
New Era Final Part: Age of Rot & Life

(Nurgle/Plague God POV)

Location the Plague Garden-The Blighted Mansion of Nurgle, The Withered Throne/Apothecary Chambers

As I sat my throne, I worry and think about my sweet daughters, who are with their mother, Aiikila, after the bastard of the Anathema harmed them.

I've recalled Festus from his "work" to treat them, my brothers told me of the action of the Anathema many of my sisters-in-law were terribly blinded for years, at least my sweet Limos and Eveline didn't suffer as them but it will still take some time for them to heal.

I just recently had to stop my brother, the Blood God, Khorne, and his two opponents from viciously killing the two Twin Godz of the Orkz, Gork n Mork.

The Greenskins have become more vicious against our forces, which not only served for my brother's benefit but mine as well.

The rot, pestilence, and death they lay waste on the battlefields and worlds were greatly empowering me.

While Tsathogga and Epidemius, were protecting one of my new swampworlds from a ork waagh, I had to unleash Erebus once again on the foolish eldar, that tried to desacrate another of my plagueworlds.

But at least not everything has been gloom in my Garden, a lot good and lovely things has happened as well, such as spreading new "gifts" onto the Materium, especially for the Anathema's cherished humans.

From Lung Cancer, Carbon Poisoning, and much more from Spondylosis, and Scoliosis, many have died and breed new bacterial life through the rot, meeting Nyz and be carried into my Underworld, and the others embrace my love and enter my service I took as many into my Garden, but the rest were purged by the damned Anathema.

I laughed and coughed at the Anathema's, misery and despair from having sacrifices countless souls which all belong to me.

I immediately put those souls to use, to help Festus treat my little girls, sighing I'm still worried for my dear Limos and Eveline, standing up from my rotting throne I started to walk over to their room.

Location the Blighted Mansion of Nurgle, The Princesses'/Limos & Eveline's Room

Walking through the moldy door, I saw the mold covered room with various putrid flowers that Limos and Eveline picked from Limos' flower patch, adoring the bedroom with torn, dirty drapes and curtains everywhere.

As I stepped inside and saw that room was also filled with various rotting food, since little Limos loved to eat before taking a nap...but enough of that, all over were scattering nurglings which were usually rambunctious, happy, and overexcited little scamps, but now they all had worried and sad looks.

Bringing everything that Festus, ask for to treat my girls that were currently on their huge, dirty, moldy, stained, critter infested bed fit for princesses like they are, with green moldy see-through drapes all around the bed, my lovely wife, Aiikila was kneeling next to the right of bed.

She was humming a song for our girls, to ease their pain, as Festus with a special worktable filled with rusted and brokedown, medieval medical tool, and several vials and flasks filled with potions, and concoctions to treat my daughters.

As he was giving orders to the nurglings, to bring him more supplies and other necessities to treat them...

Sighing sadly, I slowly made my way over to Aiikila, when she sensed my presence, Aiikila turned to me and gave me a sad smile, and quickly returned to singing to our daughter...ahh such motherly love.

Standing next to her and placing my claw on her right shoulder, as she reached to grab and hold onto my index claw, and kept on singing for our daughters, who was thankfully both asleep without any discomfort, when Festus saw me, he bowed and said, "Ahhh Grandfather. Always a honor." turning my sight on my greatest champion, I asked him to tell us of Limos and Eveline's conditions.

Festus cleared his throat and snorted a bit, as he placed his tool on the table and started to tell us of Limos and Eveline's eyes.

The good news is that it was already starting to get better, they told him that it hurt less, and they started to see with incredible discomfort black blurrs, and with his "medicine" it should help with their eyes, and sleep since it be bad for the princesses not to have good dreams, I smiled at that piece of news and felt Aiikila's relief as well.

But then he told me, that Limos and Eveline, being low ranking and younglings of Gods, their healing will take some time and it be better for them, to stay in the safety of the Blighted Mansion with us.

He reassured me and Aiikila, he'll work tirelessly to produce a "medicine" that will hasten my daughters' recovery, and I nodded to him, also thanking him.

Festus laughed and appreciate our gratitude, as I decided to stay by my family side, adjusting myself to sit down without issue or disturbing the girls, I placed my arm around my wife, that returned the gesture by resting onto my chest as I joined her on humming a lullaby to our little, cute, girls...

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Top of a Lone Mountain of Creation, Inside the Sphere of Baetylus

Many years have passed in the Immaterium, as I was again in my futuristic workshop of the Baetylys working on upgrading the main weapon of our avatar, Ixion Daemonhart, the sword of Hellbane, making it stronger and more powerful for our raids on the Old World, before starting my work I went to each of my younger brothers to receive a small bit of their power for the blade, Tzeentch included, as I hammer onto the blade I think of the events that has happened to all of us...

It has been sometime, since the "treaty" between us and the Twinz have been made and many things had happened to us all.

Let's start with my brother, Nurgle, he informed me and the others, that his daughters our nieces were fine, being taking care of 24/7, with that bit of news I sent more Ambrossia to Nurgle and Aiikila, along with some spoiled milk, and cream, vanilla ice cream for them, that definitely made me the most favorite uncle of all of us.

Then another great bit of news, a couple years back while I and my wives with exception of Chi, were gathered enjoying each other's company.

When Chi came through the main door, looking around once she locked eyes on me, she'd rushed up the stairs, overflowing with joy, Chi spread her clawed arms and jumped onto me that time, of course I caught her and she kissed me over and over again.

I'd asked her, "Beloved. Not that I'm complaining, about the affection. But what's making you so happy, Chi?" she giggled and smiled, as she kissed me again, before answering my question.

Chi said to me, "Beloved husband, my love and Lord. We've been blessed...I'm pregnant!!!" immediately after she said that, the girls squealed and rushed over, to us, shocked at first, before I'd smiled, I picked up Chi and started spinning her around in the air.

We've celebrated for days that incredible news, I'm going to be a father, after a while I psychically contacted my brothers and sisters-in-law to tell them that their going to be uncles and aunts again, from me and Chi...and yes I'd told Tzeentch too...they've congratulated us, and I've learn that it takes years for a Chaos Goddess to give birth.

Chi was pregnant for twelve years, instead of one like most beings, divine or not...during the pregnancy, my wives, I, and the succubi handmaidens have been attending to Chi, with Nyx acting as the future wet-nurse should Chi and her sister-wives need to attend to other matters and aren't around.

In the sixth year we sensed our child and the gender...we're having a daughter, once the birth came, she was born with light grey and violet tinted skin, her mother's beautiful red eyes and small horns.

She inherited her mother's divine alignment with dark/corrupting nature, her hair were violet and black colored large leaves, a violet like tail that she sometimes munches on, she was soo adorable we all fell in love with her, and I let Chi named her.

She is Mandraggohza, the Chaos Goddess of Thorns, she was currently with her mother and moms, sleeping on a crib in our bed chamber.

With her their are three Godlings, that will act as the next generation of Chaos.

Limos, Eveline, and now my Mandraggohza, I can't stop smiling at that, as I continue to work on the Hellbane.

Soo returning to my current work, the Hellbane needed a mayor upgrade and empowerment, before Mandraggohza was born I with permission went to each of my younger brothers' personally to request and gain a small piece of their power to enhance the avatar's main weapon.

While I had to take more power from Tzeentch, since he'll be the newest to connect and bond to the avatar, Ixion Daemonhart, of course I told him about it and show him the secret temple location on the Azure Moon.

Speaking of the Moon of the Realm of Chaos, it was currently over Tzeentch's domain, making it much easier for Tzeentch to focus his influence into the Azure Moon, one less thing to do.

Plus aside from upgrading the bastard sword of our avatar, I plan to create a few more things, it has been a while since I'd spent time simply making and creating things, with my [Creator] & [Smithing] Divinities guiding me, I'll spend what time I haven't with my daughter, on my workplace.

Aside from that the other mayor event was the final stages of corrupting Ymir, we've claimed it and already Jar Zera'val and her C'hartari were erecting statues and temples around the ruins of Azir'Ymir, Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch have already staken their claim of the new Chaosworld, already relocated in the Naraka system, along with Titanomachy and Wagner.

Scalpel send her more skilled bio-crafters to handle the gestation facility in Ymir, now that facility is known as the AKNA, which is named after a fertility goddess associated with childbirth in Inuit mythology, the name translates to "mother" in some Inuit languages, though it would fit for the future C'hartari, Einphir which are Nurgle's plagued eldars, honestly reminds me of zombie elves from DnD campaigns I'd played in my previous life.

Khorne selected a few embryos that came from twins and multiplets, that have consume the weaker siblings, becoming stronger and worthy of becoming his Jarzein aka blood eldars, while the fewest being in gestation pods, it fit Khorne to the T to choice the strongest and blooded among the unborn, and with how prideful and warmongering are these eldar in this time, his number of Jarzein will grow to match the others soon.

Lastly Tzeentch obviously chose the more gifted and powerful psykers and magically gifted to become his Imaath, which I shouldn't expect less of Tzeentch to chose a Egyptian sounding name for his Chaos Eldars, regardless with the new generation of Chaos Eldar and future Chaos Aspects.

As I hammerstruck the Hellbane one more time a thought enter my mind, "What will be Slaanesh's Chaos Eldars? Cause they won't be alderi, drukhari, anhrathe or the corsair, and less yvraine since their whole thing is to bring fort the Eldar God of Death, Ynnead, to kill and destroy my future little sister, Slaanesh." I kept thinking about this, and it seems that druchii will be the only one that will serve Slaanesh, and not be immediately eaten, originally I planned to give Slaanesh, Malus Darkblade to conquer and corrupt the Drukhari into her service but that just means immediately death and damnation for any 40k eldar that isn't a Chaos Eldar or Frost Eldar.

Seems that I'll have to change to instead grant her Malus, Crone Hellebron, Dechala an old Warhammer Fantasy slaaneshi character, but she'd be perfect for Slaanesh, and maybe Morathi since she is already a slaaneshi priestess is just no one told her yet.

While many would belive that Malekith, or any other dark elf would be a better pick, they'll be more warmongering and rebellious to Slaanesh in the course of their service, with Malus granting him peace and complete control over Tz'arkan, he'll be loyal to my sister, in Crone's cause true Immortality, eternal youth, and the freedom to do her bloodsoak orgies and torture rituals, she be perfect for Slaanesh and fanatical to her.

Dechala is also easy free her Samael, and actually grant her daemonhood and OW-Slaanesh will lose her completely, while my sister in 40k would gain another powerful and loyal follower, and lastly Morathi she is also easy, grant her power, and even make a Daemon Queen like Belakor when he appears in Old World, thinking that either can receive godlike power without a price, that will fix everything, as I nodded and went back to work.

(Here is the first newborn among the Chaos Pantheon fathered by one of the Ruinous Powers. Also fixed the mistake I'd made a while ago on basically making the Drukhari the Chaos Eldars of Slaanesh, since 40k made lore accurate that worship to Chaos is Doom for any of them, while in Fantasy they can serve any of the Four Chaos Gods, and have no drawback or consequences. So why not just make the Druchii the servents and Chaos Aspects of Slaanesh, solving all my problems. Regardless here the latest Chapter and I hope you all enjoy.)