MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location At the Northern Borders of Troll Country
The Troll King, Throgg and his army have been ravishing all throughout the infamous Troll Country, and of course the moment that Throgg and his troll started marching out the land, troops and hunting parties of humans from the Empire, started popping out to kill the infamous Troll King.
Imperial forces and mercenaries upon learning that he, Throgg has started to move outside the hazardous mountains that he owns dominion over, they have relentlessness chased after him and his trolls.
Currently one of those imperial hunting parties, was enraged in battle with the massive army of Throgg.
Hundred of trolls from Norscan Trolls to Ice Trolls variant which also included Stone Trolls, and average troll, all those trolls were crushing and destroying everything in their name of their king.
Not only them, but many Chaos Monsters under the fierce Troll King's command, packs of chimeras and manticores, mutants ranging from undived forsaken, Chaos Spawns and much more, as well as a couple of Chaos Giant all rampaging in the name of the Gods, and Throgg!!!!
Speaking of him the giant blue skin colored, Chaos blessed troll, Throgg was fighting some imperial spearmen, and sigmarite knights that have come to all be slaughter by the brutal Lord of the Troll Country.
Roaring and stomping admist of the mercenaries and imperials, the red rag wearing giant Chaos mutated troll was swinging his enormous maul, crushing the humans into bloody gore on the snow and rocks.
Once again a squad of horseback knights with swords, spears, and lances charged at the fierce Troll King, only for Throgg to squint his yellow eyes, and scoff as he rise his maul over his head and brought it down with all his strength, a loud banging and crushing sound, echoed from Throgg's attack.
Said strike utterly crushed and killed most of the calvary squad that rode at him.
Growling as he pulled back his maul, covered in blood and gore, as remains of broken bodies (human and horse) and various armors and weapons, those fortunate to have barely been missed by Throgg's previous attack, started to coward as they pulled the reigns on their horses, and the couple that survived ran away, from Throgg.
As he was stomping his way to another part to fight, he saw his trolls bash and crush a squad of mercenaries with ease, as other human riders became easy prey for Throgg's monsters.
Chimeras swooped down their three heads biting down on rider and mount alike with warm blood gushing and dripping from the mouths of the Chaos mutated beasts.
While the manticore were fighting and killing their prey, fighting in the middle of rough looking, veteran mercenaries with various armors, clothing, and weapons men and women that have faced the horrors of the world for coin, now trapped in a brutal and foolish, hunting campaign against the Troll King.
Some of those mercenaries charged from the side of the lion head manticore, that they were fighting against, when the monster struck with its scorpion tail.
The stinger easily pierced through the merc's helmed head, blood, bone, and brain matter burst out the wound of the dead man, distracted by their compatriot's gorery demise they failed to notice, the manticore turning to attack them.
The lion head manticore, pounced and took down the brown hair woman merc, and behind the mercenaries a couple of more manticores came swooping down attacking their forces from the rear.
At the sametime the forsaken of Undivided Chaos or as many known them as Half-Spawns, they've gone into the service of the Troll King, through instinct and convenience.
(I know that in games Throgg isn't able to run with Forsaken, but his lore states that Throgg leads an army of monsters, various trolls, and mutants of Chaos, which includes Forsaken, hence I'm adding various mutants to Throgg's army.)
The black and grey armored mutated forsaken, with deformed sharp claws and various mutations making them as close to vicious and animalistic Chaos Spawn all but form.
The Undivided Forsaken were blindly charging straight at the followers of the Hammer God, Sigmar, lead by a Arch Lector wielding a pair of golden hammers in honor of his God.
Arch Lectors are powerful priests in the Cult of Sigmar, second only to the Grand Theogonist.
Invariably fiery, proud and zealous individuals they wield a warhammer in the name of their god.
They are able to call upon the power of the god to fight the depraved, unclean and unholy, they and nearby followers are filled with hatred for followers and Daemons of Chaos as well as the Undead and Skaven.
This Arch Lector, was leading the brave warriors of Sigmar, tasked with the destruction of the vile Troll King that is tainted by Chaos!!!
He and his sigmarites have joined this latest hunt for Throgg, the Troll King.
In this Arch Lector's command were several imperial warriors ranging from greatsword wielders, spearmen, lancers, and harbert users, and lastly standing proud behind the arch lector is a mighty warrior priest performing holy prayers to Sigmar for the upcoming clash against the vile servents of Chaos!!!!
As for what are Warrior Priests of Sigmar, they are mighty followers of Sigmar who act as divine champions during the Empire's battles, warrior priests of the Church of Sigmar are a warrior-sect of Sigmarite Priest whose duty is to not only lead and inspire Imperial troops on the field of battle, but also to minister to their spiritual needs against the Empire's foes.
As the priest finished his prayer to the Warrior God of the Empire, the Forsaken are just about to clash with their forces.
The mighty arch lector, calm the warry hearts of the warriors of the Emperor, Karl Franz, promising that today will be the day that the cursed Troll King, and all his followers shall be judged and be smitten by the wrath of Sigmar!!!
His words filling their minds and heart with courage, as the imperial forces let out a joined battle cry as their enemies were upon them.
Starting with a forsaken leaping towards the arch lector, only for the mighty priest to smash his right hammer against the vile mutant's helmed head, spraying blood of the unclean onto the snowy ground and the battle began...
The imperial forces fought bravely, even slaying a few of the forsaken during their clash with the aid and leadership of the priests of Sigmar, victory might be close at hand until...coming from their northern flank, were Chaos Mutants men and women grotesquely mutated with various disfigurements, extra limbs, heads, and even eyes they stumble their way toward their clash, wielding various macabre weapons serrated cleavers, spiked clubs, and makeshift mauls.
Moaning, groaning, and babbling as these horrendous mutants attack the imperials flank, while the forsaken were still attacking from the front.
The imperial spearmen tried to stop the advance of the Chaos Mutants, but cause of these mutations they've practically gain bodies that are numb to pain and all wounds taken are a possible new mutation waiting to emerge from said wounds.
As the mutants were either impaled or simply rammed themselves onto the spears these grotesque creatures, only for these attacks to have little to none affect against them.
Soo these imperial spearmen became easy prey for the mutants, being chop and beaten to death with such gruesome deaths happening within the imperial forces, caused untold disarray and panic among them.
Even with the warrior priests of Sigmar, trying to calm the situation and regain control of their ranks but the onslaught of the savage, bloodthirsty forsaken and mutants at the end overwhelmed them all.
Claws cut and pierced through, armor, flesh and bones, as imperial soldiers were utterly massacred even with the Warrior Priest, fighting bravely alongside his Arch Lector, striking down the enemies of Sigmar with their golden hammers...they were still human men, fighting against a vastly larger force of enemies.
The Arch Lector, brought down his twin hammers crushing the helmed skull of another forsaken, and performing a right half spin swing, hitting another of the Chaos followers also killing the other forsaken.
Turning to see his brother in fate, as the Warrior Priest struck down another Forsaken with his righteous hammer, only to be stabbed on the back by a large, fat and bloated Chaos Mutant with three arms...that said mutant, impaled his blade and third arm resembling a long, curved, bone spike (picture one of the necromorphs from Dead Space, spiked limbs.) blood soaked and gushed from the two wounds of the warrior priest, as life faded quickly away from said priest's body...he reached for his sigil of the Twin-Tailed Comet, mentally giving one final prayer to Sigmar, as the spike and blade were yanked out and the once proud sigmarite warrior priest, drops dead on the snow.
Seeing this the Arch Lector prayed to the Warrior God, to guide the soul of his brother to a better afterlife beside him...despite that the high priest of Sigmar, was not sated only rage and vengeance shrouded his mind.
Regardless of the odds and numbers, should he die this day, he'll smite as many accursed servent of the Ruinous Powers, as he could yelling out with fury, zeal, and pride, "For Sigmar!!!!" as the Arch Lector, alone fought on...
Regardless, it was clear for all that the expedition was a failure, this battle turned into a slaughter was only annoying the Troll King.
As Throgg crushed another human, ever since he left his lair to search for this "Chosen of the Gods" the damned humans have been hounding least he got to kill a lot of the humans, that Throgg despises as this latest rampage was coming to an end.
(Laharl/Carnage God POV)
Location Norsca, the Lands of Vargs-Within Enzium, the Throne Chamber
Another raid successful...another slaughter in our name.
We grew stronger, not only as rising "Warlord" in the Old World, but individually as well, the slaughter, carnage, atrocities, ans desecration were feeding me, while the blood, anger, wars, battles, and murders fuel Khorne, while Nurgle feed upon the decay, death, hopelessness, and carrion.
While I'll be the first to admit I'm eager to enter the battlefield again, even with my latest clash with Wulfrik and his forces, it was Khorne surprisingly that was the word of "reason" between me and Nurgle this time...which utterly shocks me, when he does that...
Khorne said to them, "Brothers!!! While I too want to soak on the blood of our enemies, and be admist the battles. But I prefer to be against worthy opponents. Blood of the weak isn't as sastifying, as that of the strong." begrudgingly Nurgle and I had to agree with him.
Hence why we haven't participated on the latest battle that the Dark Legion has waged against the Norscan tribes.
As they adjust their position on their shared throne within Enzium, my brothers and I watched as my latest champion was killing dozens with a soul beam, the ghostly white and light blue beam cutting/burning through all that were caught in its path, both body and soul became victim of Dullahan's attack.
Khorne even commented that if not for me claiming the undead, and being one the Blood God would have claimed him for himself, and Nurgle saying that cause my new servent was undead he should serve him...he also said, "Also...that fly...daemon,"
Nurgle is going to keep annoying me either about me giving him Beelzabub, or him...which is literally impossible...taking Beelzabub and also now it seems that my brother, the Maggotking is also plotting to take Dullahan as well...
Sighing within Ixion, as we watched my headless knight and our forces mop up what remains of another nameless and unimportant Norscan tribe.
I sensed a powerful, approaching daemonic presence of a Daemon Prince...sensing this prince before my brothers was simple with my greater, and more attuned divinity of [Infernals] which grant me dominion and connections towards all daemonic beings and entities, focusing on this daemon prince, I immediately identified him, as the Legendary Lord of Total War: Warhammer 3 exclusive character, Yuri the Godslayer aka Daniel.
It was obviously the former, young kislevite prince, as he any darkness in his essence which made tracking Be'lakor much easier than I originally thought it would in this world.
Seems we'll face actual daemons of Tzeentch and Slaanesh earlier than I thought, since Yuri's army is mostly composed of daemons from the four Chaos Gods of this world.
Just when I was about to inform my younger brothers of the approaching challenger, I thought enter my mind.
As I thought of moments ago, I'm the Chaos God of Daemons, and basically I've gained the power and knowledge to create two new classes of daemons for my legions...but why should I keep that new boons to myself?
With both Khorne and Nurgle possessing the power and knowledge to spawn daemonic spirits and elementals for their own legions, the forces of Chaos shall all become much stronger than before, and we'll have a few new surprises for all our enemies...including that bastard of the future, Emperor of Mankind.
So I called out to my younger brothers, gaining their attention and started telling them about the approaching forces of Yuri Godslayer, which excited Khorne because of the opportunity to face their future brother and sisters daemons in battle, while Nurgle ever his jolly, sickly self said that he was excited to extract some materials and ingredients from servents of the Dark Princess...and utterly crushing the bugs of the Changer of Ways...his whispered, sick sounding words, even Khorne took a moment to look at our younger, plague-breeding, brother with some shock and surprise...
...Anyway, I continued talking to my brothers, telling them also of my latest growth in power and knowledge, that involves spawning daemons, two new classes "Spirits" & "Elementals" and I was going to share that ability of spawning these new daemons with them.
This declaration shocked both Khorne and Nurgle, as the Plague God was the one to ask me, "Really brother? You'd...share...what advantage...over our...legions...clashing...against...each other?" I chuckled a little before responding to Nurgle and Khorne, "Yes. Regardless what our followers daemonic or otherwise, we're brothers, and we've made our goal to corrupt the multiverse, right? So why shouldn't, I share what I've gained with you?" once again, I left my younger brothers flabbergasted...
I let them soak up my words, as they started returning to their senses and I remarked, "So shall we begin?"
They nodded at me, as I used my [Infernals] divinity to transfer the knowledge and abilities to craft and spawn daemonic spirits and elementals to my brothers.
In a few moments both Khorne and Nurgle, now possess the power to make these new daemons in their imagine.
Knowing them their elementals would probably be metal for Khorne cause Tzeentch would most likely gain fire, while Nurgle gained earth, and regarding their spirits...I could only speculate.
With that done I convinced my brothers to return to our homeworld to create and spawn our newest daemons, and unleash them on the next battle.
They've agreed and we started preparing to return to the Azure Moon, back in the Warp and begin a quick preparation against our first official clash with actual daemons of Change & Pleasure, in truth I hoped to take Yuri as another servent of ours, for when things truly start to get heated in 40K world.