MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(Anathema POV)
Location the Realspace, the Feudalworld Earth-The Adv. Industrial Revolution 1839; America/Washington DC
With the few bits of knowledge and understanding I've managed to retrieve from the Changer's realm, I've greatly improved my psychic might, and made several discoveries as well.
The foul existence of magic, was a great way to damn the souls of mortals, aside from the vile, horrific, blood rituals of Khorne, all magic leads to one of the other Ruinous Powers, so in the last centuries I eliminated any practitioners of magic, and using the knowledge I'd acquired from Tzeentch's Ninth Library, I'd took a more indirect approach of guiding humanity.
While learning of the servents of the four, the favorite Sons and Daughters of the Chaos Gods, the Elder Daemons.
I'd also learn many were from other worlds, different realities that the vile forces of Chaos, have only manage to lay a single claw at them, and from these worlds Tzeentch has recorded some technological advancements that mankind hasn't reached yet...until now.
I looked at the marvelous new age were industry and mechanical progress was surely overwhelming that cancer that is religion and magic.
There were also talked of new metal vehicles, that shall replace the iron boat/cruises in the need of long distance travel inland, all made possible from my use of telepathy to share knowledge, with those able to make major impact on the world.
Already factory of Iron, Steam, Metal, and Cole were rising across the planet, enhancing many civilizations into this great age.
With this the dawn of depending on one fellow man, and progressing the evolution as a species was outwaying the dependence of worship.
Without Humanity's prayers those vile Warp-dwellers will weakened and eventually starve.
I looked at the advancements of using steam, cole, and other mechanical marvels that scientists, researchers, inventors, philosophers, and more were rising faster than I could originally imagined!!!
At least something came of good benefit to mankind, from that horrific defeat at the hands of the vile, Plague God of all of them!!!
And the others just stared, as regrettable at it is to admit, I was at their complete mercy and for some reason those vile monsters, that pretend to be "benevolent Gods" scoffing at the meer thought, I started to lead the city.
Using my psychic aura to block all perception of myself, I have to make an armour that will serve me greatly in the battle against Chaos, that Gold from that abandoned Indian Temple I've discovered centuries ago, will serve as a perfect material for the armor I plan make, and bless with my psychic mark, will be both perfect and inspiring to all that witness it.
It was finally time, for mankind to start to rise and eventually claim their birthright over the stars, as technology was advancing faster than I'd originally plan...the threat of Chaos has forced, me to take a more active role in Humanity's progress, soon all will be united, free of Chaos and I'll be victorious over those vile tumors of the Realm of Souls.
(General POV)
Location the Feudalworld Earth-Outer Space
As Mankind was advancing much faster by the hands of Anathema, believing that he was helping and improving humanity, he fail to see he inevitably was helping the Chaos Pantheon.
By advancing humans faster than original, the four Chaos Gods could only smile cause this will cause Carnage and Rebellion by the common folk over the rich, and with it come Violence, War, and Blood.
Not to mention new ailments, illnesses, diseases, as well Plague and Death, all while humans backstab, plot, despair, which will bring uncountable Schemes, and Change in it all, the Anathema is really losing what is means to be human, and failing to understand mankind are dependent of worship, belief, faith, and Chaos, whether they want to or not.
But with the Dark One aid, and lead the Ruinous Powers have no complete dependence to humans, the Orkz, and the Eldar are feeding them more than enough to overshadow and later equal the future humans of the 30th-Millennia.
Not only that with Laharl knowing what is coming, soon the Drukhari/Dark Eldar shall start to feed Chaos, then the Necrons, followed by Votann (I know that their a modern faction, but in lore and game before they became the League of Votann, they were just Squats/Space Dwarves...well their still are but more sci-fi than before...but still Votann were technically discovered after or during the Necron rising so there.) then finally the Tau. (I know the Nids came first, but they have no souls or emotions, except the main Hiveminds, so technically Tau are last on what the Gods can feed on, unless GW releases a new faction during the time I post this chapter.)
But also it seems that with the multiple rifts into the multiverse, and the aftermath of the Dark Gods taking character into their thrall has cause wonderous chaos, and anarchy that even reach them from the world of 40k, and if feeding them quite well...
Thus this age of unbelievable stiff and discord on these version of worlds, became known as the Age of Suffering, by daemons.
Location the (World of World)WoW World-Shadowlands Timeline: The Shadowlands-Revendreth
In a midst of a rebellion caused by the anima drought that's swept over the Shadowlands, a ploy meant to heighten the power of their higher cast, and their leader Denathrius but the drought was way more that any even Denathrius expected.
So rumors suggested that Denathrius may no longer be fit for the role of Master of Revendreth, are more than true at this point.
Rebellion and uprising of the lower cast, was inevitable at this point, Revendreth once a gothic realm of redemption through punishment and absolution, apart of the infinite realms of the Shadowlands founded by Sire Denathrius and inhabited by the Venthyr Covenant, it is a land of gothic spires and dark secrets, and no soul wishes to end up here the souls sent here by the Arbiter tend to be prideful or have some other flaw preventing them from serving in or going to one of the other realms, and they come here to atone for their sins and hopefully be redeemed, as the alternative is being cast into the Maw, but without a "special" touch of manipulation and misguidance less souls were coming, and with the shattering between life and death occurred the plan that Denathrius hatched long ago, failed and the drought and withering of Revendreth, was far worse than any could imagine.
Originally Denathrius was going to channel massive amounts of anima into the Maw, and free Zovaal's chain, and then reep the benefits of joining him, and breaking the cycle of death, but anima was completely scarce and quite possibly Revendreth, was suffering worse than the other areas of the Shadowlands.
Sire Denathrius, was suffering and soo was his power and domain, he truly believed
As the creator of the Nathrezim, cruel and cunning beings with the purpose to be the greatest spies and infiltrators in all of reality, in order to spread the influence of Death throughout the cosmos, they were suppose to manipulate several events in the livingworld, to benefit him and in turn his brother, the Jailer.
Consequently, Denathrius beseeched Azeroth's champions to help him quell the rebellion led by Prince Renathal, which threatened to destroy the venthyr way of life, but not all was as Denathrius claimed, he was losing his power and position for his own pride and arrogance, which he refuse to accept, he knew that sooner of later the Maw-walkers will discover the truth of his dealings and without his Nathrezim, his forces will be defeated, smashing the edge of one of the tower of Castle Nathria...
(Mother Miranda POV)
Location the RE World-Earth/Eastern Europe, Nameless Village
How could this happened?
As I lay in the cold steps of the village church, with no strength or will to carry on, the cold snowy air hitting my pale flesh, I remember that moment endlessly looping in my mind...when the "Shadow" came calling me an "Oathbreaker" that...entity...actual brought back my lovely Eva, and Rose back to life and fully restored.
It prevented me from even coming close to my dear daughter, and took them away giving them to Mia Winters, and then send all three of them from the Village, she'll hold, raise and steal my child from I cry, the Shadow told me, I'll never see them again, and all my plans and acts to leave or find them, or even clone them will fail...which all have.
I've tried soo hard to leave this place, and chase after Eva, but like a invisible barrier it surrounds the whole village, and can't cross!!!
I tried forcing my way through, flying over it, using the underground cave system to sneak under it, but all failed...
I remembered that Alcina told me I'll suffer, before she and the Dimitrescu Castle banished in a snow tornado, all the while Ethan Winters has been destroying all the Four Lords domains and house...I originally planned to use him, to rid of those failure, cause I had my vassal for Eva.
Aside with the events of Castle Dimitrescu, Ethan's first victim was the mentally childish Donna Beneviento, then he hunted down the fanatic, Salvatore Moreau, the fool mutated into a grotesque fish-like monster, and was I quickly judged him as a failure, as he was deemed an undesirable host for my deceased...revived daughter's consciousness.
Then he went to that traitor, Karl Heisenberg's factory, I knew of Heisenberg's hostility and disloyalty towards me for a very long time, building an army of cyborgized reanimated corpses and hoping to use Rose's latent powers to defeat me...not knowing that Rose, was gone all the vials holding pieces of her that originally planned to ressurect and use as the vassal for Eva, were all empty and useless.
At one point, he attempted to persuade Ethan to join him, but the latter refused upon Heisenberg revealing his plan to weaponize Rose, which lead to a great battle, I could hear the explosion and gunfire from here...I just don't, I lost her all over again, and this time.
That's when I heard the sound of feet, stomping and crunching through snow, then the sound of guns being clocked.
Lifting my head, I saw the man called Chris Redfield and his elite team of Hound Wolf Squad, all trained their guns on me, telling me to "not to move" and to "put my hands up" were they seriously arresting me?
I originally though of attacking, so they can kill me and end my suffering...when I thought, "If they arrest me. They have to take me away, from this place and it would somehow work. It isn't my plan or will, maybe It'll work and I'll be free, I can escape captivity later, and search for my daughter at last!!!" so I did as they said.
They place specialize handcuffs and restrains on my arms and body, then after a while a truck brought a glass containment cube, I hide my smirk as one of the men, push me with his machine gun forward and into the cube, I complied and they close my "cell" mounted my cube onto the truck, and started to drive out the village.
I mentally instructed the creatures to not attack or interfere, until I was outside this damn village...once we've cross the borderline outside the village, I was relieved and hopeful.
Just when I was about to instruct my creature to freely attack, as the HWS took me far away, and earthquake started to happen.
Then I felt my hold with the Lycans completely slip away, then a horde of Lucan came out the houses and paths of the village, just when Redfield's men were about to fire at them, a bunch of "shadow claws" emerged from the shadows of the lycans, and disarmed all the HWSs, then the claws grabbed onto the truck and stopped it dead on it's tracks.
Next the lycans started to speak...that is impossible the cadou made them as close to beasts as is genetically possible for these carriers...speaking in unison they said, "Where do you, think your going Miranda, Oathbreaker?" the moment they said the word, "oathbreaker" I panicked, I started banging on the glass, yelling at the soldiers and drivers to "drive!!" and to "get away!!" that's when the lycans spoke again.
Saying, "Did you really think, this little scheme would work Miranda?" I saw the Lycans, started spreading their arms gesturing the village, as they continue to speak, "This place is your eternal prison. There's no need for another cell. Your punishment, is forever Miranda." as the shadows started to converge into a single mass.
It was the "Shadow" I recognize those bright red eyes, and white sharp-teeth in a twisted grin!!!
Rising it arm, the shadow claws reached out to my cube and tore it apart, grabbing me and dragging me back into the village, I fought and struggled in vain as the claws, tossed me to the lycans that held me, without any way of breaking free.
I heard as the Shadow addressed Redfield and his men, "Forgive the rudeness. I am task to insure, Miranda's torment and imprisonment here, until other word from my main self." doing a hand gesture, the lycans returned the men their weapons, as I spoke again, "Worry not neither I or the lycan will harm you or any one that comes here. Think of us as Miranda's eternal wardens. So farewell Mr. Redfield, it's been a pleasure, now..." turning to me, "...haven't you learn, yet? There is no hope. Your punishment has been said and done, and it'll be forever." laughing at me as the Lycans took me away, I screamed and beg it to let me free, to forgive me, and give me back Eva, bit it only smiled as I re-merged with the shadows...I cry and scream as I was dragged away...
(Quick Question: I'm planning to make a Nemesis Almagimation to serve, Nurgle as another Elder Daemon. So my question, should I? Or should I not?)
(General POV)
Location the Shin Megumi Tensei World-Neo Japan/Tower of Eternity: Metatron Boss Area
The Nahobino has just defeated the Archangel Metatron, and before him he was forced to fight and kill his friend, Ichiro Dazai and his Vassal, Abdiel.
Taking a moment to mourn him, he heard screaming and sounds of battle, coming from above sounding like Yuzuru Atsuta, and Hayao Koshimizu aka Tsukuyomi, Shohei Yakumo, Nuwa, and Tao.
It sounded like the others were in grave danger, as Aogami asked him if they should intervene and help, the Nahobino confirmed his question and they rushed ahead.
On the next level, they saw everyone on their knees, beaten, and bruise, and blocking the path were two demons that he had never seen or sense like anything before.
A giant mass of darkness with a horned skull, with eight giant, violet and black serpents, slithering in the air and a massive gauntlet claw, next to this demonic entity was a eldritch one.
A mass of blue, chaotic magic energy that has the ghostly silhouettes of faces, all that energy was surrounding a azure blue, burning giant eye, with multiple limbs coming out the energy mass from tentacles, bird like claws, and eldritch pinzer claws.
They were more powerful than anything, any of them have faced, even Zeus was laying broken and barely alive before the two entities.
Tsukuyomi tried to attack, only to be struck by some invisible force knocking him to one of the cubes that make the wall, these entities introduced themselves as a meager part of the Primordial Forces of Carnage and Change, that have come to this world rich in souls, subtinance, and magatsuchi...they've only watched until now, that they've all threatened the flow of Chaos, of Endless Carnage, and Change by reseting this world in utter stagnation of a never-ending of loop, they won't stand for it...or allow anyone, especially the Nahobino, passage.
They've said unison, "This world is continuing to suffer, fall, and evolve, through Chaos!!!" at that moment the Nahobino aka Protagonist ignited his energy hand-blade ans challenged the simple meager piece of Laharl and Tzeentch, that have wormed their way into this world...
(Envy POV)
Location the Darksider World-Ruined Earth, Abandoned Skyscraper of a Forgotten City
How can this be!?
My plan, that I've plotted and carefully constructed for years, all ruined!!!
Ever since the Chard Council, have conspired to cause the Apocalypse and end humanity, I took an opportunity to create a amulet that will contain the power of the Seven, my siblings all to empower myself and take revenge on the Council, and take everything for myself as I was odd!!!
Smashing an entire concrete wall with a punch, I remember my infiltration into the Council, disguise as a Watcher, and guiding that damn horseman, Fury, to a duplicate of myself so she can gather and deal with all the Sins, for me.
It was going soo well, until we've challenge Wrath once again in his colosseum.
Fury defeat the rage filled berserker, and was about to absorb him in my amulet like Sloth, Avarice, even with Lust nearly exposing me, but in the end they fell and were trapt as well, (he/she idk wiki said his male, it said she's female) then came Gluttony, a hard fought battle but in the end Fury capture him as well.
I laid on a broken down sofa, messaging my masked face, as I remembered when Wrath's turn finally be collected.
Something came from a rift of blood in the sky, and a giant arm took Wrath away!!!
Fury tried to attack that being, but it didn't even registered her attacks, with Wrath gone, we then went after my sister Pride, that refuse to face us.
Since Wrath wasn't truly vanquished, in fact my sister was insulted that we dared appeared before her, without Wrath and fleed, making me lose both her's and Wrath power with little time to lose, since I learn that Death was starting to act in the Tree of Life and Death, with no other choice I decided to strike.
Revealing myself and with the power of five out seven sins, I barely manage to match Fury and take back my amulet, as I challenged the Council...and lost, not only that now both Pride and Fury were after me!!!
The only good thing that came out this mess, was the end of the last humans on Earth, without anyone to guide or protect them, the Maker, Ulthane plan was doomed to fail.
Even with the other horseman, Strife, humanity has died, even with Death restoring mankind without some to guide the reproduction it was doomed, anyway.
Now look at me, I'm hiding from my sister, the horsemen, the demons and angels, as soon the Destroyer will come and I'll be completely doomed, just like these worlds without humanity many races will fall, and fight over barely consider scraps...
I spent to long on Earth, I must go to another world to avoid Pride and Fury.
Grabbing my weapons, I open a green portal to any world but this dump of Earth...
[I split this part into two because it was getting too long. About this chapter I wanted to speed up, the Age of Colonization, plus I wanted to show what happened to the worlds that Chaos Gods "touched" and left once they claimed their Elder Daemon, next chapter will be what happened to the Arrowverse-Flash, D&D without Tsathogga controlling his demons and followers, Persona after Nyz and Erebus left, aftermath of Thra and DMC worlds, and about the GOW-World it was already consumed into the Realm of Chaos, so it was no need to speak about it]