MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Blood Lands-The Brass Citadel/The Gore Fortress, the Skull Thrones of Khorne
Khorne, Valkia, and Bellona were watching their newest herald, that they restored quickly, after her fall at the War of Ymir.
She stood kneeling before the three Blood Gods, she bared greater and heavier brass red armor, while still having her feminity showing, her wings became larger and skulls hang from bloodsoaked and permanently stained chains that pierce her wings, (similar to the new Belakor model only less amount of Chains and Skulls) a red devil like tail laid on the ground connected to her spine.
Her horns grew in size and garth, razor sharp reaching pass her shoulder blades, black colored tinted blood red with several brass spiked rings place on the horns.
She was incredibly beautiful, pale and red tinted skin, her face was half covered like a face/eye guard in brass and red brass with the mark on Khorne burned onto the guard's forehead, her scarlet and black hair tied and styled like ancient shield-maidens of old Nordic Valkyries or Norscan Women in Valkia's opinion.
Also blessed with a new battleaxe fitting a herald of blood and war, a double bladed battleaxe, a massive weapon of brass with the skull of the very farseer, Kala, encrusted between the axe blades, a gift from Lady Crystallyl to Valkia and in turned used to make this daemonic weapon.
It name the Foe-render, with the power to draw the worthiest foes and enemies towards her, to face in bloody battle most affected against lady warriors as this she-daemon.
Her name is now Rath'gatha, the Favored Daughter of the Gorequeen, and Princess of the Gore Spire of the Valkyries.
Both Valkia and Bellona were pleased at their new daemonic championship, even the Blood God himself was most impressed with Rath'gatha's ferocity and skills, she could even start to rival Skulltaker now.
With her new armor, form, weapon, and name, she thanked her patron Gods and left their presence as permitted.
But that was but one of many things to happen in the Blood Lands, and Khorne as a whole, during the Age of Progress and the Age of Suffering.
One of those thing that happened was that Kratos along with Wrath have invaded a deathworld that prove a bloodthirsty world filled with countless aggressive predators, (no its not Catachan) filled with countless beasts, each more deadlier than the last.
Even the smallest creature, can kill a crowd of people, this world is the definition of survival of the finest and strongest, this drew Khorne in as another what is called a "safariworld" allowing all his hell beasts to grow in power and viciousness, this made Khorne order his two Elder Daemons, to kill and hunt, and slaughter in massive numbers to prove that this planet called Sa'Abari, making it worthy to become a khornate/breeding world for the Blood God's hell beasts.
Not only that but this will become a great hunting ground for Karnak and his pack.
Another event to Khorne's life...he and Bellona have officially became a couple, and engaged under Valkia's blessing, as long as she gets to join in every little "intimate sections" between them.
Khorne coughed not so discreetly at that comment from his first wife...when the Blood God announced his and Bellona engagement, the Spartans threw a grand feast and blood sacrifice to him, under Kratos' family command.
A grand battle between the Elder Daemons in their honor was waged...sadly Kratos and Wrath couldn't participate in the bloodshed, and grand combat between the Generals of the Blood Gods/Elder Daemons.
While in Realspace, a massive ork Waaaaaagggghhhh, was starting at the northern edge of the Blood God's territory this was a great battle about to begin again, between the Orkz and Khorne.
As this latest clash between the Greenskins and the daemons of Khorne was about to begin, in the colossal moon of Uklain, which already had some khornate daemons ready to slaughter and battle the orkz, when something unexpected happened.
This Waagh invading Uklain, was strangely enough was under the rule of a Warboss, that is also a powerful weirdboy called, Eadshokah Stormgit.
That receive a vision from Mork himself, to lead a big Waagh on the backside of the Galaxy, popping the heads of several rivals and proving he was not only the biggest, bestest, strongest, baddest ork boss in the sector, plus with old Mork pumping up his powers he started rampaging across the sector.
Fighting and killing many things, and even facing off with some Eldar Panzees, and overpowering them psychically, so the wierdboss and his boyz made landfall on Uklain, and they started the fighting.
Then a big weird fing/daemon, a Bloodthirster of Khorne, came to challenge Eadshokah, and he did the "kraziezt fing" wanting to see the bloodthirster's explode, he'd used his "wierd green magik" on the Greater Daemon, unintentionally forming a direct link between the Realm of Khorne and the Green Waagh Realm of Gork n Mork...and allowing the Twinz to come face to face with the Blood God.
Location the Immaterium-Pocket Realm between the Waagh Space and the Blood Lands
In a green misty space, filled with hints of crimson flares of hellfire and the scent of blood, the brothah Godz of the Orkz, Gork n Mork were stomping around confused, as this place was never in their home.
Before theyz could sayz, "Zog it!!!" went back to fighting and krumping each other like theyz usually do, a huge hellfire-ball came from the green and red mixed mist, Gork "oyid" and ducked under flaming projectile, while Mork simple took a step to the side, evading the same fireball, as it exploded somewhere else.
As Gork growled and stood back up, as another deity came out the mixed mist.
A giant daemonic dark, blackish-red brass armored entity with eyes burning in intense crimson hellfire, in his right clawed gauntlet held his daemonic, colossal sword called the Unmaker, the Blood God has appeared.
Khorne was clearly enraged at this, while it's impossible for the Twin Godz of the Greenskins to enter the Realm of Chaos, with the Ochain Shield protecting.
But their damn psyker made a link into the Green Space and some of his influence started flowing into the edge of the Waagh Space of Gork n Mork, making this pocket dimension of both forces to form, and to prevent them from stealing his power or anything of importance, Khorne himself came.
Immediately this started a big foight, between the three Gods, while Khorne enjoyed facing a new opponent, he grew ever annoyed by Gork n Mork, nonchalant attitudes.
Seeing all the violence, struggle, pain, and bloodspill as utter joke, no matter the burns, chain-strikes, slashes, and blows that the Lord of Skulls wrought upon them.
This of course made Khorne angrier as slashed his Unmaker down with all it infernal, flaming wrath onto Mork, cutting his right eye across thankfully for the Ork God, the sword of Khorne barely missed his eye.
Their skrap continued, sending shockwaves that affected Realspace, the orkz boyz of the Stormgit Waagh and the khornate daemons were really being affected by the divine clash of their Gods.
In the orkz case, aside from Eadshokah blasting the wierd fing, all across the way in bloody bitz, but also "supah charged" the boyz, driving them into a killing frenzy that would make the Blood Gods proud.
Meanwhile the blood daemons were also feeling exuding a blood red aura, frotting at the mouth, and overcome with such levels of anger and battlehunger that they became beast of savage brutality, not caring for what little strategy that they deploy, during battle, it was straight out killzone between the two forces, and this in turn was empowering their Gods that were still fighting in the pocket dimension, that Eadshokah caused by accident.
Khorne swiped his Unmaker at Mork again, only for Gork to punch him on the side of helmet, while the rank of the Twinz is lower than his...they can still fight, which pleased the Blood God a great amount.
Seeing that his opponents weren't using weapons, Khorne decided to fight as honor demands, at the same scale as his opponents, banishing away Unmaker, cracking his neck and knuckles, both Gork n Mork were smilling happily and excited by the challenge that the spiki burnie git/Khorne is showing them, screaming out, "Waaaaaagggghhhh!!!!" as Gork n Mork rushed at Khorne.
And with that both in Materium and Immaterium spaces they're forces fought for years, as for a simple stunt the Twin Godz of the Orkz, learned of Chaos, and a new wave of bloodshed happened across the Materium...
Across the Galaxy, under indirect influence of Gork n Mork, the boyz learn that wierd fingz, called daemons under some Chaos Git Godz, were for now the bestest fight theyz can haf in world!!! (My point of view, on how Gork n Mork learn of the Chaos Godz n theirz boyz, and until hummiez n beakiez (Imperial Guard and Space Marines) Chaos is the bezt foight, next to other orkz.)
All over the Galaxy, the Greenskins started to fight and challenge the various daemons of Chaos, from Tzeentch's daemons in raids against the Alderi, leading to massive war between the eldar, the orkz and the daemons under Vilitch, while Vilitch was annoyed by the orkz interruption, Thomin was excited to face a worthy challenge instead of these weak eldar, with sword and flail at hand, the second Elder Daemon of Change, charged straight at the orkz from the Goffz.
Not only that but blood/warworlds, carnageworlds, along with plague and swampworlds were also under orkish enscourgance.
Mordred and Beelzabub were at the middle of a daemonic war against Ku'gath and the Glottkin that came to invade a world that belongs to their Dark Master, when a Ork Waagh of the Blood Axez came and attack the two daemonic forces, Savitar has just wiped out a uninteresting xeno race and conquered the world in the name of Khorne, when Kult of Speed along with Evil Sunz came to the world Karkekx, to challenge the greatest speed freek in the Galaxy, Savitar accepted the challenge with his small daemonic army fought against the two speed based ork waaghz.
Tsathogga and his toads were invaded on their swampworld that the Frog God of the Garden, was currently making perfect for bacterial growth and perfect for the plague toads, flies, and snail to breed in the benefit of the Grandfather, as Epidemius was recording all the pathogens, infections, and diseases on this swampworld, when a ork invasion of Snakebitez came to the world, and attacked making Tsathogga, Epidemius and their army composed of plaguebearers, and countless hellbeasts of Nurgle to fight and defend the world.
Lastly in a world under attack by Skarbrand, Skulltaker, allied with Kairos Fateweaver, Varimathras, and Skorpius under the Plague God blessing for the world has a high connection to the Warp, that drew in the annoying eldar to use against them, hence the small alliance to eliminate the threat and take the nameless planet into the Immaterium, to prevent any possible future enscourgance onto the world.
Just as the battle between the allied daemons of Chaos, and the Eldars was at it's peak a ork cruiser crashes onto the planet, and massive tide of orkz belonging to the Bad Moonz joined the fight!!!
Flazh Gitz and more started shooting at the eldar and daemons, making a giant three-way war!!!
That and more was happening to worlds having been or being falling to one or more forces of Chaos.
The Orkz were having a grand old time, and some of the Elder Daemons were either annoyed or excited to challenge the greenskins, a truly bloody time was happening across the galaxy, making Khorne, Valkia, and Bellona more powerful and joyful, this surge of bloodlust and violence even reached the Anathema's beloved Earth, the American Civil War, the Franco- Prussian War, and the Russo-Japanese War has become more bloody and violent, originally lastly between 19 July 1870 to 28 January 1871, in this advanced age of technology it continued to 12 February 1873.
All the while, Khorne, and Gork n Mork foight latest for whatever time can be said in the Warp, such a clash and brawl between the three Gods that thrive in warfare, caught the attention of the other Chaos Gods, and they were forced to step in.
Nurgle restrained Gork, while Tzeentch held Mork in place, as the Dark One, stopped Khorne from beating the Twinz further since for the orkz getting bodied is a lose, just meant a good fight, as the Dark One looked at the bloody and bruised brothers bound by earth and eldritch restrains.
He sighed and formed a pact between the Blood God, Chaos and the Gork n Mork, that the orkz get to foight, krap, and krump their daemons and followers in wars in current and future encounters, if they swear never to come or be in the Warp again.
Seeing it a good deal, Gork n Mork agreed along with Khorne, as the Twinz were banished from the Warp, and they made their own Waaaaaagggghhhh Space/Domain separated from the Immaterium, (Lore says that Waagh energy and Gork n Mork aren't in the Warp, but their own place I thought I make it for this chapter.) and with that things became normal for the 40k world, endless war and anarchy, at least they formed their own form of "peace" with the Ork Godz, their boyz fight theirz and theyze don't interfere with their bigger plans.
Since that pack, the Greenskins have been fighting the daemons and the races that fallen to Chaos, more often until the Space Marines come, and Yorrick, Old Baleye is born along with Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, making the greatest rivalry in any sci-fi setting in the Dark One's opinion.
But it for sure the age of suffering, has taken a turn to the age of blood, and Khorne's favored moment before the 30th-Millennia, that for sure for all the Chaos Gods, as they return to their own business...