggression overwhelmed the Scorpion Queen's survival instincts.
She climbed up at top-speed, leaping over and onto the top of the cube and screech at Nurgle menacingly showing an aggressive stance against the Plague God with pincers showing and stinger at the ready.
Nurgle laughed amusingly at this intimidation tactic, that the Skorpius was trying to use against him, as the gigantic scorpion attacked him.
Striking with her claws to either greatly wound or immobilized her prey before her, but all the scorpion's claws did was barely scratch Nurgle, as he smacked away the pincers and then hit the Skorpius across the cube.
Nurgle's blow caused the Scorpion Queen some pain, as she barely held on from falling over the edge, seeing that her opponent was approaching her, the Skorpius tried to sting the Rot Lord to incapacitated and freeze her attacker.
The Maggotking was aware of the poison and the effects of said poison of the Skorpius, thanks to his older brother's telling him earlier truth Nurgle wanted to experience it and have it flow and be apart of his very being, soo the Lord of Decay allowed himself to be stung, right in the chest by the Skorpius.
The Skorpius screeched in victory believing that her poison will freeze her prey into pure crystal, and ending her largest threat before she'd handle the others in her territory, already her poison was flowing into the body of her victim, as ice crystals were starting to form and spread around the sting-area.
Just as crystal poison was nearing the flabby pecks of the crystallization stopped to spread, as Nurgle grabbed her tail and said out loud, " amazing...poison!!! Such potential...for...carrion...disease...and plague. You...just...become...more...precious we...interact. Hehehahahahaa." Nurgle rip out the stinger of the Scorpion Queen, without letting her go, and using his Godly strength lifting the Skorpius over his head and slam it hard against the cube, breaking the surface and causing the Skorpius to fall inside the cube.
Nurgle chuckled as he waited for the Skorpius to climb back out, and as the short pass of time occurred his body "heal" or better said rotted back to it's original putrid state.
All the while, Aiikila and Limos were watching with little Limos very excitedly watching and cheering for her Papa, fight and tame the legendary Skorpius that managed to kill the greatest hunter in Greece, Orion.
Nurgle heard screeching and skittering happening from below, as the Skorpius attacked from below breaking through the cube surface underneath Nurgle's feet and stinging his foot, only for there to be no effect, as the Skorpius' poison was now flowing and one with Rot Lord's very being.
The Skorpius continues her attacks on Nurgle, obviously aggressive in her attacks like any scorpion would against their prey or attacker in hopes of killing or making the threat flee, but it was all futile against the Lord of the Dead.
Eventually one of the Skorpius' sting attack was caught by Nurgle's parasite tentacle, making the Skorpius screech and buckle against the hold that the Plague God, had on her.
Once again Nurgle used his strength to pull and tear out the Skorpius from inside the cube, having more tentacles wrap around the Skorpius, binding her pincers and tail as Nurgle finally wrestled the Skorpius into submission, she was still trying to break from the grasp of the Plague God but it was futile.
His seven tentacles held the Skorpius in place, holding down her giant claws and restricting all her tail movements, no matter how much she tried to sting Nurgle again, two parasite tentacles were coil around, and latched on the edge between stinger and the rest of the tail.
Nurgle told the Skorpius in a caring and almost remorseful sounding voice, ", Don'" Nurgle grabbed the Skorpius' head, and using his bone claws to pry open her mouth and Nurgle stading over her started to puke directly into the giant Scorpions mouth.
Force feeding all the vile, maggots, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and all matter of plagues, directly into the Skorpius' mouth.
The Queen of the Scorpions, thrashed and gagged as it drank gallons of vomit being puked by Nurgle, quickly Nurgle's infection and corruption started to spread and take hold of the Skorpius.
Immediately this cause not only inner damage, and rapid infection to Skorpius but it also immediately started to mutate and corrupt her being and the parasites were releasing her and she started to calm down and actually drink Nurgle's gracious vomit willingly, the Plague God even released his claws from her mouth, allowing his new hellbeast in the making to drink without any aid.
The Skorpius was rapidly mutating, growing in size exponentially the exoskeleton turning quickly into sick green, the crystal onyx on the Skorpius' body, it began to actually rip into the flesh of the giant scorpion, allowing flesh tendrils to and exoskeletal spikes to form around them and bind in place.
The pincers grew razor-sharp teeth at their edges with the centers, tearing open into an actual mouth with sharp teeth with a fleshy tentacle covered in centipede like sharp-legs to grab and restrain prey from a gruesome and gorery death, not only that but two more pincers tore put her back and rapidly grew to equal size to the original mutated limbs, only without exoskeleton only flesh and vile.
All eight legs were split into three slime oozing joint appenges, on the back bone like spikes started to sprout and tear through her exoskeleton with open wounds and puss, around the areas that the flesh was torn.
Two more tail sprouted next to her main tail/stinger, these extra tail were whitish-sick green in color without any exoskeleton on them just bloated flesh, with worm like maw with saber like rows of teeth.
Those maws were spewing countless amount of maggots and vile, as Lesser Scorpions started crawling out these new tails' maws, these boil and bloated green scorpions are her new plagued spawn, and the main function of these tails, to rapidly spawn more scorpions.
On her head, she gain another eye making them seven in total with the newest eye being larger then the rest, and sprouted on the exact center.
Nurgle had finished mutating his new hellbeast, and as he did so he channel the corrupted ruinous power of the Warp, turning the Skorpius into a daemon...and at the end as he stopped vomiting and the Skorpius had her fill she has ascended and turn into his Fourth Elder Daemon.
The new, improved, and plagued Skorpius was screeching happily and was quite affectionate to Nurgle, rubbing herself on the thigh of the Grandfather, making Nurgle laugh and he petted the top of his new hellbeast.
Nurgle once again called his swarm, not black cloud of insects to not only carry him back to his family, but also carry Skorpius with him.
In a few moments they landed on a ridge to fit his and Skorpius combined size, and Nurgle, he heard pitter patters of running feet on hard ground.
Turning his head he saw his lovely daughter running up to him, calling him "Papa!!" with her arms spread out, making Nurgle happy as he lowered one of his parasites to grab her, (cause let's be real there's no way Nurgle can actually bend his legs for long periods of time, with that gurt.) Limos jumped onto the parasite, as it took her to Nurgle's caring arms.
This made her giggle, as Aiikila also appeared walking up to him and kissing her beloved, soon their new Plague Cultist/Architech, Daedalus also joined them, praising Papa Nurgle for taming and claiming the Scorpion Queen for his own.
All in all, Nurgle has gain a lot at the end, a new valuable follower, and a beast worthy of the Garden.
Author Note: Thank you all for your support!! I've manage to reach 300+ chapters, my longest work to date!!! More chapters are on the way, up next the newest Daemon Queens of Carnage stay tuned.