MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Blood Lands, the Skull Throne of Khorne
The two Chaos Gods, Khorne sitting upon his infamous throne, still injured from their previous encounter while Laharl was flying, the Dark One eldest of the two Gods slowly descended to the red ground of the Blood Lands.
Upon landing, Laharl retracted his wing back into his body and, using his dominion over the Warp, conjured a temporary throne made of shadow and spoke, "You called brother?" with a serious tone but with hidden mocking humor within his words.
Laharl heard groan clearly upset about my mocking, but in reality, Laharl was both confused and surprised about Khorne's action, he actually called another Chaos God to speak.
Aside from some basic knowledge that Tzeentch was the "trusted" mediator between the Dark Gods, should they rarely form truces for the betterment of Chaos, apart from that, the four Chaos Gods never converse because...they hate each other, so Laharl is going in blind not knowing what Khorne might be thinking, or that he realized his rage made a bigger impact on the Materium than he meant to.
After a few moments of silence, Khorne spoke, starting with complimenting his brother for claiming a skull.
But then he got serious, speaking with a voice filled with iratation, fury, and clearly it was also sounding quite inquisitive, as he asked the Dark One why he has taken more women, and allowed them to have as near as a divinity over the Warp as them.
Laharl stared at his brother in silence before saying something that would surprise the Blood God greatly, "Companionship." as Laharl got comfortable in his seat, looking at Khorne's shocked and confused face, Laharl went into a deeper explanation "Brother. Regardless if we are the only ones or among those that shall reign over the Immaterium. We'll be eternal. Do you really want absolute solitude? True, we both command legions of daemons, but their extension of our nature and personality, which means we will only have ourselves to keep company with." Laharl then stood from his seat, allowing it to fade away.
As he walked right next to Khorne, his brother allowed this because he sent no killing intent towards him.
While Khorne was analyzing both his brother's intentions and words because regrettably, they made sense that if Khorne won and killed Laharl, he'd have no one else to challenge, no rival but then he felt colossal amount of daemonic energy surge into his body, forcibly healing and restoring much of the damage that he'd suffered.
Laharl placed his Claw of Hades over his brother, and by using his power over darkness along with 8k souls, Khorne's sacred number he was slightly healing and empowering the Blood God as he continued talking, "Brother at first I wanted to kill you...but reality, and the collected psyche of the world needs us. So, in truth, I want to crush you, make you submit to me as subordinate, but not kill you. You asked me why I fell for those girls, I desire someone beside me as I reign over all, I am Carnage, Ruin, Slaughter, and Darkness...but I'm also Love, and Lust apart from everything else, I want love along with carnage." as he finished speaking, Laharl also finished healing Khorne enough for him to stand and walk nothing more, everything else he needs to do on his own.
This kindness and...brotherly affection was foreign to the Blood God, in truth, he understood everything his brother said and respected him for it, as Khorne, after years of being bound on his throne without the ability to move, with some physical strain he stood up from his throne.
Looking at Laharl without saying anything, Khorne showed gratitude and payback by decking his brother hard across the face, knocking Laharl back, as the Blood God looked down at Laharl from up top his throne, he said, "Now we're even brother." chuckling in amusement as he said that.
Laharl wiped off blood from his nose and mouth and responded, "Finally, your punch actually" also started laughing as they stood from the ground, and after sharing some minutes of laughter, they both calmed down and returned to their real subject...what to do next.
Location deep within Realspace, unknown sector/Crimson Warpstorm point of manifest
In empty space, free of stars, planets, moons, and any other form of celestial bodies in this location within the black sea known as Space.
When from the blackness, cracks and bursts of energy were starting to emerge from the nothingness, these surges and sparks began in a bright white shifted to shades of red, and brass at the event started manifesting into a humongous Warpstorm of reds, scarlets, brass, and rage.
Khorne's burst of rage from his domain was powerful enough to literally bleed into Realspace and begin drawing the attention of many pointy eared space elves...Eldar unto the singularity.
As the Eldars believe, it might be a source of the Great Rage that they have been suffering for quite a while...
Location the Warp/Blood Lands, the Skull Throne of Khorne
Once again, the two brothers spoke, discussing things of the current state of the Warp and of the Materium.
Laharl told him plainly that he is mustering his force for not only a great battle against the Eldar, to add their souls to himself and he desires for Khorne to begin doing the same, spread his corruption, influence, and blessing to more than just human, but orkz, eldar, and gain a mortal army just as he is doing.
When Khorne asked why he should do this now, Laharl told him of his Elder Daemon, the first to ever be spawned named Ba'al Allseer, true it might be considered a huge risk what Laharl is revealing but with Absolute Chaos having granted him the mission to unite Chaos into one banner he must start early.
And to do so is to be "honest" with Khorne, so he revealed that his Elder Daemon is able to see the infinite treads of was is known as the "Web of Fate", allowing his daemon to see clearly every timeline one at time, by following said tread courses.
Laharl revealed that is every single timeline, they aren't the only Dark Gods...that right in a special way, the Dark One, revealed the coming of the others Slaanesh his greatest enemy and rival, Tzeentch the Architect of Fate which in his opinion will be his greatest headache especially once he learns of Ba'al, and lastly the next sibling to be birth...the Grandfather, the Lord of Decay, the Father of All Pestilence and Plague, Nurgle.
Laharl told him that like they met and fought, Nurgle would probably do the same either by focusing on one of them at the time or both.
This revelation shook the Blood God to his core aside from them, they'll shall five ruinous powers.
Three more siblings that they'll have to share the Warp, and fight for dominance of both realms, but Khorne also took account of what he said before...
And Khorne agreed it be better to rule, to dominate all their sibling, both from the future and present so the Blood God smiled, and laugh with joy.
After laughing for a while, Khorne started to calm himself, looking across the hellish landscape of endless battle, constant bloodshed, countless brass structures, pools and river of boiling blood or blazing lava, and smoldering mounts of hellish fire and knew what his brother said, and believes is true should he vanquish all rival, enemies, and meager nats if their all gone so he returned his focus on Laharl, and spoke, "Brother. I agreed with you fully. Well, it will be a disappointment that can collect yours or my sisters-in-law's skulls. I'll crush you all!!!! You!!!! Nurgle!!!!! Tzeentch!!!!!! and Slaanesh!!!!!!! SHALL BOW BEFORE, THE SKULL THRONE!!!! AND TO ME!!!! I'LL BECOME THE GOD OF CHAOS ITSELF, LORD OVER ALL RUINOUS POWERS!!!!"
Hearing Khorne's confession and challenge made him very happy and excited, especially since he achieved what he wanted using Khorne's honor, pride, and desire for conquest over stronger warriors and thus collect more worthier skull has inticed Khorne to aim the throne over the others and when he, Laharl completely makes the Blood God submit he'll become a loyal follower and brother.
With this, Laharl would say 10% in progress to complete Absolute Chaos' task, and after the eldars are struck by Khorne and himself, then part of cannon will still occur in a alternative form their first encounter with Chaos will be Khorne, and closely followed by myself.
Also, with Khorne being more active than his lore counterpart, he'll become much stronger now that he isn't slowly focused on humans and also gains mortal followers much earlier than the original Khorne.
This also meant Khorne won't go after his wives anymore, which was a great news for the Dark One, granting him great relief that his beloveds were spared of Khorne's wrath, next is Nurgle...that's going to be a serious challenge but that's later, he needs to focus on now as he though of a great idea for the next chapter of the Great Game.
Laharl spoke to Khorne about a little challenge not only between them but also a bet on who would have greater priority in Realspace conquest for a certain amount of time.
This challenge caught Khorne's interest and asked his brother to name the challenge...the Blood God saw his elder brother grin as he explained "We muster as much of our forces both mortal and daemonic until Nurgle is born. Once his birth, let's have a three-way war/competition who can defeat our younger brother first?" hearing this challenge excites the War God which meant he obviously accept under the stipulations that they maintain their daemons away from other's domain, but let their mortal followers fight should they meet on a planet in the Materium.
Laharl thought of this like the predeelum of the Chaos Legionary wars, making his inner fan tremble in nostalgia and excitement, Laharl accepted Khorne's stipulations and then stretched out his right claw saying "So do we have a pact, brother Khorne?"
With a small chuckle Khorne reached out his left hand and shook his brother's hand, responding his question "Yes we, Laharl." by their word, and divinity as Gods of the Immaterium, the pact between the Blood God and Carnage God was struck.
The entirety of the Warp witness and bounded this pact as divine vows, with this also symbolizing the predeelum of the second chapter of the Great Game of Chaos.
A great battle swiftly approaches between three all powerful Dark Gods of Chaos.
With everything in order, Khorne sat back down on his throne and said "Well as much as I dislike conversing with my older brother...GET THE HELL OUT OF MY DAMN REALM, LAHARL!!!!!"